// IC3 lesson 1 你 ni3 pr: you 好 hao3 adj: fine; good; nice; O.K.; it's settled 请 qing3 v: please (polite form of request); to treat or invite someone [請] 问 wen4 v: to ask (a question) [問] 贵 gui4 adj: honorable; expensive [貴] 姓 xing4 v, n: (one's) surname is...; to be surnamed; surname 我 wo3 pr: I; me 呢 ne qp: (question particle) 小姐 xiao3jie n: Miss; young lady 叫 jiao4 v: to be called; to call 什么 shen2me qpr: what [什麼] 名字 ming2zi n: name 先生 xian1sheng n: Mr.; husband; teacher 李友 li3 you3 pn: (a personal name) 李 li3 pn, n: (a surname); plum 王朋 wang2 peng2 pn: (a personal name) 王 wang2 pn, n: (a surname); king 是 shi4 v: to be 老师 lao3shi1 n: teacher [老師] 吗 ma qp: (question particle) [嗎] 不 bu4 adv: not; no 学生 xue2sheng n: student [學生] 也 ye3 adv: too; also 人 ren2 n: people; person 中国 zhong1guo2 pn: China [中國] 北京 bei3jing1 pn: Beijing 美国 mei3guo2 pn: America [美國] 纽约 niu3yue1 pn: New York [紐約] 英国 ying1guo2 pn: Britain; England [英國] 法国 fa3guo2 pn: France [法國] 德国 de2guo2 pn: Germany [德國] 日本 ri4ben3 pn: Japan 韩国 han2guo2 pn: South Korea [韓國] 加拿大 jia1na2da4 pn: Canada 墨西哥 mo4xi1ge1 pn: Mexico 印度 yin4du4 pn: India 越南 yue4nan2 pn: Vietnam 加州 jia1zhou1 pn: California 夏威夷 xia4wei1yi2 pn: Hawaii 上海 shang4hai3 pn: Shanghai // IC3 lesson 2 那 na4 pr: that 的 de p: (a possessive or descriptive particle) 照片 zhao4pian4 n: picture; photo 这 zhe4 pr: this [這] 爸爸 ba4ba n: father; dad 妈妈 ma1ma n: mother; mom [媽媽] 个 ge m: (measure word for many common everyday objects) [個] 女 nü3 adj: female 孩子 hai2zi n: child 谁 shui2 qpr: who [誰] 她 ta1 pr: she; her 姐姐 jie3jie n: older sister 男 nan2 adj: male 弟弟 di4di n: younger brother 他 ta1 pr: he; him 大哥 da4ge1 n: oldest brother 儿子 er2zi n: son [兒子] 有 you3 v: to have; to exist; there is; there are 女儿 nü3er2 n: daughter [女兒] 没 mei2 adv: not; have not [沒] 高文中 gao1 wen2zhong1 pn: (a personal name) 高 gao1 pn, adj: (a surname); tall; high 家 jia1 n: family; home 几 ji3 nu, qpr: how many; some; a few [幾] 口 kou3 m: (measure word for number of family members) 哥哥 ge1ge n: older brother 两 liang3 nu: two; a couple of [兩] 妹妹 mei4mei n: younger sister 和 he2 conj: and 大姐 da4jie3 n: oldest sister 二姐 er4jie3 n: second oldest sister 做 zuo4 v: to do 工作 gong1zuo4 n, v: job; to work 律师 lü4shi1 n: lawyer [律師] 英文 ying1wen2 n: English (language) 都 dou1 adv: both; all 大学生 da4xue2sheng1 n: college student [大學生] 大学 da4xue2 n: university; college [大學] 医生 yi1sheng1 n: doctor; physician [醫生] 白英爱 bai2 yin1gai4 pn: (a personal name) [白英愛] 商人 shang1ren2 n: merchant; business person 军人 jun1ren2 n: soldier; military officer [軍人] 教授 jiao4shou4 n: professor 经理 jing1li3 n: manager [經理] 工人 gong1ren2 n: worker 工程师 gong1cheng2shi1 n: engineer [工程師] 农民 nong2min2 n: peasant [農民] 护士 hu4shi n: nurse [護士] // IC3 lesson 3 九月 