// HSK level 2 阿 a1(a1ge1) pref: prefix used before kinship terms; (brother) 阿拉伯语 a1la1bo2yu3(a1la1bo2wen2) n: Arabic [阿拉伯語] 阿姨 a1yi2 n: auntie; nurse (in a family) 挨 ai1 v: get close to; be next to; by 哎 ai1 interj: hey 哎呀 ai1ya1 interj: oh 爱好 ai4hao4 v, n: love; be fond of; like; interest; hobby [愛好] 爱护 ai4hu4 v: cherish; treasure; take good care of [愛護] 爱情 ai4qing2 n: love [愛情] 安全 an1quan2 adj, n: safe; secure; safty; security 安慰 an1wei4 v, n: comfort; console; consolation 安心 an1 xin1 be relieved; feel at ease 按 an4 v, prep: press; push down; according to 按时 an4shi2 adv: on time; on schedule [按時] 按照 an4zhao4 prep: according to; in accordance with 暗 an4 adj: dark 岸 an4 n: bank; shore; coast 拔 ba2 v: pull; pluck 白 bai2 adv: for nothing 白菜 bai2cai4 n: Chinese cabbage 白天 bai2tian1 n: daytime 败 bai4 v: fail [敗] 班长 ban1zhang3 n: class monitor [班長] 板 ban3 n: board 半导体 ban4dao3ti3 n: semi-conductor [半導體] 半拉 ban4 la3 half 半夜 ban4ye4 n: midnight 办公 ban4 gong1 work [辦公] 办事 ban4 shi4 do an errand [辦事] 帮 bang1 v: help [幫] 帮忙 bang1 mang2 help; do a favor [幫忙] 榜样 bang3yang4 n: example; model [榜樣] 傍晚 bang4wan3 n: toward evening; at nightfall 包 bao1 n, m: bag 包 bao1 v: wrap 包括 bao1kuo4 v: include; consist of; comprise 包子 bao1zi n: steamed; stuffed bun 薄 bao2 adj: thin 保 bao3 v: protect 保持 bao3chi2 v: keep; maintain; preserve 保存 bao3cun2 v: preserve; keep; conserve 保护 bao3hu4 v, n: protect; safeguard; protection [保護] 保留 bao3liu2 v: reserve; hold back 保卫 bao3wei4 v: defend; safeguard [保衛] 保证 bao3zheng4 v, n: ensure; assure; guarantee; promise [保證] 宝贵 bao3gui4 adj: valuable; precious [寶貴] 抱歉 bao4qian4 adj: be sorry; apologize; regret 报到 bao4 dao4 report for duty; check in; register [報到] 报道 bao4dao4(bao4dao3) v, n: report; cover; coverage; story [報道] 报告 bao4gao4 v, n: make known; report; speech; lecture [報告] 报名 bao4 ming2 sign up [報名] 报纸 bao4zhi3 n: newspaper [報紙] 背 bei1 v: back 碑 bei1 n: tablet 悲痛 bei1tong4 adj: grieved; sorrowful 北部 bei3bu4 n: north 北方 bei3fang1 n: north 北面 bei3mian4 n: north 背 bei4 n: back 背后 bei4hou4 n: at the back; behind; in the rear [背後] 被子 bei4zi n: quilt 本 ben3 adv: originally 本 ben3 pron: this 本来 ben3lai2 adj: original [本來] 本领 ben3ling3 n: skill; ability; capability [本領] 本事 ben3shi n: skill; ability; capability 本质 ben3zhi4 n: essence; nature [本質] 苯 ben4 adj: silly 逼 bi1 v: force 鼻子 bi2zi n: nose 比例 bi3li4 n: proportion 比如 bi3ru2 v: for example; for instance 笔记 bi3ji4 n: notes [筆記] 毕业 bi4 ye4 graduate [畢業] 闭 bi4 v: close; shut [閉] 必然 bi4ran2 adj: inevitable; certain 必要 bi4yao4 adj: necessary; essential; indispensable 避 bi4 v: avoid 避免 bi4mian3 v: avoid; avert 边…边… bian1 _ bian1 _ as [邊…邊…] 编 bian1 v: plait; weave [編] 扁 bian3 adj: flat 便 bian4 adv, conj: then; in that case; even if 便条 bian4tiao2 n: informal note [便條] 遍 bian4 adj: all over 标点 biao1dian3 n: punctuation [標點] 标准 biao1zhun3 n, adj: standard; criterion [標準] 表达 biao3da2 v: express; convey [表達] 表面 biao3mian4 n: surface; outside; face; appearance 表明 biao3ming2 v: show; evince 宾馆 bing1guan3 n: guesthouse; hotel [賓館] 兵 bing1 n: soldier 冰 bing1 n: ice 饼干 bing3gan1 n: biscuit; cracker [餅乾] 病房 bing4fang2 n: ward; sickroom 病菌 bing4jun1 n: pathogenic bacteria 病人 bing4ren2 n: patient 并 bing4 adv, conj: simultaneously; equally; and; moreover [並] 并 bing4 v: sum; combine [併] 并且 bing4qie3 conj: and; besides; moreover [並且] 玻璃 bo1li n: glass 伯父 bo2fu4(bo2bo) n: father's elder brother 伯母 bo2mu3 n: aunt; wife of father's elder brother 脖子 bo2zi n: neck 捕 bu3 v: catch 补 bu3 v: patch [補] 补充 bu3chong1 v: replenish; supplement; complement [補充] 补课 bu3 ke4 make up a missed lesson [補課] 补习 bu3xi2 v: take lessons after school [補習] 不必 bu2bi4 adv: need not; not have to 不大 bu2da4 adv: not very; not often 不得不 bu4 de2 bu4 have to 不得了 bu4de2liao3 adj: very; terribly 不断 bu2duan4 adv: unceasing; continuous [不斷] 不敢当 bu4 gan3dang1 you flatter me [不敢當] 不管 bu4guan3 conj: no matter; regardless of 不过 bu2guo4 conj: only; though [不過] 不好意思 bu4 hao3yi4si shy; feel embarrassed 不仅 bu4jin3 conj: not only [不僅] 不论 bu2lun4 conj: whether; regardless of [不論] 不平 bu4ping2 adj, n: indignant; resentful; injustice; unfairness 不然 bu4ran2 conj: otherwise 不少 bu4shao3 adj: quite a few 不是吗 bu4 shi4 ma isn't it [不是嗎] 不行 bu4xing2 adj: won't do 不幸 bu2xing4 adj: misfortune; unfortunate 不许 bu4xu3 v: be not allowed; must not [不許] 不要紧 bu4 yao4jin3 doesn't matter [不要緊] 不一定 bu4 yi2ding4 not sure 不住 bu2zhu4 adv: continually 布置 bu4zhi4 v: fix up; arrange; decorate 步 bu4 n: pace 部 bu4 n, m: department; measure word for movies 部队 bu4dui4 n: army; troops; force [部隊] 部门 bu4men2 n: branch; department [部門] 部长 bu4zhang3 n: minister [部長] 猜 cai1 v: guess 材料 cai2liao4 n: material 踩 cai3 v: tread; stamp on 采 cai3 v: cull; pick [採] 采购 cai3gou4 v: purchase; go shopping [採購] 采取 cai3qu3 v: take; adopt [採取] 采用 cai3yong4 v: adopt; use [採用] 彩色 cai3se4 n: color; multicolor 餐厅 can1ting1 n: restaurant; dining room [餐廳] 藏 cang2 v: hide 草地 cao3di4 n: grassland; lawn; meadow 草原 cao3yuan2 n: grasslands; prairie 厕所 ce4suo3 n: W.C.; toilet; lavatory [廁所] 册 ce4 m: tome; book [冊] 测验 ce4yan4 v, n: test; examination [測驗] 曾 ceng2 adv: ever; once 曾经 ceng2jing1 adv: once [曾經] 插 cha1 v: thrust 叉子 cha1zi n: fork 差 cha4 adj: bad; poor 差不多 cha4buduo1 adj: almost 差一点儿 cha1yi1dian3r adv: almost [差一點兒] 拆 chai1 v: unweave 产量 chan3liang4 n: output; yield [產量] 产品 chan3pin3 n: product [產品] 产生 chan3sheng1 v: produce; take place; engender [產生] 尝 chang2 v: taste [嘗] 长期 chang2qi1 n: long period of time; long term [長期] 长途 chang2tu2 n: long distance [長途] 超 chao1 v: exceed 超过 chao1guo4 v: surpass; exceed [超過] 抄 chao1 v: copy 抄写 chao1xie3 v: transcribe; copy [抄寫] 吵 chao3 v: quarrel 车间 che1jian1 n: workshop [車間] 彻底 che4di3 adj: thoroughgoing; thorough [徹底] 沉默 chen2mo4 adj: silent 趁 chen4 prep: avail oneself of 衬衫 chen4shan1 n: shirt [襯衫] 衬衣 chen4yi1 n: underclothes, shirt [襯衣] 称 cheng1 v: weigh; call [稱] 称赞 cheng1zan4 v: praise; acclaim; commend [稱贊] 成分 cheng2fen4 n: ingredient 成功 cheng2gong1 v, adj: success; successful 成果 cheng2guo3 n: gain; achievement; positive result 成就 cheng2jiu4 n: achievement; success 成立 cheng2li4 v: establish; found 成熟 cheng2shu2 v, adj: mature; ripe 成为 cheng2wei2 v: turn into; become [成為] 成长 cheng2zhang3 v: grow up [成長] 乘 cheng2 v: ride on 程度 cheng2du4 n: degree; extent; level 诚恳 cheng2ken3 adj: honest; sincere [誠懇] 诚实 cheng2shi2 adj: honest [誠實] 承认 cheng2ren4 v: admit; recognize; acknowledge [承認] 吃惊 chi1 jing1 be startled; be shocked [吃驚] 尺 chi3 n, m: ruler; 1 chǐ = 0.333 meter 翅膀 chi4bang3 n: wing 充分 chong1fen4 adj: ample; full; abundant 充满 chong1man3 v: brimming with; full of [充滿] 充足 chong1zu2 adj: adequate; abundant sufficient 冲 chong1 v: rush [衝] 虫子 chong2zi n: insect; worm [蟲子] 重 zhong4 adv: heavily 重叠 chong2die2 v: overlap [重疊] 重复 chong2fu4 v: repeat [重複] 重新 chong2xin1 adv: again 崇高 chong2gao1 adj: lofty; high; sublime 抽象 chou1xiang4 adj: abstract 愁 chou2 v: worry 臭 chou4 adj: smelly 初 chu1(chu1yi1) adj, pref: the first day of the lunar month 初步 chu1bu4 adj: initial; preliminary 初级 chu1ji2 adj: elementary; primary [初級] 出版 chu1ban3 v: publish 出口 chu1 kou3 export 出生 chu1sheng1 v: be born 出席 chu1 xi2 attend; be present 出院 chu1 yuan4 be discharged; from hospital 厨房 chu2fang2 n: kitchen [廚房] 除 chu2 v: divide 处 chu3 v: deal with [處] 处分 chu3fen4 n, v: punishment; punish [處分] 处理 chu3li3 v, n: handle; deal with [處理] 处 chu4 n: department [處] 传 chuan2 v: pass; send [傳] 传播 chuan2bo1 v: propagate; spread [傳播] 传统 chuan2tong3 n: tradition [傳統] 闯 chuang3 v: rush [闖] 创 chuang4 v: create [創] 创造 chuang4zao4 v, n: create; creation [創造] 创作 chuang4zuo4 v, n: create; write; creative work [創作] 春节 chun1jie2 n: the Spring Festival [春節] 此 ci3 pron: this 此外 ci3wai4 conj: besides; moreover 刺 ci4 v: stab 聪明 cong1ming adj: intelligent; bright; clever [聰明] 从不(没) cong2 bu4 (cong2 mei2) never [從不(沒)] 从…出发 cong2 _ chu1fa1 set off from [從…出發] 从此 cong2ci3 conj: from now on [從此] 从而 cong2er2 conj: thus; thereby [從而] 从来 cong2lai2 adv: always; all along [從來] 从事 cong2shi4 v: go in for; be engaged in [從事] 粗 cu1 adj: rude; careless; wide; thick 醋 cu4 n: vinegar 促进 cu4jin4 v: advance; promote [促進] 催 cui1 v: press; urge 存 cun2 v: keep 存在 cun2zai4 v: exist 寸 cun4 m: inch 措施 cuo4shi1 n: measure; step 搭 da1 v: put up; build 答应 da1ying v: respond; answer; reply [答應] 答 da2 v: answer; reply; return; reciprocate 答案 da2an4 n: answer; solution; key 答卷 da2juan4 n: answer sheet 达到 da2 dao4 achieve; attain; reach [達到] 打扮 da3ban v: deck out; dress up 打倒 da3 dao3 beat down 打扰 da3rao3 v: disturb [打擾] 打听 da3ting v: ask about; inquire about [打聽] 打针 da3 zhen1 inject [打針] 大胆 da4dan3 adj: daring; bold [大膽] 大多数 da4duo1shu4 n: most of [大多數] 大会 da4hui4 n: