// HSK level 1 啊 a1 interj: ah 啊 a part: ah 矮 ai3 adj: short; low 爱 ai4 v: love [愛] 爱人 ai4ren2 n: husband; wife; sweetheart [愛人] 安静 an1jing4 adj: quiet; peaceful [安靜] 安排 an1pai2 v, n: plan; arrange 八 ba1 num: eight 把 ba3 m: bunch 把 ba3 prep: (function word) 爸爸 ba4ba n: pa; dad; father 吧 ba part: (modal particle ending a sentence) 白 bai2 adj: white; blank 百 bai3 num: hundred 摆 bai3 v: put; put on; sway [擺] 班 ban1 n, m: class; team 搬 ban1 v: move; carry 半 ban4 num: half; halfway 半天 ban4tian1 n: half a day; a long time 办 ban4 v: do; deal with [辦] 办法 ban4fa3 n: way; means; measure [辦法] 办公室 ban4gong1shi4 n: office [辦公室] 帮助 bang1zhu4 v: help; assist; aid [幫助] 饱 bao3 adj: be full [飽] 抱 bao4 v: hug; embrace 报 bao4 n: newspaper; gazette [報] 杯 bei1 n, m: cup; glass 杯子 bei1zi n: cup; glass 北 bei3 n: north 北边 bei3bian1 n: north; north side [北邊] 倍 bei4 m: times; -fold 被 bei4 prep: by 本 ben3 n, m: book; root; capital 本子 ben3zi n: book; notebook 比 bi3 prep, v: emulate; compare; than 比较 bi3jiao4 adv, v: compare; contrast; relatively [比較] 比赛 bi3sai4 v, n: match; competition; game [比賽] 笔 bi3 n, m: pen; pencil [筆] 必须 bi4xu1 aux: must; have to [必須] 边 bian1 n: side [邊] 变 bian4 v: change; become [變] 变成 bian4 cheng2 change into; turn into [變成] 变化 bian4hua4 v: change; vary [變化] 遍 bian4 m: time 表 biao3 n: (錶) watch; (表) table; meter; chart [錶/表] 表示 biao3shi4 v, n: show; express; indicate 表现 biao3xian4 v, n: show off; express; display [表現] 表演 biao3yan3 v, n: perform; act; play; demonstrate 表扬 biao3yang2 v: praise; commend [表揚] 别 bie2 adv: don't [別] 别的 bie2de pron: other; another [別的] 别人 bie2ren pron: other people; others [別人] 病 bing4 n, v: disease; illness; sickness 不 bu4 adv: not; no 不错 bu4cuo4 adj: not bad; pretty good; correct [不錯] 不但 bu4dan4 conj: not only 不久 bu4jiu3 n: soon; not long after 不如 bu4ru2 v, conj: not as good as; better to 不同 bu4tong2 adj: different; not the same 不要 bu4yao4 adv: don't; don't want to 不用 bu4yong4 adv: need not 布 bu4 n: cloth 部分 bu4fen n: part; section; component 擦 ca1 v: wipe; rub; spread on; scrape 才 cai2 adv: just 菜 cai4 n: dish; course; vegetable; greens 参观 can1guan1 v: visit; look around [參觀] 参加 can1jia1 v: join; take part in; attend [參加] 操场 cao1chang3 n: playground; sports ground [操場] 草 cao3 n: grass; straw 层 ceng2 m: layer; story [層] 茶 cha2 n: tea 查 cha2 v: examine; investigate; look up 差 cha4 v: short of; differ from; poor 常 chang2 adv: often; frequently 常常 chang2chang2 adv: often; frequently 长 chang2 adj: long [長] 场 chang3 m, n: field; scene [場] 唱 chang4 v: sing 朝 chao2 prep, v: toward; face 车 che1 n: vehicle [車] 车站 che1zhan4 n: station; stop [車站] 城 cheng2 n: town; city 城市 cheng2shi4 n: town; city 成 cheng2 v: accomplish; become 成绩 cheng2ji4 n: success; achievement; score [成績] 吃 chi1 v: eat; live on; annihilate 迟到 chi2dao4 v: be late [遲到] 抽 chou1 v: take out; take from; grow; inhale 出 chu1 v: go out; exceed; issue; vent 出发 chu1fa1 v: set out; start from [出發] 出来 chu1 lai2 come out; emerge [出來] 出去 chu1 qu4 go out; get out 出现 chu1xian4 v: appear; arise [出現] 出租汽车 chu1zu1 qi4che1 taxi [出租汽車] 除了…以外 chu2le _ yi3wai4 except; besides 穿 chuan1 v: penetrate; go through; put on 船 chuan2 n: boat; ship 窗 chuang1 n: window 窗户 chuang1hu n: window; casement [窗戶] 床 chuang2 n: bed 吹 chui1 v: blow; brag; fail; break up 春 chun1 n: spring 春天 chun1tian1 n: spring; springtime 磁带 ci2dai4 n: magnetic tape [磁帶] 词 ci2 n: word; expression; poetry [詞] 词典 ci2dian3 n: dictionary [詞典] 次 ci4 m: time 从 cong2 prep: from; since; through; ever [從] 从…到… cong2 _ dao4 _ from … to … [從…到…] 从…起 cong2 _ qi3 _ from … on … [從…起] 从前 cong2qian2 n: before; formerly; in the past [從前] 错 cuo4 adj, n: wrong; faulty; mistake; error [錯] 错误 cuo4wu4 n: mistake; error; fault [錯誤] 打 da3 v: beat; hit; smash; play; stir 打算 da3suan4 v, n: plan; intend 大 da4 adj: big; great; loud 大概 da4gai4 adj: probably; general; broad outline 大家 da4jia1 pron: everybody; all 大声 da4 sheng1 loudly [大聲] 大学 da4xue2 n: university; college [大學] 大夫 dai4fu n: doctor; physician 戴 dai4 v: put on; wear; support; respect 带 dai4 v: take; do; lead; have [帶] 代表 dai4biao3 n, v: represent; representative; deputy 但是 dan4shi4 conj: but; however; yet, nevertheless 当 dang1 prep: at (a time or place); facing [當] 当 dang1 v: act as; accept; administer; stop [當] 当然 dang1ran2 adj: of course; certainly [當然] 刀 dao1 n: knife; sword; blade 倒 dao3 v: fall; collapse; resell; exchange; rearrange 到 dao4 v: arrive; reach; go to; leave for 道 dao4 m: road; doctrine; speak; say 道理 dao4li3 n: principle; truth; reason; argument 得 de2 v: get; obtain; result in 得到 de2 dao4 get; obtain; gain; receive 的 de part: particle to form an attribute; of 地 de part: particle to form an adverbial 得 de part: particle to introduce a complement …得很 _ dehen3 very much; quite 得 dei3 aux: have to; be sure to 灯 deng1 n: lamp; light; lantern [燈] 等 deng3 v: wait; when; till 等 deng3 part: and so on; etc. 低 di1 adj, v: low; droop; hang down 地 di4 n: the earth; land; field; ground 地方 di4fang n: place; space; part; respect 第(第一) di4 (di4yi1) pref: used to form ordinal numbers 弟弟 di4di n: younger brother 点 dian3 n: dot, point; dot stroke [點] 点 dian3 m: a little; point [點] 点 dian3 v: put a dot; count; select; light [點] 点心 dian3xin n: pastry; light refreshments [點心] 点钟 dian3zhong1 n: o'clock [點鐘] 电 dian4 n: electricity [電] 电车 dian4che1 n: tram; trolleybus [電車] 电灯 dian4deng1 n: electric light; electric lamp [電燈] 电话 dian4hua4 n: telephone; phone; phone call [電話] 电视 dian4shi4 n: television; TV [電視] 电影 dian4ying3 n: film; movie [電影] 掉 diao4 v: fall; drop; lose; reduce; turn 丢 diu1 v: lose; throw; put aside [丟] 东 dong1 n: east [東] 东边 dong1bian1 n: east [東邊] 东西 dong1xi n: thing; creature [東西] 冬 dong1 n: winter 冬天 dong1tian1 n: winter 懂 dong3 v: understand; know 动 dong4 v: move; stir; use [動] 动物 dong4wu4 n: animal [動物] 都 dou1 adv: all; both; even; already 读 du2 v: read; read aloud [讀] 短 duan3 adj: short; brief 锻炼 duan4lian4 v: take exercise; physical training [鍛煉] 段 duan4 m: segment; period; paragraph 对 dui4 prep, v: towards; treat; compare; aim at [對] 对 dui4 adj: right; correct [對] 对不起 dui4buqi3 sorry; excuse me; let down [對不起] 顿 dun4 m: used for meals or scolding [頓] 多 duo1 adj: much; many; more 多 duo1 adv: how; what 多 duo1 num: a little or few more than 多么 duo1me adv: how; what [多麼] 多少 duo1shao pron: how many; how much 饿 e4 adj, v: hungry; starve [餓] 而且 er2qie3 conj: moreover; in addition; but also 儿子 er2zi n: son [兒子] 二 er4 num: two 发 fa1 v: send out; discharge; issue; rise [發] 发烧 fa1 shao1 have a fever; have a temperature [發燒] 发生 fa1sheng1 v: happen; occur; take place [發生] 发现 fa1xian4 v, n: discover; find; discovery [發現] 发展 fa1zhan3 v, n: develop; recruit; development [發展] 法语(法文) fa3yu3(fa3wen2) n: French; French language [法語(法文)] 翻 fan1 v: turn over; rummage; capsize 翻译 fan1yi4 v, n: translate; translation; translator [翻譯] 反对 fan3dui4 v: oppose; fight; be against [反對] 饭 fan4 n: meal; cooked rice or other cereals [飯] 饭店 fan4dian4 n: restaurant; hotel [飯店] 方便 fang1bian4 adj, v: convenient; make convenient 方法 fang1fa3 n: method; way; means 方面 fang1mian4 n: respect; aspect; field; side 方向 fang1xiang4 n: direction; orientation 房间 fang2jian1 n: room [房間] 访问 fang3wen4 v: visit; call on [訪問] 放 fang4 v: let go; put; lay; have a vacation 放假 fang4 jia4 have a holiday or vacation 非常 fei1chang2 adv: very; highly; extraordinary; unusual 飞 fei1 v: fly; flit; hover; flutter [飛] 飞机 fei1ji1 n: aircraft; airplane; plane [飛機] 分 fen1 v: divide; distribute; distinguish 分 fen1 n, m: minute; point; mark; a money unit …分之… _ fen1zhi1 _ for expression of a fraction number 分钟 fen1zhong1 n: minute [分鐘] 丰富 feng1fu4 adj, v: rich; abundant; plentiful; enrich [豐富] 封 feng1 m: for letters 风 feng1 n: wind [風] 夫人 fu1ren2 n: Lady; Madame; Mrs 服务 fu2wu4 v: serve; service [服務] 服务员 fu2wu4yuan2 n: waiter; waitress; attendant [服務員] 辅导 fu3dao3 v, n: coach; teach; tutor [輔導] 复习 fu4xi2 v: revise; review [複習] 复杂 fu4za2 adj: complex; complicated [複雜] 父亲 fu4qin n: father [父親] 负责 fu4ze2 v, adj: be responsible for; conscientious [負責] 附近 fu4jin4 n: nearby; neighboring area; vicinity 该 gai1 aux, v: should; ought to; owe; sb.'s turn [該] 改 gai3 v: change; transform; rectify; correct 改变 gai3bian4 v, n: change; alter; transform [改變] 干净 gan1jing4 adj: clean; neat; tidy [乾凈] 感到 gan3dao4 v: feel; sense; think 感冒 gan3mao4 n, v: common cold 感谢 gan3xie4 v: thank; be grateful [感謝] 敢 gan3 aux: dare 干 gan4 v: do; work [幹] 干部 gan4bu4 n: cadre [幹部] 刚 gang1 adv: just; barely; only just [剛] 刚才 gang1cai2 n: a moment ago; just now [剛才] 钢笔 gang1bi3 n: pen [鋼筆] 高 gao1 adj: tall; high; of a high degree 高兴 gao1xing4 adj, v: glad; cheerful; be happy to [高興] 搞 gao3 v: do; cause; make; get hold of 告诉 gao4su4 v: tell; let know [告訴] 哥哥 ge1ge n: elder brother 歌 ge1 n: song 个 ge4 m: (a general measure word) [個] 各 ge4 pron: each; every; various; different 各种 ge4zhong3 pron: all kinds of [各種] 给 gei3 v, prep: give; grant [給] 根 gen1 m, n: root; foot; base; origin 跟 gen1 prep, conj, v: with; and; follow 更 geng4 adv: more; still more, even more 工厂 gong1chang3 n: factory; mill; plant; works [工廠] 工人 gong1ren2 n: worker; workman 工业 gong1ye4 n: industry [工業] 工作 gong1zuo4 v, n: work; job 公共汽车 gong1gong4 qi4che1 n: bus (for public transit) [公共汽車] 公斤 gong1jin1 m: kilogram 公里 gong1li3 m: kilometer 公园 gong1yuan2 n: park [公園] 够 gou4 adj, v: be enough; be up to; reach; quite [夠] 姑娘 gu1niang n: girl; daughter 故事 gu4shi n: story; tale 刮 gua1 v: (刮) scrape; shave; smear with; (颳) blow [刮/颳] 挂 gua4 v: hang; call up; ring off [掛] 关 guan1 v: shut; lock up; turn off; close down [關] 关系 guan1xi4 n, v: relation; relationship [關係] 关心 guan1xin1 v: be concerned with; care for [關心] 馆 guan3 n: an indoor place for activities [館] 广播 guang3bo1 v, n: broadcast; be on the air [廣播] 贵 gui4 adj: expensive; costly; dear [貴] 贵姓 gui4 xing4 your honorable family name [貴姓] 国 guo2 n: country; state; nation [國] 国家 guo2jia1 n: country; state; nation [國家] 过 guo4 v: pass; spend time; go through [過] 过 guo part: (indicate an action in the past) [過] 过来 guo4 lai come over; come up [過來] 过去 guo4qu4 n: the past; former times [過去] 过去 guo4 qu go over; pass by [過去] 哈哈 ha1ha1 ono: ha-ha (the sound of laughing) 还 hai2 adv: still; yet; even more; also; fairly [還] 还是 hai2shi4 adv, conj: still; nevertheless; had better; or [還是] 孩子 hai2zi n: child; children; son or daughter 海 hai3 n: sea 寒假 han2jia4 n: winter vacation 喊 han3 v: shout; cry out; yell; call sb. 汉语 han4yu3 n: Chinese; the Chinese language [漢語] 汉字 han4zi4 n: Chinese character [漢字] 好 hao3 adj: good; nice; be in good health 好 hao3 adv: so as to; very; quite; so 好吃 hao3chi1 adj: delicious; tasty; good to eat 好处 hao3chu n: good; advantage; benefit; gain [好處] 好看 hao3kan4 adj: good-looking; nice; pretty 好像 hao3xiang4 v: seem; look like; be like; as if 号 hao4 n, m: number; date [號] 喝 he1 v: drink 和 he2 prep, conj: and; with; to 合适 he2shi4 adj: appropriate; right; suitable [合適] 河 he2 n: river 黑 hei1 adj: black; dark 黑板 hei1ban3 n: blackboard 很 hen3 adv: very; quite; awfully 红 hong2 adj: red; symbol of success [紅] 后 hou4 n: back; rear; behind [後] 后边 hou4bian n: back; rear; behind; latter [後邊] 忽然 hu1ran2 adv: suddenly; all of a sudden 湖 hu2 n: lake 互相 hu4xiang1 adv: each other; mutual 花 hua1 n, adj: flower; blossom; blurred; dim 花 hua1 v: spend; expend; cost 画 hua4 v: draw; paint [畫] 画儿 hua4r n: drawing; picture; painting [畫兒] 化学 hua4xue2 n: chemistry [化學] 话 hua4 n: word; talk; speech; remark [話] 坏 huai4 adj: bad; go bad; spoil; ruin [壞] 欢迎 huan1ying2 v: welcome; greet; favorably receive [歡迎] 还 huan2 v: give back; return; give sth. in return [還] 换 huan4 v: exchange; barter; trade; change [換] 黄 huang2 adj: yellow; sallow; fall through [黃] 回 hui2 v: return; turn around; answer; reply 回 hui2 m: (for times of an event or action) 回答 hui2da2 v, n: answer; reply; response 回来 hui2 lai2 return; come back; be back [回來] 回去 hui2 qu4 return; go back; be back 会 hui4 aux, v: can; be good at; be likely to; meet [會] 会 hui4 n: meeting; gathering; conference [會] 会话 hui4hua4 v, n: conversation; converse with [會話] 活 huo2 v: live 活儿 huo2 n: work [活兒] 活动 huo2dong4 v, n: move about; relax; activity; shaky [活動] 火车 huo3che1 n: train [火車] 或者 huo4zhe3 conj: or; perhaps; maybe 基本 ji1ben3 adj: basic; fundamental; on the whole 基础 ji1chu3 n: foundation; base; basis [基礎] 机场 ji1chang3 n: airport; airfield; aerodrome [機場] 机会 ji1hui4 n: chance; opportunity [機會] 机器 ji1qi4 n: machine; machinery; apparatus [機器] 鸡 ji1 n: chicken [雞] 鸡蛋 ji1dan4 n: chicken egg [雞蛋] …极了 _ ji2 le extremely […極了] 集合 ji2he2 v: gather; assemble; muster 急 ji2 adj: rapid; impatient; irascible; urgent 挤 ji3 v, adj: crowded; cram; jostle; squeeze [擠] 几 ji3 pron: how many; a few; some [幾] 技术 ji4shu4 n: technology; skill; technique [技術] 寄 ji4 v: send; post; mail 计划 ji4hua4 n, v: plan; project; program; map out [計劃] 记 ji4 v: mark; remember; jot down; record [記] 继续 ji4xu4 v: continue; go on; continuation [繼續] 家(文学家) jia1 (wen2xue2jia1) n, m, suf: (suffix) -ist; family; home; household [家(文學家)] 家庭 jia1ting2 n: family; household 加 jia1 v: add; plus; increase; put in 坚持 jian1chi2 v: persist in; persevere in; stick to [堅持] 间 jian1 m: (measure word for rooms) [間] 检查 jian3cha2 v, n: check up; inspect; self-criticism [檢查] 简单 jian3dan1 adj: simple; commonplace; casual [簡單] 见 jian4 v: meet; see; be exposed to [見] 见面 jian4 mian4 meet; see [見面] 件 jian4 m: (measure word for clothes, affairs) 健康 jian4kang1 n, adj: health; healthy; sound; wholesome 建设 jian4she4 v, n: build; construct; construction [建設] 将来 jiang1lai2 n: future [將來] 江 jiang1 n: river 讲 jiang3 v: tell; speak; explain; discuss; stress [講] 交 jiao1 v: hand over; deliver; associate with 教 jiao1 v: teach; instruct 脚 jiao3 n: foot [腳] 角 jiao3 m: one tenth of one RMB Yuan 饺子 jiao3zi n: dumpling [餃子] 教室 jiao4shi4 n: classroom; schoolroom 教育 jiao4yu4 v, n: education; educate; teach 叫 jiao4 v: call; greet; order; name; shout; cry 叫 jiao4 v, prep: (used to make a passive sentence) 接 jie1 v: meet; connect; catch; take over 接着 jie1zhe adv, conj: then; afterward; follow [接著] 街 jie1 n: street 节 jie2 n, m: festival; section; length [節] 节目 jie2mu4 n: program; item (on a program) [節目] 节日 jie2ri4 n: festival; holiday [節日] 结果 jie2guo3 conj: finally; at last; result; outcome [結果] 结束 jie2shu4 v: end; finish; conclude; wind up [結束] 解决 jie3jue2 v: resolve; settle; solve [解決] 姐姐 jie3jie n: elder sister 借 jie4 v: borrow; lend; make use of 介绍 jie4shao4 v: introduce; recommend; let know [介紹] 斤 jin1 m: half a kilogram 今年 jin1nian2 n: this year 今天 jin1tian1 n: today; present; now 紧 jin3 adj: tight; urgent; hard up; tighten [緊] 紧张 jin3zhang1 adj: nervous; tense; in short supply [緊張] 进 jin4 v: enter; come or go into; recruit [進] 进来 jin4lai2 v: come in; get in [進來] 进去 jin4qu v: go in; get in; enter [進去] 进行 jin4xing2 v: be in progress; go on; carry on [進行] 近 jin4 adj: nearby; near; close 精彩 jing1cai3 adj: brilliant; splendid; wonderful 精神 jing1shen2 n: spirit; mind; gist; essence 经常 jing1chang2 adv: often; frequently; constantly; usually [經常] 经过 jing1guo4 v, n: pass; go through; as a result of [經過] 经济 jing1ji4 n: economy; income; economical [經濟] 经验 jing1yan4 n: experience [經驗] 久 jiu3 adj: for a long time; long 九 jiu3 num: nine 酒 jiu3 n: alcoholic drink; wine; liquor 旧 jiu4 adj: old; past; bygone; used; worn [舊] 就 jiu4 adv, conj: with regard to; even if; at once 橘子(桔子) ju2zi n: orange; tangerine; mandarin 举 ju3 v: lift; heave; raise; hold up; cite [舉] 句 ju4 m: (measure word for sentences) 句子 ju4zi n: sentence 觉得 jue2de v: feel; think [覺得] 决定 jue2ding4 v, n: decide; resolve; decision; resolution [決定] 咖啡 ka1fei1 n: coffee 卡车 ka3che1 n: lorry; truck [卡車] 开 kai1 v: open; operate; turn on; hold; boil [開] 开始 kai1shi3 v, n: begin; start [開始] 开玩笑 kai1 wan2xiao4 joke; crack a joke; make fun of [開玩笑] 开学 kai1 xue2 school begins; term starts [開學] 看 kan4 v: see; look at; watch; read; think 看病 kan4 bing4 see a doctor; see a patient 看见 kan4jian4 v: see; catch sight of [看見] 考试 kao3shi4 v, n: examine; test; examination [考試] 棵 ke1 m: (measure word for plants) 科学 ke1xue2 n, adj: science; scientific [科學] 咳嗽 ke2sou v: cough 可能 ke3neng2 aux, n: possible; maybe; possibility; may 可是 ke3shi4 conj: but; nevertheless; yet; indeed 可以 ke3yi3 aux: can; may 渴 ke3 adj: thirsty 克 ke4 m: gram 刻 ke4 m: a quarter of an hour; carve; cut 客气 ke4qi adj, v: polite; act or remark politely [客氣] 课 ke4 n: lesson; class; subject; course [課] 课本 ke4ben3 n: textbook [課本] 课文 ke4wen2 n: text [課文] 空气 kong1qi4 n: air [空氣] 口 kou3 n, m: mouth; (measure word for people) 口语 kou3yu3 n: spoken language [口語] 哭 ku1 v: cry 苦 ku3 adj: bitter; miserable 块 kuai4 n, m: piece; Yuan (the basic RMB unit) [塊] 快 kuai4 adj: fast; rapid; sharp; hurry up; soon 困难 kun4nan2 n, adj: difficult; difficulty; trouble [困難] 拉 la1 v: pull; drag; haul; play; draw in; shit 啦 la part: (modal particle ending a sentence) 来 lai2 v: come; arrive; crop up; take place [來] 蓝 lan2 adj: blue [藍] 篮球 lan2qiu2 n: basketball [籃球] 劳动 lao2dong4 v: work; labor [勞動] 劳驾 lao2 jia4 excuse me; may I trouble you [勞駕] 老(老二) lao3(lao3er4) adj, pref: old; aged; tough; of long standing 老师 lao3shi1 n: teacher [老師] 了 le part: (modal particle ending a sentence) 累 lei4 adj: tired; tire; strain 冷 leng3 adj: cold 离 li2 v, prep: leave; without; off; away; from [離] 离开 li2kai1 v: leave; depart from [離開] 里 li3 n: in; inside 里 li3 m: half a kilometer 里边 li3bian n: inside; in; within; interior [裡邊] 礼物 li3wu4 n: gift; present [禮物] 历史 li4shi3 n: history; past records [歷史] 利用 li4yong4 v: use; utilize; exploit; make use of 例如 li4ru2 v: for example; for instance 立刻 li4ke4 adv: immediately; at once; right away 俩 lia3 num: two people (used in oral Chinese) [倆] 联系 lian2xi4 v, n: integrate; link; contact; connection [聯繫] 连…都(也)… lian2 _ dou1 (ye3) _ even [連…都(也)…] 脸 lian3 n: face [臉] 练习 lian4xi2 v, n: practice; exercise; drill [練習] 凉快 liang2kuai adj: nice and cool; pleasantly cool [涼快] 两 liang3 num: two; a few; some [兩] 辆 liang4 m: (measure word for vehicles) [輛] 亮 liang4 adj, v: bright; shiny; light; shine; show 了 liao3 v: finish; end; settle; be able 了解 liao3jie3 v: understand; know; find out 零 ling2 num: zero, 0 领导 ling3dao3 v, n: lead; leader; leadership [領導] 留 liu2 v: remain; stay; keep; grow; leave 留念 liu2nian4 v: accept or keep as souvenir 留学生 liu2xue2sheng1 n: foreign student; overseas student [留學生] 流 liu2 v, n: flow; stream; drip; shed; trickle 六 liu4 num: six 楼 lou2 n: storied building [樓] 路 lu4 n: road; path; way; journey; route 录音 lu4yin1 v, n: record sound; sound recording [錄音] 旅行 lü3xing2 v: travel; journey; tour; trip 绿 lü4 adj: green [綠] 乱 luan4 adj: in a mess; indiscriminate; random [亂] 妈妈 ma1ma n: mummy; mom; ma; mother [媽媽] 麻烦 ma2fan v, adj: troublesome; put sb. to trouble [麻煩] 马 ma3 n: horse [馬] 马上 ma3shang4 adv: at once; immediately; right away [馬上] 嘛 ma part: (modal particle expressing urging) 吗 ma part: (modal particle making a question) [嗎] 买 mai3 v: buy; purchase [買] 卖 mai4 v: sell [賣] 满 man3 adj: full; filled; complete; fill; expire [滿] 满意 man3yi4 adj: satisfied; pleased [滿意] 慢 man4 adj: slow 忙 mang2 adj: busy; fully occupied 毛 mao2 m: one tenth of one RMB Yuan 帽子 mao4zi n: hat; cap 没 mei2 adv, v: not have; there is not; not [沒] 没关系 mei2 guan1xi never mind; it doesn't matter [沒關係] 没意思 mei2 yi4si uninteresting; dull [沒意思] 没有 mei2you3 adv: not have; there is not; not [沒有] 每 mei3 pron: every; each; per; every time 妹妹 mei4mei n: younger sister 门 men2 n, m: entrance; door; gate [門] 门口 men2kou3 n: entrance; doorway [門口] 们(朋友们) men (peng2youmen) suf: (particle forming a plural pronoun) [們(朋友們)] 米(公尺) mi3(gong1chi3) m: meter (measure word for lengths) 米饭 mi3fan4 n: (cooked) rice [米飯] 面包 mian4bao1 n: bread [麵包] 面条儿 mian4tiao2r n: noodles [麵條兒] 民族 min2zu2 n: nation; nationality 明年 ming2nian2 n: next year 明天 ming2tian1 n: tomorrow 名字 ming2zi n: name 母亲 mu3qin1 n: mother (used in written Chinese) [母親] 目前 mu4qian2 n: current time; at present 拿 na2 v: take; hold; seize; capture; with; at 哪 na3/nei3 pron: which; (used for rhetorical questions) 哪里(哪儿) na3li(na3r) pron: where; wherever [哪裡(哪兒)] 那 na4 pron: that 那 na4 conj: then; in that case 那个 na4ge pron: that [那個] 那里(那儿) na4li(na4r) pron: there [那裡(那兒)] 那么 na4me pron: like that; in that way [那麼] 那么 na4me conj: then; in that case [那麼] 那些 na4xie1 pron: those 那样 na4yang4 pron: of that kind; like that; so; such [那樣] 哪 na part: (modal particle ending a sentence) 呐 na part: (modal particle ending a sentence) [吶] 南 nan2 n: south 南边 nan2bian n: south [南邊] 男 nan2 adj: male 难 nan2 adj: difficult [難] 呢 ne part: (modal particle ending a question) 内 nei4 n: inside; inner; within [內] 内容 nei4rong2 n: content; substance [內容] 能 neng2 aux: can; be able to; be capable of 能够 neng2gou4 aux: can; be able to; be capable of [能夠] 嗯 ng interj: (interjection expressing what or huh) 你 ni3 pron: you (the singular form) 你们 ni3men pron: you (the plural form) [你們] 年 nian2 n: year; New Year 年级 nian2ji2 n: grade; year [年級] 年纪 nian2ji4 n: age [年紀] 年轻 nian2qing1 adj: young [年輕] 念 nian4 v: read aloud, study, attend school 您 nin2 pron: you (in respectful form) 牛 niu2 n: ox; cow; bull 牛奶 niu2nai3 n: cow milk 农村 nong2cun1 n: rural area; countryside [農村] 农民 nong2min2 n: peasant [農民] 农业 nong2ye4 n: agriculture; farming [農業] 努力 nu3li4 adj: try hard; be hard at work or study 女 nü3 adj: female 女儿 nü3er2 n: daughter [女兒] 暖和 nuan3huo adj: warm; nice and warm; warm up 爬 pa2 v: crawl; creep; climb 怕 pa4 v: fear; be afraid of; perhaps 拍 pai1 v: clap; pat; beat; shoot; send 排球 pai2qiu2 n: volleyball 派 pai4 v, n: send; appoint 旁边 pang2bian1 n: side [旁邊] 跑 pao3 v: run; run away; run about doing sth. 跑步 pao3 bu4 run 朋友 peng2you n: friend 碰 peng4 v: touch; bump; meet; run into 批评 pi1ping2 v, n: criticize; criticism [批評] 啤酒 pi2jiu3 n: beer 篇 pian1 m: (measure word for articles) 便宜 pian2yi adj, n: cheap; inexpensive; small gains 片 pian4 m, n: (measure word for pieces of things) 漂亮 piao4liang adj: pretty; beautiful; remarkable 票 piao4 n: ticket; ballot 苹果 ping2guo3 n: apple [蘋果] 瓶 ping2 n, m: (measure word for bottles) 破 po4 v, adj: broken; damaged; break; destroy 七 qi1 num: seven 骑 qi2 v: ride (an animal or bicycle) [騎] 起 qi3 v: remove; pull; appear; rise; raise 起床 qi3 chuang2 get up 起来 qi3 lai2 stand up; sit up; rise to one's feet [起來] 汽车 qi4che1 n: automobile; motor vehicle; car [汽車] 汽水 qi4shui3 n: aerated water; soda; soft drink 铅笔 qian1bi3 n: pencil [鉛筆] 千 qian1 num: thousand 钱 qian2 n: money; fund; sum [錢] 前 qian2 n: front; forward; before; preceding 前边 qian2bian n: in front; ahead [前邊] 浅 qian3 adj: shallow; simple; superficial; light [淺] 墙 qiang2 n: wall [牆] 桥 qiao2 n: bridge [橋] 青年 qing1nian2 n: young person; youth 轻 qing1 adj: light; small in number, degree, etc. [輕] 清楚 qing1chu adj: clear; distinct; be clear about 晴 qing2 adj: clear; sunny 情况 qing2kuang4 n: circumstance; situation, condition [情況] 请 qing3 v: please; request; ask; invite; engage [請] 请假 qing3 jia4 ask for leave [請假] 请问 qing3 wen4 Excuse me; May I ask [請問] 秋 qiu1 n: autumn; fall 秋天 qiu1tian1 n: autumn; fall 球 qiu2 n: ball; anything shaped like a ball 取得 qu3de2 v: gain; acquire; obtain 去 qu4 v: go; leave; send; remove; get rid of 去年 qu4nian2 n: last year 全 quan2 adj: complete; whole; entire; full; total 全部 quan2bu4 n: all; without exception; complete 全体 quan2ti3 n: all; whole; entire [全體] 确实 que4shi2 adj: true; reliable [確實] 然后 ran2hou4 adv: then; afterwards; after that [然後] 让 rang4 v: give way; give ground; invite; let [讓] 热 re4 adj, v: hot; popular; heat up; warm [熱] 热情 re4qing2 adj: warm; fervent; enthusiasm [熱情] 人 ren2 n: person; man; people 人们 ren2men n: persons; people; the public [人們] 人民 ren2min2 n: the people 任何 ren4he2 pron: any; whichever; whatever 认识 ren4shi v, n: recognize; understand; cognition [認識] 认为 ren4wei2 v: think; consider [認為] 认真 ren4zhen1 adj: conscientious; earnest; serious [認真] 日 ri4 n: sun; day time; a day of the month 日语(日文) ri4yu3(ri4wen2) n: Japanese (language) [日語(日文)] 日子 ri4zi n: days; date; time; life; livelihood 容易 rong2yi4 adj: easy; easily; apt 肉 rou4 n: flesh; meat 三 san1 num: three 散步 san4 bu4 take a walk 山 shan1 n: mountain; hill 商店 shang1dian4 n: shop; store 上 shang4 n: upper; up; upward; preceding 上 shang4 v: get on; go up; go to; submit; fill 上边 shang4bian n: above; over; the higher authorities [上邊] 上课 shang4 ke4 attend class; give a lesson [上課] 上来 shang4 lai2 come up [上來] 上去 shang4 qu go up 上午 shang4wu3 n: forenoon; morning 上学 shang4 xue2 go to school; attend school [上學] 少 shao3 adj, v: few; little; less; lack; lose; reduce 社会 she4hui4 n: society [社會] 身体 shen1ti3 n: body; health [身體] 深 shen1 adj: deep; difficult; thoroughgoing; dark 什么 shen2me pron: what; whatever; why; something [什麼] 声 sheng1 n, m: (measure word for sound); sound [聲] 声调 sheng1diao4 n: tone; the tone of Chinese character [聲調] 声音 sheng1yin1 n: sound; voice [聲音] 生产 sheng1chan3 v: produce; manufacture; production [生產] 生词 sheng1ci2 n: new word [生詞] 生活 sheng1huo2 n, v: life; livelihood; live; exist 生日 sheng1ri4 n: birthday 省 sheng3 n: province 剩 sheng4 v: surplus; remnant; leave (over) 胜利 sheng4li4 v, n: victory; triumph [勝利] 师傅 shi1fu n: master worker; master; teacher [師傅] 十 shi2 num: ten 十分 shi2fen1 adv: very; fully; utterly; extremely 时候 shi2hou n: time; when [時候] 时间 shi2jian1 n: when [時間] 食堂 shi2tang2 n: dining room; canteen; cafeteria 实践 shi2jian4 v, n: live up to; carry out; practice [實踐] 实现 shi2xian4 v: realize; achieve; bring about [實現] 使用 shi3yong4 v: make use of; use; employ; apply 世界 shi4jie4 n: world 事 shi4 n: matter; affair; thing; business 事情 shi4qing n: matter; affair; thing; business 是 shi4 v: be 市 shi4 n: city; municipality; market 试 shi4 v: try; test; attempt [試] 收 shou1 v: put away; collect; harvest; receive 收拾 shou1shi v: put in order; tidy; punish; repair 手 shou3 n: hand 手表 shou3biao3 n: wrist watch 首都 shou3du1 n: capital 输 shu1 v: transport; convey; lose; be beaten [輸] 舒服 shu1fu adj: comfortable 书 shu1 n: book [書] 熟 shu2 adj: ripe; cooked; done; familiar 数 shu3 v: count; be reckoned as [數] 树 shu4 n: tree [樹] 数学 shu4xue2 n: mathematics [數學] 双 shuang1 m: pair; twin; dual; double; di-; bi- [雙] 谁 shei2/shui2 pron: who [誰] 水 shui3 n: water 水果 shui3guo3 n: fruit 水平 shui3ping2 n: standard; level; horizontal 睡 shui4 v: sleep; go to bed 睡觉 shui4 jiao4 sleep; go to bed [睡覺] 说 shuo1 v: speak; talk; say; scold [說] 说明 shuo1ming2 v, n: explain; illustrate; show [說明] 思想 si1xiang3 n: thought; thinking; idea; ideology 死 si3 v: die; pass away; dead; inflexible 四 si4 num: four 送 song4 v: send; give; deliver; carry; escort 宿舍 su4she4 n: hostel; living quarters; dormitory 酸 suan1 adj: sour; sick at heart; tingle; acid 算 suan4 v: calculate; compute; include; count 虽然 sui1ran2 conj: though; although [雖然] 岁 sui4 m: years old (for a person's age) [歲] 所以 suo3yi3 conj: so; therefore; as a result 所有 suo3you3 adj: all 他 ta1 pron: he 他们 ta1men pron: they; them (for males and females) [他們] 它 ta1 pron: it 它们 ta1men pron: they; them (for things, animals, etc.) [它們] 她 ta1 pron: she 她们 ta1men pron: they; them (for females) [她們] 抬 tai2 v: lift up; raise; carry 太 tai4 adv: too 太阳 tai4yang2 n: the sun [太陽] 态度 tai4du n: manner; bearing; attitude [態度] 谈 tan2 v: talk; chat; discuss [談] 汤 tang1 n: soup; broth [湯] 糖 tang2 n: sugar; candy; sweets 躺 tang3 v: lie; recline 讨论 tao3lun4 v: discuss; discussion [討論] 特别 te4bie2 adj: special; particular; especially [特別] 疼 teng2 v: ache; pain 踢 ti1 v: kick 提 ti2 v: carry; put forward; draw out; raise 提高 ti2gao1 v: raise; heighten; enhance; increase 体育 ti3yu4 n: physical training; physical culture [體育] 天 tian1 n: sky; heaven; weather 天气 tian1qi4 n: weather [天氣] 条 tiao2 m: strip (measure word for long things) [條] 条件 tiao2jian4 n: condition; qualification; requirement [條件] 跳 tiao4 v: jump; leap; spring; beat 跳舞 tiao4 wu3 dance 听 ting1 v: listen; hear; heed; obey [聽] 听见 ting1jian4 v: hear [聽見] 听说 ting1 shuo1 be told; hear of; hear about [聽說] 听写 ting1xie3 v, n: dictate; dictation [聽寫] 停 ting2 v: stop; cease; be parked 挺 ting3 adv: straighten up; stick out; very; rather 通 tong1 v, adj: open up; lead to; understand 通过 tong1guo4 v, prep: by way of; through; pass through [通過] 通知 tong1zhi1 v, n: notify; give notice; notice; circular 同时 tong2shi2 n: at the same time; simultaneously [同時] 同学 tong2xue2 n: fellow student; schoolmate [同學] 同意 tong2yi4 v: agree; consent; approve 同志 tong2zhi4 n: comrade 痛快 tong4kuai adj: very happy; delighted; forthright 头 tou2 n, m: first; leading [頭] 突然 tu1ran2 adj: sudden; abrupt 图书馆 tu2shu1guan3 n: library [圖書館] 团结 tuan2jie2 v: unite; rally [團結] 推 tui1 v: push; shove; turn a mill; grind 腿 tui3 n: leg 退 tui4 v: return; give back; withdraw; fade 脱 tuo1 v: take off; cast off; strip [脫] 袜子 wa4zi n: socks; stockings; hose [襪子] 外 wai4 n: outer; outside; external; foreign 外边 wai4bian n: out; outside; exterior [外邊] 外国 wai4guo2 n: foreign country [外國] 外语(外文) wai4yu3(wai4wen2) n: foreign language [外語(外文)] 完 wan2 v: use up; be over; finish; complete 完成 wan2cheng2 v: accomplish; complete; fulfill 完全 wan2quan2 adj: complete; whole; full; at all 玩儿 wan2r v: play; have fun; employ; resort to [玩兒] 碗 wan3 n: bowl 晚 wan3 adj: late 晚饭 wan3fan4 n: dinner; supper [晚飯] 晚会 wan3hui4 n: evening party; social evening [晚會] 晚上 wan3shang n: evening; night 万 wan4 num: ten thousand; a very great number [萬] 往 wang3 v: go 往 wang3 prep: to; toward; in the direction of 忘 wang4 v: forget; neglect 危险 wei1xian3 adj, n: dangerous; perilous; danger [危險] 为 wei2 v: do; act; be; become [為] 伟大 wei3da4 adj: great; mighty [偉大] 喂 wei4 interj: hello 位 wei4 m: (measure word for people of status) 为 wei4 prep: (indicating the cause or purpose) [為] 为了 wei4le prep: for; for the sake of; in order to [為了] 为什么 wei4 shen2me why; why (or how) is it that … [為什麼] 文化 wen2hua4 n: civilization; culture; education 文学 wen2xue2 n: literature [文學] 文学家 wen2xue2jia1 n: literatus; writer [文學家] 文艺 wen2yi4 n: literature and art [文藝] 文章 wen2zhang1 n: essay; article; hidden meaning 问 wen4 v: ask; inquire [問] 问好 wen4 hao3 send one's regards to [問好] 问题 wen4ti2 n: question; problem; issue; trouble [問題] 我 wo3 pron: I; me; our; ourselves 我们 wo3men pron: we; us; our [我們] 握手 wo4 shou3 shake hands; clasp hands 屋子 wu1zi n: room 五 wu3 num: five 午饭 wu3fan4 n: midday meal; lunch [午飯] 物理 wu4li3 n: physics 西 xi1 n: west 西边 xi1bian n: west (often used in oral Chinese) [西邊] 希望 xi1wang4 v, n: hope; wish; expect 习惯 xi2guan4 n, v: be used to; usual practice; habit [習慣] 喜欢 xi3huan v: love; like; be keen to; be fond of [喜歡] 洗 xi3 v: wash; bathe; develop 洗澡 xi3 zao3 have a bath; bathe 系 xi4 n: department (in a university) 细 xi4 adj: thin; fine; thin and soft; meticulous [細] 下 xia4 v: descend; fall; issue; go to; put in 下 xia4 n: below; down; under; next; second 下 xia4 m: (measure word for times of an action) 下边 xia4bian n: below; under; lower level; next [下邊] 下课 xia4 ke4 finish class; get out of class [下課] 下来 xia4 lai2 come down [下來] 下去 xia4 qu go down; descend 下午 xia4wu3 n: afternoon 夏 xia4 n: summer 夏天 xia4tian1 n: summer 先 xian1 adv, n: earlier; before; first; temporarily 先生 xian1sheng n: teacher; mister; Mr.; sir; gentleman 现代 xian4dai4 n: modern times; the contemporary age [現代] 现在 xian4zai4 n: now; at present; today [現在] 相信 xiang1xin4 v: believe in; have faith in 香 xiang1 adj: fragrant; savory; be with relish 香蕉 xiang1jiao1 n: banana 想 xiang3 v, aux: think; suppose; recall; want to; miss 响 xiang3 adj: make a sound; ring; noisy; loud [響] 像 xiang4 v, prep, n: be like; resemble; picture; such as 向 xiang4 prep, v: towards; to; face; be partial to 消息 xiao1xi n: news; information; message 小(小李) xiao3 adj, pref: small; little; petty; minor; young 小孩儿 xiao3hai2r n: child [小孩兒] 小姐 xiao3jie n: young lady; Miss; miss 小时 xiao3shi2 n: hour [小時] 笑 xiao4 v: smile (at); laugh (at); ridicule 些 xie1 m: (measure word for unspecified amount) 鞋 xie2 n: shoe 写 xie3 v: write; compose; describe [寫] 谢谢 xie4xie v: thank [謝謝] 辛苦 xin1ku3 adj, v: hard; toilsome; laborious; tire 新 xin1 adj: new; fresh; up-to-date; newly 新年 xin1nian2 n: New Year 新闻 xin1wen2 n: information; news [新聞] 心 xin1 n: the heart; heart; mind; feeling 信 xin4 n: believe; trust; profess faith in; letter 信封 xin4feng1 n: envelope 星期 xing1qi1 n: week 星期日(星期天) xing1qi1ri4(xing1qi1tian1) n: Sunday 行 xing2 v, adj: all right; O.K.; capable; competent 幸福 xing4fu2 adj: happy; happiness 姓 xing4 n, v: be surnamed; family name 休息 xiu1xi v: have a rest; rest 需要 xu1yao4 v, n: need; want; require; demand 许多 xu3duo1 adj: many; much; a lot of [許多] 学 xue2 v: study; learn; imitate; mimic [學] 学生 xue2sheng n: student; schoolboy; schoolgirl [學生] 学习 xue2xi2 v, n: study; learn; emulate [學習] 学校 xue2xiao4 n: school; educational institute [學校] 学院 xue2yuan4 n: college; institute; academy [學院] 雪 xue3 n: snow 呀 ya1 interj: ah; oh; creak 呀 ya part: ah 研究 yan2jiu1 v: study; research; consider; discuss 颜色 yan2se4 n: color [顏色] 眼睛 yan3jing n: eye 演出 yan3chu1 v, n: perform; put on a show; performance 宴会 yan4hui4 n: banquet; feast; dinner party [宴會] 羊 yang2 n: sheep; goat 样子 yang4zi n: shape; appearance; manner; model [樣子] 要求 yao1qiu2 v, n: demand; require; claim; ask 药 yao4 n: medicine; drug; remedy [藥] 要 yao4 aux, v: want to; wish to; must; shall; ask for 要是 yao4shi conj: in case; if; suppose 也 ye3 adv: also; too; either 也许 ye3xu3 adv: perhaps; probably; maybe [也許] 页 ye4 m: page [頁] 夜 ye4 n: night; evening 一 yi1 num: one; once; as soon as 一般 yi1ban1 adj: general; ordinary; common 一边…一边… yi1bian1 _ yi1bian1 at the same time; simultaneously [一邊…一邊…] 一点儿 yi1dian3r n: a bit; a few; a little [一點兒] 一定 yi1ding4 adj: fixed; definite; given; necessarily 一共 yi1gong4 adv: in all; altogether; in total 一会儿 yi1hui4r adv, n: a little while; a moment [一會兒] 一…就… yi1 _ jiu4 _ as soon as; once 一块儿 yi1kuai4r adv: the same place; together [一塊兒] 一起 yi1qi3 adv: the same place; together 一切 yi1qie4 adj, pron: all; every; everything 一下儿 yi1xia4 m: one time; once; a little while [一下兒] 一些 yi1xie1 m: a number of; certain; a few; a little 一样 yi1yang4 adv: the same; equally; alike; as … as … [一樣] 一…也… yi1_ye3_ an emphatic sentence structure to describe the smallest unit of the subject 一直 yi1zhi2 adv: always; all along; straight 医生 yi1sheng1 n: doctor [醫生] 医院 yi1yuan4 n: hospital [醫院] 衣服 yi1fu n: clothes; clothing; garment; coat 椅子 yi3zi n: chair 已经 yi3jing adv: already [已經] 以后 yi3hou4 n: after; afterwards; later [以後] 以前 yi3qian2 n: before; formerly 以为 yi3wei2 v: think; consider; believe [以為] 艺术 yi4shu4 n: art; skill; craft [藝術] 亿 yi4 num: a hundred million [億] 意见 yi4jian4 n: opinion; view; objection [意見] 意思 yi4si n: meaning; idea; wish; appreciation 意义 yi4yi4 n: meaning; sense; significance [意義] 因为 yin1wei4 conj: because; on account of; because of [因為] 音乐 yin1yue4 n: music [音樂] 阴 yin1 adj: cloudy; overcast; sinister [陰] 银行 yin2hang2 n: bank [銀行] 英语(英文) ying1yu3(ying1wen2) n: English (language) [英語(英文)] 应该 ying1gai1 aux: ought to; should; must [應該] 赢 ying2 v: win; beat; gain [贏] 影响 ying3xiang3 v, n: influence; affect; effect [影響] 永远 yong3yuan3 adv: for good; forever; ever; always [永遠] 用 yong4 v: use; employ; apply; by means of 尤其 you2qi2 adv: especially; particularly 邮局 you2ju2 n: post office [郵局] 邮票 you2piao4 n: stamp [郵票] 游泳 you2 yong3 swim 有 you3 v: have; possess; exist; there be 有的 you3de pron: some; some of 有名 you3ming2 adj: famous; well-known 有时候 you3 shi2hou sometimes [有時候] 有些 you3xie1 pron: some; some of 有意思 you3 yi4si interesting; enjoyable 友好 you3hao3 adj: friendly; amicable; close friend 友谊 you3yi4 n: friendship [友誼] 右 you4 n: the right 又 you4 adv: again 鱼 yu2 n: fish [魚] 愉快 yu2kuai4 adj: happy; cheerful; joyful; delightful 雨 yu3 n: rain 语法 yu3fa3 n: grammar [語法] 语言 yu3yan2 n: language [語言] 遇到 yu4dao4 v: meet with; run into; encounter 预习 yu4xi2 v: preview; prepare lessons [預習] 元 yuan2 m: Yuan (used for money) 原来 yuan2lai2 adj: original; former [原來] 原谅 yuan2liang4 v: excuse; forgive; pardon [原諒] 圆 yuan2 adj, n: round; circular; circle [圓] 远 yuan3 adj: far; remote [遠] 愿意 yuan4yi4 aux, v: be willing; be ready; wish; like; want [願意] 月 yue4 n: month 月亮 yue4liang n: the moon 月球 yue4qiu2 n: the moon 云 yun2 n: cloud [雲] 运动 yun4dong4 v, n: be in motion; move about; sport [運動] 再 zai4 adv: again; not … until; then and only then 再见 zai4jian4 v: good-bye; see you again [再見] 在 zai4 prep, v: exist; be living; at; on; in 在 zai4 adv: (indicating an action in progress) 咱 zan2 pron: we; us; our; I; me; my 咱们 zan2men pron: we; us; our [咱們] 脏 zang1 adj: dirty; filthy [髒] 早 zao3 adj: early; for a long time; as early as 早晨(早上) zao3chen(zao3shang) n: (early) morning 早饭 zao3fan4 n: breakfast [早飯] 怎么 zen3me pron: how; why; however [怎麼] 怎么样 zen3meyang4 pron: how; (a polite formula) [怎麼樣] 怎样 zen3yang4 pron: how [怎樣] 增加 zeng1jia1 v: increase; raise; add 展览 zhan3lan3 v, n: put on display; exhibit; show [展覽] 占 zhan4 v: occupy; seize; take; constitute 站 zhan4 v: stand; be on one's feet; stop; halt 站 zhan4 n: station; stop; service center 张 zhang1 m: piece [張] 长 zhang3 v: grow; develop; acquire; increase [長] 掌握 zhang3wo4 v: grasp; master; control; have in hand 着急 zhao2ji2 adj: worry; anxious [著急] 找 zhao3 v: look for; return the balance of money 照顾 zhao4gu4 v: look after; give consideration to [照顧] 照相 zhao4 xiang4 take a picture (or photograph) 这 zhe4 pron: this; this moment; now [這] 这个 zhe4ge pron: this one; this [這個] 这里(这儿) zhe4li3(zher4) pron: here [這裡(這兒)] 这么 zhe4me pron: so; such; this way; like this [這麼] 这些 zhe4xie1 pron: these [這些] 这样 zhe4yang4 pron: so; such; like this; this way [這樣] 着 zhe part: (indicating an action in progress) [著] 真 zhen1 adv: true; real; genuine; clearly; really 真正 zhen1zheng4 adj: genuine; real; true 整齐 zheng3qi2 adj: in good order; neat; tidy [整齊] 正 zheng4 adv: straight; upright; honest; pure; just 正确 zheng4que4 adj: correct; right; proper [正確] 正在 zheng4zai4 adv: in process of; in course of 政府 zheng4fu3 n: government 政治 zheng4zhi4 n: politics; political affairs; political 只 zhi1 m: (measure word for one of a pair) [隻] 支 zhi1 m: (measure word for stick-like things) 知道 zhi1dao4 v: know; be aware of; realize 知识 zhi1shi n: knowledge [知識] …之间 _ zhi1jian1 between […之間] 指 zhi3 v: point at; point to; point out; refer to 只 zhi3 adv: only; merely 只好 zhi3hao3 adv: have to; be forced to 纸 zhi3 n: paper [紙] 中 zhong1 n, adj: center; middle; in; among; China 中间 zhong1jian1 n: center; middle; among; between [中間] 中文 zhong1wen2 n: Chinese (language) 中午 zhong1wu3 n: noon; midday 中学 zhong1xue2 n: middle school; high school [中學] 钟 zhong1 n: bell; clock [鐘] 钟头 zhong1tou2 n: hour (mainly used in oral Chinese) [鐘頭] 种 zhong3 n, m: kind; type; sort; breed; race; strain [種] 重 zhong4 adj: heavy; important; serious 重要 zhong4yao4 adj: important; significant; major 周 zhou1 n: week; round 周围 zhou1wei2 n: around; round; about [周圍] 猪 zhu1 n: pig; hog; swine [豬] 主要 zhu3yao4 adj: main; major; chief; principal 主意 zhu3yi adj: idea; plan; decision 住 zhu4 v: live; reside; stay; stop; cease 注意 zhu4yi4 v: pay attention to; take notice of 祝 zhu4 v: express good wishes; wish 装 zhuang1 v: act; pretend; load; assemble; fit [裝] 准备 zhun3bei4 v, n: prepare; get ready (for); intend [準備] 桌子 zhuo1zi n: table; desk 自己 zi4ji3 pron: oneself; closely related; own 自行车 zi4xing2che1 n: bike; bicycle [自行車] 字 zi4 n: word; character 总(是) zong3(shi4) adv: put together; general; chief; always [總(是)] 走 zou3 v: walk; visit; pass; leave; go away 足球 zu2qiu2 n: football game; soccer ball 祖国 zu3guo2 n: motherland; fatherland; homeland [祖國] 组织 zu3zhi1 v, n: organize; form; organization [組織] 嘴 zui3 n: mouth 最 zui4 adv: most 最初 zui4chu1 n: first; initial 最后 zui4hou4 n: last; final; ultimate [最後] 最近 zui4jin4 n: recently; lately; in the near future 昨天 zuo2tian1 n: yesterday 左 zuo3 n: the left; the left side 做 zuo4 v: make; do; cook; be; be used as 作 zuo4 v: do; make; compose; write; act as 作业 zuo4ye4 n: homework; operation; task; work [作業] 坐 zuo4 v: sit; take a seat; ride; put on a fire 座 zuo4 m: (measure word for cities and so on) // HSK level 2 阿 a1(a1ge1) pref: prefix used before kinship terms; (brother) 阿拉伯语 a1la1bo2yu3(a1la1bo2wen2) n: Arabic [阿拉伯語] 阿姨 a1yi2 n: auntie; nurse (in a family) 挨 ai1 v: get close to; be next to; by 哎 ai1 interj: hey 哎呀 ai1ya1 interj: oh 爱好 ai4hao4 v, n: love; be fond of; like; interest; hobby [愛好] 爱护 ai4hu4 v: cherish; treasure; take good care of [愛護] 爱情 ai4qing2 n: love [愛情] 安全 an1quan2 adj, n: safe; secure; safty; security 安慰 an1wei4 v, n: comfort; console; consolation 安心 an1 xin1 be relieved; feel at ease 按 an4 v, prep: press; push down; according to 按时 an4shi2 adv: on time; on schedule [按時] 按照 an4zhao4 prep: according to; in accordance with 暗 an4 adj: dark 岸 an4 n: bank; shore; coast 拔 ba2 v: pull; pluck 白 bai2 adv: for nothing 白菜 bai2cai4 n: Chinese cabbage 白天 bai2tian1 n: daytime 败 bai4 v: fail [敗] 班长 ban1zhang3 n: class monitor [班長] 板 ban3 n: board 半导体 ban4dao3ti3 n: semi-conductor [半導體] 半拉 ban4 la3 half 半夜 ban4ye4 n: midnight 办公 ban4 gong1 work [辦公] 办事 ban4 shi4 do an errand [辦事] 帮 bang1 v: help [幫] 帮忙 bang1 mang2 help; do a favor [幫忙] 榜样 bang3yang4 n: example; model [榜樣] 傍晚 bang4wan3 n: toward evening; at nightfall 包 bao1 n, m: bag 包 bao1 v: wrap 包括 bao1kuo4 v: include; consist of; comprise 包子 bao1zi n: steamed; stuffed bun 薄 bao2 adj: thin 保 bao3 v: protect 保持 bao3chi2 v: keep; maintain; preserve 保存 bao3cun2 v: preserve; keep; conserve 保护 bao3hu4 v, n: protect; safeguard; protection [保護] 保留 bao3liu2 v: reserve; hold back 保卫 bao3wei4 v: defend; safeguard [保衛] 保证 bao3zheng4 v, n: ensure; assure; guarantee; promise [保證] 宝贵 bao3gui4 adj: valuable; precious [寶貴] 抱歉 bao4qian4 adj: be sorry; apologize; regret 报到 bao4 dao4 report for duty; check in; register [報到] 报道 bao4dao4(bao4dao3) v, n: report; cover; coverage; story [報道] 报告 bao4gao4 v, n: make known; report; speech; lecture [報告] 报名 bao4 ming2 sign up [報名] 报纸 bao4zhi3 n: newspaper [報紙] 背 bei1 v: back 碑 bei1 n: tablet 悲痛 bei1tong4 adj: grieved; sorrowful 北部 bei3bu4 n: north 北方 bei3fang1 n: north 北面 bei3mian4 n: north 背 bei4 n: back 背后 bei4hou4 n: at the back; behind; in the rear [背後] 被子 bei4zi n: quilt 本 ben3 adv: originally 本 ben3 pron: this 本来 ben3lai2 adj: original [本來] 本领 ben3ling3 n: skill; ability; capability [本領] 本事 ben3shi n: skill; ability; capability 本质 ben3zhi4 n: essence; nature [本質] 苯 ben4 adj: silly 逼 bi1 v: force 鼻子 bi2zi n: nose 比例 bi3li4 n: proportion 比如 bi3ru2 v: for example; for instance 笔记 bi3ji4 n: notes [筆記] 毕业 bi4 ye4 graduate [畢業] 闭 bi4 v: close; shut [閉] 必然 bi4ran2 adj: inevitable; certain 必要 bi4yao4 adj: necessary; essential; indispensable 避 bi4 v: avoid 避免 bi4mian3 v: avoid; avert 边…边… bian1 _ bian1 _ as [邊…邊…] 编 bian1 v: plait; weave [編] 扁 bian3 adj: flat 便 bian4 adv, conj: then; in that case; even if 便条 bian4tiao2 n: informal note [便條] 遍 bian4 adj: all over 标点 biao1dian3 n: punctuation [標點] 标准 biao1zhun3 n, adj: standard; criterion [標準] 表达 biao3da2 v: express; convey [表達] 表面 biao3mian4 n: surface; outside; face; appearance 表明 biao3ming2 v: show; evince 宾馆 bing1guan3 n: guesthouse; hotel [賓館] 兵 bing1 n: soldier 冰 bing1 n: ice 饼干 bing3gan1 n: biscuit; cracker [餅乾] 病房 bing4fang2 n: ward; sickroom 病菌 bing4jun1 n: pathogenic bacteria 病人 bing4ren2 n: patient 并 bing4 adv, conj: simultaneously; equally; and; moreover [並] 并 bing4 v: sum; combine [併] 并且 bing4qie3 conj: and; besides; moreover [並且] 玻璃 bo1li n: glass 伯父 bo2fu4(bo2bo) n: father's elder brother 伯母 bo2mu3 n: aunt; wife of father's elder brother 脖子 bo2zi n: neck 捕 bu3 v: catch 补 bu3 v: patch [補] 补充 bu3chong1 v: replenish; supplement; complement [補充] 补课 bu3 ke4 make up a missed lesson [補課] 补习 bu3xi2 v: take lessons after school [補習] 不必 bu2bi4 adv: need not; not have to 不大 bu2da4 adv: not very; not often 不得不 bu4 de2 bu4 have to 不得了 bu4de2liao3 adj: very; terribly 不断 bu2duan4 adv: unceasing; continuous [不斷] 不敢当 bu4 gan3dang1 you flatter me [不敢當] 不管 bu4guan3 conj: no matter; regardless of 不过 bu2guo4 conj: only; though [不過] 不好意思 bu4 hao3yi4si shy; feel embarrassed 不仅 bu4jin3 conj: not only [不僅] 不论 bu2lun4 conj: whether; regardless of [不論] 不平 bu4ping2 adj, n: indignant; resentful; injustice; unfairness 不然 bu4ran2 conj: otherwise 不少 bu4shao3 adj: quite a few 不是吗 bu4 shi4 ma isn't it [不是嗎] 不行 bu4xing2 adj: won't do 不幸 bu2xing4 adj: misfortune; unfortunate 不许 bu4xu3 v: be not allowed; must not [不許] 不要紧 bu4 yao4jin3 doesn't matter [不要緊] 不一定 bu4 yi2ding4 not sure 不住 bu2zhu4 adv: continually 布置 bu4zhi4 v: fix up; arrange; decorate 步 bu4 n: pace 部 bu4 n, m: department; measure word for movies 部队 bu4dui4 n: army; troops; force [部隊] 部门 bu4men2 n: branch; department [部門] 部长 bu4zhang3 n: minister [部長] 猜 cai1 v: guess 材料 cai2liao4 n: material 踩 cai3 v: tread; stamp on 采 cai3 v: cull; pick [採] 采购 cai3gou4 v: purchase; go shopping [採購] 采取 cai3qu3 v: take; adopt [採取] 采用 cai3yong4 v: adopt; use [採用] 彩色 cai3se4 n: color; multicolor 餐厅 can1ting1 n: restaurant; dining room [餐廳] 藏 cang2 v: hide 草地 cao3di4 n: grassland; lawn; meadow 草原 cao3yuan2 n: grasslands; prairie 厕所 ce4suo3 n: W.C.; toilet; lavatory [廁所] 册 ce4 m: tome; book [冊] 测验 ce4yan4 v, n: test; examination [測驗] 曾 ceng2 adv: ever; once 曾经 ceng2jing1 adv: once [曾經] 插 cha1 v: thrust 叉子 cha1zi n: fork 差 cha4 adj: bad; poor 差不多 cha4buduo1 adj: almost 差一点儿 cha1yi1dian3r adv: almost [差一點兒] 拆 chai1 v: unweave 产量 chan3liang4 n: output; yield [產量] 产品 chan3pin3 n: product [產品] 产生 chan3sheng1 v: produce; take place; engender [產生] 尝 chang2 v: taste [嘗] 长期 chang2qi1 n: long period of time; long term [長期] 长途 chang2tu2 n: long distance [長途] 超 chao1 v: exceed 超过 chao1guo4 v: surpass; exceed [超過] 抄 chao1 v: copy 抄写 chao1xie3 v: transcribe; copy [抄寫] 吵 chao3 v: quarrel 车间 che1jian1 n: workshop [車間] 彻底 che4di3 adj: thoroughgoing; thorough [徹底] 沉默 chen2mo4 adj: silent 趁 chen4 prep: avail oneself of 衬衫 chen4shan1 n: shirt [襯衫] 衬衣 chen4yi1 n: underclothes, shirt [襯衣] 称 cheng1 v: weigh; call [稱] 称赞 cheng1zan4 v: praise; acclaim; commend [稱贊] 成分 cheng2fen4 n: ingredient 成功 cheng2gong1 v, adj: success; successful 成果 cheng2guo3 n: gain; achievement; positive result 成就 cheng2jiu4 n: achievement; success 成立 cheng2li4 v: establish; found 成熟 cheng2shu2 v, adj: mature; ripe 成为 cheng2wei2 v: turn into; become [成為] 成长 cheng2zhang3 v: grow up [成長] 乘 cheng2 v: ride on 程度 cheng2du4 n: degree; extent; level 诚恳 cheng2ken3 adj: honest; sincere [誠懇] 诚实 cheng2shi2 adj: honest [誠實] 承认 cheng2ren4 v: admit; recognize; acknowledge [承認] 吃惊 chi1 jing1 be startled; be shocked [吃驚] 尺 chi3 n, m: ruler; 1 chǐ = 0.333 meter 翅膀 chi4bang3 n: wing 充分 chong1fen4 adj: ample; full; abundant 充满 chong1man3 v: brimming with; full of [充滿] 充足 chong1zu2 adj: adequate; abundant sufficient 冲 chong1 v: rush [衝] 虫子 chong2zi n: insect; worm [蟲子] 重 zhong4 adv: heavily 重叠 chong2die2 v: overlap [重疊] 重复 chong2fu4 v: repeat [重複] 重新 chong2xin1 adv: again 崇高 chong2gao1 adj: lofty; high; sublime 抽象 chou1xiang4 adj: abstract 愁 chou2 v: worry 臭 chou4 adj: smelly 初 chu1(chu1yi1) adj, pref: the first day of the lunar month 初步 chu1bu4 adj: initial; preliminary 初级 chu1ji2 adj: elementary; primary [初級] 出版 chu1ban3 v: publish 出口 chu1 kou3 export 出生 chu1sheng1 v: be born 出席 chu1 xi2 attend; be present 出院 chu1 yuan4 be discharged; from hospital 厨房 chu2fang2 n: kitchen [廚房] 除 chu2 v: divide 处 chu3 v: deal with [處] 处分 chu3fen4 n, v: punishment; punish [處分] 处理 chu3li3 v, n: handle; deal with [處理] 处 chu4 n: department [處] 传 chuan2 v: pass; send [傳] 传播 chuan2bo1 v: propagate; spread [傳播] 传统 chuan2tong3 n: tradition [傳統] 闯 chuang3 v: rush [闖] 创 chuang4 v: create [創] 创造 chuang4zao4 v, n: create; creation [創造] 创作 chuang4zuo4 v, n: create; write; creative work [創作] 春节 chun1jie2 n: the Spring Festival [春節] 此 ci3 pron: this 此外 ci3wai4 conj: besides; moreover 刺 ci4 v: stab 聪明 cong1ming adj: intelligent; bright; clever [聰明] 从不(没) cong2 bu4 (cong2 mei2) never [從不(沒)] 从…出发 cong2 _ chu1fa1 set off from [從…出發] 从此 cong2ci3 conj: from now on [從此] 从而 cong2er2 conj: thus; thereby [從而] 从来 cong2lai2 adv: always; all along [從來] 从事 cong2shi4 v: go in for; be engaged in [從事] 粗 cu1 adj: rude; careless; wide; thick 醋 cu4 n: vinegar 促进 cu4jin4 v: advance; promote [促進] 催 cui1 v: press; urge 存 cun2 v: keep 存在 cun2zai4 v: exist 寸 cun4 m: inch 措施 cuo4shi1 n: measure; step 搭 da1 v: put up; build 答应 da1ying v: respond; answer; reply [答應] 答 da2 v: answer; reply; return; reciprocate 答案 da2an4 n: answer; solution; key 答卷 da2juan4 n: answer sheet 达到 da2 dao4 achieve; attain; reach [達到] 打扮 da3ban v: deck out; dress up 打倒 da3 dao3 beat down 打扰 da3rao3 v: disturb [打擾] 打听 da3ting v: ask about; inquire about [打聽] 打针 da3 zhen1 inject [打針] 大胆 da4dan3 adj: daring; bold [大膽] 大多数 da4duo1shu4 n: most of [大多數] 大会 da4hui4 n: plenary session; mass meeting [大會] 大伙儿 da4huo3r pron: everybody [大伙兒] 大街 da4jie1 n: main street 大量 da4liang4 adj: a large number 大陆 da4lu4 n: continent; mainland [大陸] 大米 da4mi3 n: rice 大批 da4pi1 adj: numbers of 大人 da4ren n: adult 大使馆 da4shi3guan3 n: embassy [大使館] 大小 da4xiao3 n: size 大型 da4xing2 adj: large-scale; large 大衣 da4yi1 n: overcoat; topcoat 大约 da4yue1 adv: approximate; about [大約] 呆 dai1 adj: dull; slow-witted 呆 dai1 v: stay 代 dai4 n: generation 代替 dai4ti4 v: replace; substitute for 袋 dai4 n, m: sack; bag; pocket 待 dai4 v: wait; await 担任 dan1ren4 v: assume the office of; hold the post of [擔任] 担心 dan1 xin1 worry; feel anxious [擔心] 单 dan1 adj: only; alone [單] 单 dan4 adv: alone [單] 单词 dan1ci2 n: word [單詞] 单调 dan1diao4 adj: monotonous; dull [單調] 单位 dan1wei4 n: unit [單位] 但 dan4 conj: but 淡 dan4 adj: thin 蛋 dan4 n: egg 蛋糕 dan4gao1 n: cake 当…的时候 dang1 _ deshi2hou4 when [當…的時候] 当地 dang1di4 n: local [當地] 当年 dang1nian2 n: in those years [當年] 当前 dang1qian2 n: present; current [當前] 当时 dang1shi2 n: at that time [當時] 挡 dang3 v: block [擋] 党 dang3 n: party [黨] 党员 dang3yuan2 n: party member [黨員] 当 dang4 v: regard as [當] 当作 dang4zuo4 v: treat as; regard as; look upon as [當作] 刀子 dao1zi n: knife; sword 岛 dao3 n: island [島] 到处 dao4chu4 adv: at all places; everywhere [到處] 到达 dao4da2 v: arrive; reach; get to [到達] 到底 dao4 di3 to the end; to the finish 到底 dao4di3 adv: ever; indeed 倒 dao4 v: pour 倒是 dao4(shi) adv: on the contrary 道 dao4 v: say 道 dao4 n: street; road 道德 dao4de2 n: morals; ethics 道路 dao4lu4 n: road; way; path 道歉 dao4 qian4 apologize 德语(德文) de2yu3(de2wen2) n: German [德語(德文)] …的话 _ dehua4 if […的話] 登 deng1 v: register 登记 deng1ji4 v: register; check in [登記] 等 deng3 n: grade 等待 deng3dai4 v: wait; await 等于 deng3yu2 v: equal to; equivalent; amount to [等於] 滴 di1 m: drop 敌人 di2ren2 n: enemy; foe [敵人] 的确 di2que4 adv: indeed; really [的確] 底下 di3xia n: below; under 地带 di4dai4 n: district; region; zone [地帶] 地点 di4dian3 n: place; site; locale [地點] 地方 di4fang1 n: locality 地面 di4mian4 n: ground 地球 di4qiu2 n: earth 地区 di4qu1 n: area; region; district [地區] 地图 di4tu2 n: map [地圖] 地位 di4wei4 n: position; status 地下 di4xia4 n: underground 地址 di4zhi3 n: address 递 di4 v: pass [遞] 电报 dian3bao4 n: cable; telegram [電報] 电冰箱 dian4bing1xiang1(bing1xiang1) n: refrigerator [電冰箱] 电风扇 dian4feng1shan4(dian4shan4) n: electric fan [電風扇] 电视台 dian4shi4tai2 n: TV station [電視臺] 电台 dian4tai2 n: transceiver; broadcasting station [電臺] 电梯 dian4ti1 n: elevator; lift; escalator [電梯] 电影院 dian4ying3yuan4 n: cinema [電影院] 店 dian4 n: shop; store 吊 diao4 v: hang 钓 diao4 v: fish [釣] 调 diao4 v: shift; transfer [調] 调查 diao4cha2 v, n: investigate; survey; investigation [調查] 跌 die1 v: fall down 顶 ding3 n: top [頂] 顶 ding3 v: carry on the head [頂] 定 ding4 v: decide; set 订 ding4 v: draw up; conclude; order [訂] 东北 dong1bei3 n: northeast [東北] 东部 dong1bu4 n: east [東部] 东方 dong1fang1 n: the East [東方] 东面 dong1mian4 n: east [東面] 东南 dong1nan2 n: southeast [東南] 懂得 dong3de v: know; grasp; understand 动人 dong4ren2 adj: moving; touching [動人] 动身 dong4 shen1 leave; go on a journey [動身] 动手 dong4 shou3 begin on [動手] 动物园 dong4wu4yuan2 n: zoo [動物園] 动员 dong4yuan2 v: arouse; mobilize [動員] 动作 dong4zuo4 n: motion; movement [動作] 冻 dong4 v: freeze [凍] 洞 dong4 n: hole; cave 斗争 dou4zheng1 v, n: fight; struggle; combat [鬥爭] 豆腐 dou4fu n: bean curd 逗 dou4 v: tease; provoke 独立 du2li4 v: stand alone; independence [獨立] 读书 du2 shu1 read; study [讀書] 读者 du2zhe3 n: reader [讀者] 堵 du3 v: block 肚子 du4zi n: belly; abdomen 度 du4 n, m: degree; measure word for temperature 度过 du4guo4 v: spend [度過] 渡 du4 v: cross; tide over; ferry 端 duan1 v: carry 短期 duan3qi1 n: short-term 断 duan4 v: sever [斷] 堆 dui1 v: heap 队 dui4 n: team [隊] 队长 dui4zhang3 n: team leader; captain [隊長] 队伍 dui4wu n: troops; ranks [隊伍] 对 dui4 m: couple; pair [對] 对比 dui4bi3 v, n: compare; contrast; comparison [對比] 对待 dui4dai4 v: treat; approach [對待] 对方 dui4fang1 n: the other side [對方] 对付 dui4fu v: deal with [對付] 对话 dui4hua4 v, n: have a dialogue; dialogue [對話] 对面 dui4mian4 n: opposite [對面] 对象 dui4xiang4 n: object; target; boyfriend or girlfriend [對象] 对于 dui4yu2 prep: for; about [對於] 吨 dun1 m: ton [噸] 蹲 dun1 v: squat 多数 duo1shu4 n: most; majority [多數] 夺 duo2 v: seize [奪] 躲 duo3 v: hide; avoid 朵 duo3 m: measure word for flower or cloud 鹅 e2 n: goose [鵝] 而 er2 conj: but; yet; while 儿童 er2tong2 n: children [兒童] 耳朵 er3duo n: ear 发表 fa1biao3 v: publish; issue [發表] 发出 fa1chu1 v: send out; give out [發出] 发达 fa1da2 adj: developed; flourishing [發達] 发动 fa1dong4 v: start; launch; arouse [發動] 发抖 fa1dou3 v: tremble [發抖] 发挥 fa1hui1 v: bring into play; give play to [發揮] 发明 fa1ming2 v, n: invent; invention [發明] 发言 fa1 yan2 speak; make a speech [發言] 发扬 fa1yang2 v: develop; carry on [發揚] 法郎 fa3lang2 n: Franc 法律 fa3lü4 n: law; statute 繁荣 fan2rong2 adj, v: flourishing; prosperous; prosperity [繁榮] 凡 fan2 adv: any; all 反动 fan3dong4 adj: reactionary [反動] 反复 fan3fu4 adv, n: repeatedly; again and again [反復] 反抗 fan3kang4 v: resist; revolt 反应 fan3ying4 v, n: react; respond; reaction; response [反應] 反映 fan3ying4 v, n: reflect; report; reflection 反正 fan3zheng4 adv: anyway; in any case 范围 fan4wei2 n: scope; limits; range [範圍] 犯 fan4 v: violate; offend; attack 方 fang1 adj: square 方案 fang1an4 n: scheme; plan; program 方式 fang1shi4 n: way; fashion; pattern 方针 fang1zhen1 n: policy; principle [方針] 房子 fang4zi n: building; house; room 防 fang2 v: prevent 防止 fang2zhi3 v: prevent; avoid; guard against 仿佛 fang3fu2 v: seem; as if 纺织 fang3zhi1 v: spinning and weaving; textile [紡織] 放大 fang4da4 v: enlarge; amplify 放弃 fang4qi4 v: abandon; give up; renounce [放棄] 放心 fang4 xin1 set one's mind at rest; rest assured 非…不可 fei1 _ bu4ke3 must 肥 fei2 adj: fat 肺 fei4 n: lung 费 fei4 n: fare; expense; money [費] 费 fei4 v: cost; spend; expend [費] 费用 fei4yong4 n: expenses; drill [費用] 吩咐(分付) fen1fu4 v: instruct; tell 分别 fen1bie2 v, adv: separate; distinguish; respectively [分別] 分配 fen1pei4 v: assign; allocate 分析 fen1xi1 v: analyze 纷纷 fen1fen1 adj: one after another [紛紛] 粉笔 fen3bi3 n: chalk [粉筆] 奋斗 fen4dou4 v: fight; struggle; strive [奮鬥] 份 fen4 m: part 愤怒 fen4nu4 adj: indignant; anger [憤怒] 封建 feng1jian4 adj: feudalism 风景 feng1jing3 n: scenery; landscape [風景] 风力 feng1li4 n: wind-force; wind power [風力] 风俗 feng1su2 n: custom [風俗] 逢 feng2 v: meet; come upon 否定 fou3ding4 v: negate; deny 否则 fou3ze2 conj: otherwise [否則] 扶 fu2 v: support with the hand 幅 fu2 m: measure word for pictures, paintings, etc. 符合 fu2he2 v: accord with; conform to 服从 fu2cong2 v: obey; submit [服從] 浮 fu2 v: float 副 fu4 m: pair; set 副 fu4 adj: deputy; vice- 副食 fu4shi2 n: non-staple food 复述 fu4shu4 v: repeat [復述] 复印 fu4yin4 v: duplicate; copy [複印] 付 fu4 v: pay 富 fu4 adj: rich 妇女 fu4nü3 n: woman [婦女] 该 gai1 pron: this; that [該] 改革 gai3ge2 v, n: reform 改进 gai3jin4 v, n: improve; make better; improvement [改進] 改善 gai3shan4 v: improve 改造 gai3zao4 v: transform; show 改正 gai3zheng4 v: correct; amend 概括 gai4kuo4 v, n: summarize; generalize; summary 概念 gai4nian4 n: concept; idea; conception 盖 gai4 v: cover [蓋] 干 gan1 adj: dry [乾] 干杯 gan1 bei1 drink a toast; cheer; bottom up [乾杯] 干脆 gan1cui4 adj: clear-cut; simple; just [乾脆] 干燥 gan1zao4 adj: dry; arid [乾燥] 杆 gan1 n: pole; bar 肝 gan1 n: liver 赶 gan3 v: drive away; chase [趕] 赶紧 gan3jin3 adv: lose no time; at once [趕緊] 赶快 gan3kuai4 adv: at once; quickly [趕快] 感动 gan3dong4 v: be moved [感動] 感激 gan3ji1 v: feel grateful; be thankful 感觉 gan3jue2 v, n: feel; feeling [感覺] 感情 gan3qing2 n: emotion; feeling 感想 gan3xiang3 n: impressions; reflections 感兴趣 gan3 xing4qu4 be interested in [感興趣] 干活儿 gan4 huo2r do sth. [幹活兒] 干吗 gan4 ma2 what? yes? [幹嗎] 刚刚 gang1gang1 adv: just now [剛剛] 钢 gang1 n: steel [鋼] 港 gang3 n: port; harbor 高大 gao1da4 adj: tall and big; tall 高度 gao1du4 n, adj: altitude; height; high degree; high 高原 gao1yuan2 n: plateau; highland 告 gao4 v: tell 告别 gao4bie2 v: leave; part from; say good-bye to [告別] 搁 ge1 v: lay; put [擱] 胳膊 ge1bo(ge1bei) n: arm 割 ge1 v: cut 革命 ge2ming4 v, n: rise in revolt to seize power; revolution 隔 ge2 v: separate 隔壁 ge2bi4 n: next door 个别 ge4bie2 adj: exceptional [個別] 个人 ge4ren2 n: individual [個人] 个体 ge4ti3 n: individual [個體] 个子 ge4zi n: height; stature; build [個子] 根本 gen1ben3 n, adj: root; essence; basic; fundamental 根据 gen1ju4 prep, n: base on; according to; basis; grounds [根據] 跟前 gen1qian2 n: in front of; near; close to 更加 geng4jia1 adv: much more 工程 gong1cheng2 n: engineering; project 工程师 gong1cheng2shi1 n: engineer [工程師] 工夫 gong1fu n: work; labor; effect 工会 gong1hui4 n: trade union; labor union [工會] 工具 gong1ju4 n: tool 工艺品 gong1yi4pin3 n: handicraft [工藝品] 工资 gong1zi1 n: wages; pay; salary [工資] 功夫 gong1fu n: time; skill; art; workmanship 供 gong1 v: supply 供给 gong1ji3 v: provide; furnish [供給] 公费 gong1fei4 adj: at public (state) expense [公費] 公共 gong1gong4 adj: common; public 公开 gong1kai1 adj, v: in public; overt; open; make public [公開] 公路 gong1lu4 n: highway; freeway 公司 gong1si1 n: corporation; company 公用电话 gong1yong4 dian4hua4 public phone [公用電話] 公元 gong1yuan2 n: the Christian era 巩固 gong3gu4 adj, v: strong; solidify; consolidate; strengthen [鞏固] 贡献 gong4xian4 v, n: contribute; dedicate; contribution [貢獻] 共 gong4 adv: altogether 共产党 gong4chan3dang3 n: the Communist Party [共產黨] 共同 gong4tong2 adj: together; common 狗 gou3 n: dog 构成 gou4cheng2 v: compose; constitute [構成] 构造 gou4zao4 n: structure; construction [構造] 估计 gu1ji4 v, n: appraise; estimate [估計] 姑姑 gu1gu n: father's sister 骨头 gu3tou n: drum [骨頭] 鼓 gu3 v, n: encourage; urge; encouragement 鼓励 gu3li4 v, n: inspire; hearten; inspiration [鼓勵] 鼓舞 gu3wu3 applaud 鼓掌 gu3 zhang3 adj: to applaud 古 gu3 n: ancient times 古代 gu3dai4 n: historic site 古迹 gu3ji4 adj: ancient [古跡] 古老 gu3lao3 n: bone 故乡 gu4xiang1 n: hometown [故鄉] 故意 gu4yi4 adj: intentional 顾 gu4 v: attend to; look at [顧] 顾客 gu4ke4 n: shopper; customer; client [顧客] 挂号 gua4 hao4 register [掛號] 拐 guai3 v: turn to 怪 guai4 adj: strange 关键 guan1jian4 n: crux; key; hinge [關鍵] 关于 guan1yu2 prep: about; on; concerning [關於] 关照 guan1zhao4 v: look after; keep an eye on [關照] 关 guan1 n: official [關] 观察 guan1cha2 v: survey; observe; watch [觀察] 观点 guan1dian3 n: viewpoint; standpoint [觀點] 观众 guan1zhong4 n: audience; spectator; viewer [觀眾] 管 guan3 v: manage 管理 guan3li3 v: manage 冠军 guan4jun1 n: champion [冠軍] 罐头 guan4tou n: can; tin [罐頭] 贯彻 guan4che4 v: carry out; implement [貫徹] 光 guang1 n: light, ray 光 guang1 adj: nothing left 光 guang1 adv: only; merely 光辉 guang1hui1 n, adj: radiance; brilliance; brilliant; glorious [光輝] 光明 guang1ming2 adj: light; bright 光荣 guang1rong2 adj: glory; honor [光榮] 光线 guang1xian4 n: light; ray [光線] 广场 guang3chang3 n: public square; square [廣場] 广大 guang3da4 adj: extensive; vast; wide [廣大] 广泛 guang3fan4 adj: extensive; wide; ranging; widespread [廣泛] 广告 guang3gao4 n: advertisement [廣告] 广阔 guang3kuo4 adj: vast; wide [廣闊] 逛 guang4 v: stroll 规定 gui1ding4 v, n: provide; stipulate; provision, rule [規定] 规律 gui1lü4 n: law; regular pattern [規律] 规模 gui1mo2 n: scale; size [規模] 鬼 gui3 n: ghost 跪 gui4 v: kneel 滚 gun3 v: roll [滾] 锅 guo1 n: pan [鍋] 国际 guo2ji4 n: international [國際] 国民党 guo2min2dang3 n: the Nationalist Party; the Kuomintang (KMT) [國民黨] 国王 guo2wang2 n: king [國王] 果然 guo3ran2 adv: as expected; really sure enough 过程 guo4cheng2 n: course; process [過程] 过年 guo4 nian2 celebrate the new year [過年] 海关 hai3guan1 n: customs [海關] 海洋 hai3yang2 n: sea; ocean 害 hai4 n, v: harm 害处 hai4chu n: harm [害處] 害怕 hai4pa4 v: be afraid of; fear 含 han2 v: keep in the mouth; contain 寒冷 han2leng3 adj: frigid; cold 汗 han4 n: sweat 行 hang2 m: row 航空 hang2kong1 n: aviation 毫不 hao2 bu4 not a bit 毫无 hao2 wu2 have no (sth.) [毫無] 好好儿 hao3hao1r adv: in a proper way; to one's heart's content [好好兒] 好久 hao3jiu3 n: a long time 好容易 hao3rong2yi4 adv: have a hard time 好听 hao3ting1 adj: pleasant to hear [好聽] 好玩儿 hao3wan2r adj: interesting; amusing [好玩兒] 好些 hao3xie1 adj: quite a lot; a great deal of 号码 hao4ma3 n: number [號碼] 号召 hao4zhao4 v, n: summon; call up; appeal; call [號召] 好 hao4 v: like; be fond of 和平 he2ping2 n: peace 合 he2 v: close; shut; join; combine 合理 he2li3 adj: reasonable; rational 合同 he2tong n: contract 合作 he2zuo4 v: cooperate; work together 盒 he2 n, m: box 嘿 hei1 interj: ha 黑暗 hei1an4 adj: dark 恨 hen4 v: hate 哼 heng1 v, interj: hum; croon; huh 红茶 hong2cha2 n: black tea [紅茶] 红旗 hong2qi2 n: red flag; red banner [紅旗] 猴子 hou2zi n: monkey 厚 hou4 adj: thick 后悔 hou4hui3 v: regret; repent [後悔] 后来 hou4lai2 n: afterwards; after [後來] 后面 hou4mian n: behind [後面] 后年 hou4nian2 n: the year after next [後年] 后天 hou4tian1 n: the day after tomorrow [後天] 呼 hu1 v: call 呼吸 hu1xi1 v: breath; respire 壶 hu2 n: pot [壺] 胡乱 hu2luan4 adv: aimlessly [胡亂] 胡子 hu2zi n: beard; moustache [鬍子] 糊涂 hu2tu adj: muddled; confused; bewildered [糊塗] 护士 hu4shi n: nurse [護士] 护照 hu4zhao4 n: passport [護照] 户 hu4 n: door; family [戶] 花园 hua1yuan2 n: garden [花園] 划 hua2 v: scull 滑 hua2 adj: slippery; smooth 滑冰 hua2 bing1 skating 画报 hua4bao4 n: pictorial [畫報] 划 hua4 v: delimit [劃] 化(标准化) hua4(biao1zhun3hua4) v, suf: -ize; -ify [化(標準化)] 坏处 huai4chu n: harm; disadvantage [壞處] 欢送 huan1song4 v: see off; send off [歡送] 环 huan2 n: ring [環] 环境 huan2jing4 n: environment; surroundings [環境] 慌 huang1 adj, v: nervous; scared; flurry; fluster 黄瓜 huang2gua1 n: cucumber [黃瓜] 黄油 huang2you2 n: butter [黃油] 皇帝 huang2di4 n: emperor 灰 hui1 adj: gray 挥 hui1 v: wave; brandish [揮] 恢复 hui1fu4 v: resume; renew; recover; restore [恢復] 回头 hui2tou2 adv: turn round [回頭] 回信 hui2 xin4 write back 回忆 hui2yi4 v: recollect; recall [回憶] 会场 hui4chang3 n: meeting-place; conference [會場] 会见 hui4jian4 v: interview; meet [會見] 会客 hui4 ke4 receive a visitor [會客] 会谈 hui4tan2 v, n: talks [會談] 会议 hui4yi4 n: meeting; conference [會議] 昏迷 hun1mi2 v: stupor; coma; unconsciousness 婚姻 hun1yin1 n: marriage 混 hun4 v: mix; muddle along 活泼 huo2po adj: vivacious; vivid; lively [活潑] 活跃 hou2yue4 adj, v: active; brisk; enliven; animate; invigorate [活躍] 或是 huo3shi2 n: meals 火 huo3 n: fire 火柴 huo3chai2 n: match 获得 huo4de2 v: gain; obtain; acquire; win; achieve [獲得] 或是 huo4 conj: or 货 huo4 n: goods [貨] 几乎 ji1hu1 adv: almost [幾乎] 机床 ji1chuang2 n: machine tool [機床] 机关 ji1guan1 n: mechanism; office [機關] 机械 ji1xie4 n: machinery; machine [機械] 积极 ji1ji2 adj: positive; active [積極] 积极性 ji1ji2xing4 n: zeal; activeness [積極性] 积累 ji1lei3 v: accumulate [積累] 激动 ji1dong4 adj, v: excited; exciting; excite; stir; agitate [激動] 激烈 ji1lie4 adj: intense; fierce 极 ji2 adv: extremely; highly [極] 极其 ji2qi2 adv: most; extremely; exceedingly [極其] 集 ji2 n: market; volume 集体 ji2ti3 n: collective [集體] 集中 ji2zhong1 v, adj: focus; concentrate; amass; centralized 及 ji2 conj: and 及格 ji2 ge2 pass the exam 及时 ji2shi2 adj: timely; in time [及時] 急忙 ji2mang2 adj: in haste; in a hurry 即 ji2 v: i.e.; mean; namely 级 ji2 n: grade [級] 技术员 ji4shu4yuan2 n: technician [技術員] 季节 ji4jie2 n: season [季節] 计算 ji4suan4 v: count; computer; calculate [計算] 记得 ji4de v: remember [記得] 记录 ji4lu4 v, n: take notes; record [記錄] 记忆 ji4yi4 v, n: remember; memory [記憶] 记者 ji4zhe3 n: reporter; correspondent; newsman [記者] 既 ji4 conj: though; not only 既…也… ji4 _ ye3 _ both … and …; as well as 既…又… ji4 _ you4 _ as well as 既然 ji4ran2 conj: since; as; now that 纪律 ji4lü4 n: rule; discipline [紀律] 纪念 ji4nian4 v, n: commemorate; commemoration [紀念] 夹 jia1 v: clip; nip [夾] 家伙 jia1huo n: fellow; guy 家具 jia1ju4 n: furniture 家乡 jia1xiang1 n: hometown; native place [家鄉] 加工 jia1 gong1 process; machining; working 加强 jia1qiang2 v: strengthen; enhance; reinforce [加強] 加以 jia1yi3 v, conj: (used to invert the sentence); moreover; plus 假 jia3 adj: sham; fake 价格 jia4ge2 n: price [價格] 价值 jia4zhi2 n: worth; value [價值] 架 jia4 m: measure word for planes, etc. 假条 jia4tiao2 n: application for leave [假條] 坚定 jiang1ding4 adj, v: firm; steadfast; staunch; strengthen [堅定] 坚决 jian1jue2 adj: resolute; determinate [堅決] 坚强 jian1qiang2 adj: strong; firm; tough [堅強] 尖 jian1 adj: pointed; sharp; acute 尖锐 jian1rui4 adj: sharp-point; keen [尖銳] 肩 jian1 n: shoulder 艰巨 jian1ju4 adj: arduous; hard; formidable [艱巨] 艰苦 jian1ku3 adj: difficult; hard; tough [艱苦] 拣 jian3 v: cull [揀] 捡 jian3 v: pick up [撿] 剪 jian3 v: snip 减 jian3 v: reduce [減] 减轻 jian3qing1 v: lighten; ease [減輕] 减少 jian3shao3 v: reduce; decrease [減少] 箭 jian4 n: arrow 渐渐 jian4jian4 adv: gradually; by degrees [漸漸] 建 jian4 v: build 建立 jian4li4 v: build; establish 建议 jian4yi4 v, n: propose; suggest; proposition; suggestion [建議] 建筑 jian4zhu4 v, n: build; construct; architecture; building [建築] 将 jiang1 prep: with; by [將] 将 jiang1 adv: will [將] 将要 jiang1yao4 adv: be going to; will; shall [將要] 奖 jiang3 v, n: reward [獎] 奖学金 jiang3xue2jin1 n: scholarship [獎學金] 讲话 jiang3 hua4 speak; talk [講話] 讲座 jiang3zuo4 n: lecture [講座] 酱油 jiang4you2 n: soy sauce [醬油] 降 jiang4 v: fall; drop; lower; land 降低 jiang4di1 v: reduce; cut down; drop; lower 交换 jiao1huan4 v: exchange [交換] 交际 jiao1ji4 v, n: socialize; social intercourse [交際] 交流 jiao1liu2 v, n: interchange; exchange 交通 jiao1tong1 n: traffic; transportation 郊区 jiao1qu1 n: suburbs [郊區] 骄傲 jiao1ao4 adj: arrogant; conceited [驕傲] 角 jiao3 n: angle; horn 教材 jiao4cai2 n: teaching materials 教师 jiao4shi1 n: teacher [教師] 教授 jiao4shou4 n: professor 教学 jiao4xue2 n: teaching; education [教學] 教训 jiao4xun v, n: teach sb. a lesson; lesson [教訓] 教员 jiao1yuan2 n: teacher; instructor [教員] 较 jiao4 prep, adv: than; rather; quite [較] 叫做 jiao4zuo4 v: be called; named 接触 jie1chu4 v: contact [接觸] 接待 jie1dai4 v: receive 接到 jie1 dao4 receive 接见 jie1jian4 v: receive [接見] 接近 jie1jin4 v: be close to; near 接受 jie1shou4 v: accept 街道 jie1dao4 n: street 阶段 jie1duan4 n: stage; phase [階段] 阶级 jie1ji2 n: class [階級] 结实 jie1shi adj: solid; sturdy [結實] 节省 jie2sheng3 v: economize; save [節省] 节约 jie2yue1 v: economize [節約] 结构 jie2gou4 n: structure; composition [結構] 结合 jie2he2 v: combine; unite; integrate; link [結合] 结婚 jie2 hun1 marry [結婚] 结论 jie2lun4 n: conclusion [結論] 解 jie3 v: uncoil; unbind 解答 jie3da2 v: answer; explain 解放 jie3fang4 v, n: liberate; liberation 解释 jie3shi4 v, n: explain; expound; interpret; explanation [解釋] 届 jie4 m: session [屆] 金 jin1 n: gold 金属 jin1shu3 n: metal [金屬] 今后 jin1hou4 n: from now on [今後] 仅 jin3 adv: only [僅] 仅仅 jin3jin3 adv: only; merely; barely [僅僅] 尽 jin3 v: give priority; no more than [儘] 尽管 jin3guan3 adv, conj: feel free to; though; even though; despite [儘管] 尽量 jin4liang4 adv: as possible as; to the full [盡量] 进步 jin4bu4 v, adj: advance; progress; improve; progressive [進步] 进攻 jing4gong1 v: attack; assault; offend [進攻] 进化 jin4hua4 v: evolve [進化] 进口 jin4 kou3 import; entrance [進口] 进入 jin4ru4 v: enter; get into [進入] 进修 jin4xiu1 v: carry on advanced studies [進修] 进一步 jin4 yi2 bu4 further [進一步] 禁止 jin4zhi3 v: prohibit; ban; forbid 近来 jin4lai2 n: recently; lately [近來] 尽 jin4 v: try one's best [盡] 劲 jin4 n: power [勁] 京剧(京戏) jing1ju4(jing1xi4) n: Beijing Opera [京劇(京戲)] 精力 jing1li4 n: energy; vigor 经 jing1 v: pass [經] 经理 jing1li3 n: manager; director [經理] 经历 jing1li4 v, n: undergo; experience [經歷] 井 jing3 n: wells 警察 jing3cha2 n: police; policeman 静 jing4 adj: quiet; silent [靜] 敬爱 jing4ai4 v: respect [敬愛] 敬礼 jing4 li3 salute [敬禮] 镜子 jing4zi n: mirror [鏡子] 竞赛 jing4sai4 v: contest; competition; race [競賽] 究竟 jiu1jing4 adv: actually; exactly; after all 纠正 jiu1zheng4 v: correct; put right [糾正] 救 jiu4 v: save 就 jiu4 prep: with regard to; concerning; on 就是 jiu4shi4 adv, conj: exactly; even if 局长 ju2zhang3 n: director of a bureau [局長] 举行 ju3xing2 v: hold [舉行] 拒绝 ju4jue2 v: refuse [拒絕] 据说 ju4shuo1 adv: it is said [據說] 巨大 ju4da4 adj: huge; enormous 具备 ju4bei4 v: possess; have; be provided with [具備] 具体 ju4ti3 adj: concrete; specific; particular [具體] 具有 ju4you3 v: possess; have; be provided with 距离 ju4li2 n: distance [距離] 距离 ju4li2 prep: away from [距離] 俱乐部 ju4le4bu4 n: club [俱樂部] 剧场 ju4chang3 n: theatre [劇場] 卷 juan3 v: roll; coil [捲] 觉悟 jue2wu4 v, n: consciousness; awareness [覺悟] 决 jue2 adv: definitely [決] 决心 jue2xin1 n, v: be determined; determination [決心] 绝对 jue2dui4 adj: absolute [絕對] 军 jun1 n: army [軍] 军队 jun1dui4 n: army [軍隊] 军事 jun1shi4 n: military affairs [軍事] 开放 kai1fang4 v: open [開放] 开会 kai1 hui4 hold a meeting [開會] 开课 kai1 ke4 start of school [開課] 开明 kai1ming2 adj: enlightened [開明] 开辟 kai1pi4 v: open up; start [開辟] 开演 kai1yan3 v: begin; start a show [開演] 开展 kai1zhan3 v: carry out; develop; launch [開展] 砍 kan3 v: chop; cut 看不起 kan4 bu qi3 look down upon 看法 kan4fa3 n: view 看来 kan4lai2 conj: it seems [看來] 看样子 kan4 yang4zi look like; seem like [看樣子] 扛 kang2 v: carry on the shoulder 考 kao3 v: test 考虑 kao3lü4 v: think over; consider [考慮] 烤 kao3 v: bake 靠 kao4 v, prep: lean; by 颗 ke1 m: grain [顆] 科 ke1 n: division 科学家 ke1xue2jia1 n: scientist [科學家] 科学院 ke1xue2yuan4 n: academy of science [科學院] 科研 ke1yan2 n: scientific research 科长 ke1zhang3 n: section chief [科長] 可 ke3 adv, conj: (used for emphasis in a sentence); but; yet 可爱 ke3ai4 adj: cute; lovely [可愛] 可靠 ke3kao4 adj: reliable; dependable 可怜 ke3lian2 adj, v: pitiful; poor; pity [可憐] 可怕 ke3pa4 adj: fearful; terrible; frightful 可以 ke3yi3 adj: can; may 克服 ke4fu2 v: overcome; conquer 刻 ke4 v: chisel; carve 刻苦 ke4ku3 adj: assiduous; hardworking 客人 ke4ren n: visitor; guest 课程 ke4cheng2 n: course [課程] 肯 ken3 part, v: be willing to; will; agree 肯定 ken3ding4 v, adj: affirm; approve; positive; affirmative 空 kong1 adj: empty 空间 kong1jian1 n: space [空間] 空前 kong4qian2 adj: unprecedented 空中 kong1zhong1 n: in the air; in the sky 孔 kong3 n: hole; aperture 恐怕 kong3pa4 adv: be afraid 空儿 kong4r n: free time [空兒] 控制 kong4zhi4 v: control; dominate; command 口袋 kou3dai n: pocket 口号 kou3hao4 n: slogan [口號] 扣 kou4 v: upside down; buckle; button 裤子 ku4zi n: trousers; pants [褲子] 跨 kua4 v: stride 筷子 kuai4zi n: chopsticks 快乐 kuai4le4 adj: happy; joyful [快樂] 宽 kuan1 adj: wide [寬] 款 kuan3 n: money 矿 kuang4 n: mine [礦] 捆 kun3 v: tie; bind; bundle up 困 kun4 adj, v: (睏) sleepy; (困) constrained; besiege; constrain [睏/困] 扩大 kuo4da4 v: enlarge; expand; extend [擴大] 垃圾 la1ji1 n: garbage; rubbish 来 lai2 num: about; more or less [來] 来 lai2 part: ever since [來] 来不及 lai2 bu ji2 there's not enough time [來不及] 来得及 lai2 de ji2 there's still time [來得及] 来信 lai2xin4 n: send a letter; incoming letter [來信] 来自 lai2zi4 v: come from [來自] 拦 lan2 v: block [攔] 懒 lan3 adj: lazy [懶] 烂 lan4 v, adj: rot; rotten [爛] 狼 lang2 n: wolf 朗读 lang3du1 v: read aloud [朗讀] 浪 lang4 n: wave 浪费 lang4fei4 v: waste [浪費] 捞 lao1 v: drag for; dredge for [撈] 老百姓 lao3bai3xing4 n: common people 老板 lao3ban3 n: boss; shopkeeper [老闆] 老大妈(大妈) lao3da4ma1(da4ma1) n: granny; aunt [老大媽(大媽)] 老大娘(大娘) lao3dan4niang2(da4niang2) n: aunt; old lady 老大爷(大爷) lao3da4ye n: uncle; grandpa [老大爺(大爺)] 老虎 lao3hu3 n: tiger 老人 lao3ren2 n: the aged 老(是) lao3(shi) adv: always 老实 lao3shi adj: frank; honest [老實] 老太太 lao3tai4tai n: old woman 老头儿 lao3tou2r n: old man [老頭兒] 乐观 le4guan1 adj: optimistic; hopeful [樂觀] 雷 lei2 n: thunder 类 lei4 n, m: kind; sort [類] 厘米 li2mi3 m: centimeter [釐米] 梨 li2 n: pear 离婚 li2 hun1 divorce [離婚] 理发 li3 fa4 haircut; hairdressing [理髮] 理解 li3jie3 v, n: understand; comprehend; understanding 理论 li3lun4 n: theory [理論] 理想 li3xiang3 n: ideal 理由 li3you2 n: reason 里面 li3mian4 n: inside; interior [裡面] 礼拜天(礼拜日) li3bai4tian1(li3bai4ri4) n: Sunday [禮拜天(禮拜日)] 礼貌 li3mao4 n: courtesy; politeness [禮貌] 礼堂 li3tang2 n: assembly hall; auditorium [禮堂] 厉害 li4hai adj: strict; severe [厲害] 利益 li4yi4 n: benefit 例 li4 n: example 例子 li4zi n: example; case; instance 立 li4 v: stand 立场 li4chang3 n: position; stand; standpoint [立場] 立方 li4fang1 n: cube 立即 li4ji2 adv: immediately; at once 粒 li4 m: grain 力 li4 n: force; power 力量 li4liang n: power; force 力气 li4qi n: strength [力氣] 力所能及 li4 suo3 neng2 ji2 in one's power 联合 lian2he2 v: federate; unite [聯合] 联欢 lian2huan1 v: have a get-together [聯歡] 连 lian2 v, adv: link; join; one after another [連] 连忙 lian2mang2 adv: promptly; at once [連忙] 连续 lian2xu4 adv: continually; in succession [連續] 恋爱 lian4ai4 v, n: be in love; love [戀愛] 练 lian4 v: exercise [練] 粮食 liang2shi n: grain; food [糧食] 凉 liang2 adj: cool [涼] 量 liang2 v: measure 良好 liang2hao3 adj: good 两 liang3 m: 1 liǎng = 50 grams [兩] 聊 liao2 v: chat 聊天儿 liao2 tian1r chat [聊天兒] 了不起 liao3buqi3 great; extraordinary 列 lie4 v, m: list; line 临 lin2 v: face; overlook [臨] 临时 lin2shi2 adj: temporary [臨時] 邻居 lin2ju1 n: neighborhood [鄰居] 零钱 ling2qian2 n: small change [零錢] 铃 ling2 n: bell [鈴] 灵活 ling2huo2 adj: flexible; agile [靈活] 领 ling3 v: lead; direct [領] 领袖 ling3xiu4 n: leader [領袖] 另 ling4 adj: other 另外 ling4wai4 adj: moreover; besides 流利 liu2li4 adj: fluent; smooth 龙 long2 n: dragon [龍] 楼梯 lou2ti1 n: stairs; staircase [樓梯] 漏 lou4 v: leak 露 lou4 v: reveal; show 路上 lu4shang n: on the road 路线 lu4xian4 n: line; route [路線] 录 lu4 v: record [錄] 录像 lu4 xiang4 video recording [錄像] 录音机 lu4yin1ji1 n: sound-recorder [錄音機] 陆续 lu4xu4 adv: one after another; in succession [陸續] 旅馆 lü3guan3 n: hotel; inn [旅館] 旅客 lü3ke4 n: traveler; passenger; hotel guest 旅途 lü3tu2 n: journey; trip 略 lüe4 v: omit 轮船 lun2chuan2 n: steamship; ship [輪船] 论文 lun4wen2 n: treatise; paper; thesis [論文] 萝卜 luo2bo n: radish; turnip [蘿卜] 落 luo4 v: fall 落后 luo4hou4 adj: backward; fall behind [落後] 码头 ma3tou n: dock; wharf [碼頭] 马虎 ma3hu adj: casual; careless [馬虎] 马克 ma3ke4 n: mark (German or Finnish monetary unit) [馬克] 马路 ma3lu4 n: street [馬路] 骂 ma4 v: curse [罵] 埋 mai2 v: bury 买卖 mai3mai n: buying and selling; business [買賣] 迈 mai4 v: step; stride [邁] 馒头 man2tou n: steamed bun [饅頭] 满足 man3zu2 v: satisfied; contented [滿足] 猫 mao1 n: cat [貓] 毛 mao2 n: hair 毛病 mao2bing4 n: trouble; breakdown; shortcoming 毛巾 mao2jin1 n: towel 毛衣 mao2yi1 n: sweater 矛盾 mao2dun4 n, adj: contradiction; contradictory 冒 mao4 v: emit; give off; send out 贸易 mao4yi4 n: trade [貿易] 煤 mei2 n: coal 煤气 mei2qi4 n: coal gas [煤氣] 没错 mei2 cuo4 quite sure [沒錯] 没什么 mei2 shen2me it doesn't matter [沒什麼] 没事儿 mei2 shi4r it doesn't matter [沒事兒] 没用 mei2 yong4 no use [沒用] 每 mei3 adv: each; per 美 mei3 adj: beautiful 美好 mei3hao3 adj: fine; happy; glorious 美丽 mei3li4 adj: beautiful [美麗] 美术 mei3shu4 n: the fine arts; art [美術] 美元 mei3yuan2 n: U.S. dollar 梦 meng4 n: dream [夢] 米 mi3 n: rice 秘密 mi4mi4 adj, n: confidential; secret 蜜蜂 mi4feng1 n: bee; honeybee 密 mi4 adj: thick 密切 mi4qie4 adj, v: intimate; close; carefully; be close 棉花 mian2hua n: cotton 棉衣 mian2yi1 n: cotton-padded clothes 面 mian4 n: side; surface [麵] 面 mian4 m: measure word for flags 面积 mian4ji1 n: area [面積] 面貌 mian4mao4 n: face; appearance; visage 面前 mian4qian2 n: in front of; in face of; before 描写 miao2xie3 v: portray; depict; describe [描寫] 秒 miao3 m: second 庙 miao4 n: temple [廟] 妙 miao4 adj: wonderful 灭 mie4 v: go out; put out [滅] 民主 min2zhu3 n, adj: democracy; democratic 明亮 ming2liang4 adj: light; bright 明确 ming2que4 adj, v: clarify; clear; clear-cut [明確] 明显 ming2xian3 adj: clear; obvious; apparent [明顯] 名 ming2 n, m: name; (measure word for people) 名胜 ming2sheng4 n: famous place; scenic spot [名勝] 命令 ming4ling4 n, v: command; order 命运 ming4yun4 n: fate; destiny [命運] 模 mo1 v: touch; feel 模仿 mo2fang3 v: copy; imitate 磨 mo2 v: wear; rub; grind 墨水 mo4shui3r n: ink 某 mou3 pron: certain; some 模样 mu2yang4 n: appearance; look [模樣] 亩 mu3 m: 1 mǔ = 0.0667 hectare [畝] 母 mu3 n, adj: mother; female; motherly 木 mu4 n: wood 木头 mu4tou n: wood; timber [木頭] 目标 mu4biao1 n: objective; target [目標] 目的 mu4di4 n: aim; purpose 哪个 na3ge pron: which [哪個] 哪怕 na3pa4 conj: even if 哪些 na3xie1 pron: which 那边 na4bian1 pron: there [那邊] 奶奶 nai3nai n: grandma 耐心 nai4xin1 adj, n: patient; patience 耐用 nai4yong4 adj: durable 南部 nan2bu4 n: south 南方 nan2fang1 n: south 南面 nan2mian4 n: south 男人 nan2ren2 n: man; male 难道 nan2dao4 adv: could it be said that … [難道] 难过 nan2guo4 v, adj: feel bad; feel sorry; sad [難過] 难看 nan2kan4 adj: unsightly; ugly [難看] 难受 nan2shou4 adj: feel unwell; suffer pain [難受] 脑袋 nao3dai n: head [腦袋] 脑子 nao3zi n: brain [腦子] 闹 nao4 v: stir up trouble [鬧] 内部 nei4bu4 n: internal; inside [內部] 能干 neng2gan4 adj: able; capable; competent [能幹] 能力 neng2li4 n: capability; ability; capacity 能源 neng2yuan2 n: energy resources 泥 ni2 n: mud 年代 nian2dai4 n: time; years; age 年龄 nian2ling2 n: age [年齡] 年青 nian2qing1 adj: young 鸟 niao3 n: bird [鳥] 扭 niu3 v: tweak 浓 nong2 adj: dense; thick [濃] 弄 nong4 v: deal with 女人 nü3ren2 n: woman 女士 nü3shi4 n: lady; madam 暖 nuan3 adj: warm 暖气 nuan3qi4 n: central heating [暖氣] 怕 pa4 adv: afraid 排 pai2 n, m: platoon; row; line 排 pai2 v: discharge; exclude 牌 pai2 n: tablet; board 盘 pan2 n, m: plate; dish [盤] 盘子 pan2zi n: tray; plate; dish [盤子] 盼望 pan4wang4 v: hope for; look forward to 判断 pan4duan4 v, n: judge; decide; judgement [判斷] 旁 pang2 n: near; beside 胖 pang4 adj: fat 炮 pao4 n: big gun; canon 赔 pei2 v: compensate; pay for [賠] 陪 pei2 v: accompany 配合 pei4he2 v: coordinate; cooperation; concert 喷 pen1 v: spray; gush [噴] 盆 pen2 n: basin; tub; pot 捧 peng3 