jiu3yue4 n: September 月 yue4 n: month 十二 shi2er4 nu: twelve 号 hao4 m: (measure word for number in a series; day of the month) [號] 星期 xing1qi1 n: week 星期四 xing1qi1si4 n: Thursday 天 tian1 n: day 生日 sheng1ri n: birthday 生 sheng1 v: to give birth to; to be born 日 ri4 n: sun; day 今年 jin1nian2 t: this year 年 nian2 n: year 多 duo1 adv, qpr: how many; how much; to what extent; many 大 da4 adj: big; old 十八 shi2ba1 nu: eighteen 岁 sui4 n: year (of age) [歲] 吃 chi1 v: to eat 饭 fan4 n: meal; (cooked) rice [飯] 怎么样 zen3meyang4 qpr: Is it OK?; How is that?; How does that sound? [怎麼樣] 太…了 tai4_le adv: too ...; extremely ... 谢谢 xie4xie v: to thank [謝謝] 喜欢 xi3huan v: to like [喜歡] 菜 cai4 n: dishes; cuisine 还是 hai2shi conj: or [還是] 可是 ke3shi4 conj: but 我们 wo3men pr: we; us [我們] 点 dian3 m: o'clock; dot; point [點] 半 ban4 nu: half; half an hour 晚上 wan3shang t, n: evening; night 见 jian4 v: to see [見] 再见 zai4jian4 v: goodbye; see you again [再見] 再 zai4 adv: again 英国 ying1guo2 pn: Britain; England [英國] 现在 xian4zai4 t: now [現在] 刻 ke4 m: quarter (of an hour) 事儿 shi4(r) n: matter; affair; event [事兒] 今天 jin1tian1 t: today 很 hen3 adv: very 忙 mang2 adj: busy 明天 ming2tian1 t: tomorrow 晚饭 wan3fan4 n: dinner; supper [晚飯] 为什么 wei4shen2me qpr: why [為什麼] 为 wei4 prep: for [為] 因为 yin1wei4 conj: because [因為] 还 hai2 adv: also; too; as well [還] 同学 tong2xue2 n: classmate [同學] 认识 ren4shi v: to be acquainted with; to recognize; to know [認識] 朋友 peng2you n: friend 新年 xin1nian2 n: New Year 情人节 qing2ren2jie2 n: Valentine's Day [情人節] 母亲节 mu3qin1jie2 n: Mother's Day [母親節] 父亲节 fu4qin1jie2 n: Father's Day [父親節] 感恩节 gan3en1jie2 n: Thanksgiving Day [感恩節] // IC3 lesson 4 周末 zhou1mo4 n: weekend 打球 da3qiu2 vo: to play ball 打 da3 v: to hit 球 qiu2 n: ball 看 kan4 v: to watch; to look; to read 电视 dian4shi4 n: television [電視] 电 dian4 n: electricity [電] 视 shi4 n: vision [視] 唱歌儿 chang4ge1(r) vo: to sing (a song) [唱歌兒] 唱 chang4 v: to sing 歌 ge1 n: song 跳舞 tiao4wu3 vo: to dance 跳 tiao4 v: to jump 舞 wu3 n: dance 听 ting1 v: to listen [聽] 音乐 yin1yue4 n: music [音樂] 书 shu1 n: book [書] 对 dui4 adj: right; correct [對] 有的 you3de pr: some 时候 shi2hou n: (a point in) time; moment; (a duration of) time [時候] 电影 dian4ying3 n: movie [電影] 影 ying3 n: shadow 常常 chang2chang2 adv: often 那 na4 conj: in that case; then 去 qu4 v: to go 外国 wai4guo2 n: foreign country [外國] 请客 qing3ke4 vo: to invite someone (to dinner, etc.); to play the host [請客] 昨天 zuo2tian1 t: yesterday 所以 suo3yi3 conj: so 想 xiang3 mv: to want to; would like to; to think 觉得 jue2de v: to feel; to think [覺得] 有意思 you3 yi4si adj: interesting 意思 yi4si n: meaning 只 zhi3 adv: only 睡觉 shui4jiao4 vo: to sleep [睡覺] 睡 shui4 v: to sleep 觉 jiao4 n: sleep [覺] 算了 suan4le forget it; never mind 找 zhao3 v: to look for 别人 bie2ren n: other people; another person [別人] 别的 bie2(de) adj: other [別的] 画画儿 hua4hua4r vo: to draw (a picture); to paint (a picture) [畫畫兒] 下棋 xia4qi2 vo: to play chess 上网聊天儿 shang4wang3 liao2tian1(r) chat online; get on the Internet and chat [上網聊天兒] 玩游戏机 wan2 you2xi4ji1 to play video game [玩游戲機] 逛街 guang4jie1 vo: to window shop // IC3 lesson 5 呀 ya p: (interjectory particle used to soften a question) 进 jin4 v: to enter [進] 快 kuai4 adv, adj: fast, quick; quickly 近来 jin4lai2 vc: to come in [近來] 来 lai2 v: to come [來] 介绍 jie4shao4 v: to introduce [介紹] 一下 yi1xia4 n+m: once; a bit 高兴 gao1xing4 adj: happy, pleased [高興] 漂亮 piao4liang adj: pretty 坐 zuo4 v: to sit 在 zai4 prep: at; in; on 哪儿 na3r qpr: where [哪兒] 学校 xue2xiao4 n: school [學校] 喝 he1 v: to drink 点儿 dian3(r) m: a little, a bit; some [點兒] 茶 cha2 n: tea 咖啡 ka1fei1 n: coffee 吧 ba p: (a sentence-final particle) 要 yao4 v: to want 瓶 ping2 m, n: (measure word for bottle of something); bottle 可乐 ke3le4 n: Coke; Pepsi; cola [可樂] 可以 ke3yi3 mv: can; may 对不起 dui4buqi3 v: sorry [對不起] 给 gei3 v: to give [給] 杯 bei1 m: (measure word for a cup or glass of something) 水 shui3 n: water 高小音 gao1 xiao3yin1 pn: (a personal name) 玩儿 wan2(r) v: to have fun; to play [玩兒] 了 le p: (a dynamic particle) 图书馆 tu2shu1guan3 n: library [圖書館] 一起 yi1qi3 adv: together 聊天儿 liao2tian1(r) vo: to chat [聊天兒] 聊 liao2 v: to chat 天 tian1 n: sky 才 cai2 adv: not until, only then 回家 hui2jia1 vo: to go home 回 hui2 v: to return 可口可乐 ke3kou3 ke3le4 n: Coca-Cola [可口可樂] 白事可乐 bai3shi4 ke3le4 n: Pepsi-Cola [白事可樂] 雪碧 xue3 bi4 n: Sprite 汽水儿 qi4shui3(r) n: soft drink; soda pop [汽水兒] 矿泉水 kuang4quan2shui3 n: mineral water [礦泉水] 果汁 guo3zhi1 n: fruit juice // IC3 lesson 6 给 gei3 prep: to; for [給] 打电话 da3 dian4hua4 vo: to make a phone call [打電話] 电话 dian4hua4 n: telephone [電話] 喂 wei4 interj: (on telephone) Hello? 在 zai4 v: to be present; to be at (a place) 就 jiu4 adv: precisely; exactly 您 nin2 pr: you (honorific for 你) 哪 na3/nei3 qpr: which 位 wei4 m: (polite measure word for people) 下午 xia4wu3 t: afternoon 时间 shi2jian1 n: time [時間] 问题 wen4ti2 n: question; problem [問題] 要 yao4 mv: will; be going to; to want to; to have a desire to 开会 kai1hui4 vo: to have a meeting [開會] 开 kai1 v: to open; to hold (a meeting, party, etc.) [開] 会 hui4 n: meeting [會] 上午 shang4wu3 t: morning 节 jie1 m: (measure word for class periods) [節] 课 ke4 n: class; course; lesson [課] 年级 nian2ji2 n: grade in school [年級] 考试 kao3shi4 vo, n: to give or take a test; test [考試] 考 kao3 v: to give or take a test 试 shi4 n, v: test; to try; to experiment [試] 以后 yi3hou4 t: after; from now on; later on [以後] 空儿 kong4(r) n: free time [空兒] 钥匙 yao4shi conj: if [鑰匙] 方便 fang1bian4 adj: convenient 到 dao4 v: to go to; to arrive 办公室 ban4gong1shi4 n: office [辦公室] 行 xing2 v: to be alright; to be OK 等 deng3 v: to wait; to wait for 别 bie2 adv: don't [別] 客气 ke4qi adj: polite [客氣] 长老师 zhang3 lao3shi1 pn: Teacher Chang [長老師] 下个 xia4 ge the next one [下個] 下 xia4 adj: next 中文 zhong1wen2 n: Chinese (language) 文 wen2 n: language; script; written language 帮 bang1 v: to help [幫] 准备 zhun3bei4 v: to prepare [準備] 练习 lian4xi2 v: to practice [練習] 说 shuo1 v: to say; to speak [說] 啊 a p: (a sentence-final particle of exclamation, interrogation, etc.) 但是 dan4shi4 conj: but 得 dei3 av: must; should; to have to 跟 gen1 prep: with 见面 jian4mian4 vo: to meet up; to meet with [見面] 面 mian4 n: face 回来 hui2lai vc: to come back [回來] 法文 fa3wen2 pn: French (language) 日文 ri4wen2 pn: Japanese (language) 德文 de2wen2 pn: German (language) 韩文 han2wen2 pn: Korean (language) [韓文] 俄文 e2wen2 pn: Russian (language) 西班牙文 xi1ban1ya2wen2 pn: Spanish (language) 意大利文 yi4da4li4wen2 pn: Italian (language) 葡萄牙文 pu2tao2ya2wen2 pn: Portugese (language) 希腊文 xi1la4wen2 pn: Greek (language) [希臘文] 拉丁文 la1ding1wen2 pn: Latin (language) // IC3 lesson 7 说话 shuo1hua4 vo: to talk [說話] 话 hua4 n: word; speech [話] 上个 shang4 ge the previous one; the last one [上個] 得 de p: (a structural particle) 复习 fu4xi2 v: to review [複習] 写 xie3 v: to write [寫] 字 zi4 n: character 慢 man4 adj: slow 枝 zhi1 m: (measure word for long, thin, inflexible objects like pens, rifles, etc.) 笔 bi3 n: pen [筆] 张 zhang1 m: (measure word for flat objects like paper, pictures, etc.) [張] 纸 zhi3 n: paper [紙] 教 jiao1 v: to teach 怎么 zen3me qpr: how; how come [怎麼] 懂 dong3 v: to understand 真 zhen1 adv: really 哪里 na3li qpr: where [哪裡] 预习 yu4xi2 v: to preview [預習] 学 xue2 v: to study; to learn [學] 第 di4 prefix: (prefix for ordinal numbers) 语法 yu3fa3 n: grammar [語法] 容易 rong2yi4 adj: easy 生词 sheng1ci2 n: new words; vocabulary [生詞] 多 duo1 adj: many; much 汉字 han4zi4 n: Chinese characters [漢字] 难 nan2 adj: difficult [難] 平常 ping2chang2 adv: usually 早 zao3 adj: early 这么 zhe4me pr: so; this (late, etc.) [這麼] 晚 wan3 adj: late 早上 zao3shang t: morning 功课 gong1ke4 n: homework; schoolwork [功課] 大家 da4jia1 pr: everybody 上课 shang4ke4 vo: to go to class; to start class; to be in class [上課] 开始 kai1shi3 v, n: to begin; to start; beginning [開始] 念 nian4 v: to read aloud 课文 ke4wen2 n: text of a lesson [課文] 录音 lu4yin1 n, vo: sound recording; to record sound [錄音] 学习 xue2xi2 v: to study; to learn [學習] 酷 ku4 adj: cool 铅笔 qian1bi3 n: pencil [鉛筆] 钢笔 gang1bi3 n: fountain pen [鋼筆] 毛笔 mao2bi3 n: writing brush [毛筆] 圆珠笔 yuan2zhu1bi3 n: ballpoint pen [圓珠筆] 本子 ben3zi n: notebook 练习本 lian4xi2ben3 n: exercise book [練習本] 课本 ke4ben3 n: textbook [課本] 字典 zi4dian3 n: dictionary // IC3 lesson 8 篇 pian1 m: (measure word for essays, articles, etc.) 