plenary session; mass meeting [大會] 大伙儿 da4huo3r pron: everybody [大伙兒] 大街 da4jie1 n: main street 大量 da4liang4 adj: a large number 大陆 da4lu4 n: continent; mainland [大陸] 大米 da4mi3 n: rice 大批 da4pi1 adj: numbers of 大人 da4ren n: adult 大使馆 da4shi3guan3 n: embassy [大使館] 大小 da4xiao3 n: size 大型 da4xing2 adj: large-scale; large 大衣 da4yi1 n: overcoat; topcoat 大约 da4yue1 adv: approximate; about [大約] 呆 dai1 adj: dull; slow-witted 呆 dai1 v: stay 代 dai4 n: generation 代替 dai4ti4 v: replace; substitute for 袋 dai4 n, m: sack; bag; pocket 待 dai4 v: wait; await 担任 dan1ren4 v: assume the office of; hold the post of [擔任] 担心 dan1 xin1 worry; feel anxious [擔心] 单 dan1 adj: only; alone [單] 单 dan4 adv: alone [單] 单词 dan1ci2 n: word [單詞] 单调 dan1diao4 adj: monotonous; dull [單調] 单位 dan1wei4 n: unit [單位] 但 dan4 conj: but 淡 dan4 adj: thin 蛋 dan4 n: egg 蛋糕 dan4gao1 n: cake 当…的时候 dang1 _ deshi2hou4 when [當…的時候] 当地 dang1di4 n: local [當地] 当年 dang1nian2 n: in those years [當年] 当前 dang1qian2 n: present; current [當前] 当时 dang1shi2 n: at that time [當時] 挡 dang3 v: block [擋] 党 dang3 n: party [黨] 党员 dang3yuan2 n: party member [黨員] 当 dang4 v: regard as [當] 当作 dang4zuo4 v: treat as; regard as; look upon as [當作] 刀子 dao1zi n: knife; sword 岛 dao3 n: island [島] 到处 dao4chu4 adv: at all places; everywhere [到處] 到达 dao4da2 v: arrive; reach; get to [到達] 到底 dao4 di3 to the end; to the finish 到底 dao4di3 adv: ever; indeed 倒 dao4 v: pour 倒是 dao4(shi) adv: on the contrary 道 dao4 v: say 道 dao4 n: street; road 道德 dao4de2 n: morals; ethics 道路 dao4lu4 n: road; way; path 道歉 dao4 qian4 apologize 德语(德文) de2yu3(de2wen2) n: German [德語(德文)] …的话 _ dehua4 if […的話] 登 deng1 v: register 登记 deng1ji4 v: register; check in [登記] 等 deng3 n: grade 等待 deng3dai4 v: wait; await 等于 deng3yu2 v: equal to; equivalent; amount to [等於] 滴 di1 m: drop 敌人 di2ren2 n: enemy; foe [敵人] 的确 di2que4 adv: indeed; really [的確] 底下 di3xia n: below; under 地带 di4dai4 n: district; region; zone [地帶] 地点 di4dian3 n: place; site; locale [地點] 地方 di4fang1 n: locality 地面 di4mian4 n: ground 地球 di4qiu2 n: earth 地区 di4qu1 n: area; region; district [地區] 地图 di4tu2 n: map [地圖] 地位 di4wei4 n: position; status 地下 di4xia4 n: underground 地址 di4zhi3 n: address 递 di4 v: pass [遞] 电报 dian3bao4 n: cable; telegram [電報] 电冰箱 dian4bing1xiang1(bing1xiang1) n: refrigerator [電冰箱] 电风扇 dian4feng1shan4(dian4shan4) n: electric fan [電風扇] 电视台 dian4shi4tai2 n: TV station [電視臺] 电台 dian4tai2 n: transceiver; broadcasting station [電臺] 电梯 dian4ti1 n: elevator; lift; escalator [電梯] 电影院 dian4ying3yuan4 n: cinema [電影院] 店 dian4 n: shop; store 吊 diao4 v: hang 钓 diao4 v: fish [釣] 调 diao4 v: shift; transfer [調] 调查 diao4cha2 v, n: investigate; survey; investigation [調查] 跌 die1 v: fall down 顶 ding3 n: top [頂] 顶 ding3 v: carry on the head [頂] 定 ding4 v: decide; set 订 ding4 v: draw up; conclude; order [訂] 东北 dong1bei3 n: northeast [東北] 东部 dong1bu4 n: east [東部] 东方 dong1fang1 n: the East [東方] 东面 dong1mian4 n: east [東面] 东南 dong1nan2 n: southeast [東南] 懂得 dong3de v: know; grasp; understand 动人 dong4ren2 adj: moving; touching [動人] 动身 dong4 shen1 leave; go on a journey [動身] 动手 dong4 shou3 begin on [動手] 动物园 dong4wu4yuan2 n: zoo [動物園] 动员 dong4yuan2 v: arouse; mobilize [動員] 动作 dong4zuo4 n: motion; movement [動作] 冻 dong4 v: freeze [凍] 洞 dong4 n: hole; cave 斗争 dou4zheng1 v, n: fight; struggle; combat [鬥爭] 豆腐 dou4fu n: bean curd 逗 dou4 v: tease; provoke 独立 du2li4 v: stand alone; independence [獨立] 读书 du2 shu1 read; study [讀書] 读者 du2zhe3 n: reader [讀者] 堵 du3 v: block 肚子 du4zi n: belly; abdomen 度 du4 n, m: degree; measure word for temperature 度过 du4guo4 v: spend [度過] 渡 du4 v: cross; tide over; ferry 端 duan1 v: carry 短期 duan3qi1 n: short-term 断 duan4 v: sever [斷] 堆 dui1 v: heap 队 dui4 n: team [隊] 队长 dui4zhang3 n: team leader; captain [隊長] 队伍 dui4wu n: troops; ranks [隊伍] 对 dui4 m: couple; pair [對] 对比 dui4bi3 v, n: compare; contrast; comparison [對比] 对待 dui4dai4 v: treat; approach [對待] 对方 dui4fang1 n: the other side [對方] 对付 dui4fu v: deal with [對付] 对话 dui4hua4 v, n: have a dialogue; dialogue [對話] 对面 dui4mian4 n: opposite [對面] 对象 dui4xiang4 n: object; target; boyfriend or girlfriend [對象] 对于 dui4yu2 prep: for; about [對於] 吨 dun1 m: ton [噸] 蹲 dun1 v: squat 多数 duo1shu4 n: most; majority [多數] 夺 duo2 v: seize [奪] 躲 duo3 v: hide; avoid 朵 duo3 m: measure word for flower or cloud 鹅 e2 n: goose [鵝] 而 er2 conj: but; yet; while 儿童 er2tong2 n: children [兒童] 耳朵 er3duo n: ear 发表 fa1biao3 v: publish; issue [發表] 发出 fa1chu1 v: send out; give out [發出] 发达 fa1da2 adj: developed; flourishing [發達] 发动 fa1dong4 v: start; launch; arouse [發動] 发抖 fa1dou3 v: tremble [發抖] 发挥 fa1hui1 v: bring into play; give play to [發揮] 发明 fa1ming2 v, n: invent; invention [發明] 发言 fa1 yan2 speak; make a speech [發言] 发扬 fa1yang2 v: develop; carry on [發揚] 法郎 fa3lang2 n: Franc 法律 fa3lü4 n: law; statute 繁荣 fan2rong2 adj, v: flourishing; prosperous; prosperity [繁榮] 凡 fan2 adv: any; all 反动 fan3dong4 adj: reactionary [反動] 反复 fan3fu4 adv, n: repeatedly; again and again [反復] 反抗 fan3kang4 v: resist; revolt 反应 fan3ying4 v, n: react; respond; reaction; response [反應] 反映 fan3ying4 v, n: reflect; report; reflection 反正 fan3zheng4 adv: anyway; in any case 范围 fan4wei2 n: scope; limits; range [範圍] 犯 fan4 v: violate; offend; attack 方 fang1 adj: square 方案 fang1an4 n: scheme; plan; program 方式 fang1shi4 n: way; fashion; pattern 方针 fang1zhen1 n: policy; principle [方針] 房子 fang4zi n: building; house; room 防 fang2 v: prevent 防止 fang2zhi3 v: prevent; avoid; guard against 仿佛 fang3fu2 v: seem; as if 纺织 fang3zhi1 v: spinning and weaving; textile [紡織] 放大 fang4da4 v: enlarge; amplify 放弃 fang4qi4 v: abandon; give up; renounce [放棄] 放心 fang4 xin1 set one's mind at rest; rest assured 非…不可 fei1 _ bu4ke3 must 肥 fei2 adj: fat 肺 fei4 n: lung 费 fei4 n: fare; expense; money [費] 费 fei4 v: cost; spend; expend [費] 费用 fei4yong4 n: expenses; drill [費用] 吩咐(分付) fen1fu4 v: instruct; tell 分别 fen1bie2 v, adv: separate; distinguish; respectively [分別] 分配 fen1pei4 v: assign; allocate 分析 fen1xi1 v: analyze 纷纷 fen1fen1 adj: one after another [紛紛] 粉笔 fen3bi3 n: chalk [粉筆] 奋斗 fen4dou4 v: fight; struggle; strive [奮鬥] 份 fen4 m: part 愤怒 fen4nu4 adj: indignant; anger [憤怒] 封建 feng1jian4 adj: feudalism 风景 feng1jing3 n: scenery; landscape [風景] 风力 feng1li4 n: wind-force; wind power [風力] 风俗 feng1su2 n: custom [風俗] 逢 feng2 v: meet; come upon 否定 fou3ding4 v: negate; deny 否则 fou3ze2 conj: otherwise [否則] 扶 fu2 v: support with the hand 幅 fu2 m: measure word for pictures, paintings, etc. 符合 fu2he2 v: accord with; conform to 服从 fu2cong2 v: obey; submit [服從] 浮 fu2 v: float 副 fu4 m: pair; set 副 fu4 adj: deputy; vice- 副食 fu4shi2 n: non-staple food 复述 fu4shu4 v: repeat [復述] 复印 fu4yin4 v: duplicate; copy [複印] 付 fu4 v: pay 富 fu4 adj: rich 妇女 fu4nü3 n: woman [婦女] 该 gai1 pron: this; that [該] 改革 gai3ge2 v, n: reform 改进 gai3jin4 v, n: improve; make better; improvement [改進] 改善 gai3shan4 v: improve 改造 gai3zao4 v: transform; show 改正 gai3zheng4 v: correct; amend 概括 gai4kuo4 v, n: summarize; generalize; summary 概念 gai4nian4 n: concept; idea; conception 盖 gai4 v: cover [蓋] 干 gan1 adj: dry [乾] 干杯 gan1 bei1 drink a toast; cheer; bottom up [乾杯] 干脆 gan1cui4 adj: clear-cut; simple; just [乾脆] 干燥 gan1zao4 adj: dry; arid [乾燥] 杆 gan1 n: pole; bar 肝 gan1 n: liver 赶 gan3 v: drive away; chase [趕] 赶紧 gan3jin3 adv: lose no time; at once [趕緊] 赶快 gan3kuai4 adv: at once; quickly [趕快] 感动 gan3dong4 v: be moved [感動] 感激 gan3ji1 v: feel grateful; be thankful 感觉 gan3jue2 v, n: feel; feeling [感覺] 感情 gan3qing2 n: emotion; feeling 感想 gan3xiang3 n: impressions; reflections 感兴趣 gan3 xing4qu4 be interested in [感興趣] 干活儿 gan4 huo2r do sth. [幹活兒] 干吗 gan4 ma2 what? yes? [幹嗎] 刚刚 gang1gang1 adv: just now [剛剛] 钢 gang1 n: steel [鋼] 港 gang3 n: port; harbor 高大 gao1da4 adj: tall and big; tall 高度 gao1du4 n, adj: altitude; height; high degree; high 高原 gao1yuan2 n: plateau; highland 告 gao4 v: tell 告别 gao4bie2 v: leave; part from; say good-bye to [告別] 搁 ge1 v: lay; put [擱] 胳膊 ge1bo(ge1bei) n: arm 割 ge1 v: cut 革命 ge2ming4 v, n: rise in revolt to seize power; revolution 隔 ge2 v: separate 隔壁 ge2bi4 n: next door 个别 ge4bie2 adj: exceptional [個別] 个人 ge4ren2 n: individual [個人] 个体 ge4ti3 n: individual [個體] 个子 ge4zi n: height; stature; build [個子] 根本 gen1ben3 n, adj: root; essence; basic; fundamental 根据 gen1ju4 prep, n: base on; according to; basis; grounds [根據] 跟前 gen1qian2 n: in front of; near; close to 更加 geng4jia1 adv: much more 工程 gong1cheng2 n: engineering; project 工程师 gong1cheng2shi1 n: engineer [工程師] 工夫 gong1fu n: work; labor; effect 工会 gong1hui4 n: trade union; labor union [工會] 工具 gong1ju4 n: tool 工艺品 gong1yi4pin3 n: handicraft [工藝品] 工资 gong1zi1 n: wages; pay; salary [工資] 功夫 gong1fu n: time; skill; art; workmanship 供 gong1 v: supply 供给 gong1ji3 v: provide; furnish [供給] 公费 gong1fei4 adj: at public (state) expense [公費] 公共 gong1gong4 adj: common; public 公开 gong1kai1 adj, v: in public; overt; open; make public [公開] 公路 gong1lu4 n: highway; freeway 公司 gong1si1 n: corporation; company 公用电话 gong1yong4 dian4hua4 public phone [公用電話] 公元 gong1yuan2 n: the Christian era 巩固 gong3gu4 adj, v: strong; solidify; consolidate; strengthen [鞏固] 贡献 gong4xian4 v, n: contribute; dedicate; contribution [貢獻] 共 gong4 adv: altogether 共产党 gong4chan3dang3 n: the Communist Party [共產黨] 共同 gong4tong2 adj: together; common 狗 gou3 n: dog 构成 gou4cheng2 v: compose; constitute [構成] 构造 gou4zao4 n: structure; construction [構造] 估计 gu1ji4 v, n: appraise; estimate [估計] 姑姑 gu1gu n: father's sister 骨头 gu3tou n: drum [骨頭] 鼓 gu3 v, n: encourage; urge; encouragement 鼓励 gu3li4 v, n: inspire; hearten; inspiration [鼓勵] 鼓舞 gu3wu3 applaud 鼓掌 gu3 zhang3 adj: to applaud 古 gu3 n: ancient times 古代 gu3dai4 n: historic site 古迹 gu3ji4 adj: ancient [古跡] 古老 gu3lao3 n: bone 故乡 gu4xiang1 n: hometown [故鄉] 故意 gu4yi4 adj: intentional 顾 gu4 v: attend to; look at [顧] 顾客 gu4ke4 n: shopper; customer; client [顧客] 挂号 gua4 hao4 register [掛號] 拐 guai3 v: turn to 怪 guai4 adj: strange 关键 guan1jian4 n: crux; key; hinge [關鍵] 关于 guan1yu2 prep: about; on; concerning [關於] 关照 guan1zhao4 v: look after; keep an eye on [關照] 关 guan1 n: official [關] 观察 guan1cha2 v: survey; observe; watch [觀察] 观点 guan1dian3 n: viewpoint; standpoint [觀點] 观众 guan1zhong4 n: audience; spectator; viewer [觀眾] 管 guan3 v: manage 管理 guan3li3 v: manage 冠军 guan4jun1 n: champion [冠軍] 罐头 guan4tou n: can; tin [罐頭] 贯彻 guan4che4 v: carry out; implement [貫徹] 光 guang1 n: light, ray 光 guang1 adj: nothing left 光 guang1 adv: only; merely 光辉 guang1hui1 n, adj: radiance; brilliance; brilliant; glorious [光輝] 光明 guang1ming2 adj: light; bright 光荣 guang1rong2 adj: glory; honor [光榮] 光线 guang1xian4 n: light; ray [光線] 广场 guang3chang3 n: public square; square [廣場] 广大 guang3da4 adj: extensive; vast; wide [廣大] 广泛 guang3fan4 adj: extensive; wide; ranging; widespread [廣泛] 广告 guang3gao4 n: advertisement [廣告] 广阔 guang3kuo4 adj: vast; wide [廣闊] 逛 guang4 v: stroll 规定 gui1ding4 v, n: provide; stipulate; provision, rule [規定] 规律 gui1lü4 n: law; regular pattern [規律] 规模 gui1mo2 n: scale; size [規模] 鬼 gui3 n: ghost 跪 gui4 v: kneel 滚 gun3 v: roll [滾] 锅 guo1 n: pan [鍋] 国际 guo2ji4 n: international [國際] 国民党 guo2min2dang3 n: the Nationalist Party; the Kuomintang (KMT) [國民黨] 国王 guo2wang2 n: king [國王] 果然 guo3ran2 adv: as expected; really sure enough 过程 guo4cheng2 n: course; process [過程] 过年 guo4 nian2 celebrate the new year [過年] 海关 hai3guan1 n: customs [海關] 海洋 hai3yang2 n: sea; ocean 害 hai4 n, v: harm 害处 hai4chu n: harm [害處] 害怕 hai4pa4 v: be afraid of; fear 含 han2 v: keep in the mouth; contain 寒冷 han2leng3 adj: frigid; cold 汗 han4 n: sweat 行 hang2 m: row 航空 hang2kong1 n: aviation 毫不 hao2 bu4 not a bit 毫无 hao2 wu2 have no (sth.) [毫無] 好好儿 hao3hao1r adv: in a proper way; to one's heart's content [好好兒] 好久 hao3jiu3 n: a long time 好容易 hao3rong2yi4 adv: have a hard time 好听 hao3ting1 adj: pleasant to hear [好聽] 好玩儿 hao3wan2r adj: interesting; amusing [好玩兒] 好些 hao3xie1 adj: quite a lot; a great deal of 号码 hao4ma3 n: number [號碼] 号召 hao4zhao4 v, n: summon; call up; appeal; call [號召] 好 hao4 v: like; be fond of 和平 he2ping2 n: peace 合 he2 v: close; shut; join; combine 合理 he2li3 adj: reasonable; rational 合同 he2tong n: contract 合作 he2zuo4 v: cooperate; work together 盒 he2 n, m: box 嘿 hei1 interj: ha 黑暗 hei1an4 adj: dark 恨 hen4 v: hate 哼 heng1 v, interj: hum; croon; huh 红茶 hong2cha2 n: black tea [紅茶] 红旗 hong2qi2 n: red flag; red banner [紅旗] 猴子 hou2zi n: monkey 厚 hou4 adj: thick 后悔 hou4hui3 v: regret; repent [後悔] 后来 hou4lai2 n: afterwards; after [後來] 后面 hou4mian n: behind [後面] 后年 hou4nian2 n: the year after next [後年] 后天 hou4tian1 n: the day after tomorrow [後天] 呼 hu1 v: call 呼吸 hu1xi1 v: breath; respire 壶 hu2 n: pot [壺] 胡乱 hu2luan4 adv: aimlessly [胡亂] 胡子 hu2zi n: beard; moustache [鬍子] 糊涂 hu2tu adj: muddled; confused; bewildered [糊塗] 护士 hu4shi n: nurse [護士] 护照 hu4zhao4 n: passport [護照] 户 hu4 n: door; family [戶] 花园 hua1yuan2 n: garden [花園] 划 hua2 v: scull 滑 hua2 adj: slippery; smooth 滑冰 hua2 bing1 skating 画报 hua4bao4 n: pictorial [畫報] 划 hua4 v: delimit [劃] 化(标准化) hua4(biao1zhun3hua4) v, suf: -ize; -ify [化(標準化)] 坏处 huai4chu n: harm; disadvantage [壞處] 欢送 huan1song4 v: see off; send off [歡送] 环 huan2 n: ring [環] 环境 huan2jing4 n: environment; surroundings [環境] 慌 huang1 adj, v: nervous; scared; flurry; fluster 黄瓜 huang2gua1 n: cucumber [黃瓜] 黄油 huang2you2 n: butter [黃油] 皇帝 huang2di4 n: emperor 灰 hui1 adj: gray 挥 hui1 v: wave; brandish [揮] 恢复 hui1fu4 v: resume; renew; recover; restore [恢復] 回头 hui2tou2 adv: turn round [回頭] 回信 hui2 xin4 write back 回忆 hui2yi4 v: recollect; recall [回憶] 会场 hui4chang3 n: meeting-place; conference [會場] 会见 hui4jian4 v: interview; meet [會見] 会客 hui4 ke4 receive a visitor [會客] 会谈 hui4tan2 v, n: talks [會談] 会议 hui4yi4 n: meeting; conference [會議] 昏迷 hun1mi2 v: stupor; coma; unconsciousness 婚姻 hun1yin1 n: marriage 混 hun4 v: mix; muddle along 活泼 huo2po adj: vivacious; vivid; lively [活潑] 活跃 hou2yue4 adj, v: active; brisk; enliven; animate; invigorate [活躍] 或是 huo3shi2 n: meals 火 huo3 n: fire 火柴 huo3chai2 n: match 获得 huo4de2 v: gain; obtain; acquire; win; achieve [獲得] 或是 huo4 conj: or 货 huo4 n: goods [貨] 几乎 ji1hu1 adv: almost [幾乎] 机床 ji1chuang2 n: machine tool [機床] 机关 ji1guan1 n: mechanism; office [機關] 机械 ji1xie4 n: machinery; machine [機械] 积极 ji1ji2 adj: positive; active [積極] 积极性 ji1ji2xing4 n: zeal; activeness [積極性] 积累 ji1lei3 v: accumulate [積累] 激动 ji1dong4 adj, v: excited; exciting; excite; stir; agitate [激動] 激烈 ji1lie4 adj: intense; fierce 极 ji2 adv: extremely; highly [極] 极其 ji2qi2 adv: most; extremely; exceedingly [極其] 集 ji2 n: market; volume 集体 ji2ti3 n: collective [集體] 集中 ji2zhong1 v, adj: focus; concentrate; amass; centralized 及 ji2 conj: and 及格 ji2 ge2 pass the exam 及时 ji2shi2 adj: timely; in time [及時] 急忙 ji2mang2 adj: in haste; in a hurry 即 ji2 v: i.e.; mean; namely 级 ji2 n: grade [級] 技术员 ji4shu4yuan2 n: technician [技術員] 季节 ji4jie2 n: season [季節] 计算 ji4suan4 v: count; computer; calculate [計算] 记得 ji4de v: remember [記得] 记录 ji4lu4 v, n: take notes; record [記錄] 记忆 ji4yi4 v, n: remember; memory [記憶] 记者 ji4zhe3 n: reporter; correspondent; newsman [記者] 既 ji4 conj: though; not only 既…也… ji4 _ ye3 _ both … and …; as well as 既…又… ji4 _ you4 _ as well as 既然 ji4ran2 conj: since; as; now that 纪律 ji4lü4 n: rule; discipline [紀律] 纪念 ji4nian4 v, n: commemorate; commemoration [紀念] 夹 jia1 v: clip; nip [夾] 家伙 jia1huo n: fellow; guy 家具 jia1ju4 n: furniture 家乡 jia1xiang1 n: hometown; native place [家鄉] 加工 jia1 gong1 process; machining; working 加强 jia1qiang2 v: strengthen; enhance; reinforce [加強] 加以 jia1yi3 v, conj: (used to invert the sentence); moreover; plus 假 jia3 adj: sham; fake 价格 jia4ge2 n: price [價格] 价值 jia4zhi2 n: worth; value [價值] 架 jia4 m: measure word for planes, etc. 假条 jia4tiao2 n: application for leave [假條] 坚定 jiang1ding4 adj, v: firm; steadfast; staunch; strengthen [堅定] 坚决 jian1jue2 adj: resolute; determinate [堅決] 坚强 jian1qiang2 adj: strong; firm; tough [堅強] 尖 jian1 adj: pointed; sharp; acute 尖锐 jian1rui4 adj: sharp-point; keen [尖銳] 肩 jian1 n: shoulder 艰巨 jian1ju4 adj: arduous; hard; formidable [艱巨] 艰苦 jian1ku3 adj: difficult; hard; tough [艱苦] 拣 jian3 v: cull [揀] 捡 jian3 v: pick up [撿] 剪 jian3 v: snip 减 jian3 v: reduce [減] 减轻 jian3qing1 v: lighten; ease [減輕] 减少 jian3shao3 v: reduce; decrease [減少] 箭 jian4 n: arrow 渐渐 jian4jian4 adv: gradually; by degrees [漸漸] 建 jian4 v: build 建立 jian4li4 v: build; establish 建议 jian4yi4 v, n: propose; suggest; proposition; suggestion [建議] 建筑 jian4zhu4 v, n: build; construct; architecture; building [建築] 将 jiang1 prep: with; by [將] 将 jiang1 adv: will [將] 将要 jiang1yao4 adv: be going to; will; shall [將要] 奖 jiang3 v, n: reward [獎] 奖学金 jiang3xue2jin1 n: scholarship [獎學金] 讲话 jiang3 hua4 speak; talk [講話] 讲座 jiang3zuo4 n: lecture [講座] 酱油 jiang4you2 n: soy sauce [醬油] 降 jiang4 v: fall; drop; lower; land 降低 jiang4di1 v: reduce; cut down; drop; lower 交换 jiao1huan4 v: exchange [交換] 交际 jiao1ji4 v, n: socialize; social intercourse [交際] 交流 jiao1liu2 v, n: interchange; exchange 交通 jiao1tong1 n: traffic; transportation 郊区 jiao1qu1 n: suburbs [郊區] 骄傲 jiao1ao4 adj: arrogant; conceited [驕傲] 角 jiao3 n: angle; horn 教材 jiao4cai2 n: teaching materials 教师 jiao4shi1 n: teacher [教師] 教授 jiao4shou4 n: professor 教学 jiao4xue2 n: teaching; education [教學] 教训 jiao4xun v, n: teach sb. a lesson; lesson [教訓] 教员 jiao1yuan2 n: teacher; instructor [教員] 较 jiao4 prep, adv: than; rather; quite [較] 叫做 jiao4zuo4 v: be called; named 接触 jie1chu4 v: contact [接觸] 接待 jie1dai4 v: receive 接到 jie1 dao4 receive 接见 jie1jian4 v: receive [接見] 接近 jie1jin4 v: be close to; near 接受 jie1shou4 v: accept 街道 jie1dao4 n: street 阶段 jie1duan4 n: stage; phase [階段] 阶级 jie1ji2 n: class [階級] 结实 jie1shi adj: solid; sturdy [結實] 节省 jie2sheng3 v: economize; save [節省] 节约 jie2yue1 v: economize [節約] 结构 jie2gou4 n: structure; composition [結構] 结合 jie2he2 v: combine; unite; integrate; link [結合] 结婚 jie2 hun1 marry [結婚] 结论 jie2lun4 n: conclusion [結論] 解 jie3 v: uncoil; unbind 解答 jie3da2 v: answer; explain 解放 jie3fang4 v, n: liberate; liberation 解释 jie3shi4 v, n: explain; expound; interpret; explanation [解釋] 届 jie4 m: session [屆] 金 jin1 n: gold 金属 jin1shu3 n: metal [金屬] 今后 jin1hou4 n: from now on [今後] 仅 jin3 adv: only [僅] 仅仅 jin3jin3 adv: only; merely; barely [僅僅] 尽 jin3 v: give priority; no more than [儘] 尽管 jin3guan3 adv, conj: feel free to; though; even though; despite [儘管] 尽量 jin4liang4 adv: as possible as; to the full [盡量] 进步 jin4bu4 v, adj: advance; progress; improve; progressive [進步] 进攻 jing4gong1 v: attack; assault; offend [進攻] 进化 jin4hua4 v: evolve [進化] 进口 jin4 kou3 import; entrance [進口] 进入 jin4ru4 v: enter; get into [進入] 进修 jin4xiu1 v: carry on advanced studies [進修] 进一步 jin4 yi2 bu4 further [進一步] 禁止 jin4zhi3 v: prohibit; ban; forbid 近来 jin4lai2 n: recently; lately [近來] 尽 jin4 v: try one's best [盡] 劲 jin4 n: power [勁] 京剧(京戏) jing1ju4(jing1xi4) n: Beijing Opera [京劇(京戲)] 精力 jing1li4 n: energy; vigor 经 jing1 v: pass [經] 经理 jing1li3 n: manager; director [經理] 经历 jing1li4 v, n: undergo; experience [經歷] 井 jing3 n: wells 警察 jing3cha2 n: police; policeman 静 jing4 adj: quiet; silent [靜] 敬爱 jing4ai4 v: respect [敬愛] 敬礼 jing4 li3 salute [敬禮] 镜子 jing4zi n: mirror [鏡子] 竞赛 jing4sai4 v: contest; competition; race [競賽] 究竟 jiu1jing4 adv: actually; exactly; after all 纠正 jiu1zheng4 v: correct; put right [糾正] 救 jiu4 v: save 就 jiu4 prep: with regard to; concerning; on 就是 jiu4shi4 adv, conj: exactly; even if 局长 ju2zhang3 n: director of a bureau [局長] 举行 ju3xing2 v: hold [舉行] 拒绝 ju4jue2 v: refuse [拒絕] 据说 ju4shuo1 adv: it is said [據說] 巨大 ju4da4 adj: huge; enormous 具备 ju4bei4 v: possess; have; be provided with [具備] 具体 ju4ti3 adj: concrete; specific; particular [具體] 具有 ju4you3 v: possess; have; be provided with 距离 ju4li2 n: distance [距離] 距离 ju4li2 prep: away from [距離] 俱乐部 ju4le4bu4 n: club [俱樂部] 剧场 ju4chang3 n: theatre [劇場] 卷 juan3 v: roll; coil [捲] 觉悟 jue2wu4 v, n: consciousness; awareness [覺悟] 决 jue2 adv: definitely [決] 决心 jue2xin1 n, v: be determined; determination [決心] 绝对 jue2dui4 adj: absolute [絕對] 军 jun1 n: army [軍] 军队 jun1dui4 n: army [軍隊] 军事 jun1shi4 n: military affairs [軍事] 开放 kai1fang4 v: open [開放] 开会 kai1 hui4 hold a meeting [開會] 开课 kai1 ke4 start of school [開課] 开明 kai1ming2 adj: enlightened [開明] 开辟 kai1pi4 v: open up; start [開辟] 开演 kai1yan3 v: begin; start a show [開演] 开展 kai1zhan3 v: carry out; develop; launch [開展] 砍 kan3 v: chop; cut 看不起 kan4 bu qi3 look down upon 看法 kan4fa3 n: view 看来 kan4lai2 conj: it seems [看來] 看样子 kan4 yang4zi look like; seem like [看樣子] 扛 kang2 v: carry on the shoulder 考 kao3 v: test 考虑 kao3lü4 v: think over; consider [考慮] 烤 kao3 v: bake 靠 kao4 v, prep: lean; by 颗 ke1 m: grain [顆] 科 ke1 n: division 科学家 ke1xue2jia1 n: scientist [科學家] 科学院 ke1xue2yuan4 n: academy of science [科學院] 科研 ke1yan2 n: scientific research 科长 ke1zhang3 n: section chief [科長] 可 ke3 adv, conj: (used for emphasis in a sentence); but; yet 可爱 ke3ai4 adj: cute; lovely [可愛] 可靠 ke3kao4 adj: reliable; dependable 可怜 ke3lian2 adj, v: pitiful; poor; pity [可憐] 可怕 ke3pa4 adj: fearful; terrible; frightful 可以 ke3yi3 adj: can; may 克服 ke4fu2 v: overcome; conquer 刻 ke4 v: chisel; carve 刻苦 ke4ku3 adj: assiduous; hardworking 客人 ke4ren n: visitor; guest 课程 ke4cheng2 n: course [課程] 肯 ken3 part, v: be willing to; will; agree 肯定 ken3ding4 v, adj: affirm; approve; positive; affirmative 空 kong1 adj: empty 空间 kong1jian1 n: space [空間] 空前 kong4qian2 adj: unprecedented 空中 kong1zhong1 n: in the air; in the sky 孔 kong3 n: hole; aperture 恐怕 kong3pa4 adv: be afraid 空儿 kong4r n: free time [空兒] 控制 kong4zhi4 v: control; dominate; command 口袋 kou3dai n: pocket 口号 kou3hao4 n: slogan [口號] 扣 kou4 v: upside down; buckle; button 裤子 ku4zi n: trousers; pants [褲子] 跨 kua4 v: stride 筷子 kuai4zi n: chopsticks 快乐 kuai4le4 adj: happy; joyful [快樂] 宽 kuan1 adj: wide [寬] 款 kuan3 n: money 矿 kuang4 n: mine [礦] 捆 kun3 v: tie; bind; bundle up 困 kun4 adj, v: (睏) sleepy; (困) constrained; besiege; constrain [睏/困] 扩大 kuo4da4 v: enlarge; expand; extend [擴大] 垃圾 la1ji1 n: garbage; rubbish 来 lai2 num: about; more or less [來] 来 lai2 part: ever since [來] 来不及 lai2 bu ji2 there's not enough time [來不及] 来得及 lai2 de ji2 there's still time [來得及] 来信 lai2xin4 n: send a letter; incoming letter [來信] 来自 lai2zi4 v: come from [來自] 拦 lan2 v: block [攔] 懒 lan3 adj: lazy [懶] 烂 lan4 v, adj: rot; rotten [爛] 狼 lang2 n: wolf 朗读 lang3du1 v: read aloud [朗讀] 浪 lang4 n: wave 浪费 lang4fei4 v: waste [浪費] 捞 lao1 v: drag for; dredge for [撈] 老百姓 lao3bai3xing4 n: common people 老板 lao3ban3 n: boss; shopkeeper [老闆] 老大妈(大妈) lao3da4ma1(da4ma1) n: granny; aunt [老大媽(大媽)] 老大娘(大娘) lao3dan4niang2(da4niang2) n: aunt; old lady 老大爷(大爷) lao3da4ye n: uncle; grandpa [老大爺(大爺)] 老虎 lao3hu3 n: tiger 老人 lao3ren2 n: the aged 老(是) lao3(shi) adv: always 老实 lao3shi adj: frank; honest [老實] 老太太 lao3tai4tai n: old woman 老头儿 lao3tou2r n: old man [老頭兒] 乐观 le4guan1 adj: optimistic; hopeful [樂觀] 雷 lei2 n: thunder 类 lei4 n, m: kind; sort [類] 厘米 li2mi3 m: centimeter [釐米] 梨 li2 n: pear 离婚 li2 hun1 divorce [離婚] 理发 li3 fa4 haircut; hairdressing [理髮] 理解 li3jie3 v, n: understand; comprehend; understanding 理论 li3lun4 n: theory [理論] 理想 li3xiang3 n: ideal 理由 li3you2 n: reason 里面 li3mian4 n: inside; interior [裡面] 礼拜天(礼拜日) li3bai4tian1(li3bai4ri4) n: Sunday [禮拜天(禮拜日)] 礼貌 li3mao4 n: courtesy; politeness [禮貌] 礼堂 li3tang2 n: assembly hall; auditorium [禮堂] 厉害 li4hai adj: strict; severe [厲害] 利益 li4yi4 n: benefit 例 li4 n: example 例子 li4zi n: example; case; instance 立 li4 v: stand 立场 li4chang3 n: position; stand; standpoint [立場] 立方 li4fang1 n: cube 立即 li4ji2 adv: immediately; at once 粒 li4 m: grain 力 li4 n: force; power 力量 li4liang n: power; force 力气 li4qi n: strength [力氣] 力所能及 li4 suo3 neng2 ji2 in one's power 联合 lian2he2 v: federate; unite [聯合] 联欢 lian2huan1 v: have a get-together [聯歡] 连 lian2 v, adv: link; join; one after another [連] 连忙 lian2mang2 adv: promptly; at once [連忙] 连续 lian2xu4 adv: continually; in succession [連續] 恋爱 lian4ai4 v, n: be in love; love [戀愛] 练 lian4 v: exercise [練] 粮食 liang2shi n: grain; food [糧食] 凉 liang2 adj: cool [涼] 量 liang2 v: measure 良好 liang2hao3 adj: good 两 liang3 m: 1 liǎng = 50 grams [兩] 聊 liao2 v: chat 聊天儿 liao2 tian1r chat [聊天兒] 了不起 liao3buqi3 great; extraordinary 列 lie4 v, m: list; line 临 lin2 v: face; overlook [臨] 临时 lin2shi2 adj: temporary [臨時] 邻居 lin2ju1 n: neighborhood [鄰居] 零钱 ling2qian2 n: small change [零錢] 铃 ling2 n: bell [鈴] 灵活 ling2huo2 adj: flexible; agile [靈活] 领 ling3 v: lead; direct [領] 领袖 ling3xiu4 n: leader [領袖] 另 ling4 adj: other 另外 ling4wai4 adj: moreover; besides 流利 liu2li4 adj: fluent; smooth 龙 long2 n: dragon [龍] 楼梯 lou2ti1 n: stairs; staircase [樓梯] 漏 lou4 v: leak 露 lou4 v: reveal; show 路上 lu4shang n: on the road 路线 lu4xian4 n: line; route [路線] 录 lu4 v: record [錄] 录像 lu4 xiang4 video recording [錄像] 录音机 lu4yin1ji1 n: sound-recorder [錄音機] 陆续 lu4xu4 adv: one after another; in succession [陸續] 旅馆 lü3guan3 n: hotel; inn [旅館] 旅客 lü3ke4 n: traveler; passenger; hotel guest 旅途 lü3tu2 n: journey; trip 略 lüe4 v: omit 轮船 lun2chuan2 n: steamship; ship [輪船] 论文 lun4wen2 n: treatise; paper; thesis [論文] 萝卜 luo2bo n: radish; turnip [蘿卜] 落 luo4 v: fall 落后 luo4hou4 adj: backward; fall behind [落後] 码头 ma3tou n: dock; wharf [碼頭] 马虎 ma3hu adj: casual; careless [馬虎] 马克 ma3ke4 n: mark (German or Finnish monetary unit) [馬克] 马路 ma3lu4 n: street [馬路] 骂 ma4 v: curse [罵] 埋 mai2 v: bury 买卖 mai3mai n: buying and selling; business [買賣] 迈 mai4 v: step; stride [邁] 馒头 man2tou n: steamed bun [饅頭] 满足 man3zu2 v: satisfied; contented [滿足] 猫 mao1 n: cat [貓] 毛 mao2 n: hair 毛病 mao2bing4 n: trouble; breakdown; shortcoming 毛巾 mao2jin1 n: towel 毛衣 mao2yi1 n: sweater 矛盾 mao2dun4 n, adj: contradiction; contradictory 冒 mao4 v: emit; give off; send out 贸易 mao4yi4 n: trade [貿易] 煤 mei2 n: coal 煤气 mei2qi4 n: coal gas [煤氣] 没错 mei2 cuo4 quite sure [沒錯] 没什么 mei2 shen2me it doesn't matter [沒什麼] 没事儿 mei2 shi4r it doesn't matter [沒事兒] 没用 mei2 yong4 no use [沒用] 每 mei3 adv: each; per 美 mei3 adj: beautiful 美好 mei3hao3 adj: fine; happy; glorious 美丽 mei3li4 adj: beautiful [美麗] 美术 mei3shu4 n: the fine arts; art [美術] 美元 mei3yuan2 n: U.S. dollar 梦 meng4 n: dream [夢] 米 mi3 n: rice 秘密 mi4mi4 adj, n: confidential; secret 蜜蜂 mi4feng1 n: bee; honeybee 密 mi4 