v: hold or carry in both hands 碰见 peng4 jian4 meet unexpectedly; run into [碰見] 批 pi1 m: batch 批判 pi1pan4 v: criticize 批准 pi1zhun3 v: ratify; approve 披 pi1 v: drape over one's shoulder 脾气 pi2qi n: temperament; temper [脾氣] 疲劳 pi2lao2 adj: exhausted; tired [疲勞] 皮 pi2 n: skin; peel; tegument 皮肤 pi2fu1 n: skin [皮膚] 匹 pi3 m: measure word for cloth 偏 pian1 adv: inclined to one side 片面 pian4mian4 adj: unilateral; one-sided 骗 pian4 v: cheat [騙] 飘 piao1 v: float [飄] 拼命 pin1 ming4 risk one's life; defy death 品种 pin3zhong3 n: breed; variety [品種] 乒乓球 ping1pang1qiu2 n: table tennis 平 ping2 adj: flat 平安 ping2an1 adj: safe and sound 平常 ping2chang2 n, adj: generally; usually; ordinary; common 平等 ping2deng3 adj, n: equal; equality 平方 ping2fang1 n: square 平静 ping2jing4 adj: calm; quiet; tranquil [平靜] 平均 ping2jun1 v, adj: share out equally; mean; average 平时 ping2shi2 n: at ordinary times; in normal times [平時] 平原 ping2yuan2 n: plain 瓶子 ping2zi n: bottle 坡 po1 n: slope 破坏 po4huai4 v: destroy; week [破壞] 迫切 po4qie4 adj: pressing; urgent 扑 pu1 v: throw oneself on; pounce on [撲] 铺 pu1 v: lay [鋪] 朴素 pu3su4 adj: simple; plain [樸素] 普遍 pu3bian4 adj: universal; general; widespread 普通 pu3tong1 adj: ordinary; common; average 期 qi1 n, m: period; phase 期间 qi1jian1 n: time; period [期間] 欺骗 qi1pian4 v: deceive; cheat; dupe [欺騙] 妻子 qi1zi n: wife 其次 qi2ci4 adv: next; secondary 其他 qi2ta1 pron: other (people) 其它 qi2ta1 pron: other (things) 其余 qi2yu2 pron: the others; the rest; the remainder [其餘] 其中 qi2zhong1 n: among 奇怪 qi2guai4 adj: strange; surprising 齐 qi2 v, adj: gather; neat; uniform [齊] 旗子 qi2zi n: banner; flag 企图 qi3tu2 v, n: try; attempt [企圖] 企业 qi3ye4 n: enterprise; business [企業] 启发 qi3fa1 v, n: arouse; inspire; enlighten; illumination [啟發] 气 qi4 v: get angry [氣] 气候 qi4hou4 n: climate [氣候] 气温 qi4wen1 n: air temperature [氣溫] 气象 qi4xiang4 n: meteorology [氣象] 汽油 qi4you2 n: gasoline; gas 牵 qian1 v: lead; pull [牽] 千万 qian1wan4 adv: must; be sure to [千萬] 签订 qian1ding4 v: conclude and sign [簽訂] 前进 qian2jin4 v: go forward [前進] 前面 qian2mian n: ahead; in front 前年 qian2nian2 n: the year before yesteryear 前天 qian2tian1 n: the day before yesterday 前途 qian2tu2 n: prospect; future 欠 qian4 v: owe 枪 qiang1 n: gun; spear [槍] 强 qiang2 adj: powerful; strong [強] 强大 qiang2da4 adj: big and powerful; formidable [強大] 强盗 qiang2dao4 n: robber; bandit [強盜] 强调 qiang2diao4 v: underline; emphasize; stress [強調] 强度 qiang2du4 n: intensity [強度] 强烈 qiang2lie4 adj: intense; strong; violent [強烈] 抢 qiang3 v: snatch; grab [搶] 敲 qiao1 v: knock 悄悄 qiao1qiao1 adv: quietly; on the quiet 桥梁 qiao2liang2 n: bridge [橋梁] 瞧 qiao2 v: look; see 巧 qiao3 adj: skillful 巧妙 qiao3miao4 adj: clever; ingenious 切 qie1 v: chop; cut 且 qie3 adv, conj: just; for the time being; but also 侵略 qin1lüe4 v: aggress 亲爱 qin1ai4 adj: dear; beloved [親愛] 亲戚 qin1qi n: relative [親戚] 亲切 qin1qie4 adj: cordial; kind [親切] 亲自 qin1zi4 adv: personally [親自] 青 qing1 adj: blue; green 轻松 qing1song1 adj: relaxed [輕鬆] 清 qing1 adj, v: unmixed; clear; clear up 情景 qing2jing3 n: scene; sight 情形 qing2xing1 n: circumstance; condition; situation 情绪 qing2xu4 n: morale; feeling; mood [情緒] 请客 qing3 ke4 invite to dinner; give a dinner party [請客] 请求 qing3qiu2 v, n: request; ask [請求] 庆祝 qing4zhu4 v: celebrate [慶祝] 穷 qiong2 adj: poor [窮] 球场 qiu2chang3 n: playground; play field [球場] 求 qiu2 v: beg; ask for 区 qu1 n: region; district [區] 区别 qu1bie2 n, v: difference; distinguish; differ [區別] 渠 qu2 n: watercourse; trench 取 qu3 v: get; take 取消 qu3xiao1 v: cancel; abolish; call off 圈 quan1 n: circle 全面 quan2mian4 adj: overall; all-round; comprehensive 劝 quan4 v: persuade [勸] 缺 que1 v: lack of 缺点 que1dian3 n: shortcoming; defect; weakness [缺點] 缺乏 que1fa2 v: be short of; lack 缺少 que1shao3 v: lack; be short of 却 que4 adv: but; yet [卻] 确定 que4ding4 v, adj: make certain; make sure; define; determine [確定] 裙子 qun2zi n: skirt 群 qun2 m: group 群众 qun2zhong4 n: the masses [群眾] 然而 ran2r conj: but; however 燃烧 ran2shao1 v: burn; kindle [燃燒] 染 ran3 v: dye 嚷 rang3 v: shout 绕 rao4 v: reel; roll [繞] 惹 re3 v: cause; provoke 热爱 re4ai4 v: ardently love; have deep love [熱愛] 热烈 re4lie4 adj: warm; ardent; enthusiastic [熱烈] 热闹 re4nao adj, v: lively; busy; liven up; enliven [熱鬧] 热水瓶(暖水瓶) re4shui3ping2(nuan3shui3ping2) n: thermos [熱水瓶(暖水瓶)] 热心 re4xin1 adj: enthusiastic; ardent [熱心] 人才(人材) ren2cai2 n: talent 人工 ren2gong1 adj: man-made; artificial 人家 ren2jia1 n: others 人口 ren2kou3 n: population 人类 ren2lei4 n: mankind; humanity [人類] 人民币 ren2min2bi4 n: the name of China's currency [人民幣] 人物 ren2wu4 n: figure; personage 人员 ren2yuan2 n: personnel; staff [人員] 人造 ren2zao4 adj: man-made; artificial 忍 ren3 v: bear; suffer 任务 ren4wu n: mission; task; job [任務] 认 ren4 v: admit; recognize [認] 认得 ren4de v: recognize; know [認得] 扔 reng1 v: throw 仍 reng2 adv: still 仍然 reng2ran2 adv: still; yet 日常 ri4chang2 adj: day-to-day; everyday; daily 日程 ri4cheng2 n: schedule 日记 ri4ji4 n: diary [日記] 日期 ri4qi1 n: date 日用品 ri4yong4pin3 n: daily necessaries 日元 ri4yuan2 n: Japanese yen 如 ru2 v: according to 如 ru2 conj: if 如果 ru2guo3 conj: if; in case; in the event of 如何 ru2he2 pron: how; what 如今 ru2jin1 n: nowadays; now 入 ru4 v: go into 软 ruan3 adj: soft [軟] 弱 ruo4 adj: weak 撒 sa1 v: cast; let go 洒 sa3 v: sprinkle [灑] 赛 sai4 v: contest; compete [賽] 伞 san3 n: umbrella [傘] 嗓子 sang3zi n: throat; larynx; voice 扫 sao3 v: sweep; whisk [掃] 嫂子 sao3zi n: sister-in-law 色 se4 n: color 森林 sen1lin2 n: forest 杀 sha1 v: kill [殺] 沙发 sha1fa1 n: sofa [沙發] 沙漠 sha1mo4 n: desert 沙子 sha1zi n: sand; grit 傻 sha3 adj: foolish 晒 shai4 v: shine upon; dry in the sun [曬] 山脉 shan1mai4 n: mountain range [山脈] 山区 shan1qu1 n: a mountainous area [山區] 闪 shan3 v: flash [閃] 善于 shan4yu2 v: be good at; be adept in [善於] 伤 shang1 v, n: hurt; wound [傷] 伤心 shang1 xin1 sad; grievous; brokenhearted [傷心] 商场 shang1chang3 n: market; bazaar [商場] 商量 shang1liang v: consult; discuss; talk over 商品 shang1pin3 n: commodity; goods 商业 shang1ye4 n: commerce; trade business [商業] 上班 shang4 ban1 go to work; be on duty 上当 shang4 dang4 be fooled; be taken in [上當] 上级 shang4ji2 n: higher level; higher authority [上級] 上面 shang4mian n: above; over; on the surface of 上衣 shang4yi1 n: coat; upper outer garment 稍 shao1 adv: a little 稍微 shao1wei1 adv: a little; a bit; slightly 烧 shao1 v: burn [燒] 勺子 shao2zi n: scoop; spoon 少数 shao3shu4 n: minority; few [少數] 少年 shao4nian2 n: early youth; juvenile 蛇 she2 n: snake 舌头 she2tou n: tongue [舌頭] 射 she4 v: shot 设备 she4bei4 n: equipment; facilities [設備] 设计 she4ji4 v, n: design; plan [設計] 伸 shen1 v: stretch 身 shen1 n, m: body; measure word for clothes 深 shen1 adj: deep; solid 身边 shen1bian1 n: with one; at one's side [身邊] 深刻 shen1ke4 adj: deep; profound 深入 shen1ru4 v: penetrate into; go deep into 什么的 shen2mede pron: and so on [什麼的] 神 shen2 n: god; deity 神经 shen2jing1 n: nerve [神經] 生 sheng1 v: give birth to; bear; get 生 sheng1 adj: raw; uncooked; unripe 生动 sheng1dong4 adj: vivid; lively [生動] 生命 sheng1ming4 n: life 生气 sheng1 qi4 get angry; take offence [生氣] 生物 sheng1wu4 n: living thing; organism 生意 sheng1yi n: business; trade 生长 sheng1zhang3 v: grow; grow up [生長] 升 sheng1 v: rise up 绳子 sheng2zi n: string; rope [繩子] 省 sheng3 v: save 胜 sheng4 v: win [勝] 失败 shi1bai4 v, n: be defeated; lose [失敗] 失去 shi1qu4 v: lose 失望 shi1wang4 v, adj: lose hope; disappointed 失业 shi1 ye4 lose one's job; unemployment [失業] 狮子 shi1zi n: lion [獅子] 施工 shi1 gong1 construct; build; construction 湿 shi1 adj: wet [濕] 诗 shi1 n: poem [詩] 石头 shi2tou n: stone [石頭] 石油 shi2you2 n: petroleum 拾 shi2 v: pick up 时代 shi2dai4 n: times; age; era; epoch [時代] 时刻 shi2ke4 n: moment [時刻] 时期 shi2qi1 n: period [時期] 食品 shi2pin3 n: foodstuff; food 食物 shi2wu4 n: food 实际 shi2ji4 n, adj: reality; practice; actual [實際] 实事求是 shi2 shi4 qiu2 shi4 be practical and realistic [實事求是] 实行 shi2xing2 v: put into practice; carry out [實行] 实验 shi2yan4 v, n: experiment; test [實驗] 实用 shi2yong4 adj: practical; pragmatic [實用] 实在 shi2zai4 adj: true; real; honest [實在] 使 shi3 v: use; employ 始终 shi3zhong1 adv: from beginning to end [始終] 世纪 shi4ji4 n: century [世紀] 事件 shi4jian4 n: incident; event 事实 shi4shi2 n: fact [事實] 事物 shi4wu4 n: thing; object 事先 shi4xian1 n: in advance; beforehand 事业 shi4ye4 n: cause; undertaking [事業] 适当 shi4dang4 adj: suitable; proper [適當] 适合 shi4he2 v: suit; fit [適合] 适应 shi4ying4 v: adapt; fit [適應] 适用 shi4yong4 adj: applicable; suitable [適用] 市场 shi4chang3 n: market [市場] 室 shi4 n: room 试卷 shi4juan4 n: examination paper [試卷] 试验 shi4yan4 v, n: test; experiment [試驗] 收获 shou1huo4 v, n: gain; harvest [收穫] 收入 shou1ru4 v, n: take in; include; income; earning 收音机 shou1yin1ji1 n: radio (receiver) [收音機] 手段 shou3duan4 n: means; measure; method 手工 shou3gong1 n: handwork; handicraft 手绢 shou3juan4(shou3pa4) n: handkerchief [手絹] 手术 shou3shu4 n: operation; surgical operation [手術] 手套 shou3tao4 n: glove 手续 shou3xu4 n: procedure [手續] 手指 shou3zhi3 n: finger 首 shou3 n, m: head; first; leader; measure word for songs 首先 shou3xian1 adv: first; above all; first of all 受 shou4 v: accept 瘦 shou4 adj: thin 蔬菜 shu1cai4 n: vegetable; greens 叔叔 shu1shu n: father's younger brother; uncle 舒适 shu1shi4 adj: comfortable; cozy; snug [舒適] 书包 shu1bao1 n: schoolbag [書包] 书店 shu1dian4 n: bookshop; bookstore [書店] 书记 shu1ji4 n: secretary [書記] 书架 shu1jia4 n: bookshelf [書架] 熟练 shu2lian4 adj: skilled; practiced; proficient [熟練] 熟悉 shu2xi1 v: be familiar with; know well 暑假 shu3jia4 n: summer vacation 属于 shu3yu2 v: belong to; be a part of [屬於] 树林 shu4lin2 n: woods; grove [樹林] 数 shu4 n: number [數] 数量 shu4liang4 n: quantity; amount [數量] 数字 shu4zi4 n: figure; digit [數字] 刷 shua1 v: brush 摔 shuai1 v: fall; tumble 甩 shuai3 v: move back and forth; throw 率领 shuai4ling3 v: lead; head; command [率領] 双方 shuang1fang1 n: both sides; the two parties [雙方] 水稻 shui3dao4 n: rice; paddy 水泥 shui3ni2 n: cement 顺 shun4 prep: along [順] 顺便 shun4bian4 adv: conveniently; in passing [順便] 顺利 shun4li4 adj: go smoothly; successful [順利] 撕 si1 v: tear up 思想 si1xiang3 n: thought; thinking; idea; ideology 私 si1 n: private 私人 si1ren2 adj, n: private; personal; one's own man; 司机 si1ji1 n: driver [司機] 丝 si1 n: silk [絲] 似乎 si4hu1 adv: it seems; as if; seemingly 松 song1 adj, v: loose; loosen [鬆] 送行 song4xing2 v: see sb. off; give a send-off party 速度 su4du4 n: speed 塑料 su4liao4 n: plastics 算了 suan4 le forget it 随 sui2 prep, v: with; follow [隨] 随便 sui2bian4 adj: informal; random [隨便] 随时 sui2shi2 adv: at any time; at all time [隨時] 碎 sui4 adj: broken 损失 sun3shi1 v, n: lose; damage; loss [損失] 缩 suo1 v: contract; shrink; draw back [縮] 所 suo3 n, m: place; measure word for buildings 所 suo3 part: used in a passive voice sentence 所谓 suo3wei4 adj: so called [所謂] 塔 ta3 n: tower 台 tai2 n, m: (臺) platform; measure word for theatrical plays; (檯) table; desk [臺/檯] 太太 tai4tai n: wife; Madame; Lady; Mrs. 谈话 tan2 hua4 conversation; talk [談話] 谈判 tan2pan4 v: negotiate [談判] 弹 tan2 v: flip; shoot; pluck [彈] 毯子 tan3zi n: blanket 探 tan4 v: explore 趟 tang4 m: measure word for times 烫 tang4 v: scald; burn; iron; perm [燙] 掏 tao1 v: draw out; pull out 逃 tao2 v: escape 讨厌 tao3yan4 adj, v: disagreeable; disgusting; hate [討厭] 套 tao4 v, m: cover with; measure word for sets of things 特此 te4ci3 adv: here by 特点 te4dian3 n: characteristic [特點] 特殊 te4shu1 adj: special; peculiar; exceptional 提倡 ti2chang4 v: advocate; promote 提供 ti2gong1 v: provide; supply; furnish; offer 提前 ti2qian2 v: ahead of time; advance 题 ti2 n: topic; problem; title [題] 题目 ti2mu4 n: title; subject [題目] 体会 ti3hui4 v, n: realize; know through experience; experience [體會] 体积 ti3ji1 n: volume [體積] 体系 ti3xi4 n: system; setup [體系] 体育场 ti3yu4chang3 n: stadium [體育場] 体育馆 ti3yu4guan3 n: gymnasium [體育館] 替 ti4 v, prep: take the place of; replace; for; on behalf of 天真 tian1zhen adj: naïve; innocent 添 tian1 v: add 填 tian2 v: fill 田 tian2 n: farmland 田野 tian2ye3 n: field; open country 甜 tian2 adj: sweet 挑 tiao1 v: choose; pick 条约 tiao2yue1 n: treaty; pact [條約] 调整 tiao2zheng3 v: adjust; regulate; revise [調整] 贴 tie1 v: glue; stick [貼] 铁 tie3 n: iron [鐵] 铁路 tie3lu4 n: railway; railroad [鐵路] 听讲 ting1 jiang3 listen to (teacher); attend a lecture [聽講] 停止 ting1zhi3 v: stop 通讯 tong1xun4 n: communication [通訊] 同 tong2 adj: same 同 tong2 prep, conj: with; and 同情 tong2qing2 v: sympathize 同屋 tong2wu1 v, n: be as a roommate; roommate 同样 tong2yang4 adj, conj: similar; same; equal; similarly [同樣] 铜 tong2 n: copper [銅] 桶 tong3 n: tub; bucket 统一 tong3yi1 v, adj: unify; unite; unified [統一] 统治 tong3zhi4 v: rule; dominate [統治] 痛 tong4 v: feel painful; agonize; ache 痛苦 tong4ku3 adj: painful; suffering 偷 tou1 v: steal 偷偷 tou1tou1 adv: covertly; secretly; stealthily 投 tou2 v: throw; cast 投入 tou2ru4 v, n: put into; throw into; invest; investment 头 tou2 adj: first; leading [頭] 头发 tou2fa n: hair [頭髮] 透 tou4 v, adj: penetrate; transparent; thorough 突出 tu1chu1 adj, v: outstanding; stand out 突击 tu1ji1 v: make a sudden attack; assault [突擊] 图 tu2 n: graph; map [圖] 涂 tu2 v: paint; smear [塗] 土 tu3 n: earth; soil 土地 tu3di4 n: land; soil; territory 土豆 tu3dou4 n: potato 吐 tu3 v: spit 吐 tu4 v: vomit 兔子 tu4zi n: hare; rabbit 团 tuan2 n, m: group; ball; measure word for ball-like things [團] 推动 tui1dong4 v: push forward; promote [推動] 推广 tui1guang3 v: popularize; spread [推廣] 拖 tuo1 v: tug; drag; pull 托 tuo1 v: hold in the palm 脱离 tuo1li2 v: break away from [脫離] 挖 wa1 v: dig 哇 wa part: used to denote sigh or certainty 歪 wai1 adj: askewed; crooked; awry 外地 wai4di4 n: places other than the local place 外交 wai4jiao1 n: diplomacy; foreign affairs 外面 wai4mian n: outside 弯 wan1 v: curve [彎] 完整 wan2zheng3 adj: complete; intact 网球 wang3qiu2 n: tennis ball; tennis [網球] 往往 wang3wang3 adv: often; more often than not 望 wang4 v: watch; look 忘记 wang4ji4 v: forget [忘記] 微笑 wei1xiao4 v: smile 危害 wei1hai4 v, n: endanger; jeopardize; harm 危机 wei1ji1 n: crisis [危機] 违反 wei2fan3 v: violate; run counter to [違反] 围 wei2 v: beleaguer; enclose; surround [圍] 围绕 wei2rao4 v: round; surround; revolve around [圍繞] 维护 wei2hu4 v: safeguard; defend [維護] 委员 wei3yuan2 n: committee member [委員] 尾巴 wei3ba n: tail; tail-like part 未 wei4 adv: not yet 未来 wei4lai2 n: future [未來] 味道 wei4dao n: taste; flavor 胃 wei4 n: stomach 喂 wei4 v: feed; breed 位置 wei4zhi n: place; position 卫生 wei4sheng1 n, adj: hygiene; health; sanitary; hygienical [衛生] 卫星 wei4xing1 n: satellite [衛星] 温度 wen1du4 n: temperature [溫度] 温暖 wen1nuan3 adj, v: warm [溫暖] 文件 wen2jian4 n: document 文明 wen2ming2 n, adj: civilization; civilized 文物 wen2wu4 n: culture relic 文字 wen2zi4 n: character 闻 wen2 v: smell [聞] 稳 wen3 adj: stable [穩] 稳定 wen3ding4 adj: stable; steady [穩定] 问候 wen4hou4 v: send one's regards to [問候] 握 wo4 v: hold; grasp 污染 wu1ran3 v: pollute; contaminate 屋 wu1 n: room 无 wu2 v, adv: not have; there is not; not [無] 无论 wu2lun4 conj: no matter what [無論] 无数 wu2shu4 adj: innumerable; countless [無數] 无限 wu2xian4 adj: infinite; limitless; boundless [無限] 武器 wu3qi4 n: weapon; arms 武术 wu3shu4 n: martial arts [武術] 雾 wu4 n: fog [霧] 物价 wu4jia4 n: price [物價] 物质 wu4zhi4 n: matter; substance; material [物質] 误会 wu4hui4 v, n: misunderstand; mistake; misunderstanding [誤會] 西北 xi1bei3 n: northwest 西部 xi1bu4 n: west 西餐 xi1can1 n: Western-style food 西方 xi1fang1 n: the West 西瓜 xi1gua1 n: watermelon 西红柿 xi1hong2shi4 n: tomato [西紅柿] 西南 xi1nan2 n: southwest 西面 xi1mian4 n: west 吸 xi1 v: inhale; breathe in; suck up; absorb 吸收 xi1shou1 v: absorb; suck up; admit; incorporate 吸烟(抽烟) xi1 yan1 (chou1 yan1) smoke [吸煙(抽煙)] 吸引 xi1yin3 v: attract; draw 牺牲 xi1sheng1 v: die a martyr's death; sacrifice [犧牲] 洗衣机 xi3yi1ji1 n: washing machine [洗衣機] 系统 xi4tong3 n: system [系統] 戏 xi4 n: play; opera [戲] 细菌 xi4jun1 n: germ; bacterium [細菌] 细心 xi4xin1 adj: careful; attentive [細心] 下班 xia4 ban1 get off work 下面 xia4mian n: lower part 吓 xia4 v: frighten [嚇] 掀 xian1 v: lift; take off 先后 xian1hou4 n, adv: order; early or late; in sequence [先後] 先进 xian2jin4 adj: advanced [先進] 鲜 xian1 adj: fresh [鮮] 鲜花 xian1hua1 n: fresh flower [鮮花] 纤维 xian1wei2 n: fiber [纖維] 闲 xian2 adj: free; idle; not busy [閑] 显得 xian3de v: look; seem; appear [顯得] 显然 xian3ran2 adv: obviously [顯然] 显著 xian3zhu4 adj: notable; marked; remarkable [顯著] 现代化 xian4dai4hua4 v, n: modernize; modernization [現代化] 现实 xian4shi2 n: reality; actuality [現實] 现象 xian4xiang4 n: appearance; phenomenon [現象] 献 xian4 v: contribute [獻] 县 xian4 n: county [縣] 羡慕 xian4mu4 v: admire; envy 限制 xian4zhi4 v, n: confine; restrict; limit; restriction 线 xian4 n: thread; string; wire [線] 相 xiang1 adv: each other; mutually 相当 xiang1dang1 adj: rather; be equal to [相當] 相反 xiang1fan3 adj: opposite; contrary 相互 xiang1hu4 adj: mutual; reciprocal; each other 相似 xiang1si4 adj: similar; alike 相同 xiang1tong2 adj: identical; same; alike 香肠 xiang1chang2 n: sausage [香腸] 香皂 xiang1zao4 n: perfumed soap; toilet soap 箱子 xiang1zi n: box; case; chest 乡 xiang1 n: village [鄉] 乡下 xiang1xia n: village; country side [鄉下] 详细 xiang2xi4 adj: detailed [詳細] 想法 xiang3fa n: idea; opinion 想念 xiang3nian4 v: remember with longing; miss 想象 xiang3xiang4 v: imagine; fancy; visualize 响应 xing3ying4 v: respond; answer [響應] 享受 xiang3shou4 v, n: enjoy; enjoyment 项 xiang4 m: item [項] 项目 xiang4mu4 n: item; project [項目] 象 xiang4 n: elephant 消费 xiao1fei4 v: consume [消費] 消化 xiao1hua4 v: digest 消灭 xiao1mie4 v: eliminate; perish; wipe out [消滅] 消失 xiao1shi1 v: disappear; vanish 晓得 xiao3de v: know [曉得] 小伙子 xiao3huo3zi n: young fellow; lad 小麦 xiao3mai4 n: wheat [小麥] 小朋友 xiao3peng2you3 n: child 小说 xiao3shuo1 n: novel; fiction [小說] 小心 xiao3xin1 adj, v: careful; be careful 小学 xiao3xue2 n: primary school [小學] 校长 xiao4zhang3 n: headmaster; schoolmaster [校長] 笑话 xiao4hua n, v: joke; jest; laugh at; mock [笑話] 效果 xiao4guo3 n: effect; result 效率 xiao4lü4 n: efficiency 歇 xie1 v: rest 斜 xie2 adj: tilted; slanting 血 xie3/xue4 n: blood 新鲜 xin1xian1 adj: fresh; new; strange [新鮮] 心得 xin1de2 n: something personal acquired from study 心情 xin1qing2 n: mood; state of mind 心脏 xin1zang4 n: heart [心臟] 信 xin4 v: trust; believe 信心 xin4xin1 n: confidence 星星 xing1xing n: star 兴奋 xing1fen4 adj: excited [興奮] 形成 xing2cheng2 v: take shape; form 形容 xing2rong2 v: describe 形式 xing2shi4 n: form; format; shape 形势 xing2shi4 n: situation; circumstances [形勢] 形象 xing2xiang4 n, adj: appearance; image; vivid; expressive; graphic 形状 xing2zhuang4 n: shape; figure; form [形狀] 行 xing2 n: walk; travel 行动 xing2dong4 v, n: move; act; action [行動] 行李 xing2li n: luggage; baggage 醒 xing3 v: wake 兴趣 xing4qu4 n: interest [興趣] 性(积极性) xing4(ji1ji2xing4) n, suf: quality (the quality of being active) [性(積極性)] 性格 xing4ge2 n: nature; disposition; temperament 性质 xing4zhi4 n: quality; nature; character [性質] 姓名 xing4ming2 n: surname and given name; full name 兄弟 xiong1di4 n: brothers 胸 xiong1 n: chest 雄 xiong2 adj: male 雄伟 xiong2wei3 adj: grand; magnificent [雄偉] 熊猫 xiong2mao1 n: panda [熊貓] 修 xiu1 v: fix; mend 修改 xiu1gai3 v, n: revise; modify; revision; modification 修理 xiu1li3 v: repair; mend; fix 虚心 xu1xin1 adj: modest; open-minded [虛心] 许 xu3 v, adv: allow; permit; perhaps; maybe [許] 宣布 xuan1bu4 v: declare; announce 宣传 xuan1chuan2 v, n: propagate; propaganda [宣傳] 选 xuan3 v: choose; select; choose [選] 选举 xuan3ju3 v, n: elect; election [選舉] 选择 xuan3ze2 v, n: select; choose; opt [選擇] 学(社会学) xue2(she4hui4xue2) n, suf: -ology (sociology) [學(社會學)] 学费 xue2fei4 n: tuition; tuition fee [學費] 学期 xue2qi1 n: school term; semester [學期] 学术 xue2shu4 n: systematic learning; science [學術] 学问 xue2wen n: learning; knowledge; scholarship [學問] 血液 xue4ye4 n: blood 寻找 xun2zhao3 v: look for; seek [尋找] 训练 xun4lian4 v: train; drill [訓練] 迅速 xun4su4 adj: rapid; speedy; quick 压 ya1 v: press [壓] 压迫 ya1po4 v: oppress; repress [壓迫] 牙 ya2 n: tooth 牙刷 ya2shua1 n: toothbrush 盐 yan2 n: salt [鹽] 严格 yan2ge2 adj: strict; rigorous; rigid [嚴格] 严肃 yan2su4 adj, v: serious; solemn; earnest; enforce [嚴肅] 严重 yan2zhong4 adj: grave; critical; serious [嚴重] 研究所 yan2jiu1suo3 n: research institute 延长 yan2chang2 v: lengthen; prolong; extend [延長] 沿 yan2 prep: by; along 眼 yan3 n: eye 眼镜 yan3jing4 n: eyeglasses; spectacles [眼鏡] 眼泪 yan3lei4 n: tear [眼淚] 眼前 yan3qian2 n: before one's eyes; at present 演 yan3 v: act; perform 演员 yan3yuan2 n: actor; performer [演員] 咽 yan4 v: swallow 阳光 yang2guang1 n: sunlight; sunshine [陽光] 仰 yang3 v: face upward 养 yang3 v: provide for; raise; give birth to; rest [養] 样 yang4 m: kind; type [樣] 邀请 yao1qing3 v, n: invite; invitation [邀請] 腰 yao1 n: waist 摇 yao2 v: sway; shake [搖] 咬 yao3 v: bite 要紧 yao4jin3 adj: important; essential [要緊] 爷爷 ye2ye n: grandfather [爺爺] 业务 ye4wu4 n: business; professional work [業務] 业余 ye4yu2 adj: amateur; not professional [業餘] 叶子 ye4zi n: leaf [葉子] 夜里 ye4li n: at night [夜裡] 夜晚 ye4wan3 n: night 一 yi1 adv: once; as soon as 一半 yi2ban4 n: one half 一边 yi4bian1 n: one side [一邊] 一道 yi2dao4 adv: together 一方面…一方面… yi1 fang1mian4 _ yi1 fang1mian4 _ on one hand … on the other hand … 一齐 yi4qi2 adv: at the same time; in unison [一齊] 一生 yi4sheng1 n: lifetime; all one's life 一时 yi1shi2 n: a short period of time; moment [一時] 一同 yi4tong2 adv: together; at the same time and place 一下子 yi2xia4zi adv: all at once; in an instant 一致 yi2zhi4 adj: identical; unanimous; consistent 一…也 yi1 _ ye3 _ as soon as … then … 医务室 yi1wu4shi4 n: clinic [醫務室] 医学 yi1xue2 n: medicine; medical science [醫學] 依靠 yi1kao4 v, n: rely on; depend on; backing; support 移到 yi2dao4 v: move; shift 移动 yi2dong4 v: move; remove; shift [移動] 仪器 yi2qi4 n: instrument; apparatus [儀器] 疑问 yi2wen4 n: doubt; query; question [疑問] 已 yi3 adv: already 以 yi3 prep, conj: with; because of; so as to; in order to 以及 yi3ji2 conj: as well as; along with; and 以来 yi3lai2 part: since [以來] 以内 yi3nei4 n: within; less than [以內] 以上 yi3shang4 n: more than; above; the foregoing 以外 yi3wai4 n: beyond; outside 以下 yi3xia4 n: below; under; the following 意外 yi4wai4 adj, n: accidental; unexpected; accident 意志 yi4zhi4 n: will; volition 议论 yi4lun4 v: discuss; comment on [議論] 异常 yi4chang2 adj: unusual; abnormal [異常] 因此 yin1ci3 conj: therefore; thus; consequently 因而 yin1er2 conj: thus; as a result 因素 yin1su4 n: factor; element 银 yin2 n: silver [銀] 引起 yin3qi3 v: give rise to; lead to; cause 印 yin4 v: print; engrave 印刷 yin4shua1 v: print 印象 yin4xiang4 n: impression 英雄 ying1xiong2 n: hero 英勇 ying1yong3 adj: heroic; valiant; brave; gallant 应 ying1 part, v: should; ought to [應] 应当 ying1dang1 part, v: should; ought to; must [應當] 营养 ying2yang3 n: nutrition; nourishment [營養] 营业 ying2ye4 v: be open for business [營業] 迎接 ying2jie1 v: welcome; greet; receive 影子 ying3zi n: shadow 应用 ying4yong4 v: apply; use [應用] 硬 ying4 adj: hard; rigid; tough 拥抱 yong1bao4 v: embrace; hug [擁抱] 拥护 yong1hu4 v: support; uphold [擁護] 勇敢 yong3gan3 adj: brave; courageous 勇气 yong3qi4 n: courage [勇氣] 用不着 yong4 bu zhao2 have no use for [用不著] 用处 yong4chu n: use [用處] 用功 yong4 gong1 hardworking; diligent 用力 yong4 li4 exert one's strength 优点 you1dian3 n: merit; advantage; strong point [優點] 优良 you1liang2 adj: fine; good [優良] 优美 you1mei3 adj: fine; graceful [優美] 优秀 you1xiu4 adj: excellent; fine; outstanding [優秀] 悠久 you1jiu3 adj: long; age-old; longstanding 由 you2 prep: by; from 由于 you2yu2 prep: owing to; due to; because of [由於] 油 you2 n: oil 游览 you2lan3 v: visit; tour; go sightseeing [游覽] 游泳池 you2yong3chi2 n: swimming pool 有的是 you3deshi4 v: there's no lack of 有(一)点儿 you3(yi4)dian3r adv: a little bit [有(一)點兒] 有关 you3guan1 v: concern; relate to [有關] 有利 you3li4 adj: advantageous; beneficial 有力 you3li4 adj: strong; powerful 有趣 you3qu4 adj: interesting 有时 you3shi2 adv: sometimes; at times [有時] 有效 you3xiao4 adj: effective; efficacious 有用 you3 yong4 useful 右边 you4bian n: the right side; the right [右邊] 于 yu2 prep: at; on [於] 于是 yu2shi4 conj: as a result; thereupon [於是] 雨衣 yu3yi1 n: raincoat 与 yu3 prep, conj: with; and; together with [與] 语调 yu3diao4 n: intonation [語調] 语气 yu3qi4 n: tone; manner of speaking; mood [語氣] 语音 yu3yin1 n: pronunciation [語音] 羽毛球 yu3mao2qiu2 n: badminton 玉米 yu4mi3 n: maize; corn 遇 yu4 v: meet 遇见 yu4 jian4 meet; come across [遇見] 预备 yu4bei4 v: get ready; prepare; reserve [預備] 员(服务员) yuan2(fu2wu4yuan2) n, suf: -er; -or; etc. (waiter, waitress) [員(服務員)] 原料 yuan2liao4 n: raw material 原因 yuan2yin1 n: cause; reason 原则 yuan2ze2 n: principle [原則] 圆珠笔 yuan2zhu1bi3 n: ball pen [圓珠筆] 愿望 yuan4wang4 n: desire; wish; aspiration [願望] 院 yuan4 n: courtyard; yard 院长 yuan4zhang3 n: the head of a college, institute, hospital, etc. [院長] 院子 yuan4zi n: courtyard; yard 约 yue1 v, adv: make an appointment; about; around [約] 约会 yue1hui4 n: appointment; date; engagement [約會] 越…越… yue4 _ yue4 _ more … more … 越来越… yue4lai2yue4 more and more [越來越…] 阅读 yue4du2 v: read [閱讀] 阅览室 yue4lan3shi4 n: reading-room [閱覽室] 允许 yun3xu3 v: permit; allow [允許] 运 yun4 v: transport; carry [運] 运动会 yun4dong4hui4 n: sport meet; games [運動會] 运动员 yun4dong4yuan2 n: athlete; player [運動員] 运输 yun4shu1 v, n: carry; transport; conveyance [運輸] 运用 yun4yong4 v: utilize; apply [運用] 杂 za2 adj, v: mixed; miscellaneous; mix; mingle [雜] 杂技 za2ji4 n: acrobatics [雜技] 灾 zai1 n: disaster; calamity [災] 灾害 zai1hai4 n: calamity; disaster [災害] 暂时 zan4shi2 adj: temporary; transient [暫時] 赞成 zan4cheng2 v: agree with; approve of; favor [贊成] 遭到 zao1dao4 v: suffer; encounter; meet with 遭受 zao1shou4 v: suffer; be subjected to 糟糕 zao1gao1 adj: terrible; bad 造 zao4 v: make; build; create; invent 造句 zao4 ju4 make a sentence 责任 ze2ren4 n: duty; responsibility [責任] 则 ze2 conj: then; in that case [則] 增长 zeng1zhang3 v: enrich; enhance; grow [增長] 扎 zha1 v: prick; push a needle into 摘 zhai1 v: cull; pick; pluck; take off 窄 zhai3 adj: narrow; petty 粘 zhan1 v: glue; paste 展出 zhan3chu1 v: put on display; exhibit 展开 zhan3 kai1 spread out; unfold; open up [展開] 展览会 zhan3lan3hui4 n: exhibition [展覽會] 战斗 zhan4dou4 v, n: fight; battle; combat; action [戰鬥] 战胜 zhan4sheng4 v: defeat; triumph over; overcome [戰勝] 战士 zhan4shi4 n: soldier; fighter [戰士] 战争 zhan4zheng1 n: warfare; war [戰爭] 章 zhang1 m: chapter; section 涨 zhang3 v: go up; rise [漲] 丈 zhang4 m: 1 zhàng = 3.33 meters 丈夫 zhang4fu n: man; husband 招待 zhao2dai4 v: receive; entertain 招待会 zhao1dai4hui4 n: reception [招待會] 招呼 zhao1hu v: call; greet; say hello to 着 zhao2 v: burn;touch; be affected by [著] 照 zhao4 v, prep: shine; illuminate; according to 照常 zhao4chang2 adj: as usual 照片(相片) zhao4pian4(xiang4pian4) n: photo; photograph 召开 zhao4kai1 v: convene; convoke [召開] 折 zhe2 v: break; fold; convert into 哲学 zhe2xue2 n: philosophy [哲學] 这边 zhe4bian1 pron: here; this side [這邊] 真理 zhen1li3 n: truth 真实 zhen1shi2 adj: true; real; authentic [真實] 针 zhen1 n: needle; stitch; injection [針] 针对 zhen1dui4 v: be aimed at; be directed against [針對] 阵 zhen4 n, m: period; measure word for wind [陣] 睁 zheng1 v: open (the eyes) [睜] 征求 zheng1qiu2 v: ask for; seek; solicit [徵求] 争 zheng1 v: vie; contend; strive; argue; dispute [爭] 争论 zheng1lun4 v: dispute; debate; controvert [爭論] 争取 zheng1qu3 v: strive for; fight for; win over [爭取] 整个 zheng3ge4 adj: whole; entire [整個] 整理 zheng3li3 v: put in order; straighten out; sort out 正 zheng4 adj: straight; main; upright; honest; right 正常 zheng4chang2 adj: normal; regular 正好 zheng4hao3 adj: just in time; just right; just enough 正式 zheng4shi4 adj: formal; official; regular 政策 zheng4ce4 n: policy 证明 zheng4ming2 v, n: prove; testify; proof; certificate [證明] 支持 zhi1chi2 v: support; back; espouse 支援 zhi1yuan2 v, n: support; aid; assist; assistance; help …之后 zhi1 hou4 after […之後] …之前 zhi1 qian2 before …之上 zhi1 shang4 on; above …之下 zhi1 xia4 under; below …之一 zhi1 yi1 one of …之中 zhi1 zhong1 among; in; in the process of 织 zhi1 v: weave; knit [織] 职工 zhi2gong1 n: staff; worker; employee [職工] 职业 zhi2ye4 n: occupation; profession [職業] 直 zhi2 v, adj: straighten; straight 直 zhi2 adv: direct; straight; continuously 直到 zhi2dao4 v: until; up to 直接 zhi2jie1 adj: direct; immediate 植物 zhi2wu4 n: plant 执行 zhi2xing2 v: carry out; execute [執行] 值得 zhi2de v: be worth; deserve 指出 zhi3chu1 v: point out 指导 zhi3dao3 v: direct; guide [指導] 指挥 zhi3hui1 v, n: command; direct; conductor [指揮] 指示 zhi3shi4 n, v: instruction; order; indicate; point out 止 zhi3 v: stop 只是 zhi3shi4 adv, conj: only; merely; simply; but 只要 zhi3yao4 conj: so long as; provided 只有 zhi3you3 adv, conj: alone; only 至 zhi4 prep: till; to; until 至今 zhi4 jin1 up to now; to this day; so far 至少 zhi4shao3 adv: at least 制定 zhi4ding4 v: establish; lay down; stipulate 制订 zhi4ding4 v: draw up; work out; formulate [制訂] 制度 zhi4du4 n: system; institution 制造 zhi4zao4 v: make; manufacture; fabricate [製造] 秩序 zhi4xu4 n: order; orderly state 质量 zhi4liang4 n: quality [質量] 治 zhi4 v: treat; manage; control; govern 中餐 zhong1can1 n: Chinese food; Chinese meal 中心 zhong1xin1 n: center; heart 中央 zhong1yang1 n: center; central authorities 中药 zhong1yao4 n: Chinese medicine [中藥] 终于 zhong1yu2 adv: at last; finally; in the end [終於] 种子 zhong3zi n: seed [種子] 种 zhong4 v: grow; plant; cultivate [種] 重大 zhong4da4 adj: great; important; major; significant 重点 zhong4dian3 n, adj: focal point; stress; emphasized [重點] 重量 zhong4liang4 n: weight 重视 zhong4shi4 v: attach importance to; pay attention to [重視] 周到 zhou1dao4 adj: thoughtful; considerate 株 zhu1 m: measure word for individual plants 逐步 zhu2bu4 adv: step by step; gradually 逐渐 zhu2jian4 adv: gradually; by degrees [逐漸] 竹子 zhu2zi n: bamboo 煮 zhu3 v: cook; boil 主动 zhu3dong4 adj: active; initiatory [主動] 主观 zhu3guan1 n, adj: subject; subjective thinking; subjective [主觀] 主人 zhu3ren2 n: master; host; owner 主任 zhu3ren4 n: director; head; chief 主席 zhu3xi2 n: chairman 主张 zhu3zhang1 v, n: advocate; idea; view; proposition [主張] 著名 zhu4ming2 adj: famous; well-known 著作 zhu4zuo3 n: work; book; writing 住院 zhu4 yuan4 be in hospital 祝贺 zhu4he4 v, n: congratulate; congratulation [祝賀] 抓 zhua1 v: seize; grab; catch; scratch; stress 抓紧 zhua1 jin3 firmly grasp; pay close attention to [抓緊] 专家 zhuan1jia1 n: expert; specialist [專家] 专门 zhuan1men2 adj: special; specialized [專門] 专心 zhuan1xin1 adj: be absorbed; attentive; concentrating [專心] 专业 zhuan1ye4 n: specialty; specialized field [專業] 转 zhuan3 v: change; pass on; transfer [轉] 转变 zhuan3bian4 v: change; transform [轉變] 转告 zhuan3gao4 v: pass on [轉告] 转 zhuan4 v: turn; rotate; revolve [轉] 庄稼 zhuang1jia n: crops [莊稼] 庄严 zhuang1yan2 adj: solemn; dignified [莊嚴] 装 zhuang1 v: pretend; play the part (role) of [裝] 撞 zhuang4 v: collide; bump against; run into 状况 zhuang4kuang4 n: state of affairs; condition [狀況] 状态 zhuang4tai4 n: state; condition [狀態] 追 zhui1 v: run after; pursue; trace; go after 准 zhun3 adj, v: (準) accurate; exact; (准) allow; permit [準/准] 准确 zhun3que4 adj: precise; accurate; exact [準確] 准时 zhun3shi2 adj: on time; punctual [準時] 捉 zhuo1 v: catch; capture 资料 zi1liao4 n: data; material; means [資料] 资源 zi1yuan2 n: resources; natural resources [資源] 紫 zi3 adj: purple 仔细 zi3xi4 adj: careful; attentive [仔細] 自 zi4 prep: from; since 自从 zi4cong2 prep: since [自從] 自动 zi4dong4 adj: automatic [自動] 自费 zi4fei4 adj: at one's own expense [自費] 自觉 zi4jue2 v, adj: be aware of; conscious; conscientious [自覺] 自然 zi3ran2 n, adj: nature; natural; spontaneous 自我 zi4wo3 pron: self; oneself 自学 zi4xue2 v: self-study; self-taught; study independently [自學] 自由 zi4you2 n, adj: freedom; liberty; free; unrestrained 综合 zong1he2 v: synthesize; colligate; integrate [綜合] 总结 zong3jie2 v, n: summarize; sum up; summary [總結] 总理 zong3li3 n: premier; prime minister [總理] 总统 zong3tong3 n: president (of a republic) [總統] 走道 zou3 dao4 walk 组 zu3 v, n: team up; group; team [組] 钻 zuan1 v: drill; bore; get into; dig into; study [鑽] 钻研 zuan1yan2 v: study in depth; dig into [鑽研] 醉 zui4 v: become drunk; be tipsy 最好 zui4hao3 adv: had better; it would be best 尊敬 zun1jing4 v: respect; esteem 遵守 zun1shou3 v: observe; abide by 左边 zuo3bian n: the left side; the left [左邊] 左右 zuo3you4 part, v: about; approximate; influence; control 做法 zuo4fa3 n: method of work; practice 做客 zuo4 ke4 be a guest 做梦 zuo4 meng4 dream; have a dream [做夢] 作家 zuo4jia1 n: writer 作品 zuo4pin3 n: works (of literature and art) 作为 zuo4wei2 v, prep: regard as; take for; as [作為] 作文 zuo4 wen2 write a composition; composition 作用 zuo4yong4 n, v: action; function; act on; affect 作者 zuo4zhe3 n: author; writer 坐班 zuo4 ban1 work in the office in office hours 座谈 zuo4tan2 v: have an informal discussion [座談] 座位 zuo4wei4 n: seat; place // HSK level 3 哎哟 ai1yo1 interj: oh; ah [哎喲] 哎 ai1 interj: alas 挨 ai2 v: suffer; endure 癌 ai2 n: cancer; carcinoma 安 an1 v, adj: settle; stabilize; settled; stable 安定 an1ding4 adj, v: stable; stabilize 安装 an1zhuang1 v: install; erect [安裝] 按期 an4qi1 adv: on schedule; on time 暗暗 an4an4 adv: secretly 熬 ao2 v: decoct; boil; endure; hold out 奥秘 ao4mi4 n: mystery; enigma [奧秘] 扒 ba1 v: push aside; hold on to; strip off; dig up 把 ba3 v: hold; grasp; control 把握 ba3wo4 v, n: grasp; hold; certainty; assurance 坝 ba4 n: dam; dyke; embankment [壩] 罢 ba4 v: dismiss; cease; stop [罷] 罢工 ba4 gong1 strike; walk out [罷工] 白白 bai2bai2 adv: for nothing; in vain; to no purpose 百货 bai3huo4 n: general merchandise [百貨] 柏树 bai3shu4 n: cypress [柏樹] 摆脱 bai3tuo1 v: free oneself from; get rid of [擺脫] 拜访 bai4fang3 v: pay a visit; call on [拜訪] 拜会 bai4hui4 v: pay an official visit; call on [拜會] 般 ban1 part: kind; sort; way; -like 瓣 ban4 n: valve; petal; segment; section 半岛 ban4dao3 n: peninsula [半島] 办理 ban4li3 v: handle; conduct; deal with [辦理] 帮 bang1 n: gang; band; group; secret society [幫] 绑 bang3 v: bind; tie up [綁] 棒 bang4 n: bar; stick; club 棒 bang4 adj: good; strong 镑 bang4 m: pound [鎊] 包袱 bao1fu n: a bundle wrapped in cloth; burden 包含 bao1han2 v: contain; embody; include 包围 bao1wei2 v: surround; encircle [包圍] 剥 bao1 v: shell; peel; skin [剝] 保管 bao3guan3 v, n: keep; take care of; storekeeper 保密 bao3 mi4 keep secret; maintain secrecy 保守 bao3shou3 v, adj: guard; keep; conservative 保险 bao3xian3 adj, n: safe; be sure; insurance [保險] 保障 bao3zhang4 v, n: ensure; guarantee; protection 宝 bao3 n: precious things; treasure [寶] 宝石 bao3shi2 n: precious stone; gem [寶石] 报 bao4 v: report; announce; declare [報] 报仇 bao4chou2 revenge; avenge [報仇] 报酬 bao4chou n: reward; pay [報酬] 报复 bao4fu4 v, n: retaliate; revenge; retaliation; reprisal [報復] 报刊 bao4kan1 n: newspapers and periodicals; the press [報刊] 报社 bao4she4 n: newspaper office [報社] 暴露 bao4lu4 v: expose; lay bare; divulge; undress 暴雨 bao4yu3 n: rainstorm; downpour 爆发 bao4fa1 v: erupt; burst out; break out [爆發] 爆炸 bao4zha4 v: explode; blow up 悲哀 bei1ai1 adj: sad; sorrowful; grieved 悲观 bei1guan1 adj: pessimistic [悲觀] 辈 bei4 n, m: generation [輩] 背包 bei1bao1 n: knapsack; backpack; rucksack 背景 bei4jing3 n: background; backdrop 背诵 bei4song4 v: recite [背誦] 背心 bei4xin1 n: vest; jersey; tank 被动 bei4dong4 adj: passive [被動] 被迫 bei4 po4 be compelled; be forced 奔 ben1 v: run; rush 奔跑 ben1pao3 v: run; run about 本人 ben3ren2 pron: I; me; myself; oneself 本身 ben3shen1 pron: itself; in itself 奔 ben4 v: go straight towards; approach; go about doing sth. 甭 beng2 adv: don't; needn't 比方 bi3fang n: instance; analogy 笔试 bi3shi4 n: written examination [筆試] 彼此 bi3ci3 pron: each other; one another 毕竟 bi4jing4 adv: after all; when all is said and done; in the end [畢竟] 闭幕 bi4mu4 v: close; conclude [閉幕] 必 bi4 adv: certainly; surely; definitely; necessarily 必定 bi4ding4 adv: undoubtedly; certainly; surely 必修 bi4xiu1 v: compulsory; required; obligatory 必需 bi4xu1 v: necessarily need; be essential 壁 bi4 n: wall 边疆 bian1jiang1 n: border area; borderland; frontier [邊疆] 边界 bian1jie4 n: bound; boundary; border [邊界] 边缘 bian1yuan2 n: edge; fringe; brink [邊緣] 编辑 bian1ji2 v, n: edit; compile; editor; compiler [編輯] 编制 bian1zhi4 v, n: weave; plait; braid; work out; draw up; size of staff [編制] 便利 bian4li4 adj, v: convenient; easy; facilitate 便于 bian4yu2 v: be easy; be convenient [便於] 变动 bian4dong4 v, n: alter; change; alteration [變動] 变革 bian4ge2 v, n: change; transform; transformation [變革] 辩论 bian4lun4 v, n: argue; debate; argument [辯論] 标语 biao1yu3 n: slogan; poster [標語] 标志 biao1zhi4 v, n: indicate; mark; sign; symbol [標志] 表情 biao3qing2 n: expression 别 bie2 v: stick in; fasten with a pin or clip; leave; part [別] 别处 bie2chu4 n: another place; elsewhere [別處] 别字 bie2zi4 n: wrongly written or mispronounced character [別字] 冰棍儿 bing1gun4r n: popsicle [冰棍兒] 柄 bing3 n: handle of sth. 丙 bing3 n: the third of the ten Heavenly Stems; third 饼 bing3 n: round flat cake [餅] 病床 bing4chuang2 n: hospital bed; sickbed 病情 bing4qing2 n: state of an illness; patient's condition 剥削 bo1xue1 v, n: exploit; exploitation [剝削] 播 bo1 v: sow; seed; broadcast; spread 播送 bo1song4 v: broadcast; beam 拨 bo1 v: move sth. with hand, foot, or stick; turn; dial; assign [撥] 波浪 bo1lang4 n: water wave 菠菜 bo1cai4 n: spinach 博士 bo2shi4 n: one who holds the degree of doctor 博物馆 bo2wu4guan3 n: museum [博物館] 薄弱 bo2ruo4 adj: weak; frail 不安 bu4an1 adj: uneasy; disturbed 不比 bu4bi3 v: be unlike 不曾 bu4ceng2 adv: have never done sth. 不对 bu2 dui4 not right; wrong; incorrect [不對] 不够 bu2gou4 adj: not enough; insufficient; inadequate [不夠] 不顾 bu2gu4 v: have no consideration for; have no regard for [不顧] 不见 bu2jian4 v: vanish; disappear; not see; not meet [不見] 不见得 bu4 jian4de2 not necessarily; not likely [不見得] 不禁 bu4jin1 adv: cannot help; cannot refrain from. 不觉 bu2jue2 adv: unknowingly; unawares [不覺] 不可 bu4ke3 cannot; should not; must not 不利 bu2li4 adj: disadvantageous; unfavorable 不料 bu2liao4 adv: unexpectedly; to one's surprise 不满 bu4man3 v, adj: be dissatisfied; be unsatisfied; unsatisfied [不滿] 不免 bu4mian3 adv: inevitably; would naturally 不是 bu2shi n: mistake; fault; blame 不是 而是 bu4shi4 _ er2shi4 _ not … but … 不是 就是 bu4shi4 _ jiu4shi4 _ either … or … 不停 bu4ting2 adv: ceaselessly; constantly; on and on 不象话 bu2xiang4hua4 unreasonable; outrageous; shocking [不象話] 不由得 bu4you2de adv: can't help; cannot but 不在乎 bu4 zai4hu not mind; not care 不怎么样 bu4 zen3meyang4 not so good; not particularly good; pretty bad [不怎麼樣] 不止 bu4zhi3 v: be not limited to; be more than; not stop 不只 bu4zhi3 conj: not only; not merely 不足 bu4zu2 adj: not enough; insufficient; inadequate 布告 bu4gao4 n: notice; bulletin; edict 步骤 bu4zhou4 n: step; move; measure [步驟] 部署 bu4shu3 v, n: dispose; deploy; deployment; plan 猜想 cai1xiang3 v, n: suppose; speculate; guess; supposition 裁缝 cai2feng n: dressmaker; tailor [裁縫] 裁判 cai2pan4 v, n: judge; umpire; act as referee; referee 才 cai2 n: talent; ability 才能 cai2neng2 n: talent; ability; capacity 财产 cai2chan3 n: property; possessions [財產] 财富 cai2fu4 n: riches; wealth [財富] 财政 cai2zheng4 n: government finance; public economy [財政] 餐车 can1che1 n: dinning car; restaurant car [餐車] 参考 can1kao3 v: refer to; consult [參考] 参谋 can1mou2 v, n: give advice; brain man; advisor [參謀] 蚕 can2 n: silkworm [蠶] 残酷 can2ku4 adj: cruel; brutal [殘酷] 惭愧 can2kui4 adj: ashamed [慚愧] 惨 can3 adj: miserable; tragic; cruel; inhumane [慘] 灿烂 can4lan4 adj: bright; splendid; brilliant; magnificent [燦爛] 苍白 cang1bai2 adj: pale; wan; pallid [蒼白] 苍蝇 cang1ying n: fly; housefly [蒼蠅] 舱 cang1 n: cabin; hold [艙] 仓库 cang1ku4 n: storehouse; warehouse [倉庫] 操心 cao1 xin1 bother; worry about; take pains 操纵 cao1zong4 v: handle; control; operate; manipulate; rig [操縱] 操作 cao1zuo4 v: operate; manipulate 草案 cao3an4 n: protocol; draft (of a plan, decree, regulation, etc.) 