日记 ri4ji4 n: diary [日記] 累 lei4 adj: tired 起床 qi3chuang2 vo: to get up (from bed) 床 chuang2 n: bed 洗澡 xi3zao3 vo: to take a bath; to take a shower 早饭 zao3fan4 n: breakfast [早飯] 一边 yi1bian1 adv: simultaneously; at the same time [一邊] 教室 jiao4shi4 n: classroom 发音 fa1yin1 n: pronunciation [發音] 新 xin1 adj: new 电脑 dian4nao3 n: computer [電腦] 脑 nao3 n: brain [腦] 中午 zhong1wu3 n: noon 餐厅 can1ting1 n: dining room; cafeteria [餐廳] 午饭 wu3fan4 n: lunch; midday meal [午飯] 上网 shang4wang3 vo: to go online; to surf the Internet [上網] 宿舍 su4she4 n: dormitory 那儿 na4r pr: there [那兒] 正在 zheng4zai4 adv: in the middle of (doing something) 以前 yi3qian2 adv: already 知道 zhi1dao v: to know 封 feng1 m: (measure word for letters) 信 xin4 n: letter (correspondence) 最近 zui4jin4 t: recently 最 zui4 adv: (of superlative degree, most, -est) 近 jin4 adj: close; near 学期 xue2qi1 n: school term; semester, quarter [學期] 除了…以外 chu2le_yi3wai4 conj: in addition to; besides 专业 zhuan1ye4 n: major (in college); specialty [專業] 会 hui4 av: can; know how to [會] 后来 hou4lai2 t: later [後來] 音乐会 yin1yue4hui4 n: concert [音樂會] 希望 xi1wang4 v, n: to hope; hope 能 neng2 av: can; to be able to 用 yong4 v: to use 笑 xiao4 v: to laugh at; to laugh; to smile 祝 zhu4 v: to wish (well) 历史 li4shi3 n: history [歷史] 经济 jing1ji4 n: economics [經濟] 化学 hua4xue2 n: chemistry [化學] 数学 shu4xue2 n: mathematics [數學] 物理 wu4li3 n: physics 语言学 yu3yan2xue2 n: linguistics [語言學] 工商管理 gong1shang1 guan3li3 n: business management 亚洲研究 ya4zhou1 yan2jiu1 n: Asian studies [亞洲研究] // IC3 lesson 9 商店 shang1dian4 n: store; shop 买 mai3 v: to buy [買] 东西 dong1xi n: thing; object [東西] 售货员 shou4huo4yuan2 n: shop assistant; salesclerk [售貨員] 衣服 yi1fu n: clothes 件 jian4 m: (measure word for shirts, dresses, jackets, coats, etc.) 衬衫 chen4shan1 n: shirt [襯衫] 颜色 yan2se4 n: color [顏色] 黄 huang2 adj: yellow [黃] 红 hong2 adj: red [紅] 穿 chuan1 v: to wear; to put on 条 tiao2 m: (measure word for pants and long, thin objects) [條] 裤子 ku4zi n: pants [褲子] 号 hao4 n: size [號] 中 zhong1 adj: medium; middle 便宜 pian2yi adj: cheap; inexpensive 如果…的话 ru2guo3_dehua4 conj: if ... [如果…的話] 长短 chang2duan3 n: length [長短] 长 chang2 adj: long [長] 短 duan3 adj: short 合适 he2shi4 adj: suitable [合適] 试 shi4 v: to try [試] 不用 bu4yong4 need not 一共 yi1gong4 adv: altogether 多少 duo1shao qpr: how much; how many 钱 qian2 n: money [錢] 块 kuai4 m: (measure word for the basic Chinese monetary unit) [塊] 毛 mao2 m: (measure word for 1/10 of a kuài); dime 分 fen1 m: (measure word for 1/100 of a kuài); cent 百 bai3 nu: hundred 找钱 zhao3qian2 vo: to give change [找錢] 双 shuang1 m: (measure word for a pair of something) [雙] 鞋 xie2 n: shoe 换 huan4 v: to exchange; to change [換] 一样 yi1yang4 adj: same; alike [一樣] 虽然 sui1ran2 conj: although [雖然] 大小 da4xiao3 n: size 咖啡色 ka1fei1se4 adj: brown; coffee color 种 zhong3 m: (measure word