adj: thick 密切 mi4qie4 adj, v: intimate; close; carefully; be close 棉花 mian2hua n: cotton 棉衣 mian2yi1 n: cotton-padded clothes 面 mian4 n: side; surface [麵] 面 mian4 m: measure word for flags 面积 mian4ji1 n: area [面積] 面貌 mian4mao4 n: face; appearance; visage 面前 mian4qian2 n: in front of; in face of; before 描写 miao2xie3 v: portray; depict; describe [描寫] 秒 miao3 m: second 庙 miao4 n: temple [廟] 妙 miao4 adj: wonderful 灭 mie4 v: go out; put out [滅] 民主 min2zhu3 n, adj: democracy; democratic 明亮 ming2liang4 adj: light; bright 明确 ming2que4 adj, v: clarify; clear; clear-cut [明確] 明显 ming2xian3 adj: clear; obvious; apparent [明顯] 名 ming2 n, m: name; (measure word for people) 名胜 ming2sheng4 n: famous place; scenic spot [名勝] 命令 ming4ling4 n, v: command; order 命运 ming4yun4 n: fate; destiny [命運] 模 mo1 v: touch; feel 模仿 mo2fang3 v: copy; imitate 磨 mo2 v: wear; rub; grind 墨水 mo4shui3r n: ink 某 mou3 pron: certain; some 模样 mu2yang4 n: appearance; look [模樣] 亩 mu3 m: 1 mǔ = 0.0667 hectare [畝] 母 mu3 n, adj: mother; female; motherly 木 mu4 n: wood 木头 mu4tou n: wood; timber [木頭] 目标 mu4biao1 n: objective; target [目標] 目的 mu4di4 n: aim; purpose 哪个 na3ge pron: which [哪個] 哪怕 na3pa4 conj: even if 哪些 na3xie1 pron: which 那边 na4bian1 pron: there [那邊] 奶奶 nai3nai n: grandma 耐心 nai4xin1 adj, n: patient; patience 耐用 nai4yong4 adj: durable 南部 nan2bu4 n: south 南方 nan2fang1 n: south 南面 nan2mian4 n: south 男人 nan2ren2 n: man; male 难道 nan2dao4 adv: could it be said that … [難道] 难过 nan2guo4 v, adj: feel bad; feel sorry; sad [難過] 难看 nan2kan4 adj: unsightly; ugly [難看] 难受 nan2shou4 adj: feel unwell; suffer pain [難受] 脑袋 nao3dai n: head [腦袋] 脑子 nao3zi n: brain [腦子] 闹 nao4 v: stir up trouble [鬧] 内部 nei4bu4 n: internal; inside [內部] 能干 neng2gan4 adj: able; capable; competent [能幹] 能力 neng2li4 n: capability; ability; capacity 能源 neng2yuan2 n: energy resources 泥 ni2 n: mud 年代 nian2dai4 n: time; years; age 年龄 nian2ling2 n: age [年齡] 年青 nian2qing1 adj: young 鸟 niao3 n: bird [鳥] 扭 niu3 v: tweak 浓 nong2 adj: dense; thick [濃] 弄 nong4 v: deal with 女人 nü3ren2 n: woman 女士 nü3shi4 n: lady; madam 暖 nuan3 adj: warm 暖气 nuan3qi4 n: central heating [暖氣] 怕 pa4 adv: afraid 排 pai2 n, m: platoon; row; line 排 pai2 v: discharge; exclude 牌 pai2 n: tablet; board 盘 pan2 n, m: plate; dish [盤] 盘子 pan2zi n: tray; plate; dish [盤子] 盼望 pan4wang4 v: hope for; look forward to 判断 pan4duan4 v, n: judge; decide; judgement [判斷] 旁 pang2 n: near; beside 胖 pang4 adj: fat 炮 pao4 n: big gun; canon 赔 pei2 v: compensate; pay for [賠] 陪 pei2 v: accompany 配合 pei4he2 v: coordinate; cooperation; concert 喷 pen1 v: spray; gush [噴] 盆 pen2 n: basin; tub; pot 捧 peng3 v: hold or carry in both hands 碰见 peng4 jian4 meet unexpectedly; run into [碰見] 批 pi1 m: batch 批判 pi1pan4 v: criticize 批准 pi1zhun3 v: ratify; approve 披 pi1 v: drape over one's shoulder 脾气 pi2qi n: temperament; temper [脾氣] 疲劳 pi2lao2 adj: exhausted; tired [疲勞] 皮 pi2 n: skin; peel; tegument 皮肤 pi2fu1 n: skin [皮膚] 匹 pi3 m: measure word for cloth 偏 pian1 adv: inclined to one side 片面 pian4mian4 adj: unilateral; one-sided 骗 pian4 v: cheat [騙] 飘 piao1 v: float [飄] 拼命 pin1 ming4 risk one's life; defy death 品种 pin3zhong3 n: breed; variety [品種] 乒乓球 ping1pang1qiu2 n: table tennis 平 ping2 adj: flat 平安 ping2an1 adj: safe and sound 平常 ping2chang2 n, adj: generally; usually; ordinary; common 平等 ping2deng3 adj, n: equal; equality 平方 ping2fang1 n: square 平静 ping2jing4 adj: calm; quiet; tranquil [平靜] 平均 ping2jun1 v, adj: share out equally; mean; average 平时 ping2shi2 n: at ordinary times; in normal times [平時] 平原 ping2yuan2 n: plain 瓶子 ping2zi n: bottle 坡 po1 n: slope 破坏 po4huai4 v: destroy; week [破壞] 迫切 po4qie4 adj: pressing; urgent 扑 pu1 v: throw oneself on; pounce on [撲] 铺 pu1 v: lay [鋪] 朴素 pu3su4 adj: simple; plain [樸素] 普遍 pu3bian4 adj: universal; general; widespread 普通 pu3tong1 adj: ordinary; common; average 期 qi1 n, m: period; phase 期间 qi1jian1 n: time; period [期間] 欺骗 qi1pian4 v: deceive; cheat; dupe [欺騙] 妻子 qi1zi n: wife 其次 qi2ci4 adv: next; secondary 其他 qi2ta1 pron: other (people) 其它 qi2ta1 pron: other (things) 其余 qi2yu2 pron: the others; the rest; the remainder [其餘] 其中 qi2zhong1 n: among 奇怪 qi2guai4 adj: strange; surprising 齐 qi2 v, adj: gather; neat; uniform [齊] 旗子 qi2zi n: banner; flag 企图 qi3tu2 v, n: try; attempt [企圖] 企业 qi3ye4 n: enterprise; business [企業] 启发 qi3fa1 v, n: arouse; inspire; enlighten; illumination [啟發] 气 qi4 v: get angry [氣] 气候 qi4hou4 n: climate [氣候] 气温 qi4wen1 n: air temperature [氣溫] 气象 qi4xiang4 n: meteorology [氣象] 汽油 qi4you2 n: gasoline; gas 牵 qian1 v: lead; pull [牽] 千万 qian1wan4 adv: must; be sure to [千萬] 签订 qian1ding4 v: conclude and sign [簽訂] 前进 qian2jin4 v: go forward [前進] 前面 qian2mian n: ahead; in front 前年 qian2nian2 n: the year before yesteryear 前天 qian2tian1 n: the day before yesterday 前途 qian2tu2 n: prospect; future 欠 qian4 v: owe 枪 qiang1 n: gun; spear [槍] 强 qiang2 adj: powerful; strong [強] 强大 qiang2da4 adj: big and powerful; formidable [強大] 强盗 qiang2dao4 n: robber; bandit [強盜] 强调 qiang2diao4 v: underline; emphasize; stress [強調] 强度 qiang2du4 n: intensity [強度] 强烈 qiang2lie4 adj: intense; strong; violent [強烈] 抢 qiang3 v: snatch; grab [搶] 敲 qiao1 v: knock 悄悄 qiao1qiao1 adv: quietly; on the quiet 桥梁 qiao2liang2 n: bridge [橋梁] 瞧 qiao2 v: look; see 巧 qiao3 adj: skillful 巧妙 qiao3miao4 adj: clever; ingenious 切 qie1 v: chop; cut 且 qie3 adv, conj: just; for the time being; but also 侵略 qin1lüe4 v: aggress 亲爱 qin1ai4 adj: dear; beloved [親愛] 亲戚 qin1qi n: relative [親戚] 亲切 qin1qie4 adj: cordial; kind [親切] 亲自 qin1zi4 adv: personally [親自] 青 qing1 adj: blue; green 轻松 qing1song1 adj: relaxed [輕鬆] 清 qing1 adj, v: unmixed; clear; clear up 情景 qing2jing3 n: scene; sight 情形 qing2xing1 n: circumstance; condition; situation 情绪 qing2xu4 n: morale; feeling; mood [情緒] 请客 qing3 ke4 invite to dinner; give a dinner party [請客] 请求 qing3qiu2 v, n: request; ask [請求] 庆祝 qing4zhu4 v: celebrate [慶祝] 穷 qiong2 adj: poor [窮] 球场 qiu2chang3 n: playground; play field [球場] 求 qiu2 v: beg; ask for 区 qu1 n: region; district [區] 区别 qu1bie2 n, v: difference; distinguish; differ [區別] 渠 qu2 n: watercourse; trench 取 qu3 v: get; take 取消 qu3xiao1 v: cancel; abolish; call off 圈 quan1 n: circle 全面 quan2mian4 adj: overall; all-round; comprehensive 劝 quan4 v: persuade [勸] 缺 que1 v: lack of 缺点 que1dian3 n: shortcoming; defect; weakness [缺點] 缺乏 que1fa2 v: be short of; lack 缺少 que1shao3 v: lack; be short of 却 que4 adv: but; yet [卻] 确定 que4ding4 v, adj: make certain; make sure; define; determine [確定] 裙子 qun2zi n: skirt 群 qun2 m: group 群众 qun2zhong4 n: the masses [群眾] 然而 ran2r conj: but; however 燃烧 ran2shao1 v: burn; kindle [燃燒] 染 ran3 v: dye 嚷 rang3 v: shout 绕 rao4 v: reel; roll [繞] 惹 re3 v: cause; provoke 热爱 re4ai4 v: ardently love; have deep love [熱愛] 热烈 re4lie4 adj: warm; ardent; enthusiastic [熱烈] 热闹 re4nao adj, v: lively; busy; liven up; enliven [熱鬧] 热水瓶(暖水瓶) re4shui3ping2(nuan3shui3ping2) n: thermos [熱水瓶(暖水瓶)] 热心 re4xin1 adj: enthusiastic; ardent [熱心] 人才(人材) ren2cai2 n: talent 人工 ren2gong1 adj: man-made; artificial 人家 ren2jia1 n: others 人口 ren2kou3 n: population 人类 ren2lei4 n: mankind; humanity [人類] 人民币 ren2min2bi4 n: the name of China's currency [人民幣] 人物 ren2wu4 n: figure; personage 人员 ren2yuan2 n: personnel; staff [人員] 人造 ren2zao4 adj: man-made; artificial 忍 ren3 v: bear; suffer 任务 ren4wu n: mission; task; job [任務] 认 ren4 v: admit; recognize [認] 认得 ren4de v: recognize; know [認得] 扔 reng1 v: throw 仍 reng2 adv: still 仍然 reng2ran2 adv: still; yet 日常 ri4chang2 adj: day-to-day; everyday; daily 日程 ri4cheng2 n: schedule 日记 ri4ji4 n: diary [日記] 日期 ri4qi1 n: date 日用品 ri4yong4pin3 n: daily necessaries 日元 ri4yuan2 n: Japanese yen 如 ru2 v: according to 如 ru2 conj: if 如果 ru2guo3 conj: if; in case; in the event of 如何 ru2he2 pron: how; what 如今 ru2jin1 n: nowadays; now 入 ru4 v: go into 软 ruan3 adj: soft [軟] 弱 ruo4 adj: weak 撒 sa1 v: cast; let go 洒 sa3 v: sprinkle [灑] 赛 sai4 v: contest; compete [賽] 伞 san3 n: umbrella [傘] 嗓子 sang3zi n: throat; larynx; voice 扫 sao3 v: sweep; whisk [掃] 嫂子 sao3zi n: sister-in-law 色 se4 n: color 森林 sen1lin2 n: forest 杀 sha1 v: kill [殺] 沙发 sha1fa1 n: sofa [沙發] 沙漠 sha1mo4 n: desert 沙子 sha1zi n: sand; grit 傻 sha3 adj: foolish 晒 shai4 v: shine upon; dry in the sun [曬] 山脉 shan1mai4 n: mountain range [山脈] 山区 shan1qu1 n: a mountainous area [山區] 闪 shan3 v: flash [閃] 善于 shan4yu2 v: be good at; be adept in [善於] 伤 shang1 v, n: hurt; wound [傷] 伤心 shang1 xin1 sad; grievous; brokenhearted [傷心] 商场 shang1chang3 n: market; bazaar [商場] 商量 shang1liang v: consult; discuss; talk over 商品 shang1pin3 n: commodity; goods 商业 shang1ye4 n: commerce; trade business [商業] 上班 shang4 ban1 go to work; be on duty 上当 shang4 dang4 be fooled; be taken in [上當] 上级 shang4ji2 n: higher level; higher authority [上級] 上面 shang4mian n: above; over; on the surface of 上衣 shang4yi1 n: coat; upper outer garment 稍 shao1 adv: a little 稍微 shao1wei1 adv: a little; a bit; slightly 烧 shao1 v: burn [燒] 勺子 shao2zi n: scoop; spoon 少数 shao3shu4 n: minority; few [少數] 少年 shao4nian2 n: early youth; juvenile 蛇 she2 n: snake 舌头 she2tou n: tongue [舌頭] 射 she4 v: shot 设备 she4bei4 n: equipment; facilities [設備] 设计 she4ji4 v, n: design; plan [設計] 伸 shen1 v: stretch 身 shen1 n, m: body; measure word for clothes 深 shen1 adj: deep; solid 身边 shen1bian1 n: with one; at one's side [身邊] 深刻 shen1ke4 adj: deep; profound 深入 shen1ru4 v: penetrate into; go deep into 什么的 shen2mede pron: and so on [什麼的] 神 shen2 n: god; deity 神经 shen2jing1 n: nerve [神經] 生 sheng1 v: give birth to; bear; get 生 sheng1 adj: raw; uncooked; unripe 生动 sheng1dong4 adj: vivid; lively [生動] 生命 sheng1ming4 n: life 生气 sheng1 qi4 get angry; take offence [生氣] 生物 sheng1wu4 n: living thing; organism 生意 sheng1yi n: business; trade 生长 sheng1zhang3 v: grow; grow up [生長] 升 sheng1 v: rise up 绳子 sheng2zi n: string; rope [繩子] 省 sheng3 v: save 胜 sheng4 v: win [勝] 失败 shi1bai4 v, n: be defeated; lose [失敗] 失去 shi1qu4 v: lose 失望 shi1wang4 v, adj: lose hope; disappointed 失业 shi1 ye4 lose one's job; unemployment [失業] 狮子 shi1zi n: lion [獅子] 施工 shi1 gong1 construct; build; construction 湿 shi1 adj: wet [濕] 诗 shi1 n: poem [詩] 石头 shi2tou n: stone [石頭] 石油 shi2you2 n: petroleum 拾 shi2 v: pick up 时代 shi2dai4 n: times; age; era; epoch [時代] 时刻 shi2ke4 n: moment [時刻] 时期 shi2qi1 n: period [時期] 食品 shi2pin3 n: foodstuff; food 食物 shi2wu4 n: food 实际 shi2ji4 n, adj: reality; practice; actual [實際] 实事求是 shi2 shi4 qiu2 shi4 be practical and realistic [實事求是] 实行 shi2xing2 v: put into practice; carry out [實行] 实验 shi2yan4 v, n: experiment; test [實驗] 实用 shi2yong4 adj: practical; pragmatic [實用] 实在 shi2zai4 adj: true; real; honest [實在] 使 shi3 v: use; employ 始终 shi3zhong1 adv: from beginning to end [始終] 世纪 shi4ji4 n: century [世紀] 事件 shi4jian4 n: incident; event 事实 shi4shi2 n: fact [事實] 事物 shi4wu4 n: thing; object 事先 shi4xian1 n: in advance; beforehand 事业 shi4ye4 n: cause; undertaking [事業] 适当 shi4dang4 adj: suitable; proper [適當] 适合 shi4he2 v: suit; fit [適合] 适应 shi4ying4 v: adapt; fit [適應] 适用 shi4yong4 adj: applicable; suitable [適用] 市场 shi4chang3 n: market [市場] 室 shi4 n: room 试卷 shi4juan4 n: examination paper [試卷] 试验 shi4yan4 v, n: test; experiment [試驗] 收获 shou1huo4 v, n: gain; harvest [收穫] 收入 shou1ru4 v, n: take in; include; income; earning 收音机 shou1yin1ji1 n: radio (receiver) [收音機] 手段 shou3duan4 n: means; measure; method 手工 shou3gong1 n: handwork; handicraft 手绢 shou3juan4(shou3pa4) n: handkerchief [手絹] 手术 shou3shu4 n: operation; surgical operation [手術] 手套 shou3tao4 n: glove 手续 shou3xu4 n: procedure [手續] 手指 shou3zhi3 n: finger 首 shou3 n, m: head; first; leader; measure word for songs 首先 shou3xian1 adv: first; above all; first of all 受 shou4 v: accept 瘦 shou4 adj: thin 蔬菜 shu1cai4 n: vegetable; greens 叔叔 shu1shu n: father's younger brother; uncle 舒适 shu1shi4 adj: comfortable; cozy; snug [舒適] 书包 shu1bao1 n: schoolbag [書包] 书店 shu1dian4 n: bookshop; bookstore [書店] 书记 shu1ji4 n: secretary [書記] 书架 shu1jia4 n: bookshelf [書架] 熟练 shu2lian4 adj: skilled; practiced; proficient [熟練] 熟悉 shu2xi1 v: be familiar with; know well 暑假 shu3jia4 n: summer vacation 属于 shu3yu2 v: belong to; be a part of [屬於] 树林 shu4lin2 n: woods; grove [樹林] 数 shu4 n: number [數] 数量 shu4liang4 n: quantity; amount [數量] 数字 shu4zi4 n: figure; digit [數字] 刷 shua1 v: brush 摔 shuai1 v: fall; tumble 甩 shuai3 v: move back and forth; throw 率领 shuai4ling3 v: lead; head; command [率領] 双方 shuang1fang1 n: both sides; the two parties [雙方] 水稻 shui3dao4 n: rice; paddy 水泥 shui3ni2 n: cement 顺 shun4 prep: along [順] 顺便 shun4bian4 adv: conveniently; in passing [順便] 顺利 shun4li4 adj: go smoothly; successful [順利] 撕 si1 v: tear up 思想 si1xiang3 n: thought; thinking; idea; ideology 私 si1 n: private 私人 si1ren2 adj, n: private; personal; one's own man; 司机 si1ji1 n: driver [司機] 丝 si1 n: silk [絲] 似乎 si4hu1 adv: it seems; as if; seemingly 松 song1 adj, v: loose; loosen [鬆] 送行 song4xing2 v: see sb. off; give a send-off party 速度 su4du4 n: speed 塑料 su4liao4 n: plastics 算了 suan4 le forget it 随 sui2 prep, v: with; follow [隨] 随便 sui2bian4 adj: informal; random [隨便] 随时 sui2shi2 adv: at any time; at all time [隨時] 碎 sui4 adj: broken 损失 sun3shi1 v, n: lose; damage; loss [損失] 缩 suo1 v: contract; shrink; draw back [縮] 所 suo3 n, m: place; measure word for buildings 所 suo3 part: used in a passive voice sentence 所谓 suo3wei4 adj: so called [所謂] 塔 ta3 n: tower 台 tai2 n, m: (臺) platform; measure word for theatrical plays; (檯) table; desk [臺/檯] 太太 tai4tai n: wife; Madame; Lady; Mrs. 谈话 tan2 hua4 conversation; talk [談話] 谈判 tan2pan4 v: negotiate [談判] 弹 tan2 v: flip; shoot; pluck [彈] 毯子 tan3zi n: blanket 探 tan4 v: explore 趟 tang4 m: measure word for times 烫 tang4 v: scald; burn; iron; perm [燙] 掏 tao1 v: draw out; pull out 逃 tao2 v: escape 讨厌 tao3yan4 adj, v: disagreeable; disgusting; hate [討厭] 套 tao4 v, m: cover with; measure word for sets of things 特此 te4ci3 adv: here by 特点 te4dian3 n: characteristic [特點] 特殊 te4shu1 adj: special; peculiar; exceptional 提倡 ti2chang4 v: advocate; promote 提供 ti2gong1 v: provide; supply; furnish; offer 提前 ti2qian2 v: ahead of time; advance 题 ti2 n: topic; problem; title [題] 题目 ti2mu4 n: title; subject [題目] 体会 ti3hui4 v, n: realize; know through experience; experience [體會] 体积 ti3ji1 n: volume [體積] 体系 ti3xi4 n: system; setup [體系] 体育场 ti3yu4chang3 n: stadium [體育場] 体育馆 ti3yu4guan3 n: gymnasium [體育館] 替 ti4 v, prep: take the place of; replace; for; on behalf of 天真 tian1zhen adj: naïve; innocent 添 tian1 v: add 填 tian2 v: fill 田 tian2 n: farmland 田野 tian2ye3 n: field; open country 甜 tian2 adj: sweet 挑 tiao1 v: choose; pick 条约 tiao2yue1 n: treaty; pact [條約] 调整 tiao2zheng3 v: adjust; regulate; revise [調整] 贴 tie1 v: glue; stick [貼] 铁 tie3 n: iron [鐵] 铁路 tie3lu4 n: railway; railroad [鐵路] 听讲 ting1 jiang3 listen to (teacher); attend a lecture [聽講] 停止 ting1zhi3 v: stop 通讯 tong1xun4 n: communication [通訊] 同 tong2 adj: same 同 tong2 prep, conj: with; and 同情 tong2qing2 v: sympathize 同屋 tong2wu1 v, n: be as a roommate; roommate 同样 tong2yang4 adj, conj: similar; same; equal; similarly [同樣] 铜 tong2 n: copper [銅] 桶 tong3 n: tub; bucket 统一 tong3yi1 v, adj: unify; unite; unified [統一] 统治 tong3zhi4 v: rule; dominate [統治] 痛 tong4 v: feel painful; agonize; ache 痛苦 tong4ku3 adj: painful; suffering 偷 tou1 v: steal 偷偷 tou1tou1 adv: covertly; secretly; stealthily 投 tou2 v: throw; cast 投入 tou2ru4 v, n: put into; throw into; invest; investment 头 tou2 adj: first; leading [頭] 头发 tou2fa n: hair [頭髮] 透 tou4 v, adj: penetrate; transparent; thorough 突出 tu1chu1 adj, v: outstanding; stand out 突击 tu1ji1 v: make a sudden attack; assault [突擊] 图 tu2 n: graph; map [圖] 涂 tu2 v: paint; smear [塗] 土 tu3 n: earth; soil 土地 tu3di4 n: land; soil; territory 土豆 tu3dou4 n: potato 吐 tu3 v: spit 吐 tu4 v: vomit 兔子 tu4zi n: hare; rabbit 团 tuan2 n, m: group; ball; measure word for ball-like things [團] 推动 tui1dong4 v: push forward; promote [推動] 推广 tui1guang3 v: popularize; spread [推廣] 拖 tuo1 v: tug; drag; pull 托 tuo1 v: hold in the palm 脱离 tuo1li2 v: break away from [脫離] 挖 wa1 v: dig 哇 wa part: used to denote sigh or certainty 歪 wai1 adj: askewed; crooked; awry 外地 wai4di4 n: places other than the local place 外交 wai4jiao1 n: diplomacy; foreign affairs 外面 wai4mian n: outside 弯 wan1 v: curve [彎] 完整 wan2zheng3 adj: complete; intact 网球 wang3qiu2 n: tennis ball; tennis [網球] 往往 wang3wang3 adv: often; more often than not 望 wang4 v: watch; look 忘记 wang4ji4 v: forget [忘記] 微笑 wei1xiao4 v: smile 危害 wei1hai4 v, n: endanger; jeopardize; harm 危机 wei1ji1 n: crisis [危機] 违反 wei2fan3 v: violate; run counter to [違反] 围 wei2 v: beleaguer; enclose; surround [圍] 围绕 wei2rao4 v: round; surround; revolve around [圍繞] 维护 wei2hu4 v: safeguard; defend [維護] 委员 wei3yuan2 n: committee member [委員] 尾巴 wei3ba n: tail; tail-like part 未 wei4 adv: not yet 未来 wei4lai2 n: future [未來] 味道 wei4dao n: taste; flavor 胃 wei4 n: stomach 喂 wei4 v: feed; breed 位置 wei4zhi n: place; position 卫生 wei4sheng1 n, adj: hygiene; health; sanitary; hygienical [衛生] 卫星 wei4xing1 n: satellite [衛星] 温度 wen1du4 n: temperature [溫度] 温暖 wen1nuan3 adj, v: warm [溫暖] 文件 wen2jian4 n: document 文明 wen2ming2 n, adj: civilization; civilized 文物 wen2wu4 n: culture relic 文字 wen2zi4 n: character 闻 wen2 v: smell [聞] 稳 wen3 adj: stable [穩] 稳定 wen3ding4 adj: stable; steady [穩定] 问候 wen4hou4 v: send one's regards to [問候] 握 wo4 v: hold; grasp 污染 wu1ran3 v: pollute; contaminate 屋 wu1 n: room 无 wu2 v, adv: not have; there is not; not [無] 无论 wu2lun4 conj: no matter what [無論] 无数 