侧 ce4 n, v: side; turn sideways; incline to one side [側] 测 ce4 v: measure; survey; fathom; test; exam [測] 测量 ce4liang2 v: measure; survey; gauge [測量] 测试 ce4shi4 v, n: test; examine; trial; testing [測試] 插秧 cha1 yang1 transplant rice seedlings 差别 cha1bie2 n: difference; disparity; distinction [差別] 茶馆 cha2guan3 n: teahouse [茶館] 茶话会 cha2hua4hui4 n: tea party [茶話會] 茶叶 cha2ye4 n: tea leaf; tea [茶葉] 铲 chan3 n, v: spade; shovel [鏟] 产物 chan3wu4 n: outcome; result; product [產物] 产值 chan3zhi2 n: output value; value of output [產值] 颤动 chan4dong4 v: vibrate; quiver; shake [顫動] 颤抖 chan4dou3 v: tremble; shiver; shake [顫抖] 常识 chang2shi2 n: common sense; general knowledge [常識] 长度 chang2du4 n: length [長度] 长久 chang2jiu3 adj: long-lasting; long time; prolonged [長久] 长远 chang2yuan3 adj: long-distant; long-term; long-range [長遠] 肠 chang2 n: intestine; sausage [腸] 厂长 chang3zhang3 n: director of a factory [廠長] 场地 chang3di4 n: space; place; site; ground [場地] 场合 chang3he2 n: occasion; situation [場合] 场面 chang3mian4 n: scene; spectacle; occasion; appearance [場面] 超额 chao1e2 v: exceed the quota [超額] 钞票 chao1piao4 n: bill; note; paper currency [鈔票] 潮 chao2 n: tide; tidewater; upheaval; current 潮湿 chao2shi1 adj: wet; humid; damp; moist [潮濕] 吵架 chao3 jia4 quarrel; wrangle; bicker; squabble 炒 chao3 v: stir-fry; fry; sauté; speculate illegally 车辆 che1liang4 n: vehicles; automobiles [車輛] 车厢 che1xiang1 n: railway carriage; railroad car [車廂] 扯 che3 v: tear; pull; drag; chat; chitchat 撤 che4 v: evacuate; withdraw; remove; dismiss 尘土 chen2tu3 n: dust [塵土] 沉 chen2 v, adj: sink; heavy 沉思 chen2si1 v: muse; ponder; meditate; contemplate 沉重 chen2zhong4 adj: heavy 陈列 chen2lie4 v: display; exhibit; show [陳列] 撑 cheng1 v: support; prop up; pole; open; unfurl; endure [撐] 称呼 cheng1hu v, n: call; address; name; term of address [稱呼] 成 cheng2 m: one tenth; one out of ten 成本 cheng2ben3 n: cost 成千上万 cheng2 qian1 shang4 wan4 thousands of; large quantity of [成千上萬] 成天 cheng2tian1 adv: all day long; all the time 成语 cheng2yu3 n: idiom; concise and meaningful set phrase [成語] 成员 cheng2yuan2 n: member [成員] 乘客 cheng2ke4 n: passenger 盛 cheng2 v: fill; ladle; hold; contain 程序 cheng2xu4 n: procedure; process; program 承包 cheng2bao1 v: contract (with); assume full responsibility 承担 cheng2dan1 v: undertake; bear [承擔] 吃苦 chi1 ku3 bear hardships; suffer 吃亏 chi1 kui1 suffer losses; be in an unfavorable situation [吃虧] 吃力 chi1li4 adj: strenuous; painstaking; tiring; wearing 持久 chi2jiu3 adj: enduring; lasting; persistent 池 chi2 n: pool; pond; moat 迟 chi2 adj: late; slow; tardy [遲] 尺寸 chi3cun n: size; dimensions 尺子 chi3zi n: ruler; rule 赤道 chi4dao4 n: equator 充实 chong1shi2 adj, v: substantial; rich; substantiate; enrich; fill [充實] 冲击 chong1ji1 v: impact; shock; pound; attack; interfere [衝擊] 冲突 chong1tu1 v, n: collide; conflict; clash; collision [衝突] 冲 chong4 v, prep: face; be towards; towards; to; because of [衝] 仇 chou2 n: hatred; enmity 仇恨 chou2hen4 v, n: hate; hatred; animosity; rancor 丑 chou3 adj: ugly; unsightly; bad-looking; detestable; shameful [醜] 初期 chu1qi1 n: beginning period; early days; initial stage 初中 chu1zhong1 n: junior middle school; junior high school 出路 chu1lu4 n: way out; outlet 出卖 chu1mai4 v: betray; sell out; sell [出賣] 出门 chu1 men2 go out; leave home for a long journey [出門] 出难题 chu1 nan2ti2 raise a tough question; present a difficult problem [出難題] 出身 chu1shen1 v, n: be born into; origin; family background 出事 chu1 shi4 have an accident; meet with a mishap 出息 chu1xi n: prospect; aspiration; promise 出洋相 chu1 yang2xiang4 make a laughing stock of oneself 出租 chu1zu1 v: hire out; rent out; let 除 chu2 prep: besides; in addition to; except 除非 chu2fei1 conj: unless; barring; only if 处于 chu3yu2 v: be in (a certain situation, state, or condition) [處於] 处处 chu4chu4 adv: everywhere; in all respects [處處] 传达 chuan2da2 v: convey; transmit; communicate [傳達] 传染 chuan2ran3 v: infect; be contagious [傳染] 传说 chuan2shuo1 v, n: pass on (a story); people say; legend; folk tale [傳說] 喘 chuan3 v: pant; breathe heavily 串 chuan4 v, m: string together; mix up; bunch; cluster 窗口 chuang1kou3 n: window 窗帘 chuang1lian2 n: window curtain [窗簾] 窗台 chuang1tai2 n: windowsill [窗臺] 床单 chuang2dan1 n: bed sheet [床單] 创立 chuang4li4 v: found; establish; initiate [創立] 创新 chuang4xin1 v, n: innovate; innovation; creativity; fresh idea [創新] 垂 chui2 v: droop; hang downward; hand down; approach 垂直 chui2zhi2 v: be vertical; be perpendicular 春季 chun1ji4 n: spring season; spring; season of spring; spring time 纯 chun2 adj: pure; unmixed [純] 纯洁 chun2jie2 adj, v: pure; unadulterated; purify; cleanse [純潔] 瓷 ci2 n: porcelain; china 词汇 ci2hui4 n: vocabulary; words and phrases [詞匯] 此刻 ci3ke4 n: this moment; at this moment 刺激 ci4ji1 v, n: stimulate; irritate; provoke; stimulus; provocation 次 ci4 adj: not good; inferior; second; next 次要 ci4yao4 adj: secondary; less important; subordinate; minor 伺候 ci4hou v: wait upon; serve 匆忙 cong1mang2 adj: hurried; hasty 从容 cong2rong2 adj: leisurely; calm; plentiful; sufficient; enough [從容] 丛 cong2 n: clump; tussock; thicket; grove; crowd; collection [叢] 凑 cou4 v: move close to; gather together; collect; pool [湊] 粗心 cu1xin1 adj: careless; thoughtless 粗心大意 cu1xin1 da4yi4 careless; inadvertent; negligent 促使 cu4shi3 v: urge; impel; push; spur 窜 cuan4 v: flee; scurry; change (wording) [竄] 摧毁 cui1hui3 v: destroy; smash; wreck; knock out; devastate [摧毀] 村庄 cun1zhuang1 n: village; hamlet [村莊] 村子 cun1zi n: village; hamlet 搓 cuo1 v: twist; twine; rub; scrub 挫折 cuo4zhe2 n: setback; reverse; defeat; frustration 错字 cuo4zi4 n: wrong character [錯字] 答复 da2fu4 v, n: reply; answer [答復] 达 da2 v: extend; reach; attain; understand; express [達] 达成 da2 cheng2 reach (agreement); conclude (negotiation) [達成] 打 da3 prep: from; since 打败 da3 bai4 defeat; beat; be defeated [打敗] 打击 da3ji1 v: strike; hit; attack; pound; frustrate [打擊] 打架 da3 jia4 fight; scuffle; fistfight; tussle 打交道 da3 jiao1dao come into contact with; have dealings with 打量 da3liang4 v: look up and down; check out; examine with the eye 打破 da3 po4 break; smash 打扫 da3sao3 v: clean; sweep [打掃] 打仗 da3 zhang4 go to war; make war; fight 打招呼 da3zhao1hu notify; warn; greet sb.; say hello 大半 da4ban4 n, adv: over half; majority; most likely; probably 大便 da4bian4 n: excrement; stool; feces; shit 大大 da4da4 adv: greatly; enormously 大道 da4dao4 n: wide street; thoroughfare; boulevard; broad way 大地 da4di4 n: earth; mother earth; ground 大都 da4du1 adv: almost all; mostly; for the most part 大队 da4dui4 n: group; production brigade; battalion; regiment [大隊] 大方 da4fang1 adj: of good taste; generous; natural and poised 大哥 da4ge1 n: eldest brother; elder brother 大力 da4li4 adv: in great force; forcefully; vigorously 大脑 da4nao3 n: cerebrum [大腦] 大嫂 da4sao3 n: sister-in-law; eldest brother's wife; elder sister 大使 da4shi3 n: ambassador 大意 da4yi4 n: main idea; general idea; gist; main points 大致 da4zhi4 adj: general; rough; overall 大众 da4zhong4 n: masses; general public; common people [大眾] 大自然 da3zi4ran2 n: nature 带儿 dai4r n: string; ribbon; belt; strap [帶兒] 带动 dai4dong4 v: lead; drive [帶動] 带领 dai4ling3 v: lead; guide; direct [帶領] 带头 dai4 tou2 be the first; take the lead [帶頭] 代 dai4 v: take the place of; be in place of 代办 dai4ban4 n, v: agency; commission; act for another [代辦] 代价 dai4jia4 n: cost; price; expense [代價] 代理 dai4li3 v: act as an agent; deputize 待遇 dai4yu4 n: treatment; compensation; pay; wage; salary 逮捕 dai4bu3 v: arrest; apprehend; capture; nab 耽误 dan1wu v: fail or delay sth. because of unplanned events [耽誤] 担 dan1 v: carry on a shoulder pole; undertake; shoulder [擔] 担负 dan1fu4 v: shoulder; take on; undertake [擔負] 单纯 dan1chun2 adj: simple; pure; uncomplicated [單純] 单独 dan1du2 adj: alone; lone; solitary [單獨] 胆 dan3 n: gallbladder; courage; nerve; bladder [膽] 诞生 dan4sheng1 v: be born; come into being; be founded [誕生] 蛋白质 dan4bai2zhi4 n: protein [蛋白質] 当 dang1 aux: should; ought to; must [當] 当初 dang1chu1 n: in the beginning; at that time; originally [當初] 当代 dang1dai4 n: present time; contemporary age; nowadays [當代] 当家 dang1 jia1 manage household matters; keep house [當家] 当面 dang1 mian4 face to face; in sb.'s presence [當面] 当中 dang1zhong1 n: (in the) center; (in the) middle [當中] 党派 dang3pai4 n: party groupings; factions; cliques; clans; [黨派] 党委 dang3wei3 n: Party committee [黨委] 档案 dang4an4 n: files; archives; records; dossiers [檔案] 倒霉 dao3 mei2 be unlucky; have bad luck 倒腾 dao3teng v: move around; rummage; buy low and sell high [倒騰] 岛屿 dao3yu3 n: islands and islets [島嶼] 导弹 dao3dan4 n: guided missile [導彈] 导师 dao3shi1 n: teacher; tutor; supervisor; mentor; adviser [導師] 导演 dao3yan3 n, v: director; direct [導演] 导致 dao3zhi4 v: lead to; bring about; result in; cause [導致] 到…为止 dao4 _ wei2zhi3 up to …; up till …; until … [到…為止] 得病 de2 bing4 get sick; fall ill; contract a disease 得了 de2 le a remark made for an all-right situation 得意 de2 yi4 complacent; conceited; pleased with oneself 灯火 deng1huo3 n: lights [燈火] 灯笼 deng1long n: lantern [燈籠] 蹬 deng2 v: pedal; step on; press with the foot 等到 deng3dao4 conj: by the time; when 等候 deng3hou4 v: wait; await; expect 瞪 deng4 v: stare; glare with displeasure 凳子 deng4zi n: stool; bench 堤 di1 n: dike; embankment 滴 di1 v: drip; drop 抵 di3 v: support; set off; be equal to; compensate; reach 抵抗 di3kang4 v: resist; stand up to; counteract; withstand 底 di3 n: bottom; base; end; background; draft; record 底片 di3pian4 n: negative 地板 di4ban3 n: wooden floor; floor board 地步 di4bu4 n: condition; plight; extent; degree; 地道 di4dao adj: genuine; real; authentic; pure; up to standard 地理 di4li3 n: geography; the natural and social features of a place 地势 di4shi4 n: terrain; topography in terms of strategic significance [地勢] 地毯 di4tan3 n: carpet; rug 地形 di4xing2 n: terrain; landform; the shape of land surface 地震 di4zhen4 n: earthquake; seism 地质 di4zhi4 n: geology [地質] 地主 di4zhu3 n: landlord; landowner; host 弟兄 di4xiong n: brothers 典礼 dian3li3 n: ceremony; celebration; ritual; rite [典禮] 典型 dian3xing2 n, adj: typical case; model; typical; representative 电池 dian4chi2 n: battery; electric cell [電池] 电力 dian4li4 n: electric power [電力] 电铃 dian4ling2 n: electric bell [電鈴] 电流 dian4liu2 n: electric current; electric current intensity [電流] 电炉 dian4lu2 n: electric stove; hot plate; electric furnace [電爐] 电脑 dian4nao3 n: computer [電腦] 电器 dian4qi4 n: electric appliance; electric device [電器] 电线 dian4xian4 n: electric wire; electric cord [電線] 电压 dian4ya1 n: voltage; electric potential difference [電壓] 电子 dian4zi3 n: electron [電子] 惦记 dian4ji4 v: be concerned about; keep thinking about [惦記] 垫 dian4 v: underlay; pay for sb. and expect to be paid back later [墊] 奠定 dian4ding4 v: establish; found; build up (a foundation) 雕刻 diao1ke4 v, n: carve; engrave; sculpt; work of carving 调动 diao4dong4 v: transfer; move; redeploy; mobilize; arouse; actuate [調動] 爹 die1 n: dad; daddy; pa; father 叠 die2 v: fold; pile up [疊] 丁 ding1 n: the fourth of the ten Heavenly Stems; fourth 盯 ding1 v: gaze at; stare at; fix one's eyes on 钉 ding1 v: follow closely; tail behind; urge; press [釘] 钉子 ding1zi n: nail [釘子] 顶 ding3 adv: very; most; extremely; highly; greatly [頂] 顶 ding3 m: measure word for caps, hats, tents, etc. [頂] 定期 ding4qi1 n: regular schedule; at regular intervals; periodical 订婚(定婚) ding4 hun1 engage (to get married); be betrothed to [訂婚(定婚)] 冬季 dong1ji4 n: winter season; winter; season of winter; winter time 懂事 dong3 shi4 be intelligent; be sensible; be understanding 动机 dong4ji1 n: motive; intention; motivation; inner drive [動機] 动静 dong4jing4 n: sound and movement; activity; happening [動靜] 动力 dong4li4 n: motivity; driving force; motive power; impetus [動力] 动摇 dong4yao2 v: waver; vacillate; shake [動搖] 抖 dou3 v: tremble; quiver; shake; jerk; expose; rouse 陡 dou3 adj: steep; precipitous 斗 dou4 v: fight; contest with; make animals fight; denounce [鬥] 豆浆 dou4jiang1 n: soya-bean milk [豆漿] 豆子 dou4zi n: bean; pea; pulse; legume 毒 du2 adj, v: poisonous; toxic; malicious; cruel; poison 毒 du2 n: poison; toxin; narcotics 独特 du2te4 adj: unique; distinctive; original [獨特] 独自 du2zi4 adv: alone; by oneself [獨自] 读物 du2wu4 n: reading material; books, magazines, etc. [讀物] 端 duan1 n: extremity; end; beginning; reason; cause 端正 duan1zheng4 adj, v: upright; regular; balanced; correct; rectify 堆 dui1 n, m: pile; stack; heap; crowd 堆积 dui1ji1 v: pile up; heap up; accumulate [堆積] 兑换 dui4huan4 v: exchange; convert (currencies) [兌換] 队员 dui4yuan2 n: team member [隊員] 对…来说 dui4 _ lai2shuo1 as far as … be concerned; to … (someone) [對…來說] 对得起 dui4deqi3 not let down; treat sb. fairly; be worthy of [對得起] 对了 dui4le by the way; oh yes [對了] 对立 dui4li4 v: oppose; counter; go against [對立] 对门 dui4men2 n: opposite building or room [對門] 顿时 dun4shi2 adv: immediately; at once; suddenly [頓時] 哆嗦 duo1suo v: shiver; tremble; quiver 多半 duo1ban4 adv: most likely; probably 多亏 duo1kui1 v, adv: be lucky to; it is fortunate that; thanks to; luckily [多虧] 多劳多得 duo1 lao2 duo1 de2 more pay for more work [多勞多得] 多余 duo1yu2 adj: unnecessary; needless; uncalled for; surplus [多餘] 夺取 duo2qu3 v: seize; capture; wrest; strive for [奪取] 俄语(俄文) e2yu3 n: Russian language [俄語(俄文)] 恶心 e3xin v: feel like vomiting; feel sick; be disgusted [惡心] 恶 e4 adj: bad; evil; criminal; wicked; vicious; ruthless [惡] 恶化 e4hua4 v: worsen; deteriorate; exacerbate [惡化] 恶劣 e4lie4 adj: very bad; vile; abominable; odious; disgusting [惡劣] 儿女 er2nü3 n: sons and daughters; children [兒女] 发电 fa1 dian4 generate electricity [發電] 发觉 fa1jue2 v: become aware; sense; realize; discover; detect [發覺] 发射 fa1she4 v: launch; discharge; shoot; fire; transmit [發射] 发行 fa1xing2 v: distribute; publish; issue; release [發行] 发育 fa1yu4 v: develop; grow (especially in puberty) [發育] 罚 fa2 v: punish; penalize; discipline [罰] 法令 fa3ling4 n: laws and decrees; collection of statutes 法院 fa3yuan4 n: court; court of law; court of justice; tribunal 法制 fa3zhi4 n: legal system; legal institutions 法子 fa3zi n: way; method; solution 番 fan1 m: time; kind; sort; measure word for abstract things 翻身 fan1 shen1 roll over; turn over (in bed); emancipate oneself 繁殖 fan2zhi2 v: propagate; breed; reproduce 凡是 fan2shi4 adv: every; any; all; without exception 烦 fan2 adj, v: vexed; annoyed; trouble; be tired of; be fed up [煩] 反 fan3 adj, v: opposite; rebellious; oppose; return; reverse; rebel 反 fan3 adv: on the contrary; instead 反而 fan3er2 adv: on the contrary; instead 反击 fan3ji1 v, n: counter-attack; fight back; strike back; beat back [反擊] 反问 fan3wen4 v: raise a rhetorical question; ask (a question) in reply [反問] 返 fan3 v: return; come or go back 犯人 fan4ren2 n: prisoner; convict; (convicted) criminal 犯罪 fan4 zui4 commit a crime 饭馆 fan4guan3 n: restaurant; eatery; luncheonette [飯館] 泛滥 fan4lan4 v: flood; overflow; spread unchecked [泛濫] 方 fang1 n: square; direction; side; party; place 房屋 fang2wu1 n: houses and rooms; buildings 防守 fang2shou3 v: defend and keep; guard 防御 fang2yu4 v: defend and resist; guard [防禦] 防治 fang2zhi4 v: prevent and treat (diseases) 妨碍 fang2ai4 v: hinder; hamper; obstruct; impede; make difficult [妨礙] 纺 fang3 v: spin; make thread by drawing out and twisting [紡] 放手 fang4 shou3 let go; relinquish; give a free hand, go all out 放松 fang4song1 v: loosen; relax; slacken; become less attentive [放鬆] 放学 fang4 xue2 classes are over; students leave school after classes [放學] 放映 fang4ying4 v: show (a film); present images through projection 非 fei1 adv: not; must; have to; simply; it is imperative that 非 fei1 adj: wrong; mistaken; erroneous; non- 飞快 fei1kuai4 adj: swiftly; very fast; rapid; extremely sharp [飛快] 飞行 fei1xing2 v: fly (a plane, a spacecraft, etc.); travel by air [飛行] 飞跃 fei1yue4 v, n: leap; bound; jump; fast and great progress [飛躍] 肥料 fei2liao4 n: fertilizer; manure 肥皂 fei2zao4 n: soap 废 fei4 adj, v: useless; disused; waste; abandon; abolish; ruin [廢] 废除 fei4chu2 v: abolish; annul; abrogate; disestablish [廢除] 废话 fei4hua4 n: nonsense; superfluous words; foolish discourse [廢話] 废墟 fei4xu1 n: ruins; remains of a place destroyed [廢墟] 沸腾 fei4teng2 v: boil; reach ebullition; seethe with excitement [沸騰] 费力 fei4 li4 be strenuous; use or need to use a lot of effort [費力] 分布 fen1bu4 v: be distributed; be scattered; be dispersed 分割 fen1ge1 v: separate; cut apart; carve up; divide up 分工 fen1 gong1 division of labor; divide up the work 分解 fen1jie3 v: decompose; resolve; break down; recount 分离 fen1li2 v: dissociate; separate; sever; part; leave [分離] 分裂 fen1lie4 v: split; break up; divide; separate 分泌 fen1mi4 v: secrete 分明 fen1ming2 adj: clear; distinct; obvious; plain 分散 fen1san4 v, adj: distract; divert; decentralize; disperse; distribute 分数 fen1shu4 n: score; mark; grade; point; fractional number [分數] 分子 fen1zi3 n: molecule; numerator 坟 fen2 n: tomb; grave [墳] 粉 fen3 n: powder; face powder; vermicelli made from starch 粉碎 fen3sui4 v: break into pieces; grind; smash; shatter; crush 分量 fen4liang4 n: weight 分子 fen4zi3 n: member; element 粪 fen4 n: excrement; feces; shit; droppings; dung [糞] 丰产 feng1chan3 v: yield abundantly; produce plentifully [豐產] 丰收 feng1shou1 v: reap a bumper harvest; have a good harvest [豐收] 封 feng1 v: seal; cap; close down; blockade 封锁 feng1suo3 v: blockade; seal off; cut off from the outside world [封鎖] 风格 feng1ge2 n: style; character; integrity [風格] 风气 feng1qi4 n: social atmosphere; common practice; ethos [風氣] 疯 feng1 adj: crazy; mad; insane; deranged [瘋] 疯狂 feng1kuang2 adj: crazy; maniac; mad; wild; frenzied; unbridled [瘋狂] 缝 feng2 v: sew; stitch [縫] 讽刺 feng3ci4 v: satirize; ridicule; mock [諷刺] 佛教 fo2jiao4 n: Buddhism 夫妻 fu1qi1 n: husband and wife; couple 服 fu2 v: take (medicine); obey; be convinced; convince 俯 fu3 v: bow one's head; bend over, forward, or down 腐蚀 fu3shi2 v: erode; corrode; corrupt; pervert [腐蝕] 腐朽 fu3xiu3 adj: rotten; decayed; moldering; degenerate; decadent 复活节 fu4huo2jie2 n: Easter [復活節] 复制 fu4zhi4 v: reproduce; copy; duplicate [複製] 负 fu4 v: shoulder; bear; rely on; suffer; betray; lose; owe [負] 负担 fu4dan1 v, n: shoulder; bear; carry; burden; load; weight [負擔] 富有 fu4you3 adj, v: wealthy; rich; affluent; be rich in; be full of 富裕 fu4yu4 adj: prosperous; well-to-do; well-off; rich 妇人 fu4ren2 n: woman; married woman [婦人] 改编 gai3bian1 v: adapt; transcribe; revise; reorganize; recompose [改編] 改良 gai3liang2 v: improve; better; reform; amend; 盖子 gai4zi n: lid; cover; cap; top; shell [蓋子] 干旱 gan1han4 adj: arid; droughty; dry [乾旱] 干扰 gan1rao3 v, n: interfere; disturb; obstruct; interference; disturbance [干擾] 干涉 gan1she4 v: interfere; intervene; intermeddle 甘 gan1 adj: sweet; pleasant 赶忙 gan3mang2 adv: hurriedly; hastily [趕忙] 赶上 gan3 shang4 catch up with; be in time for [趕上] 感受 gan3shou4 n, v: be affected by; taste; feel; experience; feeling 敢于 gan3yu2 v: have the courage to; dare to; be bold in [敢於] 干劲 gan4jin4 n: vigor; drive; enthusiasm; energy [幹勁] 缸 gang1 n: jar; vat; big container made of pottery, porcelain, etc. 纲领 gang1ling3 n: guiding principle; program; platform [綱領] 岗位 gang3wei4 n: post; station [崗位] 港币 gang3bi4 n: Hong Kong dollar; currency of Hong Kong [港幣] 港口 gang3kou3 n: port; harbor 高潮 gao1chao2 n: high tide; upsurge; climax 高等 gao1deng3 adj: higher; advanced 高峰 gao1feng1 n: peak; pinnacle; acme; apex; zenith 高级 gao1ji2 adj: higher-grade; high-quality; advanced; high-ranking [高級] 高粱 gao1liang n: Chinese sorghum 高尚 gao1shang4 adj: noble; lofty; sublime 高速 gao1su4 adj: high-speed; express; rapid 高压 gao1ya1 n: high-pressure; high-voltage; oppressive [高壓] 高中 gao1zhong1 n: senior high school 稿 gao3 n: draft; sketch; manuscript; original text; article 告辞 gao4ci2 v: say good-bye; bid farewell; take leave [告辭] 歌唱 ge1chang4 v: sing; praise through singing 歌剧 ge1ju4 n: (Western-style) opera [歌劇] 歌曲 ge1qu3 n: song 歌颂 ge1song4 v: sing the high praises of; extol; eulogize [歌頌] 鸽子 ge1zi n: pigeon; dove [鴿子] 革新 ge2xin1 v, n: innovate; improve; innovation 格外 ge2wai4 adv: especially; particularly; all the more 隔阂 ge2he2 n: estrangement; misunderstanding; gulf; barrier [隔閡] 个儿 ger4 n: height; stature; size; physical dimensions [個兒] 个体户 ge4ti3hu4 n: self-employed worker [個體戶] 个性 ge4xing4 n: personality; individuality; character [個性] 各式各样 ge4 shi4 ge4 yang4 of all styles and types; all kinds of [各式各樣] 各自 ge4zi4 pron: each; respective 给以 gei3yi3 v: give (sth.); grant (sth.) [給以] 根源 gen1yuan2 n: origin; root; source 耕地 geng1di4 n: arable land; cultivated land 工地 gong1di4 n: construction site; building site 工龄 gong1ling2 n: years of employment; seniority [工齡] 工钱 gong1qian n: pay; charge for a service; money paid for odd jobs [工錢] 工序 gong1xu4 n: working procedure; process 攻 gong1 v: attack; take the offensive; accuse; diligently study 攻击 gong1ji1 v, n: accuse; vilify; assume the offensive; attack; onset [攻擊] 攻克 gong1ke4 v: capture; take; seize; overcome 功课 gong1ke4 n: school work; homework; assignment [功課] 功劳 gong1lao2 n: credit; contribution; outstanding service [功勞] 功能 gong1neng2 n: function; functionality; feature 供应 gong1ying4 v: supply; provide; accommodate [供應] 公 gong1 adj, n: public; common; fair; public affairs; official business 公安 gong1an1 n: public security 公布 gong1bu4 v: make public; promulgate; announce; publicize 公民 gong1min2 n: citizen 公顷 gong1qing3 m: hectare [公頃] 公式 gong1shi4 n: formula; any established or conventional method 公用 gong1yong4 v: for public use; public; communal; shared 宫 gong1 n: imperial palace; place for cultural activities; uterus [宮] 宫殿 gong1dian4 n: imperial palace [宮殿] 弓 gong1 n, v: bow; bend; arch 共和国 gong4he2guo2 n: republic [共和國] 共青团 gong4qing1tuan2 n: Communist Youth League [共青團] 钩 gou1 v: hook; crochet [鉤] 钩子 gou1zi n: hook; hook-like object; tick; check mark [鉤子] 勾结 gou1jie2 v: collude; collaborate; gang up [勾結] 沟 gou1 n: ditch; channel; trench; rut; waterway; gully; ravine [溝] 购 gou4 v: buy; purchase [購] 购买 gou4mai3 v: buy; purchase [購買] 辜负 gu1fu4 v: let down; fail to live up to; be unworthy of; disappoint [辜負] 孤立 gu1li4 adj, v: isolated; isolate 鼓动 gu3dong4 v: fan; flap; arouse; agitate; incite; stir up [鼓動] 古典 gu3dian3 adj: classical 骨干 gu3gan4 n: backbone; mainstay; key member [骨幹] 谷子 gu3zi n: millet [穀子] 股 gu3 m: strand; stream; burst; section; share; group; 雇 gu4 v: employ; hire; rent 顾问 gu4wen4 n: consultant; adviser [顧問] 固定 gu4ding4 adj, v: fixed; regular; predetermined; fix; fasten; regularize 固然 gu4ran2 conj: it is true; admittedly; no doubt; indeed; certainly 固体 gu4ti3 n: solid; solid body [固體] 瓜 gua1 n: melon; gourd 瓜子 gua1zi n: melon seed 寡妇 gua3fu n: widow [寡婦] 乖 guai1 adj: obedient; well-behaved; good; clever; shrewd; lovely 拐弯 guai3 wan1r turn a corner; make a turn; change direction [拐彎] 怪 guai4 v: blame; complain; accuse; impute 怪 guai4 adv: quite; rather; very 怪不得 guai4 bu de no wonder; so that's why; put no blame on 关 guan1 n: col; pass; juncture; barrier; difficulty; critical part [關] 关怀 guan1huai2 v: care for; show solicitude for; be concerned about [關懷] 关头 guan1tou2 n: juncture; key moment; critical point [關頭] 官僚主义 guan1liao2zhu3yi4 n: bureaucracy [官僚主義] 观测 guan1ce4 v: observe and survey; observe; watch [觀測] 观看 guan1kan4 v: watch; see; view; observe; spectate [觀看] 观念 guan1nian4 n: concept; idea; thought; sense; ideology [觀念] 管子 guan3zi1 n: pipeline; piping; conduit; tubing 管道 guan3dao4 n: tube; pipe; hose 罐 guan4 n: pot; jar; pitcher; jug 惯 guan4 adj, v: used to; conditioned to; habitual; indulge; spoil [慣] 灌 guan4 v: fill; pour; irrigate; record 灌溉 guan4gai4 v: irrigate 光 guang1 v: bare; be naked; wear nothing; glorify; bring honor to 光彩 guang1cai3 n, adj: luster; splendor; brilliance; gloss; honorable; glorious 光滑 guang1hua2 adj: smooth; sleek; glossy; slippery 光临 guang1lin2 v: visit as an honorable guest [光臨] 广 guang3 adj: wide; broad; vast; extensive; numerous [廣] 规划 gui1hua4 n, v: plan; program; layout; project; blueprint [規劃] 规矩 gui1ju n, adj: rule; manner; custom; decent; conforming to norms [規矩] 规则 gui1ze2 n, adj: rule; law; regulation; regular; orderly [規則] 归 gui1 v: return; come or go back; give back; belong to [歸] 轨道 gui3dao4 n: track; rail; orbit; trajectory [軌道] 柜台 gui4tai2 n: counter; bar [櫃檯] 柜子 gui4zi n: cupboard; cabinet; closet; dresser; chest [櫃子] 贵宾 gui4 bin1 honored guest; distinguished guest [貴賓] 棍子 gun4zi n: stick; rod; wand 锅炉 guo1lu2 n: boiler [鍋爐] 国防 guo2fang2 n: national defense [國防] 国籍 guo2ji2 n: nationality; citizenship; national identity [國籍] 国旗 guo2qi2 n: national flag [國旗] 国庆节 guo2qing4jie2 n: National Day [國慶節] 国务院 guo2wu4yuan4 n: State Council (in China); State Department (in the US) [國務院] 国营 guo2ying2 adj: state-run; state-owned; state-operated [國營] 果实 guo3shi2 n: fruit; fruits; gains [果實] 果树 guo3shu4 n: fruit tree [果樹] 裹 guo3 v: wrap; bind; mix and carry 过 guo4 adv: exceedingly; unduly; excessively [過] 过渡 guo4du4 v: change from one state or stage to another [過渡] 过分 guo4fen4 adj: excessive; undue; extravagant [過分] 咳 hai1 interj: an interjection to express sadness, regret, or surprise 海拔 hai3ba2 n: elevation; altitude; height above sea level 海军 hai3jun1 n: navy; naval force [海軍] 海面 hai3mian4 n: sea surface 海峡 hai3xia2 n: strait; channel [海峽] 害虫 hai4chong2 n: injurious insect; vermin; pest [害蟲] 含糊 han2hu adj: ambiguous; vague; unsure; careless; perfunctory 含量 han2liang4 n: content; quantity of an ingredient in a substance 喊叫 han3jiao4 v: shout; cry out; scream 旱 han4 adj: dry; droughty; not related to water 焊 han4 v: solder; weld 行 hang2 n: line; row; trade; profession; trading company 行列 hang2lie4 n: procession; rows and columns; ranks and files 行业 hang2ye4 n: trade; business; industry [行業] 航行 hang2xing2 v: sail; fly; travel by boat, plane, or spacecraft 毫米 hao2mi3 m: millimeter 好 hao3 conj: so that 好比 hao3bi3 v: be just like; may be compared to; can be likened to 耗 hao4 v: cost; consume; use 好奇 hao4qi2 adj: curious; inquisitive 呵 he1 interj: oh; ah (to express surprise) 核 he2 n: nucleus; atomic nucleus; pit; stone 何必 he2bi4 adv: why is it necessary to; there is no need to 何况 he2kuang4 conj: let alone (used in rhetorical questions) [何況] 合唱 he2chang4 v, n: sing in chorus; chorus 合成 he2cheng2 v: synthesize; compound; join to form 合法 he2fa3 adj: legal; lawful; legitimate; rightful 合格 he2ge2 adj: qualified; up to standard; up to grade 合金 he2jin1 n: alloy 合算 he2suan4 adj, v: worthwhile; be worth the cost; pay 河流 he2liu2 n: rivers (in general) 黑夜 hei1ye4 n: night; dark night 痕迹 hen2ji4 n: trail; mark; trace; vestige [痕跡] 狠 hen3 adj: ruthless; cruel; savage 恨不得 hen4 bu de hate that one cannot; really want to 横 heng2 v, adj: traverse; place sth. horizontally; crosswise; horizontal [橫] 宏伟 hong2wei3 adj: grand; grandiose; magnificent [宏偉] 洪水 hong2shui3 n: flood; floodwater 喉咙 hou2long2 n: throat; pharynx and larynx [喉嚨] 吼 hou3 v: roar; howl; shout; yell; generate loud sound 后代 hou4dai4 n: offspring; descendant; posterity; later generation [後代] 后方 hou4fang1 n: rear; rearward [後方] 后果 hou4guo3 n: consequence; aftermath; (negative) outcome [後果] 后头 hou4tou n: at the back; in the rear; behind; later [後頭] 后退 hou4tui4 v: back up; draw back; fall back; retreat [後退] 呼呼 hu1hu1 ono: onomatopoetic word for strong wind or heavy panting 忽视 hu1shi4 v: ignore; overlook; neglect; disregard [忽視] 胡说 hu2shuo1 v: talk nonsense; drivel [胡說] 胡同 hu2tong4 n: alley; lane [衚衕] 蝴蝶 hu2die2 n: butterfly 护 hu4 v: protect; guard; shield; be partial to [護] 互助 hu4zhu4 v: help each other; provide mutual help 花朵 hua1duo3 n: flower 花生 hua1sheng1 n: peanut 哗哗 hua1hua1 ono: onomatopoetic word for noisy running water [嘩嘩] 华侨 hua2qiao2 n: overseas Chinese [華僑] 华人 hua2ren2 n: Chinese; Foreign citizen of Chinese descent [華人] 滑雪 hua2 xue3 ski 画家 hua4jia1 n: painter; artist [畫家] 画蛇添足 hua4 she2 tian1 zu2 ruin by adding superfluous [畫蛇添足] 化工 hua4gong1 n: chemical industry 化合 hua4he2 v: combine; compound; synthesize 化石 hua4shi2 n: fossil 化验 hua4yan4 v: chemically examine; conduct a lab test; assay [化驗] 话剧 hua4ju4 n: modern drama; stage play [話劇] 怀 huai2 v, n: keep in mind; think of; be pregnant; bosom; mind [懷] 怀念 huai2nian4 v: cherish the memory of; think of; miss [懷念] 怀疑 huai2yi2 v: suspect; doubt; be skeptical about [懷疑] 坏蛋 huai4dan4 n: villain; bad person; bad egg [壞蛋] 欢呼 huan1hu1 v: hail; cheer; acclaim [歡呼] 欢乐 huan1le4 adj: happy; joyous; gay; delighted; cheerful [歡樂] 欢喜 huan1xi3 adj: happy; joyous; gay; delighted; cheerful [歡喜] 缓和 huan3he2 v, adj: assuage; ease up; mitigated; relaxed [緩和] 缓缓 huan3huan3 adv: slowly [緩緩] 缓慢 huan3man4 adj: slow; sluggish; tardy [緩慢] 患 huan4 v: get (a disease); contract; suffer from 幻灯 huan4deng1 n: slide; slide presentation; slide projector [幻燈] 幻想 huan4xiang3 v, n: fantasize; dream; fancy; fantasy; illusion 唤 huan4 v: call out; summon [喚] 荒 huang1 adj: waste; desolate; barren; unreasonable 慌忙 huang1mang2 adj: hurried; hasty; rash; flustered and busy 黄昏 huang2hun1 n: twilight; dusk; sundown; sunset [黃昏] 黄色 huang2se4 n: yellow color [黃色] 晃 huang4 v: wigwag; sway; rock; shake 灰 hui1 n: ash; dust; lime; grey color 灰尘 hui1chen2 n: dust; dirt [灰塵] 灰心 hui1 xin1 lose heart; be disheartened; be discouraged 辉煌 hui1huang2 adj: splendid; brilliant; glorious [輝煌] 回想 hui2xiang3 v: recall; recollect; think back; reminisce 毁 hui3 v: destroy; ruin; damage; demolish [毀] 汇 hui4 v: converge; transfer funds through a post office or bank [匯] 汇报 hui4bao4 v, n: give an account of, report [彙報] 汇款 hui4 kuan3 transfer funds through a post office or bank; remittance [匯款] 昏 hun1 v, adj: lose consciousness; muddle; muddled; dark; dim 浑身 hun2shen1 n: from head to toe; everywhere in one's body [渾身] 混合 hun4he2 v: mix; blend; mingle 混乱 hun4luan4 adj: disorderly; chaotic; unorganized; promiscuous [混亂] 混凝土 hun4ning2tu3 n: concrete; cement 混淆 hun4xiao2 v: confound; confuse; mix up 活 huo2 adj: lifelike; living; alive; vivid; lively; movable; flexible 活该 huo2gai1 v: deserve (sth. undesirable); serve one right [活該] 伙 huo3 m: group; gang; crowd; band 伙伴 huo3ban4 n: fellow; partner; mate; pal; friend 火箭 huo3jian4 n: rocket 火力 huo3li4 n: firepower; thermal power; one's ability to stand cold 火焰 huo3yan4 n: flame; tongue of fire; blaze 火药 huo3yao4 n: gunpowder; powder [火藥] 获 huo4 v: seize; catch; get; gain; acquire; harvest; reap [獲/穫] 或多或少 huo4 duo1 huo4 shao3 more or less 货币 huo4bi4 n: money; currency [貨幣] 货物 huo4wu4 n: cargo; freight; goods; commodity; merchandise [貨物] 基层 ji1ceng2 n: grassroots level; bottom level in an organization [基層] 基地 ji1di4 n: base 机 ji1 n: machine; aircraft; crucial point; opportunity; intention [機] 机动 ji1dong4 adj: engine-driven; power-driven; motorized [機動] 机构 ji1gou4 n: mechanism; setup; organ; government organization [機構] 肌肉 ji1rou4 n: muscle 饥饿 ji1e4 adj: hungry; starving [飢餓] 激素 ji1su4 n: hormone 极端 ji2duan1 adj, n: utter; extreme; extremity [極端] 集团 ji2tuan2 n: group; clique; circle; bloc [集團] 急躁 ji2zao4 adj: impatient; impetuous; irritable; irascible 疾病 ji2bing4 n: illness; sickness; disease 即将 ji2jiang1 adv: soon; right away; in a second [即將] 即使 ji2shi3 conj: even; even if; even though; though; although 级别 ji2bie2 n: rank; level; grade; class [級別] 给予 ji3yu3 v: give; render; offer; present [給予] 技能 ji4neng2 n: skill; technical ability 技巧 ji4qiao3 n: technique; artifice; knack; acrobatic gymnastics 季 ji4 n: season 寂寞 ji4mo4 adj: lonely; lonesome; quiet; still; silent 计 ji4 n, v: measuring device; idea; plan; consider; count [計] 计算机 ji4suan4ji1 n: computer [計算機] 记载 ji4zai3 v: record; put down in writing; chronicle [記載] 继承 ji4cheng2 v: inherit; succeed; carry on; carry forward [繼承] 夹子 jia1zi n: clamp; clip; tongs; folder; wallet [夾子] 佳 jia1 adj: excellent; good; fine; beautiful 家伙 jia1huo n: guy; fellow; animal; thing; tool; weapon; utensil 家属 jia1shu3 n: family member; (family) dependent [家屬] 加紧 jia1jin3 v: press on with; step up; speed up; intensify [加緊] 加入 jia1ru4 v: join; enter; accede to; affiliate; add; mix; put in 加速 jia1su4 v: speed up; quicken; expedite; accelerate 加油 jia1 you2 oil; lubricate; refuel; add more gas; try harder; cheer 甲 jia3 n: the first of the ten Heavenly Stems; first 假如 jia3ru2 conj: if; supposing; in case; in the event that 假若 jia3ruo4 conj: if; supposing; in case; in the event that 假使 jia3shi3 conj: if; supposing; in case; in the event that 价 jia4 n: price; value; valence [價] 价钱 jia4qian n: price [價錢] 架 jia4 v: put up; erect; support; prop; help; fend off; kidnap 架子 jia4zi n: shelf; frame; stand; rack; skeleton; outline; haughtiness 驾驶 jia4shi3 v: drive; pilot; steer; astrogate; navigate [駕駛] 假 jia4 n: holiday; vacation; leave of absence; furlough 假期 jia4qi1 n: holiday; vacation; period of leave 嫁 jia4 v: take as a husband; (of a woman) marry (a man); shift 歼灭 jian1mie4 v: wipe out; destroy; annihilate [殲滅] 监督 jian1du1 v: supervise; superintend [監督] 监视 jian1shi4 v: keep watch on; keep a lookout over; oversee [監視] 监狱 jian1yu4 n: prison; jail [監獄] 坚固 jian1gu4 adj: solid; firm; sturdy; strong; impregnable [堅固] 坚硬 jian2ying4 adj: hard; stony; solid [堅硬] 尖子 jian1zi n: best of its kind; cream of the crop; top class talent 煎 jian1 v: fry in shallow oil without stirring 兼 jian1 v: hold (two or more jobs, positions) concurrently 艰难 jian1nan2 adj: hard; difficult; arduous [艱難] 检讨 jian3tao3 v, n: make a self-criticism; self-criticism [檢討] 检验 jian3yan4 v: check; test; examine; inspect [檢驗] 碱 jian3 n: alkali; soda [鹼] 简便 jian3bian4 adj: simple and convenient; easy [簡便] 简直 jian3zhi2 adv: simply; utterly; totally; at all; virtually [簡直] 鉴定 jian4ding4 v, n: authenticate; appraise; identify; determine [鑒定] 贱 jian4 adj: cheap; inexpensive; lowly; humble; despicable; base [賤] 见解 jian4jie3 n: view; opinion; understanding; idea; perspective [見解] 健全 jian4quan2 adj, v: healthy and complete; sound; perfect 渐 jian4 adv: gradually; little by little; by degrees [漸] 溅 jian4 v: spatter; splash [濺] 建造 jian4zao4 v: build; construct; make; manufacture 僵 jiang1 adj: stiff; rigid; inflexible; numb; deadlocked 将军 jiang1jun1 n: general; high-ranking military officer [將軍] 奖金 jiang3jin1 n: monetary award; prize; bonus; premium [獎金] 奖励 jiang3li4 v, n: encourage with some incentive; reward; award [獎勵] 讲究 jiang3jiu v, adj: be particular about; exquisite; tasteful; elegant [講究] 讲课 jiang3 ke4 teach; lecture; prelect [講課] 讲义 jiang3yi4 n: teaching materials; lecture sheets [講義] 酱 jiang4 n: jam; spread made of nuts or fruit; thick sauce [醬] 焦急 jiao1ji2 adj: anxious; worried; agitated; impatient 胶卷 jiao1juan3 n: film; roll of camera film [膠卷] 交待 jiao1dai4 v: tell; exhort; explain; make clear; confess; hand over 交谈 jiao1tan2 v: talk; chat; converse; [交談] 交易 jiao1yi4 n: transaction; deal; trade; business 浇 jiao1 v: water; irrigate; pour; sprinkle; cast [澆] 搅 jiao3 v: mix; stir; disturb; mess up [攪] 脚步 jiao3bu4 n: footstep; footfall; step; pace; way of walking [腳步] 狡猾 jiao3hua2 adj: sly; cunning; tricky; foxy; crafty 角度 jiao3du4 n: angle; perspective; point of view 角落 jiao3luo4 n: corner; nook; remote place 教导 jiao4dao3 v, n: teach; indoctrinate [教導] 教练 jiao4lian4 n: coach; instructor; drill master [教練] 教堂 jiao4tang2 n: church; cathedral; temple; synagogue 教研室 jiao4yan2shi4 n: teaching and research section; teaching staff office 觉 jiao4 n: sleep [覺] 揭 jie1 v: peel off; tear off; uncover; lift; expose; disclose; raise 揭露 jie1lu4 v: uncover; disclose; unmask; expose; unveil; lay bare 接连 jie1lian2 adv: one after another; in succession; in a row [接連] 阶层 jie1ceng2 n: social stratum [階層] 结 jie2 v: bear (fruit or seed); produce [結] 截 jie2 v: cut; sever; block; stop; intercept; hold up 节 jie2 v: save; economize; refrain; abstain; abridge [節] 竭力 jie2li4 adv: as best one can; with all one's power and energy 洁白 jie2bai2 adj: pure white; spotlessly white [潔白] 结 jie2 v, n: congeal; form; end; knit; weave; tie; knot [結] 结果 jie2guo3 n: result; outcome; ending [結果] 解放军 jie3fang4jun1 n: liberation army; Chinese People's Liberation Army [解放軍] 解剖 jie3pou1 v: dissect; analyze; criticize 界线 jie4xian4 n: boundary line; demarcation line; dividing line [界線] 借口 jie4kou3 v, n: excuse; pretext; alibi; pretense 金鱼 jin1yu2 n: goldfish [金魚] 今日 jin1ri4 n: today; this day; present; now 紧急 jin3ji2 adj: urgent; pressing; exigent [緊急] 紧密 jin3mi4 adj: close and dense; close; inseparable [緊密] 紧俏 jin4qiao4 adj: sought-after; in shortage due to great demand [緊俏] 谨慎 jin3shen4 adj: cautious; prudent; circumspect; careful; mindful [謹慎] 进军 jin4jun1 v: march; advance [進軍] 近代 jin4dai4 n: modern times 浸 jin4 v: soak; steep; immerse; seep 尽力 jin4 li4 try one's best; do all one can [盡力] 惊 jing1 v: be frightened; start; startle; alarm; stampede; shy [驚] 惊动 jing1dong4 v: alarm; alert; disturb; interrupt [驚動] 惊奇 jing1qi2 adj: amazed; astonished; surprised; shocking strange [驚奇] 惊人 jing1ren2 adj: astonishing; amazing; alarming; shocking [驚人] 惊讶 jing1ya4 adj: surprised; astonished; astounded; amazed [驚訝] 惊异 jing1yi4 adj: surprised; astonished; astounded; amazed [驚異] 精 jing1 adj: perfect; excellent; refined; selected; smart; intensive 精神 jing1shen2 adj: vigorous; spirited; lively; spunky; smart 精细 jing1xi4 adj: fine; meticulous; careful; precise and detailed [精細] 精致 jing1zhi4 adj: fine; exquisite; delicate; refined [精緻] 鲸鱼 jing1yu2 n: whale [鯨魚] 经费 jing1fei4 n: money for regular expenses; funds; expenses; outlay [經費] 经营 jing1ying2 v: manage; run; operate; plan and organize [經營] 警告 jing3gao4 v, n: warn; admonish; caution; warning 警惕 jing3ti4 v: be alert; be vigilant; be on guard against; watch out for 景色 jing3se4 n: scenery; view; prospect; landscape 景物 jing3wu4 n: objects and background seen in a view; environment 景象 jing3xiang4 n: scene; sight; picture 境 jing4 n: border; boundary; place; territory; condition; situation 敬酒 jing4 jiu3 propose a toast 竟 jing4 adv: unexpectedly; to one's surprise; go so far as to 竟然 jing4ran2 adv: unexpectedly; to one's surprise; go so far as to 竞争 jing4zheng1 v, n: compete; rival; competition; rivalry [競爭] 净 jing4 adj: clean; net [凈] 净 jing4 adv: only; nothing but; all; all the time [凈] 揪 ji1 v: hold tight; seize; haul 酒店 jiu3dian4 n: hotel; inn; wine shop; liquor store 舅舅 jiu4jiu4 n: mother's brother; maternal uncle 舅母 jiu4mu n: wife of mother's brother; maternal uncle's wife 就 jiu4 v: with regard to; come near 就是…也 jiu4shi4 _ ye3 _ even if … still …; even though … yet … 就是说 jiu4 shi4 shuo1 that is to say; in other words, that means [就是說] 居民 ju1min2 n: resident; inhabitant 居然 ju1ran2 adv: unexpectedly; to one's surprise; go so far as