for kind, sort, type) [種] 黑 hei1 adj: black 样子 yang4zi n: style [樣子] 挺 ting3 adv: very; rather 它 ta1 pr: it 这儿 zher4 pr: here [這兒] 刷卡 shua1ka3 vo: to pay with a credit card 刷 shua1 v: to brush; to swipe 卡 ka3 n: card 收 shou1 v: to receive; to accept 信用卡 xin4yong4ka3 n: credit card 不过 bu4guo4 conj: however; but [不過] 再 zai4 adv: again 付钱 fu4qian2 vo: to pay money [付錢] 付 fu4 v: to pay 蓝色 lan2se4 adj: blue [藍色] 绿色 lü4se4 adj: green [綠色] 紫色 zi3se4 adj: purple 粉红色 fen3hong2se4 adj: pink [粉紅色] 橘红色 ju2hong2se4 adj: orange (color) [橘紅色] 灰色 hui1se4 adj: gray 上衣 shang4yi1 n: upper garment; jacket 大衣 da4yi1 n: overcoat 毛衣 mao2yi1 n: wool sweater 裙子 qun2zi n: skirt 夹克 jia2ke4 n: jacket [夾克] 外套 wai4tao4 n: outer garment; coat; jacket 西装 xi1zhuang1 n: western-style suit [西裝] T恤衫 ti xu4 shan1 n: T-shirt 帽子 mao4zi n: hat; cap 袜子 wa4zi n: socks [襪子] // IC3 lesson 10 寒假 han2jia4 n: winter vacation 飞机 fei1ji1 n: airplane [飛機] 飞 fei1 v: to fly [飛] 机 ji1 n: machine [機] 票 piao4 n: ticket 飞机场 (fei1)ji1chang3 n: airport [飛機場] 坐 zuo4 v: to travel by 公共汽车 gong1gong4 qi4che1 n: bus [公共汽車] 公共 gong1gong4 adj: public 汽车 qi4che1 n: car; automobile [汽車] 车 che1 n: vehicle [車] 或者 huo4zhe3 conj: or 地铁 di4tie3 n: subway [地鐵] 走 zou3 v: to go by way of; to walk 先 xian1 adv: first 站 zhan4 m: (measure word for stops of bus, train, etc.) 下车 xia4che1 vo: to get off (a bus, train, etc.) [下車] 然后 ran2hou4 adv: then [然後] 绿 lü4 adj: green [綠] 线 xian4 n: line [線] 最后 zui4hou4 adj: final; last [最後] 蓝 lan2 adj: blue [藍] 麻烦 ma2fan adj: troublesome [麻煩] 打车 da3 che1 vo: to take a taxi [打車] 出租汽车 chu1zu1 qi4che1 n: taxi [出租汽車] 出租 chu1zu1 v: to rent out; to let 租 zu1 v: to rent 开车 kai1che1 vo: to drive a car [開車] 开 kai1 v: to drive; to operate [開] 送 song4 v: to see off or out; to take (someone or somewhere) 电子邮件 dian4zi3 you2jian4 n: email [電子郵件] 电子 dian4zi3 n: electron [電子] 让 rang4 v: to allow or cause (someone to do something) [讓] 花 hua1 v: to spend 不好意思 bu4 hao3yi4si to feel embarrased 每 mei3 pr: every; each 城市 cheng2shi4 n: city 特别 te4bie2 adv: especially [特別] 高速公路 gao1su4 gong1lu4 n: highway 高速 gao1su4 adj: high speed 公路 gong1lu4 n: highway; public road 路 lu4 n: road; path 紧张 jin3zhang1 adj: nervous; anxious [緊張] 自己 zi4ji3 pr: oneself 手机 shou3ji1 n: cell phone [手機] 发短信 fa1 duan3xin4 vo: to send a text message; to send a short message [發短信] 新年 xin1nian2 n: New Year 快乐 kuai4le4 adj: happy [快樂] 走路 zou3lu4 vo: to walk 坐火车 zuo4 huo3che1 vo: to travel by train [坐火車] 坐计程车 zuo4 ji4cheng2che1 vo: to take a taxi (Taiwan) [坐計程車] 坐电车 zuo4 dian4che1 vo: to take a cable car, trolley bus or tram [坐電車] 坐船 zuo4chuan2 vo: to travel by ship; to take a boat 骑自行车 qi2 zi4xing2che1 vo: to ride a bicycle [騎自行車] 骑摩托车 qi2 mo2tuo1che1 vo: to ride a motorcycle [騎摩托車]