wu2shu4 adj: innumerable; countless [無數] 无限 wu2xian4 adj: infinite; limitless; boundless [無限] 武器 wu3qi4 n: weapon; arms 武术 wu3shu4 n: martial arts [武術] 雾 wu4 n: fog [霧] 物价 wu4jia4 n: price [物價] 物质 wu4zhi4 n: matter; substance; material [物質] 误会 wu4hui4 v, n: misunderstand; mistake; misunderstanding [誤會] 西北 xi1bei3 n: northwest 西部 xi1bu4 n: west 西餐 xi1can1 n: Western-style food 西方 xi1fang1 n: the West 西瓜 xi1gua1 n: watermelon 西红柿 xi1hong2shi4 n: tomato [西紅柿] 西南 xi1nan2 n: southwest 西面 xi1mian4 n: west 吸 xi1 v: inhale; breathe in; suck up; absorb 吸收 xi1shou1 v: absorb; suck up; admit; incorporate 吸烟(抽烟) xi1 yan1 (chou1 yan1) smoke [吸煙(抽煙)] 吸引 xi1yin3 v: attract; draw 牺牲 xi1sheng1 v: die a martyr's death; sacrifice [犧牲] 洗衣机 xi3yi1ji1 n: washing machine [洗衣機] 系统 xi4tong3 n: system [系統] 戏 xi4 n: play; opera [戲] 细菌 xi4jun1 n: germ; bacterium [細菌] 细心 xi4xin1 adj: careful; attentive [細心] 下班 xia4 ban1 get off work 下面 xia4mian n: lower part 吓 xia4 v: frighten [嚇] 掀 xian1 v: lift; take off 先后 xian1hou4 n, adv: order; early or late; in sequence [先後] 先进 xian2jin4 adj: advanced [先進] 鲜 xian1 adj: fresh [鮮] 鲜花 xian1hua1 n: fresh flower [鮮花] 纤维 xian1wei2 n: fiber [纖維] 闲 xian2 adj: free; idle; not busy [閑] 显得 xian3de v: look; seem; appear [顯得] 显然 xian3ran2 adv: obviously [顯然] 显著 xian3zhu4 adj: notable; marked; remarkable [顯著] 现代化 xian4dai4hua4 v, n: modernize; modernization [現代化] 现实 xian4shi2 n: reality; actuality [現實] 现象 xian4xiang4 n: appearance; phenomenon [現象] 献 xian4 v: contribute [獻] 县 xian4 n: county [縣] 羡慕 xian4mu4 v: admire; envy 限制 xian4zhi4 v, n: confine; restrict; limit; restriction 线 xian4 n: thread; string; wire [線] 相 xiang1 adv: each other; mutually 相当 xiang1dang1 adj: rather; be equal to [相當] 相反 xiang1fan3 adj: opposite; contrary 相互 xiang1hu4 adj: mutual; reciprocal; each other 相似 xiang1si4 adj: similar; alike 相同 xiang1tong2 adj: identical; same; alike 香肠 xiang1chang2 n: sausage [香腸] 香皂 xiang1zao4 n: perfumed soap; toilet soap 箱子 xiang1zi n: box; case; chest 乡 xiang1 n: village [鄉] 乡下 xiang1xia n: village; country side [鄉下] 详细 xiang2xi4 adj: detailed [詳細] 想法 xiang3fa n: idea; opinion 想念 xiang3nian4 v: remember with longing; miss 想象 xiang3xiang4 v: imagine; fancy; visualize 响应 xing3ying4 v: respond; answer [響應] 享受 xiang3shou4 v, n: enjoy; enjoyment 项 xiang4 m: item [項] 项目 xiang4mu4 n: item; project [項目] 象 xiang4 n: elephant 消费 xiao1fei4 v: consume [消費] 消化 xiao1hua4 v: digest 消灭 xiao1mie4 v: eliminate; perish; wipe out [消滅] 消失 xiao1shi1 v: disappear; vanish 晓得 xiao3de v: know [曉得] 小伙子 xiao3huo3zi n: young fellow; lad 小麦 xiao3mai4 n: wheat [小麥] 小朋友 xiao3peng2you3 n: child 小说 xiao3shuo1 n: novel; fiction [小說] 小心 xiao3xin1 adj, v: careful; be careful 小学 xiao3xue2 n: primary school [小學] 校长 xiao4zhang3 n: headmaster; schoolmaster [校長] 笑话 xiao4hua n, v: joke; jest; laugh at; mock [笑話] 效果 xiao4guo3 n: effect; result 效率 xiao4lü4 n: efficiency 歇 xie1 v: rest 斜 xie2 adj: tilted; slanting 血 xie3/xue4 n: blood 新鲜 xin1xian1 adj: fresh; new; strange [新鮮] 心得 xin1de2 n: something personal acquired from study 心情 xin1qing2 n: mood; state of mind 心脏 xin1zang4 n: heart [心臟] 信 xin4 v: trust; believe 信心 xin4xin1 n: confidence 星星 xing1xing n: star 兴奋 xing1fen4 adj: excited [興奮] 形成 xing2cheng2 v: take shape; form 形容 xing2rong2 v: describe 形式 xing2shi4 n: form; format; shape 形势 xing2shi4 n: situation; circumstances [形勢] 形象 xing2xiang4 n, adj: appearance; image; vivid; expressive; graphic 形状 xing2zhuang4 n: shape; figure; form [形狀] 行 xing2 n: walk; travel 行动 xing2dong4 v, n: move; act; action [行動] 行李 xing2li n: luggage; baggage 醒 xing3 v: wake 兴趣 xing4qu4 n: interest [興趣] 性(积极性) xing4(ji1ji2xing4) n, suf: quality (the quality of being active) [性(積極性)] 性格 xing4ge2 n: nature; disposition; temperament 性质 xing4zhi4 n: quality; nature; character [性質] 姓名 xing4ming2 n: surname and given name; full name 兄弟 xiong1di4 n: brothers 胸 xiong1 n: chest 雄 xiong2 adj: male 雄伟 xiong2wei3 adj: grand; magnificent [雄偉] 熊猫 xiong2mao1 n: panda [熊貓] 修 xiu1 v: fix; mend 修改 xiu1gai3 v, n: revise; modify; revision; modification 修理 xiu1li3 v: repair; mend; fix 虚心 xu1xin1 adj: modest; open-minded [虛心] 许 xu3 v, adv: allow; permit; perhaps; maybe [許] 宣布 xuan1bu4 v: declare; announce 宣传 xuan1chuan2 v, n: propagate; propaganda [宣傳] 选 xuan3 v: choose; select; choose [選] 选举 xuan3ju3 v, n: elect; election [選舉] 选择 xuan3ze2 v, n: select; choose; opt [選擇] 学(社会学) xue2(she4hui4xue2) n, suf: -ology (sociology) [學(社會學)] 学费 xue2fei4 n: tuition; tuition fee [學費] 学期 xue2qi1 n: school term; semester [學期] 学术 xue2shu4 n: systematic learning; science [學術] 学问 xue2wen n: learning; knowledge; scholarship [學問] 血液 xue4ye4 n: blood 寻找 xun2zhao3 v: look for; seek [尋找] 训练 xun4lian4 v: train; drill [訓練] 迅速 xun4su4 adj: rapid; speedy; quick 压 ya1 v: press [壓] 压迫 ya1po4 v: oppress; repress [壓迫] 牙 ya2 n: tooth 牙刷 ya2shua1 n: toothbrush 盐 yan2 n: salt [鹽] 严格 yan2ge2 adj: strict; rigorous; rigid [嚴格] 严肃 yan2su4 adj, v: serious; solemn; earnest; enforce [嚴肅] 严重 yan2zhong4 adj: grave; critical; serious [嚴重] 研究所 yan2jiu1suo3 n: research institute 延长 yan2chang2 v: lengthen; prolong; extend [延長] 沿 yan2 prep: by; along 眼 yan3 n: eye 眼镜 yan3jing4 n: eyeglasses; spectacles [眼鏡] 眼泪 yan3lei4 n: tear [眼淚] 眼前 yan3qian2 n: before one's eyes; at present 演 yan3 v: act; perform 演员 yan3yuan2 n: actor; performer [演員] 咽 yan4 v: swallow 阳光 yang2guang1 n: sunlight; sunshine [陽光] 仰 yang3 v: face upward 养 yang3 v: provide for; raise; give birth to; rest [養] 样 yang4 m: kind; type [樣] 邀请 yao1qing3 v, n: invite; invitation [邀請] 腰 yao1 n: waist 摇 yao2 v: sway; shake [搖] 咬 yao3 v: bite 要紧 yao4jin3 adj: important; essential [要緊] 爷爷 ye2ye n: grandfather [爺爺] 业务 ye4wu4 n: business; professional work [業務] 业余 ye4yu2 adj: amateur; not professional [業餘] 叶子 ye4zi n: leaf [葉子] 夜里 ye4li n: at night [夜裡] 夜晚 ye4wan3 n: night 一 yi1 adv: once; as soon as 一半 yi2ban4 n: one half 一边 yi4bian1 n: one side [一邊] 一道 yi2dao4 adv: together 一方面…一方面… yi1 fang1mian4 _ yi1 fang1mian4 _ on one hand … on the other hand … 一齐 yi4qi2 adv: at the same time; in unison [一齊] 一生 yi4sheng1 n: lifetime; all one's life 一时 yi1shi2 n: a short period of time; moment [一時] 一同 yi4tong2 adv: together; at the same time and place 一下子 yi2xia4zi adv: all at once; in an instant 一致 yi2zhi4 adj: identical; unanimous; consistent 一…也 yi1 _ ye3 _ as soon as … then … 医务室 yi1wu4shi4 n: clinic [醫務室] 医学 yi1xue2 n: medicine; medical science [醫學] 依靠 yi1kao4 v, n: rely on; depend on; backing; support 移到 yi2dao4 v: move; shift 移动 yi2dong4 v: move; remove; shift [移動] 仪器 yi2qi4 n: instrument; apparatus [儀器] 疑问 yi2wen4 n: doubt; query; question [疑問] 已 yi3 adv: already 以 yi3 prep, conj: with; because of; so as to; in order to 以及 yi3ji2 conj: as well as; along with; and 以来 yi3lai2 part: since [以來] 以内 yi3nei4 n: within; less than [以內] 以上 yi3shang4 n: more than; above; the foregoing 以外 yi3wai4 n: beyond; outside 以下 yi3xia4 n: below; under; the following 意外 yi4wai4 adj, n: accidental; unexpected; accident 意志 yi4zhi4 n: will; volition 议论 yi4lun4 v: discuss; comment on [議論] 异常 yi4chang2 adj: unusual; abnormal [異常] 因此 yin1ci3 conj: therefore; thus; consequently 因而 yin1er2 conj: thus; as a result 因素 yin1su4 n: factor; element 银 yin2 n: silver [銀] 引起 yin3qi3 v: give rise to; lead to; cause 印 yin4 v: print; engrave 印刷 yin4shua1 v: print 印象 yin4xiang4 n: impression 英雄 ying1xiong2 n: hero 英勇 ying1yong3 adj: heroic; valiant; brave; gallant 应 ying1 part, v: should; ought to [應] 应当 ying1dang1 part, v: should; ought to; must [應當] 营养 ying2yang3 n: nutrition; nourishment [營養] 营业 ying2ye4 v: be open for business [營業] 迎接 ying2jie1 v: welcome; greet; receive 影子 ying3zi n: shadow 应用 ying4yong4 v: apply; use [應用] 硬 ying4 adj: hard; rigid; tough 拥抱 yong1bao4 v: embrace; hug [擁抱] 拥护 yong1hu4 v: support; uphold [擁護] 勇敢 yong3gan3 adj: brave; courageous 勇气 yong3qi4 n: courage [勇氣] 用不着 yong4 bu zhao2 have no use for [用不著] 用处 yong4chu n: use [用處] 用功 yong4 gong1 hardworking; diligent 用力 yong4 li4 exert one's strength 优点 you1dian3 n: merit; advantage; strong point [優點] 优良 you1liang2 adj: fine; good [優良] 优美 you1mei3 adj: fine; graceful [優美] 优秀 you1xiu4 adj: excellent; fine; outstanding [優秀] 悠久 you1jiu3 adj: long; age-old; longstanding 由 you2 prep: by; from 由于 you2yu2 prep: owing to; due to; because of [由於] 油 you2 n: oil 游览 you2lan3 v: visit; tour; go sightseeing [游覽] 游泳池 you2yong3chi2 n: swimming pool 有的是 you3deshi4 v: there's no lack of 有(一)点儿 you3(yi4)dian3r adv: a little bit [有(一)點兒] 有关 you3guan1 v: concern; relate to [有關] 有利 you3li4 adj: advantageous; beneficial 有力 you3li4 adj: strong; powerful 有趣 you3qu4 adj: interesting 有时 you3shi2 adv: sometimes; at times [有時] 有效 you3xiao4 adj: effective; efficacious 有用 you3 yong4 useful 右边 you4bian n: the right side; the right [右邊] 于 yu2 prep: at; on [於] 于是 yu2shi4 conj: as a result; thereupon [於是] 雨衣 yu3yi1 n: raincoat 与 yu3 prep, conj: with; and; together with [與] 语调 yu3diao4 n: intonation [語調] 语气 yu3qi4 n: tone; manner of speaking; mood [語氣] 语音 yu3yin1 n: pronunciation [語音] 羽毛球 yu3mao2qiu2 n: badminton 玉米 yu4mi3 n: maize; corn 遇 yu4 v: meet 遇见 yu4 jian4 meet; come across [遇見] 预备 yu4bei4 v: get ready; prepare; reserve [預備] 员(服务员) yuan2(fu2wu4yuan2) n, suf: -er; -or; etc. (waiter, waitress) [員(服務員)] 原料 yuan2liao4 n: raw material 原因 yuan2yin1 n: cause; reason 原则 yuan2ze2 n: principle [原則] 圆珠笔 yuan2zhu1bi3 n: ball pen [圓珠筆] 愿望 yuan4wang4 n: desire; wish; aspiration [願望] 院 yuan4 n: courtyard; yard 院长 yuan4zhang3 n: the head of a college, institute, hospital, etc. [院長] 院子 yuan4zi n: courtyard; yard 约 yue1 v, adv: make an appointment; about; around [約] 约会 yue1hui4 n: appointment; date; engagement [約會] 越…越… yue4 _ yue4 _ more … more … 越来越… yue4lai2yue4 more and more [越來越…] 阅读 yue4du2 v: read [閱讀] 阅览室 yue4lan3shi4 n: reading-room [閱覽室] 允许 yun3xu3 v: permit; allow [允許] 运 yun4 v: transport; carry [運] 运动会 yun4dong4hui4 n: sport meet; games [運動會] 运动员 yun4dong4yuan2 n: athlete; player [運動員] 运输 yun4shu1 v, n: carry; transport; conveyance [運輸] 运用 yun4yong4 v: utilize; apply [運用] 杂 za2 adj, v: mixed; miscellaneous; mix; mingle [雜] 杂技 za2ji4 n: acrobatics [雜技] 灾 zai1 n: disaster; calamity [災] 灾害 zai1hai4 n: calamity; disaster [災害] 暂时 zan4shi2 adj: temporary; transient [暫時] 赞成 zan4cheng2 v: agree with; approve of; favor [贊成] 遭到 zao1dao4 v: suffer; encounter; meet with 遭受 zao1shou4 v: suffer; be subjected to 糟糕 zao1gao1 adj: terrible; bad 造 zao4 v: make; build; create; invent 造句 zao4 ju4 make a sentence 责任 ze2ren4 n: duty; responsibility [責任] 则 ze2 conj: then; in that case [則] 增长 zeng1zhang3 v: enrich; enhance; grow [增長] 扎 zha1 v: prick; push a needle into 摘 zhai1 v: cull; pick; pluck; take off 窄 zhai3 adj: narrow; petty 粘 zhan1 v: glue; paste 展出 zhan3chu1 v: put on display; exhibit 展开 zhan3 kai1 spread out; unfold; open up [展開] 展览会 zhan3lan3hui4 n: exhibition [展覽會] 战斗 zhan4dou4 v, n: fight; battle; combat; action [戰鬥] 战胜 zhan4sheng4 v: defeat; triumph over; overcome [戰勝] 战士 zhan4shi4 n: soldier; fighter [戰士] 战争 zhan4zheng1 n: warfare; war [戰爭] 章 zhang1 m: chapter; section 涨 zhang3 v: go up; rise [漲] 丈 zhang4 m: 1 zhàng = 3.33 meters 丈夫 zhang4fu n: man; husband 招待 zhao2dai4 v: receive; entertain 招待会 zhao1dai4hui4 n: reception [招待會] 招呼 zhao1hu v: call; greet; say hello to 着 zhao2 v: burn;touch; be affected by [著] 照 zhao4 v, prep: shine; illuminate; according to 照常 zhao4chang2 adj: as usual 照片(相片) zhao4pian4(xiang4pian4) n: photo; photograph 召开 zhao4kai1 v: convene; convoke [召開] 折 zhe2 v: break; fold; convert into 哲学 zhe2xue2 n: philosophy [哲學] 这边 zhe4bian1 pron: here; this side [這邊] 真理 zhen1li3 n: truth 真实 zhen1shi2 adj: true; real; authentic [真實] 针 zhen1 n: needle; stitch; injection [針] 针对 zhen1dui4 v: be aimed at; be directed against [針對] 阵 zhen4 n, m: period; measure word for wind [陣] 睁 zheng1 v: open (the eyes) [睜] 征求 zheng1qiu2 v: ask for; seek; solicit [徵求] 争 zheng1 v: vie; contend; strive; argue; dispute [爭] 争论 zheng1lun4 v: dispute; debate; controvert [爭論] 争取 zheng1qu3 v: strive for; fight for; win over [爭取] 整个 zheng3ge4 adj: whole; entire [整個] 整理 zheng3li3 v: put in order; straighten out; sort out 正 zheng4 adj: straight; main; upright; honest; right 正常 zheng4chang2 adj: normal; regular 正好 zheng4hao3 adj: just in time; just right; just enough 正式 zheng4shi4 adj: formal; official; regular 政策 zheng4ce4 n: policy 证明 zheng4ming2 v, n: prove; testify; proof; certificate [證明] 支持 zhi1chi2 v: support; back; espouse 支援 zhi1yuan2 v, n: support; aid; assist; assistance; help …之后 zhi1 hou4 after […之後] …之前 zhi1 qian2 before …之上 zhi1 shang4 on; above …之下 zhi1 xia4 under; below …之一 zhi1 yi1 one of …之中 zhi1 zhong1 among; in; in the process of 织 zhi1 v: weave; knit [織] 职工 zhi2gong1 n: staff; worker; employee [職工] 职业 zhi2ye4 n: occupation; profession [職業] 直 zhi2 v, adj: straighten; straight 直 zhi2 adv: direct; straight; continuously 直到 zhi2dao4 v: until; up to 直接 zhi2jie1 adj: direct; immediate 植物 zhi2wu4 n: plant 执行 zhi2xing2 v: carry out; execute [執行] 值得 zhi2de v: be worth; deserve 指出 zhi3chu1 v: point out 指导 zhi3dao3 v: direct; guide [指導] 指挥 zhi3hui1 v, n: command; direct; conductor [指揮] 指示 zhi3shi4 n, v: instruction; order; indicate; point out 止 zhi3 v: stop 只是 zhi3shi4 adv, conj: only; merely; simply; but 只要 zhi3yao4 conj: so long as; provided 只有 zhi3you3 adv, conj: alone; only 至 zhi4 prep: till; to; until 至今 zhi4 jin1 up to now; to this day; so far 至少 zhi4shao3 adv: at least 制定 zhi4ding4 v: establish; lay down; stipulate 制订 zhi4ding4 v: draw up; work out; formulate [制訂] 制度 zhi4du4 n: system; institution 制造 zhi4zao4 v: make; manufacture; fabricate [製造] 秩序 zhi4xu4 n: order; orderly state 质量 zhi4liang4 n: quality [質量] 治 zhi4 v: treat; manage; control; govern 中餐 zhong1can1 n: Chinese food; Chinese meal 中心 zhong1xin1 n: center; heart 中央 zhong1yang1 n: center; central authorities 中药 zhong1yao4 n: Chinese medicine [中藥] 终于 zhong1yu2 adv: at last; finally; in the end [終於] 种子 zhong3zi n: seed [種子] 种 zhong4 v: grow; plant; cultivate [種] 重大 zhong4da4 adj: great; important; major; significant 重点 zhong4dian3 n, adj: focal point; stress; emphasized [重點] 重量 zhong4liang4 n: weight 重视 zhong4shi4 v: attach importance to; pay attention to [重視] 周到 zhou1dao4 adj: thoughtful; considerate 株 zhu1 m: measure word for individual plants 逐步 zhu2bu4 adv: step by step; gradually 逐渐 zhu2jian4 adv: gradually; by degrees [逐漸] 竹子 zhu2zi n: bamboo 煮 zhu3 v: cook; boil 主动 zhu3dong4 adj: active; initiatory [主動] 主观 zhu3guan1 n, adj: subject; subjective thinking; subjective [主觀] 主人 zhu3ren2 n: master; host; owner 主任 zhu3ren4 n: director; head; chief 主席 zhu3xi2 n: chairman 主张 zhu3zhang1 v, n: advocate; idea; view; proposition [主張] 著名 zhu4ming2 adj: famous; well-known 著作 zhu4zuo3 n: work; book; writing 住院 zhu4 yuan4 be in hospital 祝贺 zhu4he4 v, n: congratulate; congratulation [祝賀] 抓 zhua1 v: seize; grab; catch; scratch; stress 抓紧 zhua1 jin3 firmly grasp; pay close attention to [抓緊] 专家 zhuan1jia1 n: expert; specialist [專家] 专门 zhuan1men2 adj: special; specialized [專門] 专心 zhuan1xin1 adj: be absorbed; attentive; concentrating [專心] 专业 zhuan1ye4 n: specialty; specialized field [專業] 转 zhuan3 v: change; pass on; transfer [轉] 转变 zhuan3bian4 v: change; transform [轉變] 转告 zhuan3gao4 v: pass on [轉告] 转 zhuan4 v: turn; rotate; revolve [轉] 庄稼 zhuang1jia n: crops [莊稼] 庄严 zhuang1yan2 adj: solemn; dignified [莊嚴] 装 zhuang1 v: pretend; play the part (role) of [裝] 撞 zhuang4 v: collide; bump against; run into 状况 zhuang4kuang4 n: state of affairs; condition [狀況] 状态 zhuang4tai4 n: state; condition [狀態] 追 zhui1 v: run after; pursue; trace; go after 准 zhun3 adj, v: (準) accurate; exact; (准) allow; permit [準/准] 准确 zhun3que4 adj: precise; accurate; exact [準確] 准时 zhun3shi2 adj: on time; punctual [準時] 捉 zhuo1 v: catch; capture 资料 zi1liao4 n: data; material; means [資料] 资源 zi1yuan2 n: resources; natural resources [資源] 紫 zi3 adj: purple 仔细 zi3xi4 adj: careful; attentive [仔細] 自 zi4 prep: from; since 自从 zi4cong2 prep: since [自從] 自动 zi4dong4 adj: automatic [自動] 自费 zi4fei4 adj: at one's own expense [自費] 自觉 zi4jue2 v, adj: be aware of; conscious; conscientious [自覺] 自然 zi3ran2 n, adj: nature; natural; spontaneous 自我 zi4wo3 pron: self; oneself 自学 zi4xue2 v: self-study; self-taught; study independently [自學] 自由 zi4you2 n, adj: freedom; liberty; free; unrestrained 综合 zong1he2 v: synthesize; colligate; integrate [綜合] 总结 zong3jie2 v, n: summarize; sum up; summary [總結] 总理 zong3li3 n: premier; prime minister [總理] 总统 zong3tong3 n: president (of a republic) [總統] 走道 zou3 dao4 walk 组 zu3 v, n: team up; group; team [組] 钻 zuan1 v: drill; bore; get into; dig into; study [鑽] 钻研 zuan1yan2 v: study in depth; dig into [鑽研] 醉 zui4 v: become drunk; be tipsy 最好 zui4hao3 adv: had better; it would be best 尊敬 zun1jing4 v: respect; esteem 遵守 zun1shou3 v: observe; abide by 左边 zuo3bian n: the left side; the left [左邊] 左右 zuo3you4 part, v: about; approximate; influence; control 做法 zuo4fa3 n: method of work; practice 做客 zuo4 ke4 be a guest 做梦 zuo4 meng4 dream; have a dream [做夢] 作家 zuo4jia1 n: writer 作品 zuo4pin3 n: works (of literature and art) 作为 zuo4wei2 v, prep: regard as; take for; as [作為] 作文 zuo4 wen2 write a composition; composition 作用 zuo4yong4 n, v: action; function; act on; affect 作者 zuo4zhe3 n: author; writer 坐班 zuo4 ban1 work in the office in office hours 座谈 zuo4tan2 v: have an informal discussion [座談] 座位 zuo4wei4 n: seat; place