to 居住 ju1zhu4 v: live; reside; dwell 局 ju2 n: bureau; office; administration; shop; part; portion 局部 ju2bu4 n: part; portion 局面 ju2mian4 n: situation 举办 ju3ban4 v: hold; conduct; run; have [舉辦] 聚 ju4 v: gather; get together; assemble; congregate 聚集 ju4ji2 v: gather; get together; congregate; convene; collect 聚精会神 ju4 jing1 hui4 shen2 with complete concentration; with rapt attention [聚精會神] 据 ju4 v, prep: occupy; hold; rely on; depend on; according to [據] 距 ju4 prep: from 剧 ju4 n: theatrical work; drama; play; opera [劇] 剧烈 ju4lie4 adj: acute; violent; severe [劇烈] 剧院 ju4yuan4 n: theater; playhouse; troupe [劇院] 卷 juan3 m: roll; reel; spool [捲] 觉 jue2 v: be conscious; think; feel; sense; wake; awake [覺] 决口 jue2 kou3 (of a dike; dam, etc.) be breached [決口] 决议 jue2yi4 n: resolution; formal statement passed by an assembly [決議] 绝 jue2 adj: unique; superb; desperate; hopeless; exhausted [絕] 均 jun1 adj: equal; even 均匀 jun1yun2 adj: even; uniform; well-distributed; regularly-paced [均勻] 军备 jun1bei4 n: armament; arms; military organization and armament [軍備] 军官 jun1guan1 n: military officer; army officer [軍官] 军舰 jun1jian4 n: warship; naval vessel [軍艦] 军人 jun1ren2 n: soldier; serviceman [軍人] 开办 kai1ban4 v: set up and run; open; start; operate [開辦] 开除 kai1chu2 v: dismiss; discharge; expel [開除] 开动 kai1dong4 v: start; set in motion; move; march [開動] 开发 kai1fa1 v: develop; exploit [開發] 开饭 kai1 fan4 it's meal time; start to serve meals; start to eat (meal) [開飯] 开口 kai1 kou3 open one's mouth; start to talk; make a cutting edge [開口] 开幕 kai1 mu4 raise the curtain; open; start; inaugurate [開幕] 开设 kai1she4 v: set up; open up; provide; offer [開設] 开水 kai1shui3 n: boiled water; boiling water [開水] 开夜车 kai1 ye4che1 work overtime or study at night; burn the midnight oil [開夜車] 刊物 kan1wu4 n: publication; periodical; journal; magazine 看 kan1 v: guard; keep under surveillance; look after; tend 抗议 kang4yi4 v, n: express objection; remonstrate; protest; objection [抗議] 考察 kao3cha2 v: inspect; investigate; observe and study; research 考验 kao3yan4 v, n: test and prove; test; try; trial [考驗] 靠近 kao4jin4 v: get close to; draw near; approach 科技 ke1ji4 n: science and technology 科普 ke1pu3 n: popular science; science popularization 壳 ke2 n: shell; hull; carapace; shuck [殼] 可不是 ke3 bu shi4 exactly; right; cannot agree more; tell me about it 可见 ke3jian4 conj: it is thus obvious that; we can see that; it shows that [可見] 可巧 ke3qiao3 adv: it happened that; by a happy coincidence 可惜 ke3xi1 adj: regrettable; it's a pity that; it's too bad that 可笑 ke3xiao4 adj: laughable; ridiculous; absurd; funny 可行 ke3xing4 v: be practicable; be feasible; be viable 渴望 ke3wang4 v: long for; yearn for; thirst for; hanker for 客 ke4 n: guest; visitor; passenger; customer; client 客观 ke4guan1 n, adj: objectivity; objective [客觀] 客厅 ke4ting1 n: living room; drawing room; parlor [客廳] 课堂 ke4tang2 n: class; classroom; schoolroom [課堂] 坑 keng1 n, v: pit; hole; hollow; entrap; cheat; bury alive 空军 kong1jun1 n: air force [空軍] 恐怖 kong3bu4 adj: fearful; horrifying; horrible; terrifying; terrible 空 kong4 v, adj: vacate; leave empty or blank; vacant; unoccupied 口气 kou3qi4 n: manner of speaking; tone; connotation; implication [口氣] 口试 kou3shi4 n: oral test; oral examination [口試] 口头 kou3tou2 adj: oral; spoken; verbal [口頭] 枯 ku1 adj: withered; shriveled; faded; wilted; dried-up 窟窿 ku1long n: hollow; hole; cavity; loophole; flaw 夸 kua1 v: praise; laud; commend; overstate; exaggerate; boast [誇] 垮 kua3 v: collapse; fall; break down 快餐 kuai4can1 n: fast food; quick meal; snack 快活 kuai4huo adj: cheerful; happy; merry 宽阔 kuan1kuo4 adj: wide; broad [寬闊] 款待 kuan3dai4 v: entertain cordially; treat cordially 筐 kuang1 n: basket 狂 kuang2 adj: overbearing; mad; wild; violent; unconstrained 狂风 kuang2feng1 n: fierce wind; gale; force 10 gale [狂風] 矿石 kuang4shi2 n: ore; galena; iron pyrites [礦石] 况且 kuang4qie3 conj: in addition; moreover; besides [況且] 昆虫 kun1chong2 n: insect; hexapod [昆蟲] 阔 kuo4 adj: wide; broad; vast; rich; wealthy; extravagant [闊] 喇叭 la3ba n: trumpet; horn; suona horn; loudspeaker; speaker 蜡烛 la4zhu2 n: candle [蠟燭] 辣 la4 adj: spicy; hot; peppery; pungent; vicious; ruthless 辣椒 la4jiao1 n: hot pepper; chili; chili pepper 来宾 lai2bin1 n: visitor; guest [來賓] 来客 lai2ke4 adv, n: back and forth; to and fro; round trip [來客] 来回 lai2hui2 n: visitor; guest [來回] 来往 lai2wang3 v, n: come and go; associate; association [來往] 来源 lai2yuan2 n: source; origin [來源] 篮子 lan2zi n: basket [籃子] 朗诵 lang3song4 v: read aloud with expression; recite; declaim [朗誦] 牢 lao2 adj: firm; fast; durable; secure 牢固 lao2gu4 adj: solid; strong; firm; secure 牢骚 lao2sao1 n: whine; complaint; grumble; grievance [牢騷] 老年 lao3nian2 n: old age; agedness 老婆 lao3po n: wife 老人家 lao3renjia n: elderly; old person; old parent 老乡 lao3xiang1 n: fellow-townsman; fellow-villager; farmer buddy [老鄉] 姥姥 lao3lao n: maternal grandmother; grandma 乐 le4 v: joy; laugh; love to; be happy to; enjoy [樂] 类似 lei4si4 adj: similar; analogous [類似] 类型 lei4xing2 n: type; category [類型] 冷静 leng3jing4 adj: quiet; calm; sober; cool [冷靜] 冷却 leng3que4 v: cool; make cool; lower temperature [冷卻] 冷饮 leng3yin3 n: cold drink [冷飲] 楞 leng4 v, adj: be startled out of one's wit; rash; brash; imprudent 黎明 li2ming2 n: dawn; daybreak 理 li3 v: put in order; tide up; manage; run; pay attention to 理 li3 n: reason; truth; logic 里头 li3tou n: inside; interior; within [裡頭] 礼 li3 n: gift; present; propriety; courtesy; etiquette; manners [禮] 礼拜 li3bai4 n: religious service; week; Sunday [禮拜] 历年 li4nian2 n: over the past years [曆年] 利 li4 n: benefit; profit; interest 利润 li4run1 n: profit [利潤] 力求 li4qiu2 v: make every effort to; strive to; try one's best to 力争 li4zheng1 v: do one's best to; strive for; contend vigorously [力爭] 联络 lian2luo4 v: contact; communicate with; make liaison with [聯絡] 联盟 lian2meng2 n: alliance; coalition; league; union [聯盟] 连接 lian2jie1 v: connect; join; link [連接] 脸色 lian3se4 n: complexion; look; facial expression [臉色] 炼 lian4 v: refine; smelt; burn; try to find the best (word) [煉] 凉水 liang2shui3 n: cold water; un-boiled water [涼水] 两旁 liang3pang2 n: both sides; either side [兩旁] 量 liang4 n: quantity; amount; volume; capacity 谅解 liang4jie3 v: renounce anger or resentment through understanding [諒解] 料 liao4 v, n: suppose; expect; manage; material; (grain) feed 列车 lie4che1 n: train [列車] 裂 lie4 v: split; crack; break up 烈士 lie4shi4 n: martyr; person of heroic ambitions 猎人 lie4ren2 n: hunter; huntsman [獵人] 淋 lin2 v: sprinkle; shower; drench; pour; spray; drizzle 零件 ling2jian4 n: part; component 灵魂 ling2hun2 n: soul; spirit; conscience; guiding and decisive factor [靈魂] 领会 ling3hui4 v: understand; comprehend; grasp [領會] 领土 ling3tu3 n: territory [領土] 领域 ling3yu4 n: field; sphere; domain; realm; area [領域] 令 ling4 v: make; cause; order; command 溜 liu1 v: slide; glide; slip away; sneak off 留学 liu2 xue2 study abroad [留學] 流传 liu2chuan2 v: spread; circulate; hand down; pass down [流傳] 流动 liu2dong4 v: flow; run; circulate; move [流動] 流氓 liu2mang2 n: hooligan; hoodlum; ruffian; gangster; thug 流水 liu2shui3 n: running water; turnover (of a shop) 流行 liu2xing2 v, adj: prevail; be in vogue; popular; fashionable; prevalent 流域 liu2yu4 n: river valley; river basin; drainage area 柳树 liu3shu4 n: willow [柳樹] 笼子 long2zi n: cage; coop [籠子] 拢 long3 v: approach; sum up; bring together; close; comb (hair) [攏] 垄断 long3duan4 v: monopolize [壟斷] 笼罩 long3zhao4 v: envelop; shroud [籠罩] 楼道 lou2dao4 n: corridor; passageway within a storied building [樓道] 楼房 lou2fang2 n: storied building [樓房] 搂 lou3 v: hug; embrace; hold in one's arms [摟] 露面 lou4 mian4 show one's face; make an appearance; show up 喽 lou part: modal particle to suggest the completion of an action [嘍] 炉子 lu2zi n: stove; oven; furnace [爐子] 路过 lu4guo4 v: pass by (a place); pass through (a place) [路過] 路口 lu4kou3 n: entrance to a road; crossing; intersection; crossroads 露 lu4 v: uncover; expose; reveal; show 陆地 lu4di4 n: land; dry land [陸地] 陆军 lu4jun1 n: ground force; land force; army [陸軍] 驴 lü2 n: donkey; ass [驢] 铝 lü3 n: aluminum [鋁] 旅游 lü3you2 v: travel for pleasure; tour 卵 luan3 n: ovum; egg; spawn 掠夺 lue4duo2 v: plunder; rob; pillage [掠奪] 轮廓 lun2kuo4 n: outline; contour; profile; silhouette; general situation [輪廓] 轮流 lun2liu2 v: take turns; do sth. in turn; rotate; alternate [輪流] 轮子 lun2zi n: wheel [輪子] 论 lun4 v, n: discuss; explain; mention; decide on; theory; opinion [論] 逻辑 luo2ji n: logic; order of thinking; objective law [邏輯] 锣 luo2 n: gong [鑼] 骆驼 luo4tuo n: camel [駱駝] 马克思主义 ma3ke4si1zhu3yi4 n: Marxism [馬克思主義] 瞒 man2 v: hide the truth from; keep sb. in the dark about sth. [瞞] 满腔 man3qiang1 n: full bosom (of emotion) [滿腔] 漫长 man4chang2 adj: very long; endless [漫長] 盲目 mang2mu4 adj: blind; lack of knowledge, understanding, and so on 毛笔 mao2bi3 n: Chinese writing and painting brush [毛筆] 毛线 mao2xian4 n: knitting wool; woolen yarn [毛線] 毛泽东思想 mao2ze2dong1si1xiang3 n: Mao Zedong Thought [毛澤東思想] 茅台酒 mao2tai2jiu3 n: maotai (liquor) 梅花 mei2hua1 n: plum flower 没说的 mei2 shuo1 de flawless; really good; it goes without saying; no doubt [沒說的] 眉毛 mei2mao n: eyebrow; brow 眉头 mei2tou2 n: eyebrows; the area where one's brows are [眉頭] 美观 mei3guan1 adj: pleasing to the eye; artistic; (of things) beautiful [美觀] 闷 men4 adj, v: stuffy; cover tightly; keep silent; shut oneself in [悶] 门诊 men2zhen3 n: outpatient service [門診] 闷 men4 adj: bored; depressed; in low spirits; muffled [悶] 蒙 meng2 v: cover; blindfold; suffer 猛 meng3 adj: brave; violent; fierce; energetic; vigorous 猛烈 meng3lie4 adj: fierce; violent; vigorous 猛然 meng3ran2 adv: suddenly; abruptly 梦想 meng4xiang3 v, n: dream of; hope vainly; dream; wishful thinking [夢想] 眯 mi1 v: narrow (one's eyes) 迷 mi1 v: charm; fascinate; be crazy about; be lost 迷糊 mi2hu adj: confused; dazed; muddle-headed; unconscious 迷信 mi2xin4 v, n: have blind faith in; be superstitious; superstition 谜语 mi2yu3 n: conundrum; riddle [謎語] 秘书 mi4shu1 n: secretary [秘書] 蜜 mi4 n: honey 免得 mian3de conj: so as not to; so as to avoid 勉强 mian3qiang3 adj, v: barely enough; reluctant; force sb. to do sth.; manage [勉強] 面对 mian4dui4 v: face; confront; meet [面對] 面粉 mian4fen3 n: flour; wheat flour [麵粉] 面孔 mian4kong3 n: face; look; facial expression 面临 mian4lin2 v: be faced with; be confronted with; be up against [面臨] 苗 miao2 n: seedling; offspring; (some) baby animals; vaccine 灭亡 mie4wang2 v: be destroyed; perish; become extinct; die out [滅亡] 民兵 min2bing1 n: militia; militiaman; militia-woman 民间 min2jian1 n: among the people [民間] 民用 min2yong4 adj: civil; for civil use 敏捷 min3jie2 adj: quick; nimble; agile 明白 ming2bai adj, v: clear; plain; explicit; sensible; understand; see; know 明明 ming2ming2 adv: obviously; plainly; undoubtedly 明信片 ming1xin4pian4 n: postcard 鸣 ming2 v: chime; ring; sound; air; express; chirp; cry; sing [鳴] 命 ming4 n, v: life; life-span; fate; destiny; order; command; assign 模范 mo2fan4 n, adj: exemplary thing or person; fine example; exemplary [模範] 模糊 mo2hu adj: blurred; indistinct; dim; vague; unclear 模型 mo2xing2 n: model; mold; matrix; pattern; die 摩托车 mo2tuo1che1 n: motorcycle; motorbike; motor bicycle [摩托車] 抹 mo4 v: apply; put on; smear; plaster; wipe; cross out; erase 末 mo4 n: end; tip; unimportant part; last stage; powder; dust 墨 mo4 n: Chinese ink; ink stick; ink; handwriting or painting 陌生 mo4sheng1 adj: strange; unfamiliar 某些 mou3xie1 pron: some; certain 幕 mu4 n: act; curtain; veil; screen 墓 mu4 n: tomb; grave; mausoleum 木材 mu4cai2 n: wood; timber; lumber 目光 mu4guang1 n: sight; view; vision; gaze; look 牧场 mu4chang3 n: ranch; livestock farm; pastureland; grazing land [牧場] 牧民 mu4min2 n: herdsman; herder 拿…来说 na2 _ lai2shuo1 take … for example [拿…來說] 奶 nai3 n: milk; breast 耐 nai4 v: stand; be able to bear or endure 耐烦 nai4fan2 adj: patient; composed [耐煩] 男子 nan2zi3 n: man; male 难得 nan2de2 adj: difficult to get; hard to come by; rare; seldom [難得] 难怪 nan2guai4 v, conj: it's difficult to blame; it's hardly a surprise; no wonder [難怪] 难题 nan2ti1 n: difficult problem; tough question; hot potato [難題] 难以 nan2yi3 adv: difficult to; hard to [難以] 脑筋 nao3jin1 n: brains; mind; thinking capacities; ideas; concepts [腦筋] 脑力 naoli4 n: mental power; thinking ability; intelligence [腦力] 闹笑话 nao4 xiao4hua4 make a fool of oneself; make a silly mistake [鬧笑話] 闹着玩儿 nao4zhe wan2r frolic; be just kidding; tease; act in a frivolous manner [鬧著玩兒] 内科 nei4ke1 n: internal medicine; department of internal medicine [內科] 嫩 nen4 adj: tender; delicate; rare; underdone; light; pale; callow 能 neng2 adj: capable; able 能 neng2 n: energy; gift; ability; faculty 能歌善舞 neng2 ge1 shan4 wu3 be good at both singing and dancing 能量 neng2liang4 n: energy; ability; capacity; capability 泥土 ni2tu3 n: mud; earth; dirt; soil 念书 nian4shu1 read; study (lessons); attend a school or university [念書] 娘 niang2 n: ma; mom; mother; woman 捏 nie1 v: hold using a thumb and other fingers; knead; mould 拧 ning3 v: screw; twist; disagree; discord [擰] 宁可 ning4ke3 conj: would rather [寧可] 扭转 niu3zhuan3 v: turn round; turn back; reverse; remedy; rectify [扭轉] 农场 nong2chang3 n: farm [農場] 农具 nong2ju4 n: farm tools; farm implements [農具] 农贸市场 nong2mao4 shi4chang3 market of farm produce [農貿市場] 农田 nong2tian2 n: farmland; cultivated land; cropland; field [農田] 农药 nong2yao4 n: agricultural chemicals; farming chemicals; pesticide [農藥] 农作物 nong2zuo4wu4 n: crops; cultivated plants [農作物] 奴隶 nu2li4 n: slave [奴隸] 怒 nu4 adj: angry; raging; forceful; vigorous; dynamic; vehement 女子 nü3zi3 n: woman; female 噢 o1 interj: oh (I have just noticed; I have just realized) 哦 o4 interj: oh (that's why; now I understand) 偶尔 oou3er3 adv: once in a while; occasionally; sometimes [偶爾] 偶然 ou3ran2 adj: accidental; fortuitous; unexpected 趴 pa1 v: lie on one's stomach; grovel; bend over; lean on 拍摄 pai1she4 v: shoot (a photograph, movie, video clip, etc.); film [拍攝] 拍子 pai1zi n: bat; racket; swatter; beat; time; rhythm 排斥 pai2chi4 v: ostracize; repulse; repel; exclude; reject 排列 pai2lie4 v: arrange; put in order; align; line up 牌子 pai2zi n: billboard; plate; sign; brand; trademark; cí title 攀 pan1 v: climb; grab; seek connection in high places; implicate 攀登 pan1deng1 v: climb; clamber; scale 盘 pan2 v: coil; twist; wind; examine; look into; move; transfer [盤] 盼 pan4 v: yearn for; hope for; expect; look 畔 pan4 n: side; border of a river, lake, road, field, etc. 抛 pao1 v: throw; toss; leave behind; desert; expose; show; dump [拋] 炮弹 pao4dan4 n: (artillery) shell [炮彈] 泡 pao4 v, n: soak; steep; infuse; hang out; bubble; blister 培养 pei2yang3 v: train; groom; foster; develop; cultivate [培養] 培育 pei2yu4 v: cultivate; nurture; breed; foster 赔偿 pei2chang2 v: compensate; pay for sb. else's damage or loss [賠償] 陪同 pei2tong2 v, n: accompany; sb. who accompanies; company 配 pei4 v: make a couple; find sth. to fit; mix; blend; be worthy of 佩服 pei4fu2 v: admire; have a high opinion of 盘地 pen2di4 n: basin; area surrounded by land of higher elevation [盤地] 蓬勃 peng2bo2 adj: vigorous; flourishing; burgeoning 棚 peng2 n: cote; shed; shack; makeshift shelter; ceiling 膨胀 peng2zhang4 v: expand; extend in length; swell in size; inflate [膨脹] 碰钉子 peng4 ding1zi be rebuffed; hit a snag; encounter hostility [碰釘子] 批 pi1 v: criticize; write comments on documents submitted 疲倦 pi2juan4 adj: tired and sleepy; weary; fatigued 屁股 pi4gu n: buttocks; bottom; rear; rump; hindquarters; end; butt 譬如 pi4ru2 v: for example; for instance; such as 偏 pian1 adj: inclined to one side; off-center; off-target; off-standard 偏偏 pian1pian1 adv: against sb.'s wish; contrary to expectations; only; just 飘扬 piao1yang2 v: wave in the wind; flutter in the wind; fly [飄揚] 拼 pin1 v: piece together; join together; achieve sth. at all costs 贫苦 pin2ku3 adj: poor and bitter; destitute; lacking living materials [貧苦] 贫穷 pin2qiong2 adj: poor; impoverished; lacking a means of production [貧窮] 品德 pin3de2 n: moral character 品质 pin3zhi4 n: character; quality (of a person, product, etc.) [品質] 平凡 ping2fan2 adj: common; commonplace; ordinary; trivial 平衡 ping2heng2 adj, v: balanced; balance; equilibrium 平行 ping2xing2 adj: parallel; simultaneous; concurrent; at the same level 凭 ping2 v, prep: rely on; depend on; lean on; with [憑] 评 ping2 v: comment; criticize; review; assess; judge; evaluate [評] 评介 ping2jie4 v, n: evaluate; assess; appraise; evaluation; assessment [評介] 评论 ping2lun4 v, n: comment; remark; review; commentary [評論] 泼 po1 v: splash; spill; sprinkle; throw a fluid in flying masses [潑] 破产 po4 chan3 go bankrupt; go broke; come to nothing; fall through [破產] 破烂 po4lan4 adj: broken and rotten; ragged; worn-out; tattered [破爛] 迫害 po4hai4 v: persecute; treat sb. with cruelty; oppress cruelly 葡萄 pu2tao2 n: grape 普及 pu3ji2 v, adj: popularize; make sth. a commonplace; prevalent 普通话 pu3tong1hua4 n: common speech (of the Chinese language) [普通話] 欺负 qi1fu v: bully; intimidate; bluster; coerce; tease; [欺負] 漆 qi1 n: paint; lacquer 其 qi2 pron: it; they; she; he; its; their; her; his; that; such 其实 qi2shi2 adv: in fact; actually; as a matter of fact [其實] 棋 qi2 n: chess; board game; chessman; (chess) piece 奇迹 qi2ji4 n: miracle; marvel; wonder [奇跡] 旗袍 qi2pao2 n: close-fitting lady's dress originating from the Manchu 旗帜 qi2zhi4 n: flag; banner; streamer; role model; leading idea [旗幟] 起初 qi3chu1 n: at first; in the beginning; originally 起飞 qi3fei1 v: (of aircraft, rocket, economy, business, etc.) take off [起飛] 起义 qi3yi4 v, n: revolt; uprise; rebel; insurrection; uprising; rebellion [起義] 起源 qi3yuan2 n, v: origin; genesis; originate; stem; start 器材 qi4cai2 n: equipment and material 器官 qi4guan1 n: organ; apparatus 气 qi4 n: gas; air; breath; weather; smell; spirits; manner; insult [氣] 气氛 qi4fen4 n: atmosphere; ambience [氣氛] 气愤 qi4fen4 adj: angry and resentful; indignant; furious [氣憤] 气概 qi4gai4 n: mettle; (heroic, masculine, etc.) spirit; lofty quality [氣概] 气体 qi4ti3 n: gas; substance in the gaseous state [氣體] 气味 qi4wei4 n: smell; odor; favor; taste; reek; smack [氣味] 气压 qi4ya1 n: air pressure; atmospheric pressure [氣壓] 汽船 qi4chuan2 n: steamship; steamboat; motorboat 恰当 qia4dang4 adj: suitable; proper; appropriate [恰當] 恰好 qia4hao3 adv: happen to 恰恰 qia4qia4 adv: just; exactly; precisely 铅 qian1 n: (of metal) lead; graphitic substance in pencils [鉛] 千方百计 qian1 fang1 bai3 ji4 by every possible means; by hook or crook [千方百計] 千克 qian1ke4 m: kilogram 谦虚 qian1xu1 adj: modest; self-effacing; make modest remarks [謙虛] 前方 qian2fang1 n: front; in front; ahead; at the head; forward 前后 qian2hou4 n: in front of and behind; around; about; altogether [前後] 前头 qian2tou n: in front; ahead; forward; above; proceeding; forepart [前頭] 歉意 qian4yi4 n: regret; apology; apologetic feeling 墙壁 qiang2bi4 n: wall [牆壁] 强迫 qiang3po4 v: force; compel; coerce [強迫] 翘 qiao4 v: raise; hold up; curl up [翹] 切实 qie4shi2 adj: realistic; practical; based on reality; in real earnest [切實] 侵犯 qin1fan4 v: intrude upon; encroach on; violate; invade 侵入 qin1ru4 v: invade; make incursions into; enter by force 亲 qin1 adj: close; intimate; dear; related by blood [親] 亲热 qin1re4 adj: intimate; warm; affectionate; loving [親熱] 亲人 qin1ren2 n: family member; relative; someone dear [親人] 亲眼 qin1yan3 adv: (see) with one's own eyes; (witness) personally [親眼] 琴 qin2 n: general name for certain musical instruments 勤劳 qin2lao2 adj: hardworking; diligent; industrious; assiduous [勤勞] 青菜 qing1cai4 n: green vegetables; plant similar to Chinese cabbage 青春 qing1chun1 n: youth; youthfulness; youthful age 青蛙 qing1wa1 n: frog 轻视 qing1shi4 v: look down upon; despise; belittle; underestimate [輕視] 轻易 qing1yi4 adv: lightly and easily; lightly; easily [輕易] 倾向 qing1xiang4 v, n: lean towards; be inclined to; tendency; inclination [傾向] 清晨 qing1chen2 n: early morning 清除 qing1chu2 v: clear away; eliminate; get rid of; purge; remove 清洁 qing1jie2 adj: clean; unpolluted [清潔] 清晰 qing1xi1 adj: clear; distinct 清醒 qing1xing3 adj, v: clear-headed; sober; regain consciousness; come to 晴天 qing2tian1 n: sunny day; fine day 情 qing2 n: feeling; emotion; love; passion; lust; condition; reason 情报 qing2bao4 n: intelligence; information; tip-off [情報] 请教 qing3jiao4 v: consult; ask for advice; seek advice [請教] 请示 qing3shi4 v: ask for instructions [請示] 穷人 qiong2ren2 n: poor person; have-not; pauper; the poor; the destitute [窮人] 秋季 qiu1ji4 n: autumn season; autumn; fall; season of autumn 丘陵 qiu1ling2 n: hills; undulating topography 区域 qu1yu4 n: region; area; district [區域] 曲折 qu1zhe2 adj: zigzag; winding; tortuous; meandering; complicated 渠道 qu2dao4 n: ditch; trench; channel; way; means 娶 qu3 v: marry (a woman); take a wife 趣味 qu4wei4 n: interest; delight; fun; palate; taste 圈子 quan1zi n: circle; ring; clique 权利 quan2li4 n: right [權利] 权力 quan2li4 n: power; authority; jurisdiction [權力] 全局 quan2ju2 n: general or overall situation; situation as a whole 拳头 quan2tou n: fist [拳頭] 劝告 quan4gao4 v, n: persuade; advise; exhort; urge; advice; exhortation [勸告] 群岛 qun2dao3 n: group of scattered islands; archipelago [群島] 燃料 ran2liao4 n: inflammable material; fuel 染料 ran3liao4 n: dye; dyestuff 饶 rao2 v: forgive; spare; let off; throw in; make an extra free offer [饒] 热带 re4dai4 n: torrid zone; tropics [熱帶] 热量 re4liang4 n: quantity of heat [熱量] 人家 ren2jia pron: everyone else; he; him; she; her; they; them; I; me 人间 ren2jian1 n: human world; this world [人間] 人力 ren2li4 n: manpower; physical labor; ability of human beings 人群 ren2qun2 n: human throng; crowd 人士 ren2shi4 n: personage; person with certain social influence 人体 ren2ti3 n: human body; nude [人體] 人心 ren2xin1 n: people's heart; the will of the people; popular feeling 忍不住 ren3 bu zhu4 cannot help; unable to bear 忍耐 ren3nai4 v: forbear; restrain oneself; exercise patience 忍受 ren3shou4 v: bear; endure; tolerate; put up with (pain, hardship, etc.) 任 ren4 prep, conj: at will; at discretion; no matter (how, what, etc.) 任 ren4 v: assign to a post; assume a post; bear; endure 任性 ren4xing4 adj: self-willed; self-indulgent; headstrong; wayward 任意 ren4yi4 adv: arbitrarily; willfully; at will; at discretion 仍旧 reng2jiu4 adv: still; yet [仍舊] 日报 ri4bao4 n: daily paper; daily [日報] 日夜 ri4ye4 n: day and night; round the clock 日益 ri4yi4 adv: more and more each day; increasingly 日用 ri4yong4 adj: of daily use; of everyday use 荣幸 rong2xing4 adj: honored and fortunate [榮幸] 溶液 rong2ye4 n: liquid solution; liquor 容 rong2 v: contain; hold; tolerate; forgive; allow; permit 容器 rong2qi4 n: container; vessel 容许 rong2xu3 v: allow; permit [容許] 揉 rou2 v: knead; roll; crumple; rub; massage 柔软 rou2ruan3 adj: soft; supple; lithe; limber [柔軟] 如此 ru2ci3 pron: that be like this; that be so 如同 ru2tong2 v: be like; be the same as 如下 ru2 xia4 as follows 软弱 ruan3ruo4 adj: soft and weak; weak; feeble; wishy-washy; infirm [軟弱] 若 ruo4 conj: if 若干 ruo4gan1 num: a certain number of; some; several; a few 塞 sai1 v: fill in; stuff 散 san3 v, adj: come loose; fall apart; scattered; disintegrated 散文 san3wen2 n: prose; literary works including scribbles; essays, etc. 散 san4 v: break up; disperse; distribute; give out; dispel 散布 san4bu4 v: scatter; disseminate; spread; sow 丧失 sang4shi1 v: lose; forfeit [喪失] 色彩 se4cai3 n: color; hue; flavor; appeal 纱 sha1 n: yarn; sheer; gauze; name of certain textile products [紗] 删 shan1 v: delete; strike out; expunge [刪] 山地 shan1di4 n: mountainous area; hilly topography 山峰 shan1feng1 n: mountain peak 山谷 shan1gu3 n: mountain valley 闪电 shan3dian4 n: lightning [閃電] 闪烁 shan3shuo4 v: twinkle; glimmer; glitter; hum and haw; equivocate [閃爍] 扇子 shan4zi n: fan (that can create airflow through waving) 伤害 shang1hai4 v: hurt; harm; damage; injure; wound [傷害] 伤口 shang1kou3 n: wound; cut; laceration [傷口] 伤脑筋 shang1 nao3jin1 troublesome; knotty; bothersome [傷腦筋] 商人 shang1ren2 n: merchant; business person; trader 上帝 shang4di4 n: God; the ruler in heaven 上升 shang4sheng1 v: rise; go up; ascend; move upward 上述 shang4shu4 n: aforementioned; above-mentioned; aforesaid 上头 shang4tou n: the higher authorities; foregoing; above; on top of [上頭] 上下 shang4xia4 n: up and down; high and low; old and young 上旬 shang4xun2 n: period of the first ten days of a month 上游 shang4you2 n: upper reaches (of a river); advanced position 少女 shao4nü3 n: young girl; unmarried girl; teenage girl 少先队 shao4xian1dui4 n: Young Pioneers [少先隊] 哨兵 shao4bing1 n: sentinel; sentry; guard 舍不得 she3 bu de hate to part with, spend, or use; grudge; begrudge [捨不得] 舍得 she3de v: be willing to part with, spend, or use; not grudge [捨得] 摄氏 she4shi4 n: Celsius; centigrade [攝氏] 摄影 she4 ying3 take a photo; shoot a film [攝影] 射击 she4ji1 v: shoot; fire [射擊] 社会主义 she4hui4zhu3yi4 n: socialism [社會主義] 社论 she4lun4 n: editorial [社論] 设 she4 v: set up; establish; work out; suppose [設] 设法 she4fa3 v: work out a way; try; do what one can [設法] 设想 she4xiang3 v, n: imagine; have consideration for; idea; tentative plan [設想] 申请 shen1qing3 v: apply for; file an application for [申請] 身材 shen1cai2 n: stature; figure 身分(身份) shen1fen n: identity; status; capacity; honorable position; dignity 身子 shen1zi n: body; pregnancy 深度 shen1du4 n: depth degree; depth; profundity; higher level 深夜 shen1ye4 n: late at night; period around midnight 神话 shen2hua4 n: mythology; myth; fairy tale; preposterous theory [神話] 神秘 shen2mi4 adj: mysterious; mystical 神气 shen2qi4 n, adj: expression; manner; spirited; vigorous; proud; cocky [神氣] 神情 shen2qing2 n: expression; look; air; mien 神圣 shen2sheng4 adj: sacred; holy [神聖] 审查 shen3cha2 v: check; inspect; examine; investigate; censor [審查] 婶子 shen3zi n: aunt; wife of father's younger brother [嬸子] 甚至 shen4zhi4 adv, conj: even; and even 甚至于 shen4zhi4yu2 conj: and even; it goes so far that [甚至於] 慎重 shen4zhong4 adj: careful; cautious; prudent; discreet 声明 sheng1ming2 v, n: state; declare; proclaim; statement; declaration [聲明] 生 sheng1 n: life; all one's life; livelihood; existence 生病 sheng1 bing4 get sick; fall ill; contract a disease 生存 sheng1cun2 v: live and persist; subsist; exist; survive 生理 sheng1li3 n: physiology 省得 sheng3de conj: so as to avoid; so as to save 省长 sheng3zhang3 n: governor of a province; premier of a province [省長] 圣诞节 sheng4dan4jie2 n: Christmas; Christmas Day [聖誕節] 剩余 sheng4yu2 v, n: remain; have a surplus; surplus; remainder; residue [剩餘] 师范 shi1fan4 n: teacher training; person of exemplary virtue [師範] 失掉 shi1diao4 v: lose; no longer possess; miss; let slip 失眠 shi1mian2 v: lose sleep; be unable to sleep; suffer from insomnia 湿润 shi1run4 adj: moist; damp; humid [濕潤] 诗人 shi1ren2 n: poet [詩人] 时常 shi2chang2 adv: time and again; often; frequently [時常] 时机 shi2ji1 n: moment of opportunity; opportunity; opportune time [時機] 时节 shi2jie2 n: season; time [時節] 时时 shi2shi2 adv: time and time again; constantly; very often [時時] 实话 shi2hua4 n: truthful words, truth [實話] 实况 shi2kuang4 n: actual situation; what is actually happening [實況] 实施 shi2shi1 v: put into effect; implement; carry out; enforce; execute [實施] 实习 shi2xi2 v: practice; praxis; exercise and learn in the real world [實習] 实质 shi2zhi4 n: essence; substance; gist [實質] 使得 shi3de v: cause; render; make 使劲 shi3 jin4 use strength; exert all one's strength; make efforts [使勁] 驶 shi3 v: drive; sail; speed; move or pass quickly [駛] 示威 shi4wei1 v: demonstrate; put on a show of strength and prowess 士兵 shi4bing1 n: rank-and-file soldier; private; rank and file …似的 _ shi4de part: as if; -like; as … as 事故 shi4gu4 n: event that is unforeseen; accident; mishap 事迹 shi4ji4 n: praiseworthy act; deed; achievement; merit [事跡] 事务 shi4wu4 n: work; routine; affair; transaction [事務] 逝世 shi4shi4 v: pass away; die 势力 shi4li n: (political, economic or military) force; power; influence [勢力] 是的 shi4de n: right and wrong; dispute; conflict over trivialities 是非 shi4fei1 part: yes; right; that's it 是否 shi4fou3 adv: yes or no; whether or not; if 事宜 shi4yi2 adj: suitable; fit; appropriate; just right 市长 shi4zhang3 n: mayor [市長] 收割 shou1ge1 v: gather and cut; reap; harvest 收集 shou1ji2 v: collect; gather 收缩 shou1suo1 v: contract; shrink; reduce; concentrate one's forces [收縮] 手枪 shou3qiang1 n: handgun; pistol [手槍] 手势 shou3shi4 n: gesture; sign; signal [手勢] 守 shou3 v: guard; defend; keep watch; observe; be close to 寿命 shou4ming4 n: life-span; life; life time [壽命] 售 shou4 v: sell 售货 shou4 huo4 sell goods [售貨] 梳 shu1 v: comb 梳子 shu1zi n: comb 舒畅 shu1chang4 adj: comfortable and happy; pleased and satisfied [舒暢] 书本 shu1ben3 n: (general term for) book [書本] 书籍 shu1ji2 n: (collective term for) books; works; literature [書籍] 树立 shu4li4 v: (of abstract good things) set up; establish [樹立] 树木 shu4mu4 n: (collective term for) trees [樹木] 束 shu4 m: bunch; bundle; sheaf 束缚 shu4fu4 v: tie down; bind down; constrain; fetter [束縛] 数据 shu4ju4 n: data [數據] 数目 shu4mu4 n: number; amount [數目] 刷子 shua1zi n: brush 耍 shua3 v: play with; perform; make fun of; give full play to 衰弱 shuai1ruo4 adj: weak; feeble; weakened 拴 shuan1 v: tether; tie; fasten; tie down; bind up 霜 shuang1 n: frost; frost-like substance; white color; hoary color 双 shuang1 adj: two; both; twin; dual; double; twofold; even [雙] 水分 shui3fen4 n: water element; moisture content; untruthful information 水库 shui3ku4 n: reservoir [水庫] 水利 shui3li4 n: water resources; water conservancy 水力 shui3li4 n: waterpower; hydraulic power 睡眠 shui4mian2 n: sleep 税 shui4 n: tax; duty; tariff [稅] 顺 shun4 adj, v: smooth; put in order; be agreeable to; yield to [順] 顺手 shun4shou3 adj: smooth and handy; convenient; without difficulty [順手] 说不定 shuo1buding4 adv: cannot say for sure; maybe; perhaps [說不定] 说法 shuo1fa n: wording; way to put it; argument; saying; parlance [說法] 说服 shuo1 fu2 talk to convince; talk over; persuade; convince; [說服] 思考 si1kao3 v: think over; ponder over; reflect upon; consider 思念 si1nian4 v: miss; think of; long for 思索 si1suo3 v: think and seek solutions; think in depth; ponder 思维 si1wei2 n: thinking; thought [思維] 私有 si1you3 adj: privately owned; private 司令 si1ling4 n: commander; commanding officer 丝毫 si1hao2 adj: very little; of the slightest amount or degree [絲毫] 死 si3 adj: dead; fixed; rigid; deadly; implacable; impassable 死亡 si3wang2 v: die; expire 四处 si4chu4 n: four places; all around; hither and thither; everywhere [四處] 四面八方 si4 mian4 ba1 fang1 four sides and eight directions; in every direction 四周 si4zhou1 n: surround in four directions; on all sides; all around 饲养 si4yang3 v: raise; rear (domestic animals) [飼養] 松树 song1shu4 n: pine-tree; pine tree; pine [松樹] 送礼 song4 li3 give-gift; give a gift; present a gift to sb. [送禮] 搜集 sou1ji2 v: seek-gather; collect; hunt high and low for (things) 艘 sou1 m: measure word for ships or boats 俗话 su2hua4 n: popular-saying; folk adage; colloquialism [俗話] 速成 su4cheng2 v: rapidly-master; quickly accomplish; crash (course) 算是 suan4shi4 v: can be counted as; can be regarded as 算术 suan4 shu4 count-number; count; hold; be valid [算術] 虽 sui1 conj: although; though; even if; even though [雖] 虽说 sui1shuo1 conj: although-say; although it can be said that; although [雖說] 随后 sui2hou4 adv: following-rear; afterward; shortly after; in a minute [隨後] 随即 sui2ji2 adv: following-moment; right afterward; immediately afterward [隨即] 随手 sui2shou3 adv: following-hand; without extra trouble [隨手] 岁数 sui4shu4 n: age-figure; age; years [歲數] 孙女 sun1nü3 n: grandchild-daughter; son's daughter; granddaughter [孫女] 孙子 sun1zi n: grandchild-son;son's son; grandson [孫子] 损害 sun3hai4 v: damage-harm; harm; injure; hurt [損害] 损坏 sun3huai4 v: damage-break; damage; break; spoil [損壞] 缩短 suo1duan3 v: shrink-shorter; shorten; curtail; cut short; [縮短] 缩小 suo1xiao3 v: shrink-smaller; reduce; lessen; deflate [縮小] 锁 suo3 n: lock; padlock [鎖] 锁 suo3 v: lock (up); lockstitch [鎖] 所在 suo3zai4 n: where-be; place; location; where sth. or sb. is 塌 ta1 v: fall down; collapse; crumple; sink; slump; calm down 踏实 ta1shi adj: step-solid; down-to-earth; anxiety-free [踏實] 踏 ta4 v: step; tread; stamp; stomp; trample 摊 tan1 v: spread out; unfold; lay out; share; (of sth. bad) befall [攤] 摊 tan1 n, m: booth; stall; stand; measure word for pools of liquid [攤] 滩 tan1 n: beach; shoal [灘] 谈话 tan2hua4 n: talk; chat; statement issued in the form of an interview [談話] 谈论 tan2lun4 v: talk-comment; talk about; discuss; chat [談論] 坦克 tan3ke4 n: tank 探索 tan4suo3 v: feel-seek; try to find (information); explore; probe 叹气 tan4 qi4 sigh (a breath); sigh; have a sigh [嘆氣] 倘若 tang3rou4 conj: supposing; if; in case 桃 tao2 n: peach; sth. resembling a peach; walnut 逃避 tao2bi4 v: escape-avoid; evade; shirk 特 te4 adj: special; particular; extraordinary 特务 te4wu n: special-task; special-task agent; secret agent; spy [特務] 特征 te4zheng1 n: distinctive-sign; characteristic; feature; trait [特徵] 提包 ti2bao1 n: carrying-bag; handbag; shopping bag; valise 提纲 ti2gang1 n: lifting-rope; lifting-in-hand head-rope of a net; outline [提綱] 提问 ti2wen4 v: ask-question; raise a question (in a class or meeting) [提問] 提醒 ti2xing3 v: prompt-awareness; remind; call attention to 提议 ti2yi4 v, n: raise-idea; propose; move; proposal; motion [提議] 蹄 ti2 n: hoof 体操 ti3cao1 n: body-exercise; gymnastics [體操] 体力 ti3li4 n: physical-strength; physical power; thews [體力] 体面 ti3mian4 n, adj: decent-face; dignity; honorable; creditable; handsome [體面] 体温 ti3wen1 n: body-temperature; body temperature [體溫] 体现 ti3xian4 v: bodily-express; embody; incarnate [體現] 天才 tian1cai2 n: heavenly-talent; genius; gift; endowment; gifted person 天空 tian1kong1 n: sky-space; sky; heavens 天然 tian1ran2 adj: naturally-formed; naturally-developed; natural 天然气 tian1ran2qi4 n: naturally-formed-gas; natural gas [天然氣] 天上 tian1shang4 n: heavenly-above; in the sky 天文 tian1wen2 n: celestial-phenomena; astronomy 天下 tian1xia4 n: under-sky; world; rule; domination 天主教 tian1zhu3jiao4 n: heavenly-lord-religion; Catholicism 田地 tian2di4 n: field-land; cropland; farmland; plight; pitiful situation 挑选 tiao1xuan3 v: pick-choose; select; pick out [挑選] 条例 tiao2li4 n: itemized-rules; regulations; ordinances; rules [條例] 调节 tiao2jie2 v: adjust-regulate; adjust; regulate [調節] 调皮 tiao2pi2 adj: playful-naughty; mischievous; disobedient; tricky [調皮] 跳动 tiao4dong4 v: jump-move; jump up and down; beat; pulsate [跳動] 厅 ting1 n: hall; department in a large government organization [廳] 停留 ting2liu2 v: stop-remain; stay for a period of time; 亭子 ting2zi n: pavilion-thingpavilion; kiosk 挺 ting3 v: straighten up; stick out; erect; endure; put up with 通常 tong1chang2 adj: common-frequent; usual; general; normal 通顺 tong1shun4 adj: logical-smooth; clear and coherent [通順] 通信 tong1 xin4 communicate-letter; correspond; communicate by letter 同伴 tong2ban1 n: accompanying-partner; companion; mate; comrade 同胞 tong2ban4 n: same-afterbirth;sibling; compatriot 同盟 tong2meng2 n: same-vow;alliance; league; ally 筒 tong3 n: thick bamboo segment; tube-shaped container 统计 tong3ji4 v, n: totally-count; tally; collect statistic data; statistics [統計] 统统 tong3tong3 adv: totally-totally; all; entirely; completely; wholly [統統] 投机 tou2ji1 adj, v: invest-chance; congenial; opportunistic; speculate [投機] 投降 tou2xiang2 v: join-surrender; surrender; capitulate; give up resistance 头脑 tou2nao3 n: head-brain; brains; intellectual power; mind; wit [頭腦] 透明 tou4ming2 adj: penetrating-brightness;transparent; lucid 突破 tu1po4 v, n: charge-breach; break through; breakthrough 图画 tu2hua4 n: drawing-painting; composition of lines and colors [圖畫] 徒弟 tu2di4 n: apprenticing junior; apprentice 途径 tu2jing4 n: route and path; way; approach; avenue; channel [途徑] 土 tu3 adj: local; indigenous; native; crude; rustic; unfashionable 土壤 tu3rang3 n: earth-and-soil; soil 团体 tuan2ti3 n: group-entity; group; organization; team; society; circle [團體] 团员 tuan2yuan2 n: group-member; delegation member; League member [團員] 团长 tuan2zhang3 n: regiment-commander; colonel; head of a delegation [團長] 推迟 tui1chi2 v: push-later; put off; postpone; delay; defer [推遲] 推辞 tui1ci2 v: push-decline; decline; refuse; turn down (an offer) [推辭] 推翻 tui1fan1 v: push-topple; overthrow; overturn; reverse; cancel 推荐 tui1jian4 v: push-commend; recommend [推薦] 推进 tui1jin4 v: push-progress; propel; advance; drive forward [推進] 退步 tui4bu4 v, n: back-steps; regress; fall behind; retrogression 退休 tui4xiu1 v: withdraw-rest; retire 吞 tun1 v: swallow; devour; gulp down; annex 拖拉机 tuo1la1ji1 n: hauling-pulling-machine; tractor [拖拉機] 托儿所 tuo1er2suo3 n: entrust-child-place; nursery; child care center [托兒所] 驮 tuo2 v: carry or bear on the back [馱] 妥当 tuo3dang adj: sound-appropriate; proper; suitable; appropriate [妥當] 娃娃 wa2wa n: baby-baby; baby; child; doll 瓦 wa3 n: tile 歪曲 wai1qu1 v: slant-crook; distort; misrepresent; twist; contort 外部 wai4bu4 n: external-part; outside; exterior; surface 外界 wai4jie4 n: external-world; outside 外科 wai4ke1 n: external-department; surgical department 外头 wai4tou n: outside-place; outdoor space; outside [外頭] 外衣 wai4yi1 n: outer-garment; outerwear; coat; apparel; jacket 外祖父 wai4zu3fu4 n: external-grandfather; maternal grandfather 外祖母 wai4zu3mu3 n: external-grandmother; maternal grandmother 弯曲 wan1qu1 adj: curving-meandering; winding; zigzag; anfractuous [彎曲] 顽固 wan2gu4 adj: unyielding-firm; stubborn; obstinate; obdurate [頑固] 顽强 wan2qiang2 adj: unyielding-firm; tenacious; indomitable [頑強] 玩笑 wan2xiao4 n: play-laugh; joke; jest; prank 玩意儿 wan2yi4r n: play-thing; toy; thing; certain performing folk art forms [玩意兒] 丸 wan2 m: measure word for pills and boluses 完备 wan2bei4 adj: whole-complete; complete; entire; perfect [完備] 完善 wan2shan4 adj, v: whole-good; perfect; consummate; improve 挽 wan3 v: roll up; pull; draw; reverse; retrieve 挽救 wan3jiu4 v: retrieve-save; get back and save; rescue; remedy 晚报 wan3bao4 n: evening-newspaperevening newspaper [晚報] 万分 wan4fen1 adv: thousands-portions; very much; extremely [萬分] 万古长青 wan4 gu3 chang2 qing1 thousands-age-ever-green; remain fresh forever [萬古長青] 万岁 wa4sui4 v: thousands-years; long live; Your Majesty [萬歲] 万万 wan4wan4 adv: thousands-thousandsin millions of cases; in any case [萬萬] 万一 wan4yi1 n, adv: thousands-oneone in thousands; eventuality; in case [萬一] 网 wang3 n: net; netting; network; web; meshwork [網] 往来 wang3lai2 v: come-go; be in contact with; have relations with [往來] 威胁 wei1xie2 v: menacingly-coerce; intimidate; threaten; menace; imperil [威脅] 微小 wei1xiao3 adj: micro-small; tiny; little; small; minute 违背 wei2bei4 v: violate-disobey; go against; run counter to [違背] 围巾 wei2jin1 n: enclosing-cloth; scarf; muffler; shawl; neckerchief [圍巾] 危难 wei2nan2 v: make-difficulties; feel awkward; make things difficult for [危難] 为首 wei2shou3 v: as-head; be headed by; be led by [為首] 为止 wei2zhi3 v: as-end; till; up to [為止] 维持 wei2chi2 v: maintain-preserve; keep; support; safeguard [維持] 维生素 wei2sheng1su4 n: maintain-life-element; vitamin [維生素] 委屈 wei3qu adj: bent-distorted; grieved due to being mistreated 委托 wei3tuo1 v: entrust-trust; consign; commission; delegate; devolve 未必 wei4bi4 adv: not-necessarily; may not; perhaps not 味 wei4 n: taste; flavor; smell; odor; interest; food 位于 wei4yu2 v: position-at; lie on; be located in; be situated in [位於] 慰问 wei4wen4 v: comfort-ask; express sympathy and solicitude [慰問] 温 wen1 adj, v: warm; lukewarm; mild; gentle; warm up; review [溫] 温带 wen1dai4 n: warm-belt; temperate zone [溫帶] 温和 wen1he2 adj: warm-kind; temperate; moderate; mild; genial [溫和] 蚊子 wen2zi n: mosquito 闻名 wen2ming2 v: hear-name; know by reputation; be well-known [聞名] 吻 wen3 n, v: lips; kiss; touch or caress with one's lips 翁 weng1 ono: buzz; hum; drone 卧 wo4 v: lie; take a prone position; (of certain animals) crouch [臥] 污 wu1 adj: dirty; filthy; foul; corrupt; smeared 诬蔑 wu1mie4 v: slander-smear; slander; smear; vilify; libel [誣蔑] 无比 wu2bi3 adj: nothing-compare; incomparable; unsurpassed [無比] 无产阶级 wu2chan3 jie1ji2 no-property-rank-level; proletariat; working class [無產階級] 无法 wu2 fa3 no-way; have no way; be incapable; be unable [無法] 无可奈何 wu2 ke3 nai4he2 nothing-could-make-what; be helpless [無可奈何] 无论如何 wu2lun4 ru2he2 no-matter-like-what; in any case; in any event; at any rate [無論如何] 无情 wu2qing2 adj: no-feeling; unfeeling; heartless; merciless; ruthless [無情] 无所谓 wu2suo3wei4 v: no-what-say; be indifferent; not care; cannot be called [無所謂] 无线电 wu2xian4dian4 n: wireless-electricity; radio [無線電] 无疑 wu2yi2 adj: no-doubt; undoubted; beyond doubt; unquestionable [無疑] 武装 wu3zhuang1 n, v: military-equipment; weaponry; arm forces; arm; equip [武裝] 舞蹈 wu3dao3 n: move-step; move and step rhythmically; dance 舞会 wu4hui4 n: dance-party; dance; ball [舞會] 舞台 wu3tai2 n: dance-platform; stage; arena [舞臺] 侮辱 wu3ru3 v: bully-humiliate; insult; affront; humiliate; dishonor 物品 wu4pin3 n: substance-matter; article; goods; thing 物体 wu4ti3 n: substance-object; body; substance; object [物體] 物资 wu4zi1 n: substance material; goods and materials [物資] 误 wu4 adj, v: by mistake; by accident; miss; delay; harm; damage [誤] 西服 xi1fu2 n: Western-garment; Western-style garment; suit 西医 xi1yi1 n: Western-medicine; doctor trained in Western medicine [西醫] 吸取 xi1qu3 v: absorb-get; absorb; draw; assimilate; extract 稀 xi1 adj: rare; uncommon; sparse; scattered; watery; thin 锡 xi1 n: tin; stannum (Sn) [錫] 袭击 xi2ji1 v: raid-attack; assault by surprise; attack by surprise [襲擊] 媳妇 xi2fu4 n: daughter-woman; son's wife; daughter-in-law [媳婦] 喜爱 xi3ai4 v: like-love; like; love; be fond of; be keen on [喜愛] 喜悦 xi3yue4 adj: happy-pleased; joyful; joyous; delighted; cheerful [喜悅] 戏剧 xi4ju4 n: opera-drama; drama; theater; play; play script [戲劇] 细胞 xi4bao1 n: tiny-cell; cell [細胞] 细致 xi4zhi4 adj: meticulous-careful; attentive to detail; rich in detail [細緻] 瞎 xia1 v, adv: become blind; groundlessly; to no purpose; aimlessly 虾 xia1 n: shrimp; prawn; lobster [蝦] 峡谷 xia2gu3 n: ravine-valley; gorge; canyon [峽谷] 下降 xia4jiang4 v: lower-descend; decline; get down; drop; fall 下列 xia4lie4 adj: below-listed; following; listed below 下旬 xia4xun2 n: last 10 days; from the 21st to the last day of a month 下游 xia4you2 n: lower reaches (of a river); backward position 夏季 xia4ji4 n: summer season; summer; season of summer 鲜明 xian1ming2 adj: with bright colors and clear; vivid; distinct; distinctive [鮮明] 鲜血 xian1xue4 n: fresh-blood; blood [鮮血] 鲜艳 xian1yan4 adj: bright-colorful; bright-colored; gaily-colored [鮮艷] 咸 xian2 adj: salty; salted [鹹] 闲话 xian2hua4 n: idle words; gossip; claver; tattle; digression [閑話] 嫌 xian2 v: dislike; mind 显示 xian3shi4 v: reveal-displaymake it obvious and show; manifest [顯示] 险 xian3 adj: dangerous; perilous; sinister; vicious; venomous [險] 现 xian4 v, adv: appear; reveal; show; impromptu; extemporaneously [現] 现成 xian4cheng2 adj: now-made; ready-made [現成] 县城 xian4cheng2 n: county-town; county seat [縣城] 宪法 xian4fa3 n: constitutional-law; constitution [憲法] 陷 xian4 v: get stuck; get bogged down; sink; cave in; frame; fall 线路 xian4lu4 n: wire-route; circuit; line; route; path; connection [線路] 相对 xiang1dui4 v, adj: mutually-face; face each other; be opposite; relative [相對] 香烟 xiang1yan1 n: fragrant-smoke; cigarette; incense smoke [香煙] 箱 xiang1 m: measure word for boxes, cases, chests, trunks, etc. 乡村 xiang1cun1 n: countryside-hamlet; rural area; countryside; village [鄉村] 响亮 xiang3liang4 adj: loud-bright; loud and clear; sonorous; resonant [響亮] 巷 xiang4 n: alley; lane; narrow street 相声 xiang4sheng1 n: comic dialogue; cross-talk [相聲] 向导 xiang4dao3 n: direction-guide; guide [向導] 向来 xiang4lai2 adv: from beginning coming towards now; always; all along [向來] 象征 xiang4zheng1 v, n: symbol-sign; symbolize; signify; symbol; token [象徵] 削 xiao1 v: pare; skive; peel (with a knife); cut 消除 xiao1chu2 v: eliminate-remove; clear up; get rid of; dispel 消毒 xiao1 du2 remove-poison; disinfect; sterilize; sanitize 消耗 xiao1hao4 v, n: reduce-expend; consume; deplete; consumption 消极 ziao1ji2 adj: eliminate-urgency; negative; passive; inactive [消極] 小便 xiao3bian4 n: little-excrement; urine of human beings 小组 xiao3zu3 n: small-team; team; group [小組] 笑容 xiao4rong2 n: smiling-look; smiling expression; smile 协定 xie2ding4 n: joint-decision; agreement; accord [協定] 协会 xie2hui4 n: cooperating-organization; association; union [協會] 协助 xie2zhu4 v: assist-help; lend a hand; assist; help [協助] 协作 xie2zuo4 v: jointly-work; cooperate; coordinate [協作] 写作 xie3zuo4 v: write-create; compose; write [寫作] 卸 xie4 v: unload; discharge; remove; take off; unhitch; get rid of 欣赏 xin1shang3 v: love-enjoy; appreciate; admire; like [欣賞] 辛勤 xin1qin2 adj: hardworking-diligent; industrious; hardworking 新生 xin1sheng1 adj, n: new-life; newborn; new; rebirth; regeneration 新式 xin1shi4 adj: new-style; new type; latest type; of a new form or rite 新型 xin1xing2 adj: new-type; new model 心爱 xin1ai4 adj: heartfelt-love; loved; treasured; precious; dear [心愛] 心理 xin1li3 n: heart-mechanism; psychology; mentality; thought 心事 xin1shi4 n: heart-thing; a load on one's mind; worry 心思 xin1si1 n: heart-thought; thought; idea; thinking; mind; mood 心意 xin2yi4 n: heart-intention; regard; kindly feelings; meaning 信号 xin4hao4 n: information-signal; signal [信號] 信念 xin4nian4 n: believing-thought; belief; faith; conviction 信任 xin4ren4 v: believe-trust; trust; confide in; depend on; have faith in 信息 xin4xi1 n: letter-message; information; news; message 形态 xing2tai4 n: shape-state; form; shape; pattern; morphology [形態] 行人 xing2ren2 n: walking-person; pedestrian; foot passenger 行使 xing2shi3 v: move-drive; (of a boat, vehicle, etc.) go; travel; drive 行为 xing2wei2 n: action-doing; act; action; behavior; conduct [行為] 行星 xing2xing1 n: moving-star; planet 行政 xing2zheng4 n: do-affairs; administration 兴高采烈 xing4 gao1 cai3 lie4 spirits-high-mood-ardent; be in high spirits; be raptured [興高采烈] 幸亏 xing4kui1 adv: luckily-fortunately; luckily; fortunately [幸虧] 性别 xing4bie2 n: sexual-distinction; sex; gender [性別] 性能 xing4neng2 n: property-capability; performance; capability; property 凶 xiong1 adj: inauspicious; vicious; fierce; ferocious; brutal; terrible 凶恶 xiong1e4 adj: ferocious-vicious; fierce; ferocious; fiendish; vicious [凶惡] 修建 xiu1jian4 v: build-construct; build; construct; erect 修正 xiu1zheng4 v: revise-rectify; correct; amend; revise 修筑 xiu1zhu4 v: build-construct; (of roads, dikes; etc.) build; construct [修築] 锈 xiu4 n, v: rust; become rusty [鏽] 绣 xiu4 v: embroider [繡] 需 xu1 v: need; want; require 须 xu1 aux: must; have to [須] 叙述 xu4shu4 v: tell-state; narrate; relate; recount [敘述] 宣告 xuan1gao4 v: propagate-declare; declare; proclaim 宣言 xuan1yan2 n: declare-words; declaration; manifesto; statement 悬 xuan2 v: suspend; hang; feel anxious; be unsettled; disclose [懸] 悬崖 xuan2ya2 n: hanging-cliff; overhanging cliff; steep cliff; precipice [懸崖] 旋转 xuan2zhuan3 v: revolve-turn; gyrate; rotate; spin; revolve; turn; whirl [旋轉] 选修 xuan3xiu1 v: elect-study; take as an elective course [選修] 学会 xue2hui4 n: learned-society; association; academy; institute [學會] 学科 xue2ke1 n: learning-subject; discipline; branch of learning; course [學科] 学年 xue2nian2 n: academic-year; school year [學年] 学时 xue2shi2 n: study-hour; class hour; teaching period; period [學時] 学说 xue2shuo1 n: academic-theory; doctrine; theory [學說] 学位 xue2wei4 n: academic-position; academic degree; degree [學位] 学员 xue2yuan2 n: learning-member; trainee; student [學員] 学者 xue2zhe3 n: learned-person; person of learning; scholar [學者] 学制 xue2zhi4 n: school-system; education system; length of schooling [學制] 雪花 xue3hua1 n: snow-flower; snowflake 血汗 xue4han4 n: blood-vessel; blood vessel 血管 xue4guan3 n: blood-sweat; sweat and toil; industrious work 循环 xun2huan2 v: follow-cycle; circle; cycle; circulate [循環] 询问 xun2wen4 v: ask-question; ask about; inquire about; solicit opinions [詢問] 寻 xun2 v: look for; search; seek [尋] 押 ya1 v: give as security; pawn; mortgage; detain; escort; bet 压力 ya1li4 n: pressure-force; pressure; overwhelming force; stress [壓力] 压缩 ya1suo1 v: press-shrink; compress; constrict; reduce; cut down [壓縮] 压制 ya1zhi4 v: oppress-control; suppress; stifle; inhibit; keep down [壓制] 鸭子 ya1zi n: duck; drake; duckling [鴨子] 芽 ya2 n: sprout; bud; shoot; sprout-like thing 牙齿 ya2chi3 n: tooth [牙齒] 牙膏 ya2gao1 n: tooth-paste; toothpaste 亚军 ya4jun1 n: second-army; second place (in a contest); runner-up [亞軍] 烟 yan1 n: smoke; tobacco; cigarette; opium [煙] 烟囱 yan1cong1 n: smoke-hole; chimney; funnel; stovepipe [煙囪] 淹 yan1 v: inundate; flood; submerge 严 yan2 adj: strict; stern; tight; close; severe; heavy; extreme [嚴] 严禁 yan2jin4 v: strictly-prohibit; forbid; prohibit; [嚴禁] 严厉 yan2li4 adj: strict-severe; stern; severe; harsh; austere; stringent [嚴厲] 严密 yan2mi4 adj, v: close-tight; close; tight; well-conceived [嚴密] 研究生 yan2jiu1sheng1 n: research student; postgraduate; graduate student 研制 yan2zhi4 v: research-produce; trail-make; develop [研製] 岩石 yan2shi2 n: rock-stone; rock; stone 沿海 yan2hai3 n: edge 沿儿 yan2r n: along-sea; coast; coastal area; seaboard [沿兒] 掩盖 yan3gai4 v: cover-hide; cover up; conceal; hide; cloak [掩蓋] 掩护 yan3hu4 v: cover-protect; shield; cover; screen [掩護] 眼光 yan3guang1 n: eye-sight; eye; vision; foresight; insight; point of view 眼看 yan3kan2 v, adv: eye-see; look on helplessly; in a moment; very soon 演说 yan3shuo1 v, n: present-speech; make a speech; address; speech [演說] 燕子 yan4zi n: swallow; house swallow 厌恶 yan4wu4 v: hate-dislike; detest; abominate; abhor; be disgusted at [厭惡] 扬 yang2 v: raise; fly; throw up and scatter; spread; make known [揚] 洋 yang2 adj: vast; multitudinous; foreign; Western; modern 氧化 yang3hua4 v: oxygen-change; oxygenate; oxidize 氧气 yang3qi4 n: oxygen-gas; oxygen [氧氣] 养成 yang3cheng2 v: cultivate-succeed; form; acquire; cultivate [養成] 养料 yang3liao4 n: nutritional-material; nutriment; nourishment [養料] 摇摆 yao2bai3 v: rock-sway; sway; swing; rock; wigwag; vacillate [搖擺] 摇晃 yao2huang4 v: rock-shake; sway; shake; swing; rock [搖晃] 遥远 yao2yuan3 adj: distant-far; faraway; remote; distant; very far [遙遠] 窑 yao2 n: kiln; stove; oven; old-style coal pit; cave dwelling [窯] 谣言 yao2yan2 n: rumor-words; rumor; canard; unfounded report; hearsay [謠言] 药方 yao4fang1 n: medicine-prescription; recipe; prescription [藥方] 药品 yao4pin3 n: medicine-article; (general term for) medicines [藥品] 药水 yao4shui3r n: medicinal-liquid; liquid medicine; lotion [藥水] 药物 yao4wu4 n: medicine-substance; medicines; pharmaceuticals [藥物] 要 yao4 conj: if; suppose; in case; or 要不 yao4bu4 conj: if-not; otherwise; or else; or 要不然 yao4buran2 conj: if-not-so; otherwise; or else; or 要不是 yao4bu2shi4 conj: if-not-be; if the fact weren't that; hadn't; shouldn't 要点 yao4dian3 n: important-point; main point; essential; gist; strongpoint [要點] 要好 yao4hao3 adj: want-good; on good terms; friendly to each other 钥匙 yao4shi n: key [鑰匙] 野兽 ye3shou4 n: wild-beast; wild animal [野獸] 冶金 ye3jin1 n: smelt-metal; metallurgy 夜间 ye4jian1 n: night-period; at night [夜間] 液体 ye4ti3 n: liquid-substance; liquid [液體] 一一 yi1yi1 n: one-one; one by one; one after another 一带 yi2dai4 adv: one-belt; area (nearby a place); (adjacent) zone [一帶] 一路平安 yi1 lu4 ping2 an1 adv: all-way-peace-safe; have a safe trip 一路顺风 yi1 lu4 shun4 feng1 adv: all-way-along-wind; have a good journey [一路順風] 一面…一面 yi1mian4 _ yi1mian4 _ one-side … one-side …; at the same time 一系列 yi1xi4lie4 one-system-line; a series of 一下儿 yi1xia4 one-time; in a short while; all of a sudden; all at once [一下兒] 一向 yi1xiang4 n: all-along; always; consistently 一再 yi1zai4 adj: always-again; time and again; again and again 一阵 yi1zhen4 adv: one-while; a short period of time; a burst; a fit; a gust [一陣] 一口气 yi1kou3qi4 adv: one-mouth-breath; in one breath; at one go [一口氣] 一连 yi1lian2 adj: in a row; in succession [一連] 一旁 yi1pang2 n: one-side; aside; on one side; by 一心 yi1xin1 n: one-heart; of one mind; wholeheartedly; heart and soul 一行 yi1xing2 adv: one-group; a group (traveling together) 医疗 yi1liao2 n: cure-heal; medical treatment [醫療] 依旧 yi1jiu4 adj: still-before; still like before; unchanged as before [依舊] 依据 yi1ju4 v, n: rely-base; be in line with; base … on; basis; grounds [依據] 依然 yi1ran2 adv: still-so; as before; still 依照 yi1zhao4 prep: comply-follow; according to; in the light of 伊斯兰教 yi1si1lan2jiao4 n: Islam religion; Islam; Muslim religion [伊斯蘭教] 遗产 yi2chan3 n: left-property; heritage; legacy; inheritance [遺產] 遗憾 yi2han4 adj: remaining-regret; pity; regret [遺憾] 遗留 yi2liu2 v: leave-remain; leave behind; hand down; bequeath [遺留] 仪表 yi2biao3 n: instrument-meter; meter; instrument; appearance [儀表] 仪式 yi2shi4 n: ceremony-ritual; ceremony; ritual; rite; function [儀式] 疑心 yi2xin1 v, n: doubtful-mind; suspicion; doubt; suspect; 姨 yi2 n: aunt; maternal aunt; mother's sister; wife's sister 倚 yi3 v: lean on or against; rest on or against; rely on; count on 乙 yi3 n: the second of the ten Heavenly Stems; second 以便 yi3bian4 conj: so as to make it convenient to; so that; in order to 以至 yi3zhi4 conj: so-to; up to; down to; so … that … 以致 yi3zhi4 conj: so-incur; so that; as a result; consequently 抑制 yi4zhi4 v: restrain-control; restrain; control; repress; check; bate 易 yi4 adj: easy; amiable 意识 yi4shi2 n, v: think-realize; consciousness; be conscious of [意識] 意味着 yi4wei4zhe v: mean-flavor-doing; signify; mean; imply [意味著] 毅力 yi4li4 n: perseverance 义务 yi4wu4 n: righteous-affair; duty; obligation; moral responsibility [義務] 议会 yi4hui4 n: discussing-assembly; parliament; congress [議會] 音 yin1 n: sound; news; tidings; syllable 阴谋 yin1mou2 n: hidden-plot; plot; conspiracy; machination [陰謀] 阴天 yin1tian1 n: cloudy-day; overcast day; gloomy day [陰天] 银幕 yin2mu4 n: silver-screen; screen; projection screen [銀幕] 饮料 yin3liao4 n: drinking-stuff; drink; beverage [飲料] 引 yin3 v: draw; stretch; lead; guide; leave; induce; cause; quote 引导 yin3dao3 v: lead-guide; lead; guide; show; direct [引導] 引进 yin3jin4 v: lead-enter; introduce; import [引進] 隐约 yin3yue1 adj: latent-sketchy; indistinct; faint (to the eye or ear) [隱約] 印染 yin4ran3 v: print-dye; print and dye 英镑 ying1bang4 n: English-pound; pound sterling; pound [英鎊] 英明 ying1ming2 adj: outstandingly-bright; brilliant; wise 婴儿 ying1er2 n: baby-child; baby; infant; babe [嬰兒] 迎 ying2 v: welcome; greet; go to meet; go against; go towards 影片 ying3pian4 n: image-film; movie; film 应 ying4 v: answer; reply; comply with; respond to; suit; deal with [應] 应酬 ying4chou v: respond-toast; be sociable; treat with courtesy [應酬] 应付 ying4fu v: cope-give; deal with; cope with; make do with [應付] 应邀 ying4yao1 v: accept-invitation; on invitation; at sb.'s invitation [應邀] 硬 ying4 adv: obstinately; stubbornly; forcibly 哟 yo part: (used in a sentence to express an imperative tone) [喲] 拥挤 yong1ji3 v: throng-squeeze; push; squeeze; press; shove [擁擠] 踊跃 yong3yue4 adj: jump-leap; vying with one another; enthusiastic; eager [踴躍] 涌 yong3 v: gush; pour; surge; rise; spring; well; emerge 用品 yong4pin3 n: use-article; articles for use 用途 yong4tu2 n: use-way; use; purpose; application 用心 yong4 xin1 use-heart; attentively; intently; diligently 优胜 you1sheng4 adj: superior-victorious; winning; victorious; superior [優勝] 优势 you1shi4 n: superior-situation; superiority; dominance; advantage [優勢] 优越 you1yue4 adj: superior-surpassing; superior; advantageous [優越] 邮包 you2bao1 n: postal-parcel; parcel [郵包] 犹豫 you2yu4 adj: hesitant; irresolute; undecided; unsure [猶豫] 油田 you2tian2 n: oil-field; oil field 游 you2 v: swim; rove around; travel; tour; make friends with 游戏 you2xi4 n: tour-play; game; recreation [游戲] 游行 you2xing2 v: move-go; parade; march; procession; rove about 有机 you3ji1 adj: have-organism; organic [有機] 有两下子 you3 liang3 xia4zi have-two-feats; know a few tricks of the trade [有兩下子] 有限 you3xian4 adj: have-limit; limited; finite; not many in number 有(一)些 you3(yi4)xie1 adv: have-a-little; somewhat; rather; a little 有意 you3yi4 v: have-mind; have a mind (to do); be attracted sexually 有益 you3yi4 adj: have-benefit; beneficial; profitable; useful; good 有爱 you3ai4 adj, n: friendship-love; friendly and close; friendly affection [有愛] 幼儿园 you4er2yuan2 n: young-child-garden; kindergarten; nursery school [幼兒園] 幼稚 you4zhi4 adj: young-childish; childish; puerile; immature; naive 愚蠢 yu2chun3 adj: foolish-stupid; foolish; stupid; silly; unintelligent; dumb 余 yu2 v, n, num: leave; remain; surplus; spare time; beyond; more than [餘] 渔民 yu2min2 n: fishing-person; fisherman; fishing people [漁民] 娱乐 yu2le4 v, n: amuse-enjoy; amuse; entertain; entertainment; hobby [娛樂] 与其 yu3qi2 conj: with-such; rather than; better than [與其] 宇宙 yu3zhou4 n: space-time; universe; cosmos; metagalaxies 语文 yu3wen2 n: speech-writing; language and literature; Chinese [語文] 浴室 yu4shi4 n: bath-room; bathroom; shower room; public bathhouse 愈…愈… yu4 _ yu4 _ the more … the more … 寓言 yu4yan2 n: implying-word; fable; allegory; parable 预报 yu4bao4 v, n: beforehand-report; predict; forecast; prediction [預報] 预防 yu4fang2 v: beforehand-guard; prevent; take precautions against [預防] 预告 yu4gao4 v, n: fore-announce; announce in advance; advance notice [預告] 预先 yu4xian1 adv: beforehand-before; in advance; beforehand [預先] 预祝 yu4zhu4 v: beforehand-wish; wish; may [預祝] 冤枉 yuan1wang v, adj: wrong-mistreat; treat unjustly; wrong; not worthwhile 元旦 yuan2dan4 n: first-day; New Year' s Day 元素 yuan2xiao1 n: basic-element; essential factor; element 元宵 yuan2su4 n: Yuan-night; night of Shangyuan Festival; rice dumpling 原理 yuan2li3 n: original-reason; theory; principle; principium 原始 yuan2shi3 adj: original-initial; original; firsthand; primeval; primitive 原先 yuan2xian1 adj: original-earlier; former; original 原子 yuan2zi3 n: original-particle; atom 原子弹 yuan2zi3dan4 n: original-particle-bomb; atom bomb; atomic bomb [原子彈] 援助 yuan2zhu4 v: rescue-help; aid; help; assist; support 园林 yuan2lin2 n: garden-grove; garden; park [園林] 圆满 yuan2man3 adj: round-full; perfect; satisfactory [圓滿] 猿人 yuan2ren2 n: ape-man; ape man; pithecanthropus 缘故 yuan2gu4 n: reason-cause; reason; cause [緣故] 愿 yuan4 v, aux: hope; wish; desire; be willing [願] 怨 yuan4 n, v: complain; blame; resentment; discontent; hatred 越 yue4 v: jump over; leap over; exceed; overstep; rob; loot 跃进 yue4jin4 v: leap-advance; leap forward; make a leap; jump [躍進] 月光 yue4guang1 n: moon-light; moonlight; moonbeam 乐器 yue3qi4 n: musical-instrument; musical instrument [樂器] 运气 yun4qi n: fortune-luck; fate; destiny; lot; odds; luck; fortune [運氣] 运转 yun4zhuan3 v: revolve-turn; revolve; turn round; run; operate; work [運轉] 晕 yun1 v: swoon; faint; pass out; lose consciousness [暈] 砸 za2 v: pound; tamp; break; smash 杂文 za2wen2 n: extra-composition; essay; satirical essay [雜文] 杂质 za2zhi4 n: mixed-record; magazine; journal; random notes; [雜質] 杂志 za2zhi4 n: mixed-substance; impurity [雜志] 栽 zai1 v: grow; plant; erect; insert; plant (stolen goods); tumble 灾难 zai1nan4 n: disaster-catastrophe; calamity; disaster; suffering [災難] 载 zai4 v: carry; hold; be loaded with; (of roads) be filled with [載] 载重 zai4zhong4 v: carry-load; carrying capacity; load [載重] 再三 zai4san1 adv: again-three; again and again; over and over again 再说 zai4shuo1 v, conj: more-say; what's more; besides; talk about sth. later [再說] 在于 zai4yu2 v: be-at; lie in; consist in; depend on; rest with [在於] 在座 zai4zuo4 v: be-seated; be present (at a meeting, banquet, etc.) 赞美 zan4mei3 v: eulogize-praise; eulogize; praise; glorify; laud [贊美] 赞扬 zan4yang2 v: praise-show; commend; praise; speak highly of [贊揚] 遭 zao1 v: meet with (sth. unfortunate); suffer; sustain 遭遇 zao1yu4 v: encounter-meet; meet with (sth. unfortunate); encounter 糟 zao1 adj: rotten; decayed; in a wretched state; in a mess 凿 zao2 v: chisel; dig; cut a hole [鑿] 早期 zao3qi1 n: early-period; early stage; early phase; initial period 早晚 zao3wan3 n, adv: early-late; morning and evening; sooner or later 早已 zao3yi3 adv: early-already; long ago; (have done) for a long time 责备 ze2bei4 v: demand-integrity; accuse; blame; reproach; criticize [責備] 增产 zeng1 chan3 increase-production; increase production [增產] 增进 zeng1jin4 v: improve-advance; enhance; promote; further; improve [增進] 增强 zeng1qiang2 v: reinforce-strengthen; enhance; strengthen; reinforce [增強] 赠送 zeng4song4 v: present-give; present as a gift; give as a gift [贈送] 扎实 zha1shi2 adj: press-solid; sturdy; strong; robust; sound; firm [扎實] 渣 zha1 n: residue; dregs; sediment; broken bits; crumb; dross 炸 zha2 v: fry in deep fat or oil; deep-fry 炸 zha2 v: explode; burst; bomb; fly into a rage; be disordered 债 zhai4 n: debt [債] 沾 zhan1 v: soak; wet; be stained with; touch; gain by association 盏 zhan3 m: measure word for lights [盞] 崭新 zhan3xin1 adj: very-new; nascent; brand new; completely new [嶄新] 占领 zhan4ling3 v: occupy-administer; seize; occupy; capture; possess [占領] 占有 zhan4you3 v: take-possess; own; hold; have (a certain status); grasp 战场 zhan4chang3 n: battle-field; battlefield; battleground; battlefront [戰場] 战略 zhan4lue4 n: war-strategy; strategy; stratagem; overall plan; tactic [戰略] 战术 zhan4shu4 n: battle-method; (military) tactics; tactic; maneuver [戰術] 战线 zhan4xian4 n: battle-line; battle lines; battlefront; battlefields; front line [戰線] 战友 zhan4you3 n: battle-fellow; battle companion; comrade in arms [戰友] 张 zhang1 v: open; spread; stretch; lay out; display; show; look [張] 张望 zhang1wang4 v: peep-look; peep (through a crack, etc.); look around; [張望] 长 zhang3 suf: chief; head; chief (secretary-general) [長] 掌声 zhang3sheng1 n: palm-sound; applause [掌聲] 帐 zhang4 n: account; account book; debt; credit [帳] 胀 zhang4 v: expand; distend; swell; inflate; bulge; be bloated [脹] 障碍 zhang4ai4 n, v: block-stop; barrier; obstacle; hinder; block; obstruct [障礙] 招 zhao1 v: confess; beckon; recruit; provoke; attract (sth. bad) 招手 zhao1 shou3 wave-hand; beckon; wave one's hand as a signal 着凉 zhao2 liang2 suffer-cold; catch a cold; catch a chill [著涼] 照例 zhao4li4 adv: follow-rule; as usual; as a rule; usually 照相机 zhao4xiang4ji1 n: take-photo-machine; camera [照相機] 照样 zhao4yang4 adv: follow-appearance; in the same old way; as before [照樣] 照耀 zhao4yao4 v: shine-illuminate; shine; illuminate; radiate; blaze 罩 zhao4 v, n: envelop; wrap; cover; hood; casing; shade; chimney 召集 zhao4ji2 v: summon-gather; call together; convoke; convene 遮 zhe1 v: cover; screen; conceal; hide from view; cloak; hinder 折合 zhe2he2 v: convert-equal; convert into; amount to; be equivalent to 折磨 zhe2mo v, n: torment-trouble; afflict; torture; gnaw; suffering; ordeal 者(爱好者) zhe3 n, suf: one who; -er; -ist; (fan; fancier; lover; enthusiast) [者(愛好者)] 这会儿 zhe4hui4r n: this-moment; now; at present; at the moment [這會兒] 这样一来 zhe4yang4 yi1 lai2 this-way-ever-since; in this way; in such a case; thus [這樣一來] 珍贵 zhen1gui4 adj: valuable-precious; valuable; precious [珍貴] 珍惜 zhen1xi1 v: value-cherish; treasure; value; cherish 珍珠 zhen1zhu1 n: valuable-pearl; pearl; genuine pearl 真是 zhen1 shi really-be; really; indeed; what a shame; too bad 针灸 zhen1jiu3 n, v: acupuncture-moxibustion; acupuncture [針灸] 枕头 zhen3tou n: pillow-thing; pillow [枕頭] 震 zhen4 v: shake; shock; vibrate; quake; be excited; be shocked 震动 zhen4dong4 v: shock-move; quiver; vibrate; quake; shock; astonish [震動] 振动 zhen4dong4 v: vibrate-move; vibrate; tremble; flutter; oscillate [振動] 镇 zhen4 n: town; garrison post; trading center [鎮] 镇静 zheng4jing4 adj: calm-tranquil; calm; cool; composed; poised; unruffled [鎮靜] 镇压 zhen4ya1 v: suppress-repress; crackdown; put down; execute [鎮壓] 阵地 zhen4di4 n: position-place; battlefront; front; ground; position [陣地] 蒸发 zheng1fa1 v: evaporate-emanate; vaporize; evaporate [蒸發] 蒸汽 zheng1qi4 n: evaporate-stream; water vapor; steam 挣扎 zheng1zha2 v: struggle-strain; struggle; battle; flounder [掙扎] 征 zheng1 v: levy; draft; recruit; call up; collect; ask for; solicit [徵] 征服 zheng1fu2 v: go-conquer; conquer; subjugate; subdue 争夺 zheng1duo2 v: fight-seize; fight for; contend for; scrabble for [爭奪] 整 zheng3 adj, v: whole; entire; neat; tidy; put in order; do; repair; punish 整顿 zheng3dun4 v: organize-arrange; restructure; consolidate; reorganize [整頓] 整风 zheng3 feng1 rectify-style; rectify incorrect styles of work or thinking [整風] 整体 zheng3ti3 n: whole-entity; whole; entirety; integer [整體] 正当 zheng4 dang1 just-when; just when; just as; just the time for [正當] 正经 zheng4jing adj: upright-normal; decent; respectable; formal; serious [正經] 正面 zheng4mian4 n, adj: face-side; facade; the front; the right side; positive 正义 zheng4yi4 n, adj: righteous-justice; righteousness; justice; just; righteous [正義] 政党 zheng4dang3 n: political-party; political party [政黨] 政权 zheng4quan2 n: political-authority; political (or state) power; regime; [政權] 症状 zheng4zhuang4 n: sick-condition; symptom [癥狀] 挣 zheng4 v: struggle to get free; try to break loose; earn; make [掙] 证件 zheng4jian4 n: certificate-paper; credentials; certificate; papers [證件] 证据 zheng4ju4 n: proof-evidence; proof; evidence; testimony [證據] 证实 zheng4shi2 v: prove-true; confirm; verify; validate; bear out [證實] 证书 zheng4shu1 n: certificate-document; certificate; credentials [證書] 枝 zhi1 n, m: branch; twig; measure word for guns, pens, flowers, etc. 支 zhi1 v: raise; put up; send away; order about; pay or withdraw 支配 zhi1pei4 v: arrange-apportion; control; dominate; arrange 知 zhi1 v: know; realize; be aware of; inform; notify; tell 知识分子 zhi1shi fen4zi3 knowledge-realization-member-person; intellectual [知識分子] 之 zhi1 part: (used to connect the modifier and the noun modified) 之 zhi1 pron: it; they; them; I; me; he; him; she; her; we; us; you …之类 zhi1lei4 (someone or sth.)'s-sort; and so on; and the like […之類] …之内 zhi1nei4 (sth.)'s-interior; inside of; interior of; within […之內] …之外 zhi1wai4 (sth.)'s-exterior; outside of; exterior of; beyond 职员 zhi2yuan2 n: job-person; office worker; staff member; staffer; clerk [職員] 直达 zhi2da2 v: direct-reach; go straight (or nonstop) to the destination [直達] 直径 zhi2jing4 n: straight-diameter; diameter [直徑] 殖民地 zhi2min2di4 n: propagate-people-territory; colony 指头 zhi3tou n: finger; toe [指頭] 值 zhi2 n: be worth; happen to; be on duty 指标 zhi3biao1 v: pointing-mark; index; target; quota; norm; indicator [指標] 指点 zhi3dian3 v: point-direct; instruct; give directions; find fault with [指點] 指南针 zhi3nan2zhen1 n: point-south-needle; compass; sth. that gives guidance [指南針] 指引 zhi3yin3 v: point-lead; show the way; direct; lead; guide 只得 zhi3de2 adv: only-must; be obliged to; have to; have no choice but 志愿 zhi4yuan4 n: aspiration-wish; aspiration; wish; ideal; will; desire [志願] 至于 zhi4yu2 conj, adv: go-to; (go) so far as to; to such an extent; as for; as to [至於] 致 zhi4 v: extend; send; devote; concentrate; achieve; lead to [緻] 制 zhi4 v, n: make; manufacture; work out; formulate; rule; control [製] 制止 zhi4zhi3 v: control-stop; prevent; stop; curb; restrain; check; deter 制作 zhi4zuo4 v: make-do; produce; make; build; construct [製作] 智慧 zhi4hui4 n: intelligence-wisdom; wisdom; wits; brightness; brains 质 zhi4 n: quality; character; nature; matter; substance; material [質] 治疗 zhi4liao2 v: cure-heal; treat; cure; heal [治療] 中部 zhong1bu4 n: central-part; central area; central section; middle part 中断 zhong1duan4 v: midway-break; interrupt; suspend; break off; intermit [中斷] 中年 zhong1nian2 n: middle-age; middle age; mid-life 中旬 zhong1xun2 n: mid-period; period of the second ten days of a month 中医 zhong1yi1 n: Chinese-doctor; traditional Chinese medical science [中醫] 忠诚 zhong1cheng2 adj: loyal-honest; loyal; true; staunch; faithful [忠誠] 忠实 zhong1shi2 adj: loyal-dependable; faithful and trustworthy; truthful [忠實] 衷心 zhong1xin1 adj: inside-heart; wholehearted; heartfelt; hearty; cordial 终身 zhong1shen1 n: all-life; life-time; all one's life [終身] 种类 zhong3lei4 n: sort-category; kind; type; sort; variety [種類] 肿 zhong3 v: swell; bloat; distend; puff up; be swollen [腫] 中 zhong4 v: hit; be affected; get hit; suffer; fall into 种植 zhong4zhi2 v: plant-grow; plant; grow; crop; put in [種植] 周末 zhou1mo4 n: week-end; weekend 周年 zhou1nian2 n: orbit-year; anniversary 粥 zhou1 n: porridge; congee; gruel 皱 zhou4 v: crinkle; wrinkle; furrow; shrivel; frown; knit [皺] 皱纹 zhou4wen2 n: wrinkle-line; wrinkle; furrow; rimple; crumple; pucker [皺紋] 嘱咐 zhu3fu4 v: enjoin-instruct; enjoin; exhort; advise; urge; tell [囑咐] 主持 zhu3chi2 v: manage-control; direct; preside over; manage; uphold 主力 zhu3li4 n: main-force; main force; main strength; principal player 主权 zhu3quan2 n: primary-right; sovereign rights; sovereignty [主權] 柱子 zhu4zi n: pillar-thing; pillar; post; column 助 zhu4 v: help; assist; aid 助手 zhu4shou3 n: assisting-hand; assistant; helper; aide 铸 zhu4 v: cast; found [鑄] 住宅 zhu4zhai2 n: living-house; residence; residential building; dwelling 注射 zhu4she4 v: pour-shoot; inject; shoot 注视 zhu4shi4 v: attentively-watch; look attentively at; gaze at; stare at [注視] 祝愿 zhu4yuan4 v, n: wish-desire; call upon; invoke upon; wish; desire [祝願] 驻 zhu4 v: halt; stay; be stationed; encamp [駐] 专 zhuan1 adj, n: particular; special; narrow; specialty; specialization [專] 专政 zhuan1zheng4 v, n: monopolize-government; rule by violence; dictatorship [專政] 砖 zhuan1 n: brick; sth. shaped like a brick [磚] 转播 zhuan3bo1 v: relaying-broadcast; relay; rebroadcast; broadcast live [轉播] 转达 zhuan3da2 v: relaying-reach; pass on; convey; communicate [轉達] 转动 zhuang3dong4 v: turn-move; turn; move; turn around; change direction [轉動] 转换 zhuan3huan4 v: turn-change; transform; change; translate; convert [轉換] 转入 zhuan3ru4 v: turning-enter; change over to; shift to; transfer [轉入] 转弯 zhuan3 wan1 turn-corner; turn a corner; change one's point of view [轉彎] 转移 zhuan3yi2 v: transferring-move; transfer; divert; displace; change [轉移] 赚 zhuan4 v: make money; earn; make a profit; profit; gain [賺] 转动 zhuan4dong4 v: revolve-moving; turn; revolve; rotate; spin; gyrate [轉動] 桩 zhuang1 n, m: stake; peg; picket; measure word for matters; piece [樁] 装备 zhuang1bei4 v, n: install-equip; fit out; equip; furnish; equipment; outfit [裝備] 装饰 zhuang1shi4 v, n: dress-adorn; decorate; adorn; ornament; accessory [裝飾] 装置 zhuang1zhi4 v, n: install-establish; install; fit; installation; unit; apparatus [裝置] 幢 zhuang4 m: measure word for buildings 壮 zhuang4 adj, v: strong; robust; magnificent; grand; strengthen; augment [壯] 壮大 zhuang4da4 v, adj: strengthen; grow in strength; expand; thick and strong [壯大] 壮丽 zhuang4li4 adj: magnificent-beautiful; majestic; splendid; magnificent [壯麗] 追求 zhui1qiu3 v: pursuing-seek; pursue; seek; woo; run after (a woman) 着手 zhuo2shou3 v: put-hand; put one's hand to; set about; begin; start [著手] 着重 zhuo2zhong4 v: place-weight; emphasize; stress; underline; highlight [著重] 资本 zi1ben3 n: money-principal; capital; asset [資本] 资本家 zi1ben3jia1 n: money-principal-person; capitalist [資本家] 资本主义 zi1ben3zhu3yi4 n: money-principal-main-meaning; capitalism [資本主義] 资产阶级 zi1chan3jie1ji2 n: money-asset-rank-level; capitalist class; bourgeoisie [資產階級] 资格 zi1ge2 n: qualification-standard; qualification; condition; seniority [資格] 资金 zi1jin1 n: money-fund; funds; money for business use; capital [資金] 姿势 zi1shi4 n: carriage-posture; posture; gesture; pose; carriage [姿勢] 姿态 zi1tai4 n: carriage-attitude; carriage; bearing; attitude; gesture [姿態] 子 zi3 n: child; son; person; seed; egg; copper coin; bead 子弹 zi3dan4 n: ball-bullet; bullet; cartridge [子彈] 自豪 zi4hao2 adj: self-outstanding; proud 自来水 zi4lai2shui3 n: self-come-water; tap water [自來水] 自满 zi4man3 adj: self-satisfied; complacent; self-contented; conceited [自滿] 自身 zi4shen1 n: self-oneself; self; oneself 自始至终 zi1 shi3 zhi4 zhong1 from-beginning-to-end; from start to finish [自始至終] 自私 zi4si1 adj: self-favor; selfish; self-centered; self-concerned 自相矛盾 zi4 xiang1 mao2dun4 self-mutually-spear-shield; self-contradiction 自信 zi4xin4 v, adj: self-trust; be self-confident; be self-assured; confident 自言自语 zi4 yan2 zi4 yu3 self-talk-self-say; talk to oneself [自言自語] 自愿 zi4yuan4 v: self-desire; volunteer; be willing to [自願] 自治 zi4zhi4 v: self-administer; exercise autonomy; self-govern 自治区 zi4zhi4qu1 n: self-administer-area; autonomous region [自治區] 自主 zi4zhu3 v: self-decide; decide for oneself; act on one's own 字典 zi4dian3 n: character-classic; dictionary of characters; dictionary 字母 zi4mu3 n: character-origin; letter of an alphabet; letter 宗教 zong1jiao4 n: god-teaching; religion 宗派 zong1pai4 n: sect-faction; sect; faction 总 zong3 v, adj: put together; assemble; total; overall; general; chief [總] 总得 zong3dei3 aux: eventually-must; must; have to; be obliged to [總得] 总而言之 zong3 er2 yan2 zhi1 generalize-and-say-it; in short; in brief; in a nutshell [總而言之] 总共 zong3gong4 adv: overall-total; altogether; in all; in the aggregate; in total [總共] 总算 zong3suan4 adv: totally-count; at long last; finally; in the end; on the whole [總算] 总之 zong3zhi1 conj: generalize-it; in short; in brief; in a nutshell; to sum up [總之] 走后门儿 zou3 hou4men2r walk-back-door; gain advantages through connection [走後門兒] 走廊 zou3lang2 n: walking-corridor; corridor; passage; passageway 走弯路 zou3 wan1lu4 walk-roundabout-way; go in a roundabout way; detour [走彎路] 租 zu1 v, n: charter; let; lease; hire; rent; 足 zu2 adj: enough; sufficient; ample 足 zu2 n: foot; leg 祖父 zu3fu4 n: grandparent-father; (paternal) grandfather 祖母 zu3mu3 n: grandparent-mother; (paternal) grandmother 祖先 zu3xian1 n: ancestor-forebear; forefather; forebear; ancestor 阻碍 zu3ai4 v, n: hinder-stop; impede; hinder; block; obstacle; hindrance [阻礙] 阻力 zu3li4 n: resisting-force; resistance; drag; obstruction 阻止 zu3zhi3 v: hinder-stop; prevent; preclude; stop; arrest; hold back 组成 zu3cheng2 v: form-accomplish; form; compose; constitute; make [組成] 组长 zu3zhang3 n: group-leader; team leader; head of a group [組長] 嘴唇 zui3chun2 n: mouth-lip; lip 罪 zui4 n: crime; guilt; sin; fault; blame; suffering; pain; hardship 罪恶 zui4e4 n: crime-evil; crime; evil; sin; villainy; maleficence; vice [罪惡] 罪行 zui4xing2 n: criminal-act; crime; guilt; offence; misdeed; maleficence 尊重 zun1zhong4 v: revere-respect; respect; value; esteem; honor 作风 zuo4feng1 n: behaving-style; style; way; attitude; behavior; conduct [作風] 作物 zuo4wu4 n: cultivated-thing; crop; cultivated plant; farm produce 作战 zuo4 zhan4 do-battle; engage in a battle; fight; battle; campaign [作戰] 座儿 zuo4r n: seat; place; stand; pedestal; base [座兒] // HSK level 4 哀悼 ai1dao4 v: mourn 哀求 ai1qiu2 v: beseech; implore 艾滋病 ai4zi1bing4 n: AIDS 爱戴 ai4dai4 v: love and esteem [愛戴] 爱面子 ai4 mian4zi be sensitive about one's reputation [愛面子] 爱惜 ai4xi1 n: cherish [愛惜] 碍事 ai4 shi4 be in the way [礙事] 安宁 an1ning2 adj: peaceful; calm [安寧] 安稳 an1wen3 adj: smooth and steady [安穩] 安祥 an1xiang2 adj: serene; composed 安置 an1zhi4 v: put; arrange for 按劳分配 an4 lao2 fen1pei4 distribution according to work [按勞分配] 暗淡 an4dan4 adj: dim; faint 暗杀 an4sha1 v: assassinate [暗殺] 暗示 an4shi4 v: suggest 暗中 an4zhong1 n: in secret 案 an4 n: case 案件 an4jian4 n: law case; case 案情 an4qing2 n: case; details of case 昂贵 ang2gui4 adj: expensive [昂貴] 昂扬 ang2yang2 adj: high-spirited [昂揚] 凹 ao1 adj: concave 袄 ao3 n: coat [襖] 芭蕾舞 ba1lei3wu3 n: ballet 捌 ba1 num: eight 疤 ba1 n: scar 巴结 ba1jie v: flatter [巴結] 扒 ba1 v: hold on to; dig up; push aside; 把柄 ba3bing3 n: handhold 把关 ba3 guan1 hold the pass [把關] 把手 ba3shou3 n: knob 把戏 ba3xi4 n: acrobatics; jugglery [把戲] 霸道 ba4dao4 adj: overbearing 霸权 ba4quan2 n: hegemony [霸權] 霸占 ba4zhan4 v: seize; forcibly occupy 掰 bai1 v: break off with fingers and thumb 白酒 bai2jiu3 n: distilled spirit 百倍 bai3bei4 adj: a hundredfold 百分比 bai3fen1bi3 n: percentage 百花齐放 bai3 hua1 qi2 fang4 let a hundred flowers blossom [百花齊放] 百家争鸣 bai3 jia1 zheng1 ming2 a hundred schools of thought contend [百家爭鳴] 摆动 bai3dong4 v: swing; sway [擺動] 败坏 bai4huai4 v: defile; rot [敗壞] 拜 bai4 v: do obeisance 拜年 bai4 nian2 congratulate the New Year 斑 ban1 n: speckle 班机 ban1 ji1 n: flight [班機] 班子 ban1zi n: organized group 搬运 ban1yun4 v: carry; convey [搬運] 搬 ban1 v: turn; pull 颁布 ban1bu4 v: promulgate; issue [頒布] 颁发 ban1fa1 v: award; issue [頒發] 版 ban3 n: printing plate; edition 扮 ban4 v: disguise oneself as 扮演 ban4yan3 v: act; represent 拌 ban4 v: mix 伴 ban4 v, n: partner; accompany 伴侣 ban4lü3 n: partner; mate [伴侶] 伴随 ban4sui2 v: go with [伴隨] 伴奏 ban4zou4 v: accompany 半边天 ban4bian1tian1 n: half of the sky [半邊天] 半截 ban4jie2 n: half 半径 ban4jing4 n: radius [半徑] 半路 ban4lu4 n: halfway 半数 ban4shu4 n: half [半數] 半途而废 ban4 tu2 er2 fei4 give up halfway; leave sth unfinished [半途而廢] 半真半假 ban4 zhen1 ban4 jia3 half-genuine, half-sham 办学 ban4 xue2 run a school [辦學] 绑架 bang3jia4 v: kidnap [綁架] 棒球 bang4qiu2 n: baseball 包办 bao1ban4 v: be the whole show [包辦] 包干儿 bao1gan1er v: be responsible for a task until it is completed [包乾兒] 包裹 bao1guo3 n: package 包装 bao1zhuang1 v: pack; put up; make up [包裝] 雹子 bao2zi n: hail 保健 bao3jian4 v: health care 保姆 bao3mu3 n: nurse; mammy 保温 bao3wen1 v: heat preservation [保溫] 保养 bao3yang3 v: maintain [保養] 保重 bao3zhong4 v: take care of oneself 堡垒 bao3lei3 n: fort; stronghold [堡壘] 饱和 bao3he2 adj: saturated [飽和] 饱满 bao3man3 adj: full; plump [飽滿] 宝贝 bao3bei4 n: precious things [寶貝] 宝剑 bao3jian4 n: double-edged sword [寶劍] 宝库 bao3ku4 n: treasure-house [寶庫] 抱负 bao4fu4 n: ambition [抱負] 抱怨 bao4yuan4 v: complain 报答 bao4da2 v: reciprocate; pay back; repay [報答] 报考 bao4kao3 v: enter oneself for an examination [報考] 报销 bao4xiao1 v: submit and expense account [報銷] 暴动 bao4dong4 v, n: insurrection; rebel [暴動] 暴风骤雨 bao4 feng1 zhou4 yu3 violent storm tempest [暴風驟雨] 暴力 bao4li4 n: violence 爆 bao4 v: explode; burst 爆破 bao4po4 v: blow up; blast; dynamite 爆竹 bao4zhu2 n: firecracker 悲惨 bei1can3 adj: miserable [悲慘] 悲愤 bei1fen4 adj: grief and indignant [悲憤] 悲剧 bei1ju4 n: tragedy [悲劇] 悲伤 bei1shang1 adj: heartbroken; sorrowful [悲傷] 卑鄙 bei1bi3 adj: despicable 背面 bei4mian4 n: the back 背叛 bei4pan4 v: sellout; betray 贝壳 bei4ke2 n: shell; conch [貝殼] 倍数 bei4shu4 n: multiple [倍數] 备用 bei4yong4 v: reserve; alternate [備用] 被告 bei4gao4 n: accused 奔驰 ben1chi2 v: run quickly [奔馳] 奔腾 ben1teng2 v: gallop; surge forward [奔騰] 本能 ben3neng2 n: instinct 本钱 ben3qian2 n: capital [本錢] 本性 ben3xing4 n: nature 本着 ben3zhe prep: in line with [本著] 笨蛋 ben4dan4 n: idiot 笨重 ben4zhong4 adj: lumpish; ponderous 笨拙 ben4zhuo1 adj: clumsy 崩溃 beng1kui4 v: collapse breakdown [崩潰] 绷 beng1 v: stretch tight [繃] 绷带 beng1dai4 n: bandage [繃帶] 蹦 beng4 v: jump 逼近 bi1jin4 v: approach 逼迫 bi1po4 v: force; compel 鼻涕 bi2ti4 n: nasal mucus; snot 比分 bi3fen1 n: score 比价 bi3jia4 n: rate of exchange [比價] 比喻 bi3yu4 n, v: comparison; trope 比重 bi3zhong4 n: specific gravity; proportion 笔迹 bi3ji4 n: a person's handwriting [筆跡] 笔直 bi3zhi2 adj: straight; upright [筆直] 彼 bi3 pron: that 碧绿 bi4lü4 adj: dark green [碧綠] 币 bi4 n: money [幣] 闭幕式 bi4mu4shi4 n: closing ceremony [閉幕式] 闭塞 bi4se4 adj: close up; unenlightened [閉塞/蔽塞] 弊病 bi4bing4 n: disadvantage 弊端 bi4duan1 n: disadvantage; malpractice 必将 bi4jian1 adv: surely [必將] 臂 bi4 n: arm 鞭策 bian1ce4 v: urge on 鞭炮 bian1pao4 n: firecracker 鞭子 bian1zi n: whip 边防 bian1fang2 n: border defense [邊防] 边境 bian1jing4 n: border; frontier [邊境] 编号 bian1hao4 n: serial number [編號] 编者按 bian1zhe3 an4 editorial note [編者按] 贬低 bian3di1 v: depreciate [貶低] 贬义 bian3yi4 n: derogatory sense [貶義] 贬值 bian3 zhi2 devaluate; depreciate [貶值] 便道 bian4dao4 n: pavement 变更 bian4geng1 v: change; permute [變更] 变换 bian4huan4 v: transform; change [變換] 变迁 bian4qian1 v, n: vicissitude [變遷] 变形 bian4 xing2 metamorphose [變形] 变质 bian4 zhi4 deteriorate [變質] 辩证 bian4zheng4 adj, v: dialectical [辯證] 辫子 bian4zi n: queue; plait [辮子] 辨别 bian4bie2 v: distinguish; discern [辨別] 辨认 bian4ren4 v: distinguish [辨認] 辩护 bian4hu4 v: vindicate; plead [辯護] 辩解 bian4jie3 v: exculpate; plea [辯解] 辩证法 bian4zheng4fa3 n: dialectics [辯證法] 遍地 bian4di4 n: all over 标 biao1 v: mark [標] 标本 biao1ben3 n: specimen; demo [標本] 标题 biao1ti2 n: title; heading [標題] 表彰 biao3zhang1 v: commend; cite 憋 bie1 v: hold back 别扭 bie4niu adj: unnatural; awkward [別扭] 冰淇淋 bing1qi2lin2 n: ice cream 秉性 bing3xing4 n: temper 病虫害 bing4chong2hai4 n: plants diseases and insect pests [病蟲害] 病毒 bing4du2 n: virus 病号 bing4hao4 n: patient [病號] 并存 bing4cun2 v: coexist [並存] 并非 bing4fei1 v: not so [並非] 并列 bing4lie4 v: appose; juxtapose [並列] 并排 bing4pai2 v: side by side [並排] 播放 bo1fang4 v: play 播音 bo1 yin1 broadcast 播种 bo1zhong4/bo1zhong3 v: seed; sow [播種] 拨款 bo1 kuan3 grant-in-aid; appropriation [撥款] 波动 bo1dong4 v: popple [波動] 波涛 bo1tao1 n: wave [波濤] 博览会 bo2lan3hui4 n: exhibition [博覽會] 薄膜 bo2mo2 n: thin film; membrane 搏斗 bo2dou4 v: struggle; fight [搏鬥] 驳斥 bo2chi4 v: refute [駁斥] 捕捞 bu3lao1 v: fish for; catch [捕撈] 捕捉 bu3zhuo1 v: catch 补偿 bu3chang2 v: expiate; compensate [補償] 补救 bu3jiu4 v: repair; remedy [補救] 补贴 bu3tie1 v, n: allowance [補貼] 补助 bu3zhu4 v, n: allowance [補助] 卜 bu3 v: predict 不辞而别 bu4 ci2 er2 bie2 leave without saying goodbye [不辭而別] 不当 bu4dang4 adj: improper [不當] 不定 bu4ding4 adv: inconstantly 不愧 bu4kui4 adv: creditably 不正之风 bu4 zheng4 zhi1 feng1 unhealthy tendency [不正之風] 不亢不卑 bu2 kang4 bu4 bei1 neither supercilious nor obsequious 不得 bu4de2 v: should not 不得已 bu4de2yi3 adj: have no alternative but to 不等 bu4deng3 adj: different; various 不法 bu4fa3 adj: illegal 不妨 bu4fang2 adv: might as well 不公 bu4gong1 adj: unfair; unjust 不解 bu4jie3 v: not understand 不堪 bu4kan1 v, adj: can't bear 不良 bu4liang2 adj: bad 不容 bu4rong2 v: not allow 不时 bu4shi2 adv: now and then [不時] 不惜 bu4xi1 v: not spare; not hesitate 不相上下 bu4 xiang1 shang4 xia4 about the same; equally matched 不朽 bu4xiu3 v: immortalize 不宜 bu4yi2 adv: not suitable; inadvisable 不言而喻 bu4 yan2 er2 yu4 tell its own tale 不知不觉 bu4 zhi1 bu4 jue2 unconsciously; unknowingly [不知不覺] 不至于 bu4zhi4yu2 adv: not to such an extent as to [不至於] 布局 bu4ju2 n: distribution; layout 步兵 bu4bing1 n: infantry 步伐 bu4fa2 n: march; pace; step 步行 bu4xing2 v: walk 步子 bu4zi n: pace; step 埠 bu4 n: port; pier 部件 bu4jian4 n: parts 部位 bu4wei4 n: part; section 猜测 cai1ce4 v: guess; surmise [猜測] 裁 cai2 v: cut into parts 裁决 cai2jue2 v, n: judge; umpirage [裁決] 裁军 cai2 jun1 disarmament [裁軍] 才干 cai2gan4 n: talent; ability [才幹] 才智 cai2zhi4 n: ability and wisdom 财 cai2 n: wealth; money [財] 财经 cai2jing1 n: finance and economics [財經] 财会 cai2kuai4 n: finance [財會] 财力 cai2li4 n: finance [財力] 财务 cai2wu4 n: financial affairs [財務] 采访 cai3fang3 v: gather news [採訪] 采集 cai3ji2 v: gather; collect [採集] 采纳 cai3na4 v: accept [採納] 菜单 cai4dan1 n: menu [菜單] 餐 can1 v, n: meal; eat 参军 can1 jun1 join up the army [參軍] 参议院 can1yi4yuan4 n: senate [參議院] 参与 can1yu4 v: participate in; attach oneself to [參與] 参阅 can1yue4 v: refer to; consult [參閱] 参照 can1zhao4 v: refer to [參照] 残 can2 adj: incomplete [殘] 残暴 can2bao4 adj: atrocious; barbarous [殘暴] 残疾 can2ji n: deformity [殘疾] 残忍 can2ren3 adj: brutal [殘忍] 残余 can2yu2 n: remainder [殘餘] 仓促 cang1cu4 adj: hurried [倉促] 操 cao1 n, v: hold; exercise 操劳 cao1lao2 v: work hard [操勞] 操练 cao1lian4 v: drill; practice [操練] 槽 cao2 n: slot; groove 草率 cao3shuai4 adj: cursory; jerry 策划 ce4hua4 v: plan; hatch; plot [策劃] 策略 ce4lüe4 n: tactic; policy 侧面 ce4mian4 n: side; flank [側面] 测定 ce4ding4 v: determine; measure [測定] 测算 ce4suan4 v: survey; measure [測算] 层出不穷 ceng2 chu1 bu4 qiong2 emerge in endlessly [層出不窮] 层次 ceng2ci4 n: gradation; arrangement [層次] 蹭 ceng4 v: rub; be smeared with 插嘴 cha1zui3 interrupt 叉 cha1 v: fork 差错 cha1cuo4 n: error; mistake [差錯] 差距 cha1ju4 n: disparity; distance 差异 cha1yi4 n: difference [差異] 查处 cha2chu3 v: investigate and deal with [查處] 查获 cha2huo4 v: hunt down and seize; ferret out [查獲] 查明 cha2ming2 v: find out 查阅 cha2yue4 v: refer; consult [查閱] 刹那 cha4na4 n: in a instant [剎那] 诧异 cha4yi4 adj: astonished [詫異] 岔 cha4 n, v: turn off; fork 柴油 chai2you2 n: diesel oil 掺 chan1 v: mix into [摻] 搀 chan1 v: mix; mingle [攙] 蝉 chan2 n: cicada [蟬] 馋 chan2 adj: greedy [饞] 谗言 chan2yan2 n: slander; backbite [讒言] 缠 chan2 v: twine [纏] 产 chan3 v: produce [產] 产地 chan3di4 n: producing area [產地] 产区 chan3qu1 n: producing area [產區] 产业 chan3ye4 n: industry [產業] 阐明 chan3ming2 v: clarify [闡明] 阐述 chan3shu4 v: expatiate; expound [闡述] 颤 chan4 v: tremble [顫] 昌盛 chang1sheng4 adj: prosperous 猖狂 chang1kuang2 adj: furious; savage 尝试 chang2shi4 v, n: attempt; try [嘗試] 常规 chang1gui1 n: routine [常規] 常见 chang2jian4 adj: ordinary [常見] 常年 chang2nian2 n: perennial 常务 chang2wu4 n: day-to-day; standing [常務] 常用 chang2yong4 adj: in common use 长处 chang2chu4 n: strongpoint [長處] 长短 chang2duan3 n: length [長短] 长寿 chang2shou4 adj: long live [長壽] 长征 chang2zheng1 n: long march [長征] 偿 chang2 v: repay [償] 偿还 chang2huan2 v: repay; compensate [償還] 厂房 chang3fang2 n: workshop [廠房] 厂家 chang3jia1 n: factory [廠家] 厂商 chang3shang1 n: manufacturer [廠商] 场所 chang3suo3 n: locale; place [場所] 敞开 chang3kai1 v: open wide [敞開] 畅谈 chang4tan2 v: talk freely [暢談] 畅通 chang4tong1 v: unimpeded; unblocked [暢通] 畅销 chang4xiao1 v: sell well [暢銷] 倡议 chang4yi4 v, n: propose; sponsor [倡議] 超产 chao1 chan3 over fulfill a production target [超產] 超出 chao1chu1 v: overstep; go beyond 超级 chao1ji2 adj: super [超級] 超越 chao1yue4 v: exceed; surpass 朝代 chao2dai4 n: dynasty 嘲笑 chao2xiao4 v: jeer at; deride 潮流 chao2liu2 n: tide; tidal current 吵闹 chao3nao4 v: wrangle; kick up a row [吵鬧] 吵嘴 chao3 zui3 quarrel 车床 che1chuang2 n: lathe [車床] 撤退 che4tui4 v: haul off 撤销 che4xiao1 v: repeal; retract [撤銷] 沉淀 chen2dian4 v, n: subside [沉澱] 沉静 chen2jing4 adj: silent [沉靜] 沉闷 chen2men4 adj: oppressive; withdrawn [沉悶] 沉痛 chen2tong4 adj: deeply grieved 沉着 chen2zhuo2 adj: composed; cool headed [沉著] 陈旧 chen2jiu4 adj: old [陳舊] 陈述 chen2shu4 v: present; state; mention [陳述] 称心 chen4 xin1 be gratified [稱心] 称号 cheng1hao4 n: title [稱號] 城镇 cheng2zhen4 n: town [城鎮] 成交 cheng2jiao1 v: clinch a deal 成品 cheng2pin3 n: finished product 成人 cheng2ren2 n: adult 成套 cheng2 tao4 complete set 成效 cheng2xiao4 n: effect 成心 cheng2xin1 adv: on purpose 呈 cheng2 v: submit; assume 呈现 cheng2xian4 v: show; take on; present [呈現] 乘机 cheng2ji1 adv: seize the opportunity [乘機] 乘务员 cheng2wu4yuan2 n: trainman; stewardess [乘務員] 惩 cheng2 v: punish [懲] 惩办 cheng2ban4 v: punish [懲辦] 惩罚 cheng2fa2 v: punish [懲罰] 澄清 cheng2qing1 v: clear; clarify 诚心诚意 cheng2 xin1 cheng2 yi4 sincere desire [誠心誠意] 诚意 cheng2yi4 n: sincerity [誠意] 诚挚 cheng2zhi4 adj: sincere; cordial; earnest [誠摯] 承办 cheng2ban4 v: undertake [承辦] 承受 cheng2shou4 v: endure; receive 秤 cheng4 n: balance 持续 chi2xu4 v: persist; last out [持續] 池塘 chi2tang2 n: pool; pond 迟缓 chi2huan3 adj: tardy; sluggish [遲緩] 迟疑 chi2yi2 v: hesitate [遲疑] 齿轮 chi3lun2 n: gear [齒輪] 赤字 chi4zi4 n: deficit; red ink 充当 chong1dang1 v: act as; serve as [充當] 充沛 chong1pei4 adj: abundant; plentiful 冲锋 chong1feng1 v: assault [衝鋒] 冲破 chong1po4 v: break through [沖破] 重 chong2 m: layer 重申 chong2shen1 v: reaffirm; restate 崇拜 chong2bai4 v: adore; worship 崇敬 chong2jing4 v: respect; revere 抽空 chou1 kong4 make time 抽屉 chou1ti n: drawer [抽屜] 踌躇 chou2chu2 v: hesitate; boggle [躊躇] 稠密 chou2mi4 adj: thick; dense 筹备 chou2bei4 v: arrange; prepare [籌備] 筹建 chou2jian4 v: prepare to construct [籌建] 绸子 chou2zi n: silk [綢子] 丑恶 chou3e4 adj: ugly; filthy [醜惡] 出差 chu1 chai1 be on a business trip 出产 chu1chan3 v: produce [出產] 出动 chu1dong4 v: call out; turn out [出動] 出发点 chu1fa1dian3 n: starting point [出發點] 出访 chu1fang3 v: visit to (foreign countries) [出訪] 出境 chu1 jing4 leave the country 出面 chu1 mian4 lend one's name; use the name of 出名 chu1 ming2 come to the top 出品 chu1pin3 n: manufacture 出入 chu1ru4 v, n: discrepancy 出色 chu1se4 adj: excellent; outstanding 出神 chu1 shen2 be lost in thought 出世 chu1shi4 v: born 出售 chu1shou4 v: sale; vend 厨师 chu2shi1 n: chef [廚師] 除 chu2 n, v: hoe; uproot 除此之外 chu2 ci3 zhi1 wai4 in addition 除外 chu2wai4 v: except 除夕 chu2xi1 n: the New Year's Eve 储备 chu3bei4 v: store [儲備] 储藏 chu3cang2 v: store up [儲藏] 储存 chu3cun2 v: deposited store [儲存] 储蓄 chu3xu4 v: save up; bank [儲蓄] 处罚 chu3fa2 v, n: punish for [處罰] 处方 chu3fang1 n: prescription [處方] 处境 chu3jing4 n: plight; situation [處境] 处决 chu3jue2 v: execute [處決] 处置 chu3zhi4 v: treat; dispose [處置] 触 chu4 v: touch [觸] 触犯 chu4fan4 v: offend; violate [觸犯] 川流不息 chuan1 liu2 bu4 xi1 flowing up in an endless stream 传单 chuan2dan1 n: fly sheet; leaflet [傳單] 传递 chuan2di4 v: pass; transfer [傳遞] 传授 chuan2shou4 v: initiate; teach [傳授] 传送 chuan2song4 v: transmit; remit; carry [傳送] 传真 chuan2zhen1 n: fax [傳真] 船舶 chuan2bo2 n: watercraft; ships 船只 chuan2zhi1 n: ships [船隻] 疮 chuang1 n: sore; boil [瘡] 床铺 chuang2pu4 n: bed [床鋪] 床位 chuang2wei4 n: bed 创办 chuang4ban4 v: set up; establish [創辦] 创建 chuang4jian4 v: establish; set up [創建] 创业 chuang4ye4 v: carve out [創業] 炊事员 chui1shi4yuan2 n: the kitchen stuff [炊事員] 吹牛 chui1 niu2 brag; boast 吹捧 chui1peng3 v: flatter; puff 捶 chui2 v: beat; pound 锤 chui2 v, n: hammer [錘] 春耕 chun1geng1 n, v: spring sloughing 纯粹 chun2cui4 adj: pure [純粹] 蠢 chun3 adj: foolish 磁铁 ci2tie3 n: magnet [磁鐵] 雌 ci2 adj: female 辞 ci2 v, n: resign diction; take leave [辭] 辞职 ci2 zhi2 resign [辭職] 慈爱 ci2ai4 adj: fatherly; kind [慈愛] 慈祥 ci2xiang2 adj: kind 词句 ci2ju4 n: words and sentences [詞句] 此后 ci3hou4 conj: from then; henceforth [此後] 此时 ci3shi2 n: now; this moment [此時] 次品 ci4pin3 n: defective goods 次数 ci4shu4 n: times [次數] 次序 ci4xu4 n: order; sequence 刺 ci4 n: thorn; sting 葱 cong1 n: scallion [蔥] 匆匆 cong1cong1 adj: in a hurry 从容不迫 cong2rong2 bu4 po4 take one's time; calm and unhurried [從容不迫] 从…看来 cong2 _ kan4lai2 from [從…看來] 从头 cong2tou2 adv: from the beginning [從頭] 从未 cong2wei4 adv: never [從未] 从小 cong2xiao3 adv: from childhood [從小] 从中 cong2zhong1 adv: from among [從中] 凑合 cou4he v: scare up [湊合] 凑巧 cou4qiao3 adv: luckily; fortunately [湊巧] 粗暴 cu1bao4 adj: wild; ruthless 粗粮 cu1liang2 n: coarse food grain [粗糧] 粗鲁 cu1lu3 adj: rude [粗魯] 粗细 cu1xi4 n: degree of thickness [粗細] 促 cu4 v: urge; promote 摧残 cui1can2 v: devastate; wreck [摧殘] 翠绿 cui4lü4 adj: emerald green [翠綠] 脆 cui4 adj: crisp 脆弱 cui4ruo4 adj: flimsy; frail 存放 cun2fang4 v: keep 存款 cun2 kuan3 saving deposit 磋商 cuo1shang1 v: negotiate 搭配 da1pei4 v: arrange; match 答辩 da2bian4 v: reply; answer [答辯] 打发 da3fa v: dispatch; send [打發] 打猎 da3 lie4 hunt [打獵] 大包大揽 da4bao1 da4lan3 undertake the whole thing; take on every thing [大包大攬] 大臣 da4chen2 n: minister 大多 da4duo1 adv: mostly 大公无私 da4 gong1 wu2 si1 selfless; unselfish [大公無私] 大锅饭 da4guo1 fan4 meal in a big public pot [大鍋飯] 大局 da4ju2 n: overall situation 大理石 da4li3shi2 n: marble 大拇指 da4mu3zhi3 n: thumb 大炮 da4pao4 n: big gun; cannon 大气压 da4qi4ya1 n: atmospheric pressure [大氣壓] 大肆 da4si4 adv: without restraint; wantonly 大体 da4ti3 adv, n: in general [大體] 大同小异 da4 tong2 xiao3 yi4 largely identical but with minor difference [大同小異] 大无畏 da4wu2wei4 adj: fearless; dauntless [大無畏] 大厦 da4sha4 n: mansion; edifice [大廈] 大雁 da4yan4 n: wild goose 大有可为 da4 you3 ke3 wei2 be well worth doing; have bright prospects [大有可為] 大于 da4yu2 v: more … than [大於] 歹徒 dai3tu2 n: gangster; mobster 带劲 dai4jin4 adj: energetic [帶勁] 代号 dai4hao4 n: code name [代號] 代数 dai4shu4 n: algebra [代數] 贷 dai4 v: lend; loan [貸] 贷款 dai4 kuan3 extend credit to; provide a loan [貸款] 待业 dai4 ye4 waiting for employment [待業] 怠工 dai4 gong1 go slow 怠慢 dai4man4 v: cold-shoulder 担保 dan1bao3 v: assure; hypothecate [擔保] 担忧 dan1you1 v: worry about; be anxious for [擔憂] 丹 dan1 n: pill 单元 dan1yuan2 n: cell [單元] 胆量 dan3liang4 n: courage; spunk [膽量] 胆怯 dan3qie4 adj: coward [膽怯] 胆子 dan3zi n: courage [膽子] 氮 dan4 n: nitrogen 担 dan4 m: dàn [擔] 担子 dan4zi n: burden [擔子] 淡季 dan4ji4 n: low season 淡水 dan4shui3 n: fresh water 诞辰 dan4chen2 n: birthday [誕辰] 弹 dan4 n: bomb; pellet [彈] 弹药 dan4yao4 n: ammunition [彈藥] 当场 dang1chang3 adv: on the spot [當場] 当局 dang1ju2 n: the authorities [當局] 当事人 dang1shi4ren2 n: client [當事人] 当心 dang1xin1 v: watch out [當心] 当选 dang1xuan3 v: be elected; come in [當選] 党性 dang3xing4 n: party spirit [黨性] 党章 dang3zhang1 n: party constitution [黨章] 党中央 dang3zhong1yang1 n: the Party Central Committee [黨中央] 当天 dang4tian1/dang1tian1 n: in that day [當天] 档次 dang4ci4 n: grade [檔次] 荡 dang4 v: sway; swing [蕩] 刀刃 dao1ren4 n: the edge of knife 叨唠 dao1lao v: chatter [叨嘮] 捣 dao3 v: pug; smash [搗] 捣蛋 dao3 dan4 make trouble [搗蛋] 捣乱 dao3 luan4 make trouble [搗亂] 倒闭 dao3bi4 v: close down [倒閉] 倒爷 dao3ye2 n: profiteer; speculator [倒爺] 导航 dao3hang2 v: navigate [導航] 导体 dao3ti3 n: conductor [導體] 导游 dao3you2 n, v: tourist guide [導游] 到来 dao4lai2 v: come [到來] 到期 dao4 qi1 mature; expire 倒退 dao4tui4 v: fall back 稻子 dao4zi n: paddy; rice 悼念 dao4nian4 v: mourn for 盗 dao4 v: steal; rob [盜] 盗窃 dao4qie4 v: steal; pilfer [盜竊] 得不偿失 de2 bu4 chang2 shi1 be not worth the candle; get more kicks than halfpence [得不償失] 得力 de2li4 adj: right-hand 得以 de2yi3 v: so that … can 得罪 de2zui4 v: offend 灯泡 deng1pao4 n: bulb [燈泡] 登陆 deng1 lu4 disembark; land [登陸] 等级 deng3ji2 n: grade; rank [等級] 低级 di1ji2 adj: low-grade [低級] 低劣 di1lie4 adj: low-grade; inferior; mean 低温 di1wen1 n: low temperature [低溫] 低下 di1xia4 adj: low 敌 di2 n, v: enemy; appose [敵] 敌对 di2dui4 v: antagonize [敵對] 敌视 di2shi4 v: be hostile to; antagonize [敵視] 笛子 di2zi n: flute 的确良 di2que4liang2(di2lun2) n: Dacron [的確良] 抵达 di3da2 v: arrive [抵達] 抵制 di3zhi4 v: resist; reject; repel 地铁 di4tie3 n: subway [地鐵] 帝国 di4guo2 n: empire [帝國] 帝国主义 di4guo2 zhu3yi4 imperialism [帝國主義] 递交 di4jiao1 v: hand over; submit [遞交] 递增 di4zeng1 v: increase by degrees [遞增] 缔结 di4jie2 v: conclude [締結] 掂 dian1 v: weigh in hand 颠倒 dian1dao3 v: reversal; upend; bottom up [顛倒] 颠覆 dian1fu4 v: overthrow; topple over [顛覆] 颠簸 dian1bo3 v: bump; welter [顛簸] 点火 dian3 huo3 ignition; inflame [點火] 点明 dian3ming2 point out [點明] 点燃 dian3ran2 v: enkindle; light up [點燃] 点缀 dian3zhui4 v: intersperse [點綴] 点子 dian3zi n: idea [點子] 电动机 dian4dong4ji1 n: electromotor [電動機] 电路 dian4lu4 n: circuit [電路] 电钮 dian4niu3 n: button [電鈕] 电气 dian4qi4 n: electric [電氣] 电源 dian4yuan2 n: power supply [電源] 店员 dian4yuan2 n: shop assistant [店員] 淀粉 dian4fen3 n: starch [澱粉] 殿 dian4 n: palace 刁 diao1 adj: sly; tricky 叼 diao1 v: hold in mouth 雕塑 diao1su4 v, n: sculpture; statue 调度 diao4du4 v, n: dispatch; attempter [調度] 调换 diao4huan4 v: exchange; transpose [調換] 碟子 die2zi n: plate 叮嘱 ding1zhu3 v: urge again and again; exhort; warn [叮囑] 顶点 ding3dian3 n: peak; apex [頂點] 顶端 ding3duan1 n: top; peak; apex [頂端] 定点 ding4 dian3 regular [定點] 定额 ding4e2 n: ration [定額] 定价 ding4jia4 n: price [定價] 定居 ding4ju1 v: settle down 定理 ding4li3 n: theorem 定量 ding4liang4 n: fixed quantity; ration 定律 ding4lü4 n: law 定向 ding4xiang4 adv: directional 定性 ding4 xing4 determine the nature 定义 ding4yi4 n: definition [定義] 订购/定购 ding4gou4 v: place an order for sth [訂購/定購] 订货/定货 ding4 huo4 (a newspaper or magazine) order goods [訂貨/定貨] 订阅/定阅 ding4yue4 v: subscribe to [訂閱/定閱] 钉 ding4 v: nail [釘] 丢人 diu1 ren2 lose face [丟人] 丢失 diu1shi1 v: lose [丟失] 东奔西走 dong1 ben1 xi1 zou3 run around here and there; rush around [東奔西走] 东道主 dong1dao4zhu3 n: host [東道主] 冬瓜 dong1gua1 n: white gourd 董事 dong3shi4 n: director 动荡 dong4dang4 v: turbulence [動蕩] 动工 dong4 gong1 start building [動工] 动乱 dong4luan4 n: turmoil; disturbance [動亂] 动脉 dong4mai4 n: artery [動脈] 动态 dong4tai4 n: development trends [動態] 动用 dong4yong4 v: put to use [動用] 冻结 dong4jie2 v: freeze; congeal [凍結] 栋 dong4 m: measure word for building [棟] 兜 dou1 v: take upon oneself; wrap up 兜儿 dou1er n: pocket [兜兒] 斗志 dou4zhi4 n: fighting will [鬥志] 都市 du1shi4 n: city; metropolis 督促 du1cu4 v: supervise and urge 毒害 du2hai4 v: sb's mind poison 毒品 du2pin3 n: drug 毒性 du2xing4 n: toxicity 独 du2 adj: alone [獨] 独裁 du2cai2 v: autocracy [獨裁] 独立自主 du2li4 zi4zhu3 paddle one's own canoe [獨立自主] 堵塞 du3se4 v: jam; wall up 赌 du3 v: bet; wager [賭] 赌博 du3bo2 v: gamble [賭博] 杜绝 du4jue2 v: put an end to [杜絕] 渡 du4 v: plating 渡船 du4chuan2 n: ferry 渡口 du4kou3 n: ferry 短处 duan3chu4 n: shortcoming [短處] 短促 duan3cu4 adj: very brief 短暂 duan3zan4 adj: ephemeral; brief [短暫] 缎子 duan4zi n: satin [緞子] 断定 duan4ding4 v: be sure; figure out [斷定] 断断续续 duan4duan4 xu4xu4 off and on; intermittently [斷斷續續] 断绝 duan4jue2 v: break off; sever [斷絕] 兑现 dui4xian4 v: cash [兌現] 对岸 dui4an4 n: the other side of the river [對岸] 对策 dui4ce4 n: countermeasure [對策] 对称 dui4chen4 adj: symmetrical [對稱] 对抗 dui4kang4 v: rival; antagonize [對抗] 对联 dui4lian2 n: antithetical couplet [對聯] 对手 dui4shou3 n: rival; adversary [對手] 对头 dui4tou2 adj: right [對頭] 对应 dui4ying4 v: correspond [對應] 对照 dui4zhao4 v: compare; collate [對照] 夺得 duo2de2 v: seize; get [奪得] 躲避 duo3bi4 v: evade 躲藏 duo3cang2 v: take cover; hide out; dodge 跺 duo4 v: stamp (one's foot) 舵 duo4 n: helm 堕落 duo4luo4 v: degenerate; corrupt [墮落] 蛾子 e2zi n: moth 额 e2 n: forehead [額] 讹 e2 v, n: error; extort [訛] 额外 e2wai4 adj: extra; additional [額外] 恶毒 e4du2 adj: evil-minded [惡毒] 恶性 e4xing4 adj: vicious; malignant [惡性] 恩 en1 n: favor; kindness 恩爱 en1ai4 adj: conjugal love [恩愛] 恩情 en1qing2 n: loving-kindness 恩人 en1ren2 n: benefactor 而后 er2hou4 adv: moreover [而後] 而已 er2yi3 part: nothing more 二氧化碳 er4yang3hua4tan4 n: carbon dioxide 贰 er4 num: two [貳] 发病 fa1 bing4 (of a disease) come on [發病] 发布 fa1bu4 v: issue; put out [發布] 发财 fa1 cai2 make a fortune; make a pile [發財] 发愁 fa1 chou2 worry; be anxious [發愁] 发奋图强 fa1fen4 tu2 qiang2 work with a will to make the country strong [發奮圖強] 发火 fa1 huo3 get angry [發火] 发脾气 fa1 pi2qi get angry; lose one's temper [發脾氣] 发票 fa1piao4 n: invoice; receipt [發票] 发起 fa1qi3 v: initiate; originate [發起] 发热 fa1 re4 have a fever; give out heat [發熱] 发誓 fa1 shi4 swear; pledge [發誓] 发炎 fa1 yan2 inflammation [發炎] 发扬光大 fa1yang2 guang1da4 carry forward [發揚光大] 伐 fa2 v: cut down; strike 罚款 fa2 kuan3 forfeit; amerce; fine [罰款] 法 fa3 n: law 法定 fa3ding4 adj: legal 法官 fa3guan1 n: judge 法规 fa3gui1 n: laws and regulations [法規] 法人 fa3ren2 n: juridical person 法庭 fa3ting2 n: law court 法西斯 fa3xi1si1 n: fascist 法则 fa3ze2 n: principle, theorem [法則] 帆 fan1 n: sail 帆船 fan1chuan2 n: sail boat 番茄 fan1qie2 n: tomato 繁 fan2 adj: numerous 繁多 fan2duo1 adj: various 繁华 fan2hua2 adj: prosperous [繁華] 繁忙 fan2mang2 adj: busy 繁体字 fan2ti3zi4 n: the original complex of Chinese character [繁體字] 繁重 fan2zhong4 adj: heavy; onerous 烦闷 fan2men4 adj: be vexed; be irritated [煩悶] 烦恼 fan2nao3 adj, n: bother; trouble [煩惱] 烦躁 fan2zao4 adj: irritable [煩躁] 反驳 fan3bo2 v: retort; contradict; refute [反駁] 反常 fan3chang2 adj: abnormal 反倒 fan3dao4 adv: on the contrary; instead 反感 fan3gan3 adj: be disgusted with 反革命 fan3ge2ming4 n: counter revolutionaries 反攻 fan3gong1 v: counterattack 反馈 fan3kui4 v: reflect [反饋] 反面 fan3mian4 n: back; opposite 反射 fan3she4 v: echo; reflect 反思 fan3si1 v: think again introspect 反之 fan3zhi1 conj: on the contrary; whereas 返回 fan3hui2 v: return 贩卖 fan4mai4 v: vend; sell [販賣] 范畴 fan4chou2 n: category [範疇] 犯法 fan4 fa3 violate the law 犯浑 fan4 hun2 act shamelessly [犯渾] 饭碗 fan4wan3 n: position; job; rice bowl [飯碗] 泛 fan4 v: float; flood 方程 fang1cheng2 n: equation 房东 fang2dong1 n: landlord [房東] 房租 fang2zu1 n: rent (for house) 防护 fang2hu4 v: protect; shelter [防護] 防线 fang2xian4 n: line of defense [防線] 防汛 fang2 xun4 flood control 防疫 fang2 yi4 epidemic prevention 放射 fang4she4 v: radiate 非…才 fei1 _ cai2 have got to 非法 fei1fa3 adj: illegal 飞船 fei1chuan2 n: spaceship [飛船] 飞舞 fei1wu3 v: flutter [飛舞] 飞翔 fei1xiang2 v: fly [飛翔] 肥沃 fei2wo4 adj: fertile 匪徒 fei3tu2 n: mobster 诽谤 fei3bang4 v: slander; defame [誹謗] 废品 fei4pin3 n: waster [廢品] 废气 fei4qi4 n: exhaust gas [廢氣] 废物 fei4wu4 n: rubbish; waste [廢物] 分辩 fen1bian4 v: distinguish; differentiate [分辯] 分辨 fen1bian4 v: defend oneself against a charge 分寸 fen1cun4 n: proper limits for speech or action 分队 fen1dui4 n: platoon; unit; element [分隊] 分红 fen1 hong2 share out bonus [分紅] 分化 fen1hua4 v: polarize 分类 fen1 lei4 assort; classify; sort [分類] 分母 fen1mu3 n: denominator 分批 fen1 pi1 in batches 分期 fen1 qi1 by stages 分歧 fen1qi2 n: diverge 分清 fen1 qing1 distinguish 芬芳 fen1fang1 adj: fragrant 坟墓 fen2mu4 n: tomb [墳墓] 粉末 fen3mo4 n: dust; powder 分外 fen4wai4 adv, n: especially; very 奋勇 fen4yong3 adv: bravely [奮勇] 奋战 fen4zhan4 v: fight bravely [奮戰] 愤恨 fen4hen4 adj: indignant [憤恨] 丰满 feng1man3 adj: plump [豐滿] 封闭 feng1bi4 v: occlude; close down [封閉] 蜂 feng1 n: bee; wasp 蜂蜜 feng1mi4 n: honey 风暴 feng1bao4 n: storm [風暴] 风度 feng1du4 n: grace; style [風度] 风光 feng1guang1 n: scene; sight [風光] 风浪 feng1lang4 n: stormy waves [風浪] 风趣 feng1qu4 n: humor [風趣] 风沙 feng1sha1 n: sand blown by wind [風沙] 风尚 feng1shang4 n: order of the day; fashion [風尚] 风味 feng1wei4 n: flavor [風味] 风险 feng1xian3 n: risk; venture [風險] 风筝 feng1zheng n: kite [風箏] 疯子 feng1zi n: madman [瘋子] 锋利 feng1li4 adj: incisive; sharp [鋒利] 缝 feng4 n: chink; crevice [縫] 奉献 feng4xian4 v: dedicate [奉獻] 奉行 feng4xing2 v: pursue 凤凰 feng4huang2 n: phoenix [鳳凰] 否 fou3 v: deny 否决 fou3jue2 v: veto; reject; overrule [否決] 否认 fou3ren4 v: deny [否認] 夫妇 fu1fu4 n: husband and wife; couple [夫婦] 敷衍 fu1yan3 v: play at 伏 fu2 v: bend over 辐射 fu2she4 v: radiate [輻射] 幅度 fu2du4 n: range; extent 符号 fu2hao4 n: symbol [符號] 俘虏 fu2lu3 n: captive [俘虜] 服气 fu2qi4 v: be convinced [服氣] 服装 fu2zhuang1 n: costume; dress [服裝] 浮雕 fu2diao1 n: relief 浮动 fu2dong4 v: fluctuate; drift [浮動] 福 fu2 n: good fortune 福利 fu2li4 n: welfare 福气 fu2qi n: good luck; felicity [福氣] 抚养 fu3yang3 v: foster; bring-up [撫養] 抚育 fu3yu4 v: foster [撫育] 辅助 fu3zhu4 v: assist [輔助] 斧子 fu3zi n: ax 腐败 fu3bai4 adj: corrupt [腐敗] 腐化 fu3hua4 adj: degenerate; dissolute 腐烂 fu3lan4 v: rot; perish [腐爛] 赴 fu4 v: go to; attend 副业 fu4ye4 n: sideline; sideline [副業] 副作用 fu4zuo4yong4 n: side effect 覆盖 fu4gai4 v: overlay; cover with [覆蓋] 赋予 fu4yu3 v: endow; endue [賦予] 复 fu4 v, adv: again; resume [復] 复辟 fu4bi4 v: restoration of a dethroned monarch [復辟] 复合 fu4he2 v: composite; compound [複合] 复活 fu4huo2 v: relive; revival [復活] 复兴 fu4xing1 v: revive; renew [復興] 付出 fu4chu1 v: hand over; pay 付款 fu4 kuan3 pay 腹 fu4 n: paunch 负伤 fu4 shang1 be wounded [負傷] 富强 fu4qiang2 adj: rich and strong [富強] 富余 fu4yu v: have more than needed [富餘] 附带 fu4dai4 v: attach [附帶] 附和 fu4he4 v: chime in with; come to heel 附加 fu4jia1 v: append 附属 fu4shu3 v: attach appertain [附屬] 改建 gai3jian4 v: rebuild 改邪归正 gai3 xie2 gui1 zheng4 give up evil and return to good [改邪歸正] 改组 gai3zu3 v: reorganize; reshuffle [改組] 概况 gai4kuang4 n: general situation [概況] 钙 gai4 n: calcium [鈣] 干预 gan1yu4 v: intervenes [干預] 甘心 gan1xin1 v: be reconciled to 甘蔗 gan1zhe n: sugar can 竿 gan1 n: pole; rod 肝炎 gan1yan2 n: hepatitis 秆 gan3 n: stalk [稈] 感(安全感) gan3(an1quan2gan3) suf: feeling; sense 感化 gan3hua4 v: help sb, to change (by education) 感染 gan3ran3 v: infect 感慨 gan3kai3 v, adj: sigh with emotion 干线 gan4xian4 n: main stem; trunk line [幹線] 钢材 gang1cai2 n: steel products [鋼材] 钢琴 gang1qin2 n: piano [鋼琴] 纲 gang1 n: outline [綱] 纲要 gang1yao4 n: compendium [綱要] 杠杆 gang4gan3 n: lever; pry; bar [杠桿] 高产 gao1chan3 n: high yield [高產] 高超 gao1chao1 adj: outstanding; superb; excellent 高档 gao1dang4 adj: top grade [高檔] 高低 gao1di1 n, adv: height 高贵 gao1gui4 adj: honorable; noble [高貴] 高考 gao1kao3 n: the exam for entering universities 高空 gao1kong1 n: upper air 高明 gao1ming2 adj: wise 高烧 gao1shao1 n: hyper pyrexia [高燒] 高温 gao1wen1 n: high temperature [高溫] 高血压 gao1xue4ya1 n: hypertension [高血壓] 高涨 gao1zhang3 n: run up; upswing [高漲] 搞鬼 gao3 gui3 play tricks 搞活 gao3 huo2 make vigorous 稿件 gao3jian4 n: manuscript 稿纸 gao3zhi3 n: paper for making manuscript [稿紙] 稿子 gao3zi n: draft; sketch 告诫 gao4jie4 v: warn; caution [告誡] 告状 gao4 zhuang4 bring a lawsuit against [告狀] 歌手 ge1shou3 n: singer 歌星 ge1xing1 n: singer star 歌咏 ge2yong3 n: singing [歌詠] 疙瘩 ge1da n: lump; pimple 格 ge2 n: square form 格格不入 ge2 ge2 bu4 ru4 incompatible with; out of tune with 格局 ge2ju2 n: situation 格式 ge2shi4 n: format 隔绝 ge2jue2 v: isolate [隔絕] 隔离 ge2li2 v: insulate; separate [隔離] 各奔前程 ge4 ben4 qian2 cheng2 each goes his own way 各别 ge4bie2 adj: individual; idiographic [各別] 各行各业 ge4 hang2 ge4 ye4 all trades and professions [各行各業] 各界 ge4jie4 pron: all circles 根据地 gen1ju4di4 n: base; citadel [根據地] 根深蒂固 gen1 shen1 di4 gu4 being deeply rooted; in grain 跟随 gen1sui2 v: follow [跟隨] 跟头 gen1tou n: fall [跟頭] 跟踪 gen1zong1 v: run after; tail [跟蹤] 耕 geng1 v: plough up 耕种 geng1zhong4 v: cultivate; culture [耕種] 更改 geng1gai3 v: change; alter 更换 geng1huan4 v: replace [更換] 更新 geng1xin1 v: renovate; renew 更正 geng1zheng4 v: correct 梗 geng3 n: stalk; stem 工 gong1 n: work; labor 工具书 gong1ju4shu1 n: reference book [工具書] 工人阶级 gong1ren2 jie1ji2 working class [工人階級] 工事 gong1shi4 n: work 攻读 gong1du2 v: assiduously study [攻讀] 攻关 gong1guan1 v: tackle key problem [攻關] 功 gong1 n: merit; skill 功绩 gong1ji4 n: achievement [功績] 功效 gong1xiao4 n: efficacy 恭敬 gong1jing4 adj: dutiful; respectful 供不应求 gong1 bu4 ying4 qiu2 supply falls short of demand [供不應求] 供销 gong1xiao1 v: supply and marketing [供銷] 公报 gong1bao4 n: gazette [公報] 公尺 gong1chi3 m: meter 公道 gong1dao adj: fair; just 公分 gong1fen1 m: centimeter 公告 gong1gao4 n: bulletin 公关 gong1guan1 n: public relations [公關] 公平 gong1ping2 adj: fair 公然 gong1ran2 adv: to the teeth; under one's nose 公认 gong1ren4 v: established [公認] 公社 gong1she4 n: commune 公务 gong1wu4 n: duty [公務] 公有 gong1you3 public-owned 公有制 gong1you3zhi4 n: public ownership 公约 gong1yue1 n: pact [公約] 公债 gong1zhai4 n: government bond [公債] 公证 gong1zheng4 n: notarization [公證] 汞 gong3 n: mercury (Hg) 拱 gong3 v: arch 共产主义 gong4chan3 zhu3yi4 communism [共產主義] 共计 gong4ji4 v: count up to; sum to [共計] 共鸣 gong4ming2 n: resonance [共鳴] 共性 gong4xing4 n: generality 勾 gou1 v: collude; induce 沟通 gou1tong1 v: communicate [溝通] 构思 gou4si1 v: conceive; design [構思] 构想 gou4xiang3 v: conceive [構想] 购买力 gou1mai3li4 n: purchasing power [購買力] 孤单 gu1dan1 adj: lonely [孤單] 孤独 gu1du2 adj: lonely [孤獨] 姑且 gu1qie3 adv: for the moment 鼓 gu3 v: drum 鼓吹 gu3chui1 v: advocate; preach up 古怪 gu3guai4 adj: cranky; wacky 古人 gu3ren2 n: the ancients 古文 gu3wen2 n: ancient prose 骨 gu3 n: bone 骨肉 gu3rou4 n: kindred and kin 股东 gu3dong1 n: stockholder [股東] 股份 gu3fen4 n: stock 股票 gu3piao4 n: shares; stock 雇佣 gu4yong1 v: employ [雇傭] 雇员 gu4yuan2 n: employee [雇員] 故 gu4 n, adj, conj: reason; former; so 故障 gu4zhang4 n: malfunction; fault; hitch 顾不得 gu4 bu de have no time to attend to the matter [顧不得] 顾虑 gu4lü4 v, n: misgive; misgiving [顧慮] 顾全大局 gu4quan2 da4ju2 take the whole account into consideration [顧全大局] 固有 gu4you3 adj: inhere 固执 gu4zhi2 adj: stubborn [固執] 瓜分 gua1fen1 v: carve up; partition 挂钩 gua4 gou1 hook up [掛鉤] 挂念 gua4nian4 v: be concerned about [掛念] 棺材 guan1cai n: coffin 关闭 guan1bi4 v: close; shut [關閉] 关节炎 guan1jie2yan2 n: arthritis [關節炎] 关切 guan1qie4 adj: be deeply concerned [關切] 官方 guan1fang1 n: by the government official 官僚 guan1liao2 n: bureaucracy 官员 guan1yuan2 n: official [官員] 观 guan1 v: look at; watch; see [觀] 观光 guan1guang1 v: sightsee [觀光] 观赏 guan1shang3 v: appreciate; watch [觀賞] 管辖 guan3xia2 v: dominate; rule [管轄] 惯例 guan4li4 n: tradition; routine [慣例] 惯用语 guan4yong4yu3 n: phrase [慣用語] 灌木 guan4mu4 n: shrub 光棍儿 guang1gun4er n: unmarried man; bachelor [光棍兒] 光亮 guang1liang4 adj, n: bright; brightness 光芒 guang1mang2 n: rays of light 规范 gui1fan4 n, v: criterion; rule [規範] 规格 gui1ge2 n: standard; format [規格] 规章 gui1zhang1 n: regulations [規章] 硅 gui1 n: silicon 龟 gui1 n: tortoise [龜] 归根到底 gui1 gen1 dao4 di3 at all time and place [歸根到底] 归还 gui1huan2 v: return [歸還] 归结 gui1jie2 v: sum up; end [歸結] 归纳 gui1na4 v: conclude [歸納] 闺女 gui1nü n: damsel; daughter [閨女] 鬼子 gui3zi n: devil; enemy 桂冠 gui4guan1 n: laurel 贵重 gui4zhong4 adj: precious; valued [貴重] 贵族 gui4zu2 n: noble [貴族] 滚动 gun3dong4 v: roll; welter [滾動] 国产 guo2chan3 adj: made in one's own country [國產] 国法 guo2fa3 n: national law [國法] 国会 guo2hui4 n: parliament [國會] 国际法 guo2ji4fa3 n: international law [國際法] 国际主义 guo2ji4 zhu3yi4 n: internationalism [國際主義] 国库券 guo2ku4quan4 n: treasury bill [國庫券] 国力 guo2li4 n: national power [國力] 国民 guo2min2 n: citizen [國民] 国情 guo2qing2 n: the situation of a country [國情] 国土 guo2tu3 n: territory [國土] 国有 guo2 you3 state-owned [國有] 果断 guo3duan4 adj: decisive; manful [果斷] 过度 guo4du4 adj: excessive [過度] 过后 guo4hou4 n: afterwards [過後] 过滤 guo4lü4 v: filtrate [過濾] 过失 guo4shi1 n: blame; defect [過失] 过问 guo4wen4 v: concern with [過問] 过于 guo4yu2 adv: too; excessively [過於] 海岸 hai3an4 n: coast 海滨 hai3bin1 n: seashore [海濱] 海港 hai3gang3 n: seaport 海外 hai3wai4 n: abroad; overseas 害羞 hai4 xiu1 shy 含义 han2yi4 n: signification; meanings [含義] 含有 han2you3 v: contain 寒 han2 adj: cold 寒暄 han2xuan1 v: exchange of conventional greetings 函授 han2shou4 n: teach by correspondence 罕见 han3jian4 adj: peculiar; rare [罕見] 捍卫 han4wei4 v: defend; guard [捍衛] 旱灾 han4zai1 n: drought [旱災] 汉奸 han4jian1 n: traitor [漢奸] 汉学 han4xue2 n: Sinology [漢學] 航班 hang2ban1 n: scheduled flight 航道 hang2dao4 n: sea-route 航海 hang2hai3 n, v: navigation 航天 hang2tian1 n: space flight 航线 hang2xian4 n: sea route; skyway [航線] 航运 hang2yun4 n: shipping [航運] 豪华 hao2hua2 adj: luxurious [豪華] 好多 hao3duo1 adj: a good deal 好感 hao3gan3 n: favor 好坏 hao3huai4 n: stand or fall [好壞] 好说 hao3 shuo1 no problem [好說] 好样的 hao3yang4de adj: great [好樣的] 好在 hao3zai4 adv: fortunately 好转 hao3zhuan3 v: mend; straighten up [好轉] 耗费 hao4fei4 v: use; waste [耗費] 号称 hao4cheng1 v: be known as [號稱] 浩浩荡荡 hao4hao4 dang4dang4 go forward with great strength and vigor [浩浩蕩蕩] 好客 hao4ke4 adj: hospitable 荷花 he2hua1 n: water lily 核桃 he2tao n: walnut 核武器 he2wu3qi4 n: nuclear weapon 核心 he2xin1 n: core; kernel 和蔼 he2ai3 adj: kind; good-tempered [和藹] 和解 he2jie3 v: settle compromise 和睦 he2mu4 adj: concord; harmony 和平共处 he2ping2 gong4 chu3 peaceful coexistence [和平共處] 和气 he2qi adj: kindly [和氣] 和尚 he2shang n: monk 和谐 he2xie2 adj: concordant; harmonious [和諧] 和约 he2yue1 n: peace treaty [和約] 何 he2 pron: which 何等 he2deng3 adv: how; what kind 合并 he2bing4 v: unite; incorporate [合併] 合乎 he2hu1 v: accord with 合伙 he2huo3 v: cooperate; join hands with 合情合理 he2 qing2 he2 li3 fair and reasonable 合营 he2ying2 v: jointly owned [合營] 合资 he2zi1 v: set up a joint venture [合資] 禾苗 he2miao2 n: seedlings of cereal crops 河道 he2dao4 n: watercourse; river course 贺词 he4ci2 n: greetings; congratulations [賀詞] 黑白 hei1bai2 n: black and white; right and wrong 狠毒 hen3du2 adj: venomous 狠心 hen3 xin1 cruel hearted 恒星 heng2xing1 n: star [恆星] 横行 heng2xing2 v: run amuck [橫行] 横 heng4 adj: harsh and unreasonable; perverse [橫] 轰动 hong1dong4 v: make a sensation; make a stir [轟動] 轰轰烈烈 hong1hong1 lie4lie4 dynamic; vigorous [轟轟烈烈] 轰炸 hong1zha4 v: bomb [轟炸] 烘 hong1 v: dry or warm by the fire 虹 hong2 n: rainbow 宏大 hong2da4 adj: magnificent 红领巾 hong2ling3jin1 n: red scarf [紅領巾] 哄 hong3 v: fool; cheat; coax 哄 hong4 v: fool 厚度 hou4du4 n: thickness 候补 hou4bu3 v: be an alternate [候補] 候选人 hou4xuan3ren2 n: candidate [候選人] 后期 hou4qi1 n: later period [後期] 后勤 hou4qin2 n: rear service; logistics [後勤] 后台 hou4tai2 n: backstage [後臺] 呼声 hu1sheng1 n: cry; voice [呼聲] 呼啸 hu1xiao4 v: howl [呼嘯] 呼吁 hu1yu4 v: call on; appeal 忽略 hu1lüe4 v: ignore; overlook 葫芦 hu2lu n: gourd; cucurbit [葫蘆] 胡 hu2 adv: carelessly 胡来 hu2lai2 v: make trouble; mess things up [胡來] 糊 hu2 v: burnt 狐狸 hu2li n: fox 互利 hu4li4 v: mutually benefit 户口 hu4kou3 n: registered permanent residence [戶口] 花费 hua1fei4 v, n: cost; expend [花費] 花色 hua1se4 n: variety of designs; colors 花纹 hua1wen2 n: decorative pattern [花紋] 花样 hua1yang4 n: design [花樣] 华丽 hua2li4 adj: magnificent [華麗] 画面 hua4mian4 n: picture [畫面] 划分 hua4fen1 v: divide up [劃分] 化肥 hua4fei2 n: chemical fertilizer 化纤 hua4xian1 n: chemical fiber [化纖] 化妆 hua4 zhuang1 prink; make up [化妝] 话题 hua4ti2 n: topic [話題] 槐树 huai2shu4 n: pagoda tree [槐樹] 怀孕 huai2 yun4 become pregnant [懷孕] 欢笑 huan1xiao4 v: laugh [歡笑] 环节 huan2jie2 n: link [環節] 还原 huan2 yuan2 restore [還原] 缓 huan3 adj: slow [緩] 换取 huan4qu3 v: get in return [換取] 患者 huan4zhe3 n: patient 荒地 huang1di4 n: wasteland; wilderness 荒凉 huang1liang2 adj: desolate [荒涼] 荒谬 huang1miu4 adj: ridiculous; nonsensical [荒謬] 荒唐 huang1tang2 adj: ludicrous 慌乱 huang1luan4 adj: flurried [慌亂] 慌张 huang1zhang1 adj: flurried [慌張] 黄金 huang2jin1 n: gold [黃金] 皇后 huang2hou4 n: empress 蝗虫 huang2chong2 n: locust [蝗蟲] 晃 huang4 v: dazzle; shake 挥霍 hui1huo4 v: splurge; devour [揮霍] 回避 hui2bi4 v: obviate; slide over 回顾 hui2gu4 v: review; look back [回顧] 回击 hui2ji1 v: strike back [回擊] 回收 hui2shou1 v: reclaim; callback 毁坏 hui3huai4 v: destroy; demolish [毀壞] 毁灭 hui3mie4 v: destroy; ruin [毀滅] 悔 hui3 v: regret 悔改 hui3gai3 v: repent 悔恨 hui3hen4 v: regret; lament 贿赂 hui4lu4 v: bribe [賄賂] 会同 hui4tong2 v: jointly with other organizations concerned [會同] 会晤 hui4wu4 v: contact [會晤] 会员 hui4yuan2 n: member; insider [會員] 汇集 hui4ji2 v: converge; collect [彙集] 汇率 hui4lü4 n: exchange rate [匯率] 绘 hui4 v: draw; paint [繪] 绘画 hui4hua4 v, n: paint; painting [繪畫] 混纺 hun4fang3 n: blending [混紡] 混合物 hun4he2wu4 n: admixture 混浊 hun4zhuo2 adj: turbid [混濁] 豁 huo1 v: sacrifice; break 活力 huo2li4 n: energy; vigor 活计 huo3ji n: lad; counterjumper [活計] 火山 huo3shan1 n: volcano 火灾 huo3zai1 n: fire [火災] 获取 huo4qu3 v: catch; get [獲取] 或是 huo4shi conj: or 或许 huo4xu3 adv: maybe; probably [或許] 祸 huo4 n: disaster [禍] 祸害 huo4hai n, v: scourge; wreck [禍害] 击 ji1 v: attack [擊] 基督教 ji1du1jiao4 n: Christianity 基金 ji1jin1 n: fund 机车 ji1che1 n: engine; motorcycle [機車] 机灵 ji1ling adj: wise; clever [機靈] 机密 ji1mi4 adj, n: secret [機密] 机枪 ji1qiang1 n: scatter-gun [機槍] 机体 ji1ti3 n: organism [機體] 机遇 ji1yu4 n: opportunity [機遇] 机智 ji1zhi4 adj: tactful; resourceful [機智] 积 ji1 v: amass; accumulate [積] 积压 ji1ya1 v: overstock [積壓] 激 ji1 v: stimulate; surge 激发 ji1fa1 v: inspire [激發] 激光 ji1guang1 n: laser 激励 ji1li4 v: inspirit [激勵] 激情 ji1qing2 n: enthusiasm 讥笑 ji1xiao4 v: fleer [譏笑] 吉祥 ji2xiang2 adj: lucky; auspicious 吉普车 ji2pu3che1 n: jeep [吉普車] 极度 ji2du4 adv: extremely [極度] 极力 ji2li4 adv: do one's utmost [極力] 极限 ji2xian4 n: limit; utmost [極限] 籍贯 ji2guan4 n: native place [籍貫] 集会 ji2hui4 v: assemble; meet [集會] 集市 ji2shi4 n: bazaar; market 集邮 ji2 you2 collecting stamps philately [集郵] 集资 ji2 zi1 raise funds [集資] 及早 ji2zao3 adv: as soon as possible 急剧 ji2ju4 adv: quick; sharp [急劇] 急切 ji2qie4 adj: impatient eager; imperative 急需 ji2xu1 v: to need urgently 急于 ji2yu2 v: be anxious to [急於] 即便 ji2bian4 conj: even if 嫉妒 ji2du4 v: envy; be jealous 脊梁 ji2liang n: backbone 几何 ji3he2 n: geometry [幾何] 迹象 ji4xiang4 n: evidence [跡象] 季度 ji4du4 n: three months 寄托 ji4tuo1 v: place on; consign or commit 寂静 ji4jing4 adj: silence [寂靜] 计较 ji4jiao4 v: care [計較] 记号 ji4hao4 n: mark [記號] 记性 ji4xing n: memory [記性] 记忆力 ji4yi4li4 n: memory; retentivity [記憶力] 忌 ji4 v: fear; shun 继 ji4 v: continue; follow [繼] 纪要 ji4yao4 n: summary [紀要] 嘉奖 jia1jiang3 v: reward; commend [嘉獎] 夹杂 jia1za2 v: be mixed up with [夾雜] 家常 jia1chang2 n: family-style 家畜 jia1chu4 n: domestic animals 家务 jia1wu4 n: housework [家務] 家喻户晓 jia1 yu4 hu4 xiao3 widely known [家喻戶曉] 家长 jia1zhang3 n: the parent of guardian of a child [家長] 加班 jia1 ban1 overtime work 加急 jia1ji2 v: aggravate 加剧 jia1ju4 v: prick up [加劇] 加热 jia1 re4 heat up [加熱] 加深 jia1shen1 v: deepen 加重 jia1zhong4 v: aggravate 颊 jia2 n: chap; cheek [頰] 甲板 jia3ban3 n: deck 假定 jia3ding4 v, conj: assume; presume 假冒 jia3mao4 v: counterfeit 假设 jia3she4 conj: in case of [假設] 假装 jia3zhuang1 v: pretend [假裝] 驾 jia4 v: drive [駕] 监察 jian1cha2 v: supervise [監察] 坚韧 jian1ren4 adj: gritty; hard-bitten [堅韌] 坚实 jian1shi2 adj: solid [堅實] 坚信 jian1xin4 v: be firmly convinced [堅信] 坚贞不屈 jian1zhen1 bu4 qu1 remain faithful and unyielding; stand firm and unbending [堅貞不屈] 尖端 jian1duan1 n, adj: top end 兼任 jian1ren4 v: hold a concurrent post 肩膀 jian1bang3 n: shoulder 艰险 jian1xian3 adj: difficult and dangerous [艱險] 奸 jian1 adj: evil; wicked 茧 jian3 n: cocoon [繭] 检测 jian3ce4 v: examine; inspect [檢測] 检查 jian3cha2 v: inspect; check [檢查] 检举 jian3ju3 v: inform against [檢舉] 检修 jian3xiu1 v: examine and repair [檢修] 简称 jian3cheng1 v, n: shortened form [簡稱] 简短 jian3duan3 adj: short; curt [簡短] 简化 jian3hua4 v: predigest [簡化] 简陋 jian3lou4 adj: simple and crude [簡陋] 简明 jian3ming2 adj: compendious [簡明] 简体字 jian3ti3zi4 n: simplified character [簡體字] 简要 jian3yao4 adj: in brief [簡要] 简易 jian3yi4 adj: simple [簡易] 剪彩 jian3 cai3 cut the ribbon at an opening ceremony 剪刀 jian3dao1 n: scissors 减产 jian3 chan3 reduction of output [減產] 减低 jian3di1 v: reduce; cut back on [減低] 减弱 jian3ruo4 v: weaken; take off [減弱] 间隔 jian4ge2 v, n: interval [間隔] 间接 jian4jie1 adj: indirect [間接] 鉴别 jian4bie2 v: differentiate [鑒別] 鉴于 jian4yu2 prep: in view of [鑒於] 践踏 jian4ta4 v: override [踐踏] 见识 jian4shi v, n: experience; sense [見識] 见效 jian4xiao4 v: take effect [見效] 键盘 jian4pan2 n: keyboard [鍵盤] 健美 jian4mei3 adj: strong and handsome 健壮 jian4zhuang4 adj: vigorous; strong [健壯] 建交 jian4 jiao1 establish diplomatic relationship 姜 jiang1 n: ginger 将近 jiang1jin4 v: near upon [將近] 桨 jiang3 n: oar [槳] 奖品 jiang3pin3 n: award; prize [獎品] 奖状 jiang3zhuang4 n: diploma [獎狀] 讲解 jiang3jie3 v: explain [講解] 讲理 jiang3 li3 argue [講理] 讲述 jiang3shu4 v: tell; narrate [講述] 讲演 jiang3yan3 v: prelect; speak [講演] 降价 jiang4 jia4 depreciate [降價] 降临 jiang4lin2 v: become of; befall; arrive [降臨] 降落 jiang4luo4 v: land; put-down 焦点 jiao1dian3 n: focus [焦點] 焦炭 jiao1tan4 n: coke 胶 jiao1 n: glue; pastern [膠] 胶片 jiao1pian4 n: film [膠片] 交叉 jiao1cha1 v: intercross 交错 jiao1cuo4 v: stagger; intervene [交錯] 交点 jiao1dian3 n: point of intersection [交點] 交付 jiao1fu4 v: hand over; deliver 交涉 jiao1she4 v: negotiate; palaver 交手 jiao1 shou3 fight hand to hand 交替 jiao1ti4 v: alternate; by turn 交往 jiao1wang3 v: affiliate with 浇灌 jiao1guan4 v: irrigate [澆灌] 娇 jiao1 adj: finicky; frail [嬌] 娇气 jiao1qi4 adj: effeminate [嬌氣] 嚼 jiao2 v: chaw 搅拌 jiao3ban4 v: mix up [攪拌] 绞 jiao3 v: wring [絞] 缴 jiao3 v: scar; capture; hand in [繳] 缴纳 jiao3na4 v: capture; hand over [繳納] 教会 jiao4hui4 n: church; ecclesiastic [教會] 教唆 jiao4suo1 v: instigate 教条 jiao4tiao2 n: dogma; creed; doctrine [教條] 教养 jiao4yang3 v, n: education; upbringing [教養] 轿车 jiao4che1 n: car [轎車] 较量 jiao4liang4 v: dispute [較量] 叫喊 jiao4han3 v: cry; clamor 叫唤 jiao4huan v: cry out; call out [叫喚] 叫嚷 jiao4rang3 v: break out; clamor 揭发 jie1fa1 v: disclose; expose [揭發] 揭示 jie1shi4 v: reveal 接班 jie1 ban1 carry on 接二连三 jie1 er4 lian2 san1 one after another; in quick succession [接二連三] 接洽 jie1qia4 v: arrange with; consult with 接收 jie1shou1 v: take over; receipt 皆 jie1 adv: all 街坊 jie1fang n: neighbor 接头 jie1tou2 n: street [接頭] 结果 jie2guo3 result [結果] 截止 jie2zhi3 v: end; cut-off 劫 jie2 v: rob; plunder 劫持 jie2chi2 v: hijack 节能 jie2 neng2 save energy [節能] 节育 jie2yu4 v: birth control [節育] 节奏 jie2zou4 n: rhythm [節奏] 杰出 jie2chu1 adj: outstanding [傑出] 杰作 jie2zuo4 n: master work [傑作] 结晶 jie2jing1 n: crystal [結晶] 结局 jie2ju2 n: result; finale [結局] 结算 jie2suan4 v: settle accounts [結算] 结业 jie2 ye4 complete an educational or training program [結業] 解除 jie3chu2 v: unchain; relief 解雇 jie3gu4 v: fire; dismiss from 解散 jie3san4 v: dismiss; disband 戒严 jie4 yan2 enforce martial law [戒嚴] 界文艺界 jie4(wen2yi4jie4) n, suf: group; field [界文藝界] 界限 jie4xian4 n: limit 借鉴 jie4jian4 v: take example by [借鑒] 借助 jie4zhu4 v: with the help of 金额 jin1e2 n: money; sum [金額] 金黄 jin1huang2 adj: golden [金黃] 金牌 jin1pai2 n: gold medal 金钱 jin1qian2 n: money [金錢] 金融 jin1rong2 n: finance 筋 jin1 n: tendon 津津有味 jin1jin1 you3 wei4 with relish; with gusto 津贴 jin1tie1 n: allowance [津貼] 紧迫 jin3po4 adj: urgent [緊迫] 紧缩 jin3suo1 v: deflate; retrench [緊縮] 锦绣 jin3xiu4 n: brocade [錦繡] 尽快 jin3kuai4 adv: as soon as possible [儘快] 进程 jin4cheng2 n: course; process [進程] 进而 jin4er2 conj: then [進而] 进取 jin4qu3 v: keep for going ahead [進取] 进展 jin4zhan3 v: evolve; get along [進展] 晋升 jin4sheng1 v: promote [晉升] 禁 jin4 v: ban; prohibit 禁区 jin4qu1 n: forbidden zone preserve [禁區] 近年 jin4nian2 n: in recent years 近期 jin4qi1 n: in the near future 近视 jin4shi4 n: myopia [近視] 近似 jin4si4 v: approximate 劲头 jin4tou2 n: energy; vigor [勁頭] 惊慌 jing1huang1 adj: scared [驚慌] 精打细算 jing1 da3 xi4 suan4 pinch pennies [精打細算] 精华 jing1hua2 n: elite; distillate [精華] 精简 jing1jian3 v: simplify; condense [精簡] 精美 jing1mei3 adj: refined 精密 jing1mi4 adj: exact; close 精确 jing1que4 adj: accurate; exact [精確] 精通 jing1tong1 v: be well up in master 精心 jing1xin1 adj: meticulous 精益求精 jing1 yi4 qiu2 jing1 keep improving 兢兢业业 jing1jing1 ye4ye4 cautious and conscientious [兢兢業業] 经典 jing1dian3 n: classics; scriptures [經典] 经商 jing1 shang1 be in business; trade [經商] 经受 jing1shou4 v: endure; go through [經受] 经销 jing1xiao1 v: sell [經銷] 茎 jing1 n: stalk; stem [莖] 警戒 jing3jie4 v: guard; watch 警卫 jing3wei4 v: guard [警衛] 景 jing3 n: scene 颈 jing3 n: neck [頸] 静悄悄 jing4qiao1qiao1 adj: very quiet [靜悄悄] 境地 jing4di4 n: condition; circumstance 境界 jing4jie4 n: realm; extent reached 敬 jing4 v: respect 敬而远之 jing4 er2 yuan3 zhi1 keep someone at a respectful distance [敬而遠之] 镜头 jing4tou2 n: lens [鏡頭] 竞选 jing4xuan3 v: run for [競選] 净化 jing4hua4 v: purify [凈化] 纠纷 jiu1fen1 n: dissension; tangle [糾紛] 玖 jiu3 num: nine 酒会 jiu3hui4 n: cocktail party [酒會] 酒精 jiu3jing1 n: alcohol 救济 jiu4ji4 v: redress; relief [救濟] 救灾 jiu4 zai1 provide disaster relief [救災] 就餐 jiu4can1 v: have meals 就地 jiu4di4 adv: on the spot 就近 jiu4jin4 adv: handily 就算 jiu4suan4 conj: even if 就业 jiu4 ye4 take up an occupation [就業] 就职 jiu4 zhi2 accession [就職] 鞠躬 ju1 gong1 bow 拘留 ju1liu2 v: impound 拘束 ju1shu4 adj: constrained; ill at ease 居 ju1 v: reside; live 居室 ju1shi4 n: room; living room 菊花 ju2hua1 n: chrysanthemum 局势 ju2shi4 n: situation [局勢] 局限 ju2xian4 v: limit; confine 举动 ju3dong4 n: action [舉動] 举世闻名 ju3shi4 wen2ming2 of world known; world-famous [舉世聞名] 举世瞩目 ju3shi4 zhu3mu4 attract worldwide attention [舉世矚目] 聚会 ju4hui4 v: get together; party [聚會] 拒 ju4 v: refuse; resist 据点 ju4dian3 n: stronghold beachhead [據點] 据悉 ju4xi1 v: it is reported [據悉] 具 ju4 m: measure word 锯 ju4 n, v: saw [鋸] 剧本 ju4ben3 n: play book [劇本] 剧团 ju4tuan2 n: troupe [劇團] 捐 juan1 v, n: donate 捐款 juan1 kuan3 donation; collection 捐献 juan1xian4 v: contribute; subscribe [捐獻] 捐赠 juan1zeng4 v: donate [捐贈] 圈 juan4 n: circle 掘 jue2 v: grub; pick 觉察 jue2cha2 v: detect; sense [覺察] 觉醒 jue2xing3 v: rouse; awake [覺醒] 决不 jue2 bu4 in no case; in no way [決不] 决策 jue2ce4 v: make policy [決策] 决赛 jue2sai4 n: final [決賽] 决算 jue2suan4 v, n: final accounts [決算] 决战 jue2zhan4 v, n: decisive battle [決戰] 绝望 jue2 wang4 despair [絕望] 绝缘 jue2yuan2 v: insulate [絕緣] 菌 jun1 n: mushroom; bacterium 军阀 jun1fa2 n: warlord [軍閥] 军医 jun1yi1 n: military surgeon [軍醫] 军用 jun1yong4 for military use [軍用] 军装 jun1zhuang1 n: army uniform [軍裝] 君 jun1 n: monarch; gentleman 俊 jun4 adj: pretty 卡 ka3 n, m: block; calorie 卡片 ka3pian4 n: card 开采 kai1cai3 v: exploit (mine) [開采] 开刀 kai1 dao1 operate [開刀] 开工 kai1 gong1 come into operation [開工] 开关 kai1guan1 n: switch [開關] 开化 kai1hua4 v: become civilized [開化] 开垦 kai1ken3 v: reclaim [開墾] 开阔 kai1kuo4 adj: open and wide [開闊] 开朗 kai1lang3 adj: optimistic [開朗] 开天辟地 kai1 tian1 pi4 di4 since the beginning of the history; the creation of the world [開天辟地] 开头 kai1tou2 n: beginning [開頭] 开拓 kai1tuo4 v: open up; exploit [開拓] 开心 kai1xin1 adj: happy [開心] 开支 kai1zhi1 n: expenses [開支] 凯旋 kai3xuan2 v: triumph [凱旋] 刊登 kan1deng1 v: publish in a newspaper 勘探 kan1tan4 v: prospect for; prove up 看待 kan4dai4 v: look on 看起来 kan4 qi3lai2 look like [看起來] 看望 kan4wang4 v: call on; visit; see 看作 kan4zuo4 v: regard as; look upon as 慷慨 kang1kai3 adj: generous 糠 kang1 n: bran; chaff 抗旱 kang4 han4 fight a drought 抗击 kang4ji1 v: resist [抗擊] 抗战 kang4zhan4 n: war of resistance against aggression [抗戰] 炕 kang4 n: bed 考古 kao3gu3 v, n: archeology 考核 kao3he2 v: examine; assess 考取 kao3 qu3 be admitted to school or college 磕 ke1 v: knock 颗粒 ke1li4 n: granule [顆粒] 科目 ke1mu4 n: subject 可歌可泣 ke3 ge1 ke3 qi4 move one to praises and tears 可观 ke3guan1 adj: considerable [可觀] 可贵 ke3gui4 adj: worshipful; estimable [可貴] 可口 ke3kou3 adj: delicious 可恶 ke3wu4 adj: loathsome; hateful [可惡] 可喜 ke3xi3 adj: delectable; delightful 可想而知 ke3 xiang3 er2zhi1 you can imagine 客车 ke4che1 n: passenger car; bus [客車] 课时 ke4shi2 n: class hour; period [課時] 课题 ke4ti2 n: a question for discussion; task [課題] 啃 ken3 v: gnaw 恳切 ken3qie4 adj: fair-spoken [懇切] 恳求 ken3qiu2 v: beseech [懇求] 空洞 kong1dong4 adj: empty; hollow; shallow 空话 kong1hua4 n: hollow words [空話] 空调 kong1tiao2 n: air conditioning [空調] 空想 kong1xiang3 v, n: escapism; dream; phantasm 空心 kong1 xin1 hollow 空虚 kong1xu1 adj: vain; empty [空虛] 恐惧 kong3ju4 v: dread; fear [恐懼] 孔雀 kong3que4 n: peacock 空白 kong4bai2 n: blank; vacancy 空隙 kong4xi4 n: interspaced; lacuna 控诉 kong4su4 v: charge; complain [控訴] 抠 kou1 v: dig with fingers [摳] 口岸 kou3an4 n: port 口腔 kou3qiang1 n: mouth; oral cavity 枯燥 ku1zao4 adj: bored 苦难 ku3nan4 n: tribulation [苦難] 苦恼 ku3nao3 adj: distressed; worried; tormented [苦惱] 库 ku4 n: storehouse [庫] 库存 ku4cun2 n: storage [庫存] 库房 ku4fang2 n: depot; storeroom [庫房] 夸奖 kua1jiang3 v: praise [誇獎] 挎 kua4 v: carry on the arm 快速 kuai4su4 adj: fast; speedy 会计 kuai4ji n: accountant [會計] 宽敞 kuan1chang adj: spacious; commodious [寬敞] 宽大 kuan1da4 adj: spacious; lenient [寬大] 宽广 kuan1guang3 adj: wide [寬廣] 狂妄 kuang2wang4 adj: wildly arrogant; unbridled 框 kuang4 n: frame 矿藏 kuang4cang2 n: mineral resources [礦藏] 矿产 kuang4chan3 n: mine [礦產] 矿井 kuang4jing3 n: mine [礦井] 矿区 kuang4qu1 n: minefield [礦區] 矿山 kuang4shan1 n: mine [礦山] 矿物 kuang4wu4 n: mineral [礦物] 矿工 kuang4 gong1 miner; collier [礦工] 旷课 kuang4 ke4 cut school [曠課] 亏 kui1 v, conj: have deficit; thanks to [虧] 亏待 kui1dai4 v: treat unfairly [虧待] 亏损 kui1sun3 v: loss; deficit [虧損] 葵花 kui2hua1 n: sunflower 困苦 kun4ku3 adj: hard and difficult 扩充 kuo4chong1 v: extend; enlarge [擴充] 扩建 kuo4jian4 v: extend; expand [擴建] 扩散 kuo4san4 v: diffuse [擴散] 扩展 kuo4zhan3 v: enlarge; extend [擴展] 扩张 kuo4zhang1 v: expand; outspread [擴張] 落 la4yue4 n: the 12th month of the lunar year 腊月 la4 v: drop; fall [臘月] 来访 lai2fang3 v: come to visit [來訪] 来回来去 lai2 hui2 lai2 qu4 come-and-go [來回來去] 来看来讲 _ lai2kan4 (_ lai2jiang3) according to [來看來講] 来历 lai2li4 n: derivation; history [來歷] 来临 lai2lin2 v: come; fall [來臨] 来年 lai2nian2 n: the coming year [來年] …来说 _ lai2shuo1 concerning; on […來說] 赖 lai4 v, adj: go back on one's word [賴] 兰花 lan2hua1 n: orchid [蘭花] 栏杆 lan2gan1 n: balustrade [欄杆] 懒惰 lan3duo4 adj: lazy [懶惰] 狼狈 lang2bei4 adj: in sore straits; in a tight corner [狼狽] 浪潮 lang4chao2 n: tidal wave 烂漫 lang4man4 adj: romantic [爛漫] 劳动力 lao2dong4li4 n: labor force [勞動力] 牢房 lao2fang2 n: prison house 牢记 lao2ji4 v: engrave; bear in mind [牢記] 老成 lao3cheng2 adj: experienced 老汉 lao3han4 n: old man [老漢] 老化 lao3hua4 v: aging 老家 lao3jia1 n: hometown 老鼠 lao3shu3 n: mice 老太婆 lao3tai4po2 n: old woman 老天爷 lao3tian1ye2 n: God [老天爺] 老爷 lao3ye n: lord; master; grand father [老爺] 老一辈 lao3yi1bei4 n: older generation [老一輩] 涝 lao4 v: water logging [澇] 乐趣 le4qu4 n: joy; fun [樂趣] 乐意 le4yi4 aux: would like [樂意] 勒 lei1 v: rein in; tie 雷达 lei2da2 n: radar [雷達] 雷雨 lei2yu3 n: thunder storm 垒 lei3 v: rampart [壘] 棱 leng2 n: edge; arras 冷淡 leng3dan4 adj, v: indifference; unconcerned 犁 li2 v, n: plough up; plough 离别 li2bie2 v: part with [離別] 离休 li2xiu1 v: retire [離休] 篱笆 li2ba n: fence [籬笆] 理睬 li3cai3 v: show interest in 理会 li3hui4 v: pay attention to [理會] 理事 li3shi4 n: trustee; director 理所当然 li3 suo3 dang1 ran2 go without saying; of course [理所當然] 理直气壮 li3 zhi2 qi4 zhuang4 one is assured and bold with justice [理直氣壯] 礼节 li3jie2 n: proprieties [禮節] 礼品 li3pin3 n: gift; present [禮品] 荔枝 li4zhi1 n: litchi 栗子 li4zi n: chestnut 历代 li4dai4 n: through the ages [歷代] 历来 li4lai2 n: always [歷來] 利弊 li4bi4 n: advantages and disadvantages 利害 li4hai4 n: advantages and disadvantages 利息 li4xi1 n: accrual; interest 例外 li4wai4 v: except 立方米 li4fang1mi3 m: cubic meter 立交桥 li4jiao1qiao2 n: overpass [立交橋] 立体 li4ti3 n: stereo-scopic; solid [立體] 沥青 li4qing1 n: pitch [瀝青] 力图 li4tu2 v: strive; try hard to [力圖] 联 lian2 v: join; unite [聯] 联邦 lian2bang1 n: federation [聯邦] 联想 lian2xiang3 v: associate [聯想] 连带 lian2 _ dai4 _ and while; and; as well as [連帶] 联队 lian2dui4 n: army; company [聯隊] 连滚带爬 lian2 gun3 dai4 pa2 roll and crawl; flee in panic [連滾帶爬] 连连 lian2lian2 adv: again and again [連連] 连绵 lian2mian2 v: uninterrupted continuous [連綿] 连年 lian2nian2 n: in successive years [連年] 连同 lian2tong2 conj: and [連同] 连续剧 lian2xu4ju4 n: serial TV drama [連續劇] 莲子 lian2zi3 n: lotus seed [蓮子] 连夜 lian2ye4 adv: that very night [連夜] 廉价 lian2jia4 n: sale price [廉價] 廉洁 lian2jie2 adj: uncorrupted; clean-fingered [廉潔] 廉政 lian2zheng4 v: make the government honest and clean 帘 lian2 n: shade; curtain [簾] 镰刀 lian2dao1 n: reaphook [鐮刀] 脸盆 lian3pen2 n: basin [臉盆] 恋 lian4 v: love [戀] 练兵 lian4 bing1 training [練兵] 链子 lian4zi n: chain [鏈子] 粮票 liang2piao4 n: food or grain coupon [糧票] 梁 liang2 n: roof beam [樑] 良 liang2 adj: fine; good 良种 liang2zhong3 n: improved variety [良種] 两极 liang3ji2 n: the two poles [兩極] 两口子 liang3kou3zi n: husband and wife; couple [兩口子] 两手 liang3shou3 n: two tactics [兩手] 晾 liang4 v: air; dry in the sun 亮光 liang4guang1 n: light 疗效 liao2xiao4 n: curative effect [療效] 疗养 liao2yang3 v: recuperate [療養] 辽阔 liao2kuo4 adj: vast [遼闊] 潦草 liao2cao3 adj: hasty and careless; illegible 列举 lie4ju3 v: enumerate [列舉] 列入 lie4ru4 v: enter in a list 列席 lie4xi2 v: attend as a nonvoting delegate 烈火 lie4huo3 n: raging fire; blaze 劣 lie4 adj: bad 林场 lin2chang3 n: forestry center [林場] 林区 lin2qu1 n: forest; woods [林區] 林业 lin2ye4 n: forestry [林業] 磷 lin2 n: phosphorus 临床 lin2chuang2 adj: clinical [臨床] 临近 lin2jin4 v: draw near [臨近] 邻 lin2 n: neighbor [鄰] 邻国 lin2guo2 n: neighboring country [鄰國] 零售 ling2shou4 v: retail 零碎 ling2sui4 adj: scrap 零星 ling2xing1 adj: scattered; fragmentary 玲珑 ling2long2 adj: exquisite [玲瓏] 伶俐 ling2li4 adj: clever; smart; quick-witted 凌晨 ling2chen2 n: before dawn 灵 ling2 adj: clever [靈] 灵敏 ling2min3 adj: ingenious [靈敏] 灵巧 ling2qiao3 adj: facile; skillful; deft [靈巧] 岭 ling3 n: mountain [嶺] 领事 ling3shi4 n: consulate [領事] 领先 ling3xian1 v: keep ahead [領先] 领子 ling3zi n: collar [領子] 硫酸 liu2suan1 n: sulphuric acid 留恋 liu2lian4 v: be reluctant to leave [留戀] 留神 liu2 shen2 watch out 留心 liu2 xin1 heed; notice 留意 liu2 yi4 advert; mind 流寇 liu2kou4 n: roving bandits 流浪 liu2lang4 v: lead a vagrant life; rove; roam about 流露 liu2lu4 v: reveal 流通 liu2tong1 v: circulate 陆 liu4 num: six [陸] 龙头 long2tou2 n: cock; tap [龍頭] 聋 long2 adj: deaf [聾] 隆重 long2zhong4 adj: ceremonious 漏税 lou4 shui4 tax evasion [漏稅] 路程 lu4cheng2 n: distance; journey 路面 lu4mian4 n: road surface 路子 lu4zi n: way; approach 鹿 lu4 n: deer 录取 lu4qu3 v: matriculate [錄取] 录用 lu4yong4 v: employ; hire [錄用] 陆 lu4 n: land [陸] 旅 lü3 n: brigade 旅店 lü3dian4 n: hostel 旅游业 lü3you2ye4 n: tourism [旅游業] 履行 lü3xing2 v: carry out; fulfill 屡次 lü3ci4 adv: over and over; frequently [屢次] 律师 lü4shi1 n: lawyer [律師] 率 lü4 n: rate 绿化 lü4hua4 v: make (a place )green by planting trees [綠化] 乱七八糟 luan4qi1ba1zao1 adj: in a mess; at sixes and sevens [亂七八糟] 略微 lüe4wei1 adv: appreciably; a little 抡 lun1 v, n: brandish [掄] 论点 lun4dian3 n: argument; thesis [論點] 论述 lun4shu4 v: dissertate [論述] 论证 lun4zheng4 v: demonstrate [論證] 罗嗦 luo1suo1 adj: wordy [羅嗦] 螺丝钉 luo2si1ding1 n: screw [螺絲釘] 骡子 luo2zi n: mule [騾子] 罗列 luo2lie4 v: enumerate; set out [羅列] 箩筐 luo2kuang1 n: bamboo basket [籮筐] 落成 luo4cheng2 v: complete 落地 luo4di4 adj: fall to the ground 落实 luo4shi2 v: put into effect [落實] 落选 luo4 xuan3 lose an election [落選] 抹布 ma1bu4 n: cleaning rag 麻 ma2 n: fiber crops 麻痹 ma2bi4 v, adj: lull; blunt; paralysis 麻袋 ma2dai4 n: sack; gunny-bag 麻木 ma2mu4 adj: numb 麻雀 ma2que4 n: sparrow 麻醉 ma2zui4 v: narcosis 蚂蚁 ma3yi3 n: ant [螞蟻] 马车 ma3che1 n: carriage [馬車] 马达 ma3da2 n: motor [馬達] 马力 ma3li4 n: horsepower [馬力] 马铃薯 ma3ling2shu3 n: potato [馬鈴薯] 马戏 ma3xi4 n: circus [馬戲] 埋没 mai2mo4 v: cover up; bury; neglect [埋沒] 埋头 mai2 tou2 immerse oneself in [埋頭] 卖国 mai4 guo2 betray one's country [賣國] 脉搏 mai4bo2 n: pulse [脈搏] 埋怨 man2yuan4 v: complain 满怀 man3huai2 v: fill [滿懷] 满月 man3 yue4 a baby's completion of its first month [滿月] 慢性 man4xing4 adj: chronic 蔓延 man4yan2 v: spread; creep 茫茫 mang2mang2 adj: vast; boundless 茫然 mang2ran2 adj: in a haze 盲从 mang2cong2 adj, v: blindly slavish [盲從] 盲人 mang2ren2 n: blind man 忙碌 mang2lu4 adj: busy 茂密 mao4mi4 adj: exuberant; dense 茂盛 mao4sheng4 adj: exuberant; luxuriant 冒进 mao4jin4 v: rash advance [冒進] 冒牌 mao4pai2 adj: impostor; imposture 冒险 mao4xian3 v: take a risk [冒險] 玫瑰 mei2gui n: rose 枚 mei2 m: measure word for medal 酶 mei2 n: enzyme 霉 mei2 n: mildew 没吃没穿 mei2 chi1 mei2 chuan1 have no food and clothes [沒吃沒穿] 没辙 mei2 zhe2 have no idea [沒轍] 媒介 mei2jie4 n: agent; medium 镁 mei3 n: magnesium [鎂] 美德 mei3de2 n: virtue 美满 mei3man3 adj: happy; perfect [美滿] 美妙 mei3miao4 adj: dulcet; great 美中不足 mei3 zhong1 bu4 zu2 a blemish in an otherwise perfect thing 门当户对 men2 dang1 hu4 dui4 be well-matched in social and economic status [門當戶對] 门市部 men2shi4bu4 n: salesroom [門市部] 萌芽 meng2ya2 n: bud; sprout 迷惑 mi2huo4 v: puzzle; delude 迷失 mi2shi1 v: maze; wilder 弥补 mi2bu3 v: remedy; offset [彌補] 弥漫 mi2man4 v: permeate; fill the air [彌漫] 密度 mi4du4 n: consistency 密封 mi4feng1 v: pressurize 棉 mian2 n: cotton 免 mian3 v: avoid; exempt 免除 mian3chu2 v: release; remit 免费 mian3 fei4 free for charge [免費] 勉励 mian3li4 v: encourage [勉勵] 面包车 mian4bao1che1 n: microbus [麵包車] 面面俱到 mian4 mian4 ju4 dao4 reach every aspect of a matter 面目 mian4mu4 n: appearance; face 面容 mian4rong2 n: look; face 面子 mian4zi n: prestige; face 描 miao2 v: draw; paint 描绘 miao2hui4 v: describe; portray [描繪] 描述 miao2shu4 v: describe 渺小 miao3xiao3 adj: tiny 蔑视 mie4shi4 v: disparage; scorn [蔑視] 民航 min2hang2 n: civil aviation 民事 min2shi4 n: civil 民意 min2yi4 n: public opinion 民众 min2zhong4 n: public [民眾] 敏感 min3gan3 adj: impressible; sensitive 敏锐 min3rui4 adj: keen; subtitle; acute; brisk [敏銳] 明星 ming2xing1 n: star 名称 ming2cheng1 n: name; title [名稱] 名次 ming2ci4 n: place in a competition 名单 ming2dan1 n: list; roll [名單] 名额 ming2e2 n: quota of people [名額] 名副其实 ming2 fu4 qi2 shi2 be worthy of the name; the name matches the reality [名副其實] 名贵 ming2gui4 adj: rare [名貴] 名牌 ming2pai2 n: famous brand 名人 ming2ren2 n: a famous man; a man of mark 名声 ming2sheng1 n: reputation [名聲] 名义 ming2yi4 n: in name [名義] 名誉 ming2yu4 n: reputation [名譽] 命名 ming4 ming2 call; nominate 命题 ming4 ti2 proposition [命題] 谬论 miu4lun4 n: fallacy; paralogism [謬論] 摸索 mo1suo3 v: fumble; grope 蘑菇 mo2gu n: mushroom 模式 mo2shi4 n: mode; style 膜 mo2 n: theca 摩擦 mo2ca1 v: rub; scrape 魔鬼 mo2gui3 n: devil; demon 魔术 mo2shu4 n: magic [魔術] 抹杀 mo3sha1 v: write off; obliterate [抹殺] 莫 mo4 adv: no 莫名其妙 mo4 ming2 qi2 miao4 without rhyme or reason 默默 mo4mo4 adv: silently 谋 mou2 v, n: consult [謀] 谋求 mou2qiu2 v: buck for; try for [謀求] 木匠 mu4jiang n: carpenter 目 mu4 n: eye 目睹 mu4du3 v: witness; see with one's eyes 目录 mu4lu4 n: catalog [目錄] 目中无人 mu4 zhong1 wu2 ren2 consider everyone beneath one's notice [目中無人] 牧区 mu4qu1 n: pastoral area [牧區] 牧业 mu4ye4 n: stock; raising [牧業] 穆斯林 mu4si1lin2 n: Muslim 那时 na4shi2 pron: at that time [那時] 纳闷儿 na4 men4er feel puzzle [納悶兒] 纳税 na4 shui4 pay taxes [納稅] 乃 nai3 v, adv: be; so; therefore 奶粉 nai3fen3 n: milk powder 耐力 nai4li4 n: resistance; stamina 男性 nan2xing4 n: man, male 难度 nan2du4 n: difficulty [難度] 难关 nan2guan1 n: difficulty [難關] 难堪 nan2kan1 adj: embarrassed [難堪] 难免 nan2mian3 adj: hard to avoid [難免] 难 nan4 n: disaster; blame [難] 难民 nan4min2 n: refugee [難民] 恼火 nao3huo3 v: angry; take fire [惱火] 闹事 nao4 shi4 make trouble [鬧事] 内地 nei4di4 n: hinterland; backland [內地] 内阁 nei4ge2 n: cabinet [內閣] 内行 nei4hang2 adj, n: expert [內行] 内幕 nei4mu4 n: inside story; low-down [內幕] 内心 nei4xin1 n: heart; bosom [內心] 内在 nei4zai4 adj: immanent; inherent [內在] 内脏 nei4zang4 n: trips; viscera [內臟] 内战 nei4zhan4 n: civil war [內戰] 内政 nei4zheng4 n: interior [內政] 能手 neng2shou3 n: master-hand 尼龙 ni2long2 n: nylon [尼龍] 拟 ni3 v: draft; plan [擬] 拟定 ni3ding4 v: study out [擬定] 逆流 ni4liu2 n: adverse current 年度 nian2du4 n: year 年头儿 nian2tou2er n: period; time [年頭兒] 捻 nian3 v: twist with the finger 撵 nian3 v: drive out [攆] 念头 nian4tou n: idea [念頭] 酿 niang4 v: make wine [釀] 尿 niao4 v: urine 捏造 nie1zao4 v: make-up fudge; fake 柠檬 ning2meng2 n: lemon [檸檬] 凝固 ning2gu4 v: curdle 凝结 ning2jie2 v: congeal; coagulate [凝結] 凝视 ning2shi4 v: gaze; stare [凝視] 宁静 ning2jing4 adj: quiet; peaceful [寧靜] 宁肯 ning4ken3 conj: would rather than [寧肯] 宁愿 ning4yuan4 conj: would rather [寧願] 钮扣 niu3kou4er n: button [鈕扣] 浓度 nong2du4 n: chroma; consistency [濃度] 浓厚 nong2hou4 adj: dense [濃厚] 农产品 nong2chan3pin3 n: farm produce [農產品] 农户 nong2hu4 n: farmer [農戶] 弄虚作假 nong4 xu1 zuo4 jia3 practice fraud; resort to deception [弄虛作假] 奴役 nu2yi4 v: enslave 怒吼 nu4hou3 v: rave 怒火 nu4huo3 n: inflammation 女性 nü3xing4 n: female 挪 nuo2 v: move; shift 殴打 ou1da3 v: beat up; hit; drub [毆打] 呕吐 ou3tu4 v: sick up; retch [嘔吐] 扒 pa2 v: hold to; dig up; push aside 拍照 pai1zhao4 v: take pictures 排除 pai2chu2 v: eliminate; remove; debar 排队 pai2 dui4 queue; stand in a line [排隊] 排挤 pai2ji3 v: elbow out; supplant [排擠] 排长 pai2zhang3 n: platoon leader [排長] 徘徊 pai2huai2 v: wander 派别 pai4bie2 n: faction; group [派別] 派出所 pai4chu1suo3 n: police station 派遣 pai4qian3 v: send; dispatch 盘旋 pan2xuan2 v: convolute; hover [盤旋] 判处 pan4chu3 v: sentence [判處] 判定 pan4ding4 v: determine; judge 判决 pan4jue2 v: adjudicate [判決] 叛变 pan4bian4 v: mutiny [叛變] 叛徒 pan4tu2 n: betrayer 庞大 pang2da4 adj: enormous [龐大] 胖子 pang4zi n: fatso 抛弃 pao1qi4 v: throw over; abandon; discard [拋棄] 刨 pao2 v: plane; dig 炮火 pao4huo3 n: fire; shellfire 跑道 pao3dao4 n: race track 泡沫 pao4mo4 n: bubble; froth 培训 pei2xun4 v: train [培訓] 赔款 pei2 kuan3 reparations [賠款] 配备 pei4bei4 v: equip; outfit; prepare [配備] 配方 pei4fang1 n: formula 配偶 pei4ou3 n: consort; mate 配套 pei4 tao4 form a complete set 喷射 pen1she4 v: spout; spray [噴射] 烹调 peng1tiao2 v: cook [烹調] 烹饪 peng1ren4 v: cooking [烹飪] 批发 pi1fa1 v: wholesale; job [批發] 批复 pi1fu4 v: give a reply to a subordinate body [批復] 批改 pi1gai3 v: correct 批示 pi1shi4 v, n: make comments and instructions 坯 pi1 n: base; blank; semi-finished products 劈 pi1 v: split; chop; cleave 疲惫 pi2bei4 adj: tired out; exhausted [疲憊] 疲乏 pi2fa2 adj: tired 皮带 pi2dai4 n: strap [皮帶] 皮革 pi2ge2 n: leather 屁 pi4 n: fart 偏差 pian1cha1 n: error; deviation 偏见 pian1jian4 n: prejudice [偏見] 偏僻 pian1pi4 adj: out of the way; devious; outlying 偏向 pian1xiang4 v, n: partial to 片刻 pian4ke4 n: a while; a moment 漂 piao1 v: float 撇 pie1 v: neglect; cast aside 瞥 pie1 v: glance at; dart a look at 拼搏 pin1bo2 v: go all out in work 频繁 pin2fan2 adj: frequent [頻繁] 频率 pin2lü4 n: frequency [頻率] 贫 pin2 adj: poor; be deficient in [貧] 贫乏 pin2fa2 adj: poor; lacking indigent [貧乏] 贫困 pin2kun4 adj: poor [貧困] 贫民 pin2min2 n: pauper [貧民] 品/纪念品 pin3(ji4nian4pin3) v, suf: souvenir; momento [品/紀念品] 品尝 pin3chang2 v: taste [品嘗] 品行 pin3xing2 n: morality 聘 pin4 v: engage; employ 聘请 pin4qing3 v: employ; engage [聘請] 聘任 pin4ren4 v: appoint to a position 聘用 pin4yong4 v: employ; engage 平面 ping2mian4 n: plane 平民 ping2min2 n: the common people 平日 ping2ri4 n: in normal times; 平坦 ping2tan3 adj: flat 平稳 ping2wen3 adj: steady and smooth [平穩] 平整 ping2zheng3 adj, v: neat; smooth 萍水相逢 ping2 shui3 xiang1 feng2 meet by chance 评比 ping2bi3 v: appraise through comparison [評比] 评定 ping2ding4 v: assess [評定] 评估 ping2gu1 v: evaluate [評估] 评审 ping2shen3 v: judge; evaluate [評審] 评选 ping2xuan3 v: chose through public appraisal [評選] 屏障 ping2zhang4 n: wall; barrier 颇 po1 adv: quite; pretty [頗] 婆婆 po2po n: (for woman) mother-in-law 破除 po4chu2 v: do away with; break with 破获 po4huo4 v: solve a criminal case [破獲] 破旧 po4jiu4 adj: shabby [破舊] 破裂 po4lie4 v: breach; rive 破碎 po4sui4 v: fall to pieces 迫使 po4shi3 v: compel; force 扑克 pu1ke4 n: poker; playing card [撲克] 扑灭 pu1 mie4 put out eradicate; tread out [撲滅] 葡萄糖 pu2taotang2 n: dextrose 仆人 pu2ren2 n: servant [僕人] 朴实 pu3shi2 adj: simple; plain [樸實] 普查 pu3cha2 v: general survey 谱 pu3 n, v: compose [譜] 谱曲 pu3 qu3 compose; set to music [譜曲] 瀑布 pu4bu4 n: waterfall 期待 qi1dai4 v: expect; look forward to 期刊 qi1kan1 n: periodical 期望 qi1wang4 v: expect 期限 qi1xian4 n: time limit 七嘴八舌 qi1 zui3 ba1 she2 all talking at once 柒 qi1 num: seven 凄惨 qi1can3 adj: tragic; deplorable [凄慘] 凄凉 qi1liang2 adj: desolate; dreary; lonely [凄涼] 漆黑 qi1hei1 adj: as dark as night 沏 qi1 v: make tea 其间 qi2jian1 n: meantime [其間] 奇花异草 qi2 hua1 yi4 cao3 exotic flowers and rare herbs [奇花異草] 奇妙 qi2miao4 adj: wonderful 奇特 qi2te4 adj: peculiar; fancy 歧视 qi2shi4 v: discriminate [歧視] 齐全 qi2quan2 adj: complete; all ready [齊全] 旗号 qi2hao4 n: excuse; banner; flag [旗號] 起草 qi3 cao3 draft out 起点 qi3dian3 n: beginning [起點] 起伏 qi3fu2 v: undulate 起哄 qi3 hong4 kick up a row 起劲 qi3jin4 adj: energetic; vigorous [起勁] 起码 qi3ma3 adj: elementary; at least [起碼] 起身 qi3 shen1 rise 起诉 qi3su4 v: indict; prosecute [起訴] 岂不 qi3 bu4 won't that [豈不] 岂有此理 qi3 you3 ci3 li3 outrageous; preposterous [豈有此理] 乞求 qi3qiu2 v: beg; entreat 启程 qi3cheng2 v: set out [啟程] 启示 qi3shi4 v: inspire [啟示] 启事 qi3shi4 n: announcement [啟事] 砌 qi4 v: build by laying bricks and stones 器 qi4 n: ware; implement 器具 qi4ju4 n: implement; ware 器械 qi4xie4 n: instrument 气喘 qi4chuan3 v: breathe; pant [氣喘] 气功 qi4gong1 n: qigong [氣功] 气力 qi4li4 n: effort; energy [氣力] 气流 qi4liu2 n: air current; draught [氣流] 气魄 qi4po4 n: daring; verve [氣魄] 汽球 qi4qiu2 n: balloon 气势 qi4shi4 n: vigor [氣勢] 气息 qi4xi1 n: breath; smell [氣息] 汽 qi4 n: vapor 掐 qia1 v: clutch; nip 恰到好处 qia4 dao4 hao3 chu4 just right [恰到好處] 恰巧 qia4qiao3 adv: happen to; by chance 恰如其分 qia4 ru2 qi2 fen4 just right; appropriate 洽谈 qia4tan2 v: talk over with [洽談] 牵扯 qian1che3 v: implicate; involve [牽扯] 牵引 qian1yin3 v: tow; draught [牽引] 牵制 qian1zhi4 v: hold down [牽制] 千军万马 qian1 jun1 wan4 ma3 a large number of mounted and foot soldiers [千軍萬馬] 千瓦 qian1wa3 m: kilowatt 迁 qian1 v: move [遷] 迁就 qian1jiu4 v: indulge [遷就] 签发 qian1fa1 v: sign and issue [簽發] 签名 qian1 ming2 sign one's name [簽名] 签署 qian1shu3 v: sign; affix to; subscribe [簽署] 签证 qian1zheng4 v, n: visa [簽證] 签字 qian1 zi4 signature [簽字] 谦逊 qian1xun4 adj: modest [謙遜] 前辈 qian2bei4 n: elder generations [前輩] 前程 qian2cheng2 n: future; prospect 前赴后继 qian2 fu4 hou4 ji4 advance wave upon wave [前赴後繼] 前景 qian2jing3 n: prospect 前列 qian2lie4 n: front row 前期 qian2qi1 n: the earlier stage 前人 qian2ren2 n: forefathers 前所未有 qian2 suo3 wei4 you3 unprecedented 前提 qian2ti2 n: precondition 前往 qian2wang3 v: go up to; head for 前线 qian2xian4 n: battlefront [前線] 钳子 qian2zi n: pincers; pliers [鉗子] 潜伏 qian2fu2 v: lurk; lie low [潛伏] 潜力 qian2li4 n: potential [潛力] 谴责 qian3ze2 v: condemn; accuse; censure [譴責] 嵌 qian4 v: wedge; embed 枪毙 qiang1bi4 v: execute by shooting [槍斃] 腔 qiang1 n: cavity; antrum 强化 qiang2hua4 v: strengthen [強化] 强盛 qiang2sheng4 adj: powerful and prosperous [強盛] 强制 qiang2zhi4 v: force; oblige [強制] 抢劫 qiang3jie2 v: rob [搶劫] 抢救 qiang3jiu4 v: save [搶救] 锹 qiao1 n: spade [鍬] 乔装 qiao2zhuang1 v: disguise [喬裝] 侨胞 qiao2bao1 n: countryman residing abroad [僑胞] 茄子 qie2zi n: eggplant 窃取 qie4qu3 v: grab; steal [竊取] 窃听 qie4ting1 v: wire tapping [竊聽] 钦佩 qin1pei4 v: admire [欽佩] 侵害 qin1hai4 v: encroach on; aggrieve; infract 侵蚀 qin1shi2 v: corrode; encroach [侵蝕] 侵占 qin1zhan4 v: invade and occupy 亲笔 qin1bi3 n, adv: autography [親筆] 亲密 qin1mi4 adj: intimate; close [親密] 亲身 qin1shen1 adj: personal; firsthand [親身] 亲生 qin1sheng1 adj: one's own (parents, children) [親生] 亲手 qin1shou3 adv: personally [親手] 亲友 qin1you3 n: relatives and friends [親友] 勤 qin2 adj: diligent 勤奋 qin2fen4 adj: hardworking [勤奮] 勤工俭学 qin2 gong1 jian3 xue2 part-work and part-study [勤工儉學] 勤俭 qin2jian3 adj: hardworking and thrifty [勤儉] 勤恳 qin2ken3 adj: earnest and assiduous [勤懇] 芹菜 qin2cai4 n: celery 禽 qin2 n: birds 轻便 qing1bian4 adj: light; portable [輕便] 轻工业 qing1gong1ye4 n: light industry [輕工業] 轻快 qing1kuai4 n: resilience buoyancy [輕快] 轻微 qing1wei1 adj: light; slight [輕微] 氢 qing1 n: hydrogen [氫] 蜻蜓 qing1ting2 n: dragonfly 倾听 qing1ting1 v: give ear to [傾聽] 倾斜 qing1xie2 adj: gradient; inclined [傾斜] 清查 qing1cha2 v: check; uncover 清理 qing1li3 v: clean up 清新 qing1xin1 adj: fresh and pure 清早 qing1zao3 n: morning 清真寺 qing1zhen1si4 n: mosque 晴朗 qing2lang3 adj: sunny 情感 qing2gan3 n: mood; feeling 情节 qing2jie2 n: story [情節] 情理 qing2li3 n: sense; reason 请柬 qing3jian3 n: invitation card [請柬] 请帖 qing3tie3 n: invitation card [請帖] 请愿 qing3yuan4 v: petition [請願] 庆贺 qing4he4 v: congratulate; felicitate [慶賀] 穷苦 qiong2ku3 adj: indigent; destitute [窮苦] 秋收 qiu1shou1 v: harvest in autumn 球队 qiu2dui4 n: (sport) team [球隊] 球迷 qiu2mi2 n: fans 求得 qiu2de2 v: get 趋势 qu1shi4 n: trend [趨勢] 趋向 qu1xiang4 n: tend to [趨向] 区分 qu1fen1 v: distinguish; [區分] 曲线 qu1xian4 n: curve [曲線] 屈服 qu1fu2 v: submit; give in; bend 驱逐 qu1zhu2 v: drive out; banish [驅逐] 取代 qu3dai4 v: replace; supersede 曲子 qu3zi n: melody 去世 qu4shi4 v: die; pass away 圈套 quan1tao4 n: trap; snare 权 quan2 n: power; rights [權] 权威 quan2wei1 n: authority [權威] 权限 quan2xian4 n: extent of authority [權限] 权益 quan2yi4 n: rights and interest [權益] 泉 quan2 n: spring 全都 quan2dou1 adv: all 全会 quan2hui4 n: plenary meeting [全會] 全集 quan2ji2 n: collected edition 全力 quan2li4 n: all-out 全力以赴 quan2 li4 yi3 fu4 do one's level best; go all out 全民 quan2min2 n: the whole people; all the people 全心全意 quan2 xin1 quan2 yi4 with all one's heart 犬 quan3 n: dog 劝说 quan4shuo1 v: reason; persuade [勸說] 劝阻 quan4zu3 v: dissuade [勸阻] 券 quan4 n: ticket 缺口 que1kou3 n: breach; gap 缺席 que1 xi2 absent; default 缺陷 que1xian4 n: disfigurement 瘸 que2 v: lame 确保 que4bao3 v: insure [確保] 确立 que4li4 v: establish [確立] 确切 que4qie4 adj: exact; definite [確切] 确认 que4ren4 v: confirm [確認] 确信 que4xin4 v: be certain of [確信] 确凿 que4zao2 adj: authentic; irrefutable [確鑿] 群体 qun2ti3 n: colony; group [群體] 燃 ran2 v: burn 让步 rang4 bu4 give in; concede to [讓步] 扰乱 rao3luan4 v: disturb [擾亂] 热潮 re4chao2 n: upsurge [熱潮] 热泪盈眶 re4 lei4 ying2 kuang4 one's eyes brimming with tears [熱淚盈眶] 人道主义 ren2dao4 zhu3yi4 humanitarianism [人道主義] 人格 ren2ge2 n: personality 人均 ren2jun1 adj: personal average 人情 ren2qing2 n: human feelings; favor; gift 人权 ren2quan2 n: human rights [人權] 人参 ren2shen1 n: ginseng [人參] 人身 ren2shen1 n: person 人生 ren2sheng1 n: life 人事 ren2shi4 n: personnel 人为 ren2wei2 adj: artificial [人為] 人性 ren2xing4 n: human nature 人质 ren2zhi4 n: hostage [人質] 仁慈 ren2ci2 adj: beneficent; kindhearted 任命 ren4ming4 v: appoint; instate 认定 ren4ding4 v: firmly believe [認定] 认可 ren4ke3 v: certificate; ratify [認可] 日光 ri4guang1 n: sunlight 荣誉 rong2yu4 n: honor; glory [榮譽] 融化 rong2hua4 v: thaw 融洽 rong2qia4 adj: harmonious 熔 rong2 v: melt 溶 rong2 v: dissolve 溶化 rong2hua4 v: dissolve 溶解 rong2jie3 v: dissolve; melt 容积 rong2ji1 n: volume [容積] 容量 rong2liang4 n: volume; capacity 容纳 rong2na4 v: accommodate; contain; hold [容納] 容忍 rong2ren3 v: abide 绒 rong2 n: cloth with soft nap [絨] 柔和 rou2he2 adj: soft; mild 如意 ru2yi4 adj: as one wish 如醉如痴 ru2 zui4 ru2 chi1 enjoy (the concert, etc) very much 乳 ru3 n: milk 入境 ru4 jing4 enter a country 入口 ru4kou3 n: entrance 入侵 ru4qin1 v: invade 入手 ru4shou3 v: proceed with; start with 入学 ru4 xue2 enrollment [入學] 软件 ruan3jian4 n: software [軟件] 锐利 rui4li4 adj: sharp; acuminate [銳利] 瑞雪 rui4xue3 n: auspicious snow 弱点 ruo4dian3 n: weakness [弱點] 撒谎 sa1 huang3 tell a lie [撒謊] 腮 sai1 n: cheek 三番五次 san1 fan1 wu3 ci4 again and again; time and again 三角 san1jiao3 n: triangle 叁 san1 num: three [叄] 散发 san4fa1 v: emanate [散發] 桑树 sang1shu4 n: mulberry [桑樹] 扫除 sao3chu2 v: clean off [掃除] 杀害 sha1hai4 v: slay; kill [殺害] 刹车 sha1 che1 brake [剎車] 沙 sha1 n: sand 沙滩 sha1tan1 n: sand beach [沙灘] 沙土 sha1tu3 n: sand 砂 sha1 n: grit; sand 傻子 sha3zi n: fool 啥 sha4 n: building 筛 shai1 v: screen griddle [篩] 筛子 shai1zi n: sieve [篩子] 珊瑚 shan1hu2 n: coral 山冈 shan1gang1 n: hillock; low hill [山岡] 山沟 shan1gou1 n: valley; gully [山溝] 山河 shan1he2 n: the land of country 山脚 shan1jiao3 n: the foot of the hill [山腳] 山岭 shan1ling3 n: mountain [山嶺] 山水 shan1shui3 n: landscape 山头 shan1tou2 n: hilltop; mountaintop [山頭] 山腰 shan1yao1 n: mountainside 闪耀 shan3yao4 v: sparkle; twinkle [閃耀] 擅长 shan4chang2 v: be good at [擅長] 擅自 shan4zi4 adv: do sth, without authorization 善 shan4 adj: kind; perfect 善良 shan4liang2 adj: kind; virtuous 伤痕 shang1hen2 n: scar [傷痕] 伤员 shang1yuan2 n: the wounded [傷員] 商 shang1 n, v: quotient; business 商标 shang1biao1 n: trademark [商標] 商榷 shang1que4 v: discuss; deliberate 商讨 shang1tao3 v: discuss [商討] 商议 shang1yi4 v: consult; discuss [商議] 赏 shang3 v: enjoy; reward [賞] 晌午 shang3wu n: noon 上报 shang4bao4 v: report to the leadership [上報] 上层 shang4ceng2 n: super stratum [上層] 上等 shang4deng3 adj: outstanding; classy 上交 shang4jiao1 v: hand in 上进 shang4jin4 v: make progress [上進] 上空 shang4kong1 n: in the sky 上任 shang4 ren4 take a post 上诉 shang4su4 v: appeal [上訴] 上台 shang4 tai2 assume the reins of government [上臺] 上涨 shang4zhang3 v: rise [上漲] 尚 shang4 adv: yet; still 梢 shao1 n: end; tip 捎 shao1 v: take alone sth, to sb 烧饼 shao1bing n: sesame seed cake [燒餅] 烧毁 shao1hui3 v: burn [燒毀] 少量 shao3liang4 adj: a little; a few; a spot of 少数民族 shao3shu4 min2zu2 minority [少數民族] 哨 shao4 n: whistle 奢侈 she1chi3 adj: luxurious 舍 she3 v: abandon; give up [捨] 摄 she4 v: take (pictures); absorb [攝] 涉及 she4ji2 v: involve; relate to 涉外 she4wai4 adj: concerning foreign affairs 社 she4 n: organized body 社员 she4yuan2 n: commune member [社員] 设立 she4li4 v: set up; establish [設立] 设施 she4shi1 n: establishment [設施] 设置 she4zhi4 v: set [設置] 申报 shen1bao4 v: declare [申報] 申述 shen1shu4 v: allege; state 呻吟 shen1yin2 v: moan 伸手 shen1 shou3 stretch out 伸展 shen1zhan3 v: extend; stretch 深奥 shen1ao4 adj: abstruse; deep [深奧] 深沉 shen1chen2 adj: deep 深处 shen1chu4 n: depth; cavern [深處] 深化 shen1hua4 v: deepen 深浅 shen1qian3 n: depth [深淺] 深切 shen1qie4 adj: deep felt 深情 shen1qing2 n: deep feelings; affectionateness 深信 shen1xin4 v: trust; convince 深远 shen1yuan3 adj: far-reaching [深遠] 深重 shen1zhong4 adj: very grave 绅士 shen1shi4 n: gentleman [紳士] 神奇 shen2qi2 adj: miraculous; magical 神色 shen2se4 n: expression; look 神态 shen2tai4 n: expression [神態] 神仙 shen2xian1 n: supernatural being; immortal; fairy 审 shen3 v: interrogate [審] 审定 shen3ding4 v: examine and approve [審定] 审理 shen3li3 v: hear; try [審理] 深美 shen3mei3 v: appreciation of the beauty 审判 shen3pan4 v: trial [審判] 审批 shen3pi1 v: examine and approve [審批] 审讯 shen3xun4 v: inquest [審訊] 审议 shen3yi4 v: consider; discuss [審議] 肾炎 shen4yan2 n: nephritis [腎炎] 渗 shen4 v: seep [滲] 渗透 shen4tou4 v: infiltrate [滲透] 声势 sheng1shi4 n: impetus; momentum [聲勢] 声誉 sheng1yu4 n: reputation [聲譽] 生产力 sheng1chan3li4 n: productive forces [生產力] 生产率 sheng1chan3lü4 n: productivity [生產率] 生机 sheng1ji1 n: vitality [生機] 生命力 sheng1ming4li4 n: vital force; life 生怕 sheng1pa4 adv: for fear that; so as not to 生前 sheng1qian2 n: before one's death 生人 sheng1ren2 n: stranger 生疏 sheng1shu1 adj: strange 生态 sheng1tai4 n: ecology [生態] 生效 sheng1 xiao4 become effective 生育 sheng1yu4 v: procreate 生殖 sheng1zhi2 v: procreate 牲口 sheng1kou n: domestic animals 牲畜 sheng1chu4 n: livestock 升学 sheng1 xue2 enter a higher school [升學] 省会 sheng3hui4 n: the capital of province [省會] 省略 sheng3lüe4 v: omit; overleap 盛 sheng4 adj: popular; vigorous 盛产 sheng4chan3 v: abound in; teem with [盛產] 盛大 sheng4da4 adj: magnificent; grand 盛开 sheng4kai1 v: bloom [盛開] 盛情 sheng4qing2 n: boundless hospitality 盛行 sheng4xing2 v: prevail 师 shi1 n: teacher [師] 师长 shi1zhang3 n: teacher; division commander [師長] 失 shi1 v: lose 失事 shi1 shi4 wreckage; accident 失误 shi1wu4 v: misplay [失誤] 失效 shi1 xiao4 lose efficacy; be no longer in force 失学 shi1 xue2 unable to go to school [失學] 失约 shi1 yue1 fail to keep an appointment [失約] 失踪 shi1 zong1 disappear [失蹤] 施 shi1 v: carry out; execute 施肥 shi1 fei2 fertilization 施加 shi1jia1 v: bring to bear 施行 shi1xing2 v: carry out; dispense 施展 shi1zhan3 v: put to good use 湿度 shi1du4 n: humidity [濕度] 诗歌 shi1ge1 n: poem [詩歌] 尸体 shi1ti3 n: body; cadaver [屍體] 十全十美 shi2 quan2 shi2 mei3 be perfect in every way; leave nothing to be desired 十足 shi2zu2 adj: full of 石灰 shi2hui1 n: lime; calcareousness 拾 shi2 num: ten 时 shi2 n: time [時] 时而 shi2er2 adv: from time to time; now … now … [時而] 时光 shi2guang1 n: days; time [時光] 时髦 shi2mao2 adj: in fashion [時髦] 时事 shi2shi4 n: current affairs [時事] 时装 shi2zhuang1 n: fashion dress [時裝] 食 shi2 n, v: eat; food 食用 shi2yong4 v: edible; eat 食欲 shi2yu4 n: appetite 实 shi2 adj: solid [實] 实惠 shi2hui4 adj: substantial [實惠] 实力 shi2li4 n: strength [實力] 实体 shi2ti3 n: substance [實體] 实物 shi2wu4 n: material object; in kind [實物] 识 shi2 v: know [識] 识别 shi2bie2 v: identify [識別] 史 shi3 n: history 史料 shi3liao4 n: historical materials 使节 shi3jie2 n: ambassador [使節] 使命 shi3ming4 n: mission 屎 shi3 n: shit; feces 始 shi3 v: begin 式 shi4 n: formula; style 式样 shi4yang4 n: pattern [式樣] 示范 shi4fan4 v: lead the way; demonstrate [示範] 示意图 shi4yi4tu2 n: stitch map [示意圖] 侍候 shi4hou4 v: serve; wait upon 世 shi4 n: world; life 世代 shi4dai4 n: for generations 世界观 shi4qie4guan1 n: world view [世界觀] 事变 shi4bian4 n: incident; event [事變] 事例 shi4li4 n: example 事态 shi4tai4 n: a state of affairs; situation [事態] 事项 shi4xiang4 n: matter; item [事項] 誓言 shi4yan2 n: pledge; parole 势必 shi4bi4 adv: certainly will [勢必] 释放 shi4fang4 v: release; set free [釋放] 市民 shi4min2 n: citizen; townsfolk 视 shi4 v: look at; watch [視] 视察 shi4cha2 v: survey [視察] 视觉 shi4jue2 n: vision; seeing [視覺] 视力 shi4li4 n: eyesight [視力] 视线 shi4xian4 n: the line of sight [視線] 视野 shi4ye3 n: field of vision [視野] 试行 shi4xing2 v: try out [試行] 试用 shi4yong4 v: on probation; try out [試用] 试制 shi4zhi4 v: trial-manufacture [試製] 收藏 shou1cang2 v: collect 收成 shou1cheng n: harvest 收复 shou1fu4 v: reoccupy [收復] 收购 shou1gou4 v: buy; purchase [收購] 收回 shou1hui2 v: take back 收买 shou1mai3 v: buy over [收買] 收益 shou1yi4 n: income; profit 收支 shou1zhi1 n: income and expenses 手电筒 shou3dian4tong3 n: electric torch; flashlight [手電筒] 手法 shou3fa3 n: tact 手巾 shou3jin1 n: towel 手榴弹 shou3liu2dan4 n: hand grenade [手榴彈] 手艺 shou3yi4 n: craft; handicraft [手藝] 首创 shou3chuang4 v: initiate; originate [首創] 首领 shou3ling3 n: leader; chieftain [首領] 首脑 shou3nao3 n: head [首腦] 首席 shou3xi2 n, adj: doyen; chief 首相 shou3xiang4 n: premier 首要 shou3yao4 adj: chief; principal 首长 shou3zhang3 n: director; principal [首長] 守法 shou3 fa3 keep the law 守卫 shou3wei4 v: guard; ward [守衛] 授 shou4 v: award; give 授予 shou4yu3 v: award; confer 受伤 shou4 shang1 be injured [受傷] 输出 shu1chu1 v: export; output [輸出] 输入 shu1ru4 v: import; input [輸入] 输送 shu1song4 v: transport; feeding [輸送] 舒展 shu1zhan3 v: unfold; stretch 疏忽 shu1hu v: neglect 书法 shu1fa3 n: calligraphy [書法] 书刊 shu1kan1 n: books and periodicals [書刊] 书面 shu1mian4 n: in written form [書面] 书写 shu1xie3 v: calligraphy; make out; write [書寫] 书信 shu1xin4 n: letter; missive [書信] 属 shu3 v: belong to [屬] 树干 shu4gan4 n: trunk; stock [樹幹] 竖 shu4 v, adj: upright [豎] 数额 shu4e2 n: amount [數額] 衰老 shuai1lao3 adj: decrepit 衰退 shuai1tui4 v: decline; break up 帅 shuai4 adj: handsome [帥] 爽快 shuang3kuai4 adj: outright; frank 水产 shui3chan3 n: marine lives; aquatic product [水產] 水电 shui3dian4 n: hydropower [水電] 水土 shui3tu3 n: natural environment and climate 水源 shui3yuan2 n: the source of water 水灾 shui3zai1 n: flood [水災] 水蒸气 shui3zheng1qi4 n: vapor [水蒸氣] 税收 shui4shou1 n: tax revenue [稅收] 顺序 shun4xu4 n: order; sequence [順序] 说谎 shuo1 huang3 tell a lie [說謊] 说情 shuo1 qing2 intercede for sb [說情] 斯文 si1wen adj: gentle; refined 思 si1 v: think 思潮 si1chao2 n: trends of thought 思前想后 si1 qian2 xiang3 hou4 think over again and again [思前想後] 思绪 si1xu4 n: feeling; thinking [思緒] 私营 si1ying2 privately owned [私營] 私有制 si1you3zhi4 n: private ownership 私自 si1zi4 adv: without permission; privately 司法 si1fa3 n: judicature 司令部 si1ling4bu4 n: command; headquarters 死刑 si3xing2 n: death penalty; execution 寺 si4 n: temple 四方 si4fang1 n: all sides; all directions 四季 si4ji4 n: the four seasons 四肢 si4zhi1 n: arms and legs; the four limbs 肆 si4 num: four 似 si4 v: similar; seem 似是而非 si4 shi4 er2 fei1 specious; apparently right but actually wrong 似笑非笑 si4 xiao4 fei1 xiao4 a faint on one's face; with a spurious smile 饲料 si4liao4 n: feedstuff; forage [飼料] 耸 song3 v: shock; lift [聳] 搜 sou1 v: search 搜查 sou1cha2 v: search for; forage for 搜索 sou1suo3 v: search 苏醒 su1xing3 v: come around [蘇醒] 俗 su2 n, adj: custom; tacky 素 su4 adj, n: element; plain 素质 su4zhi4 n: quality [素質] 塑造 su4zao4 v: shape; mold; figure 诉讼 su4song4 v: litigate [訴訟] 肃清 su4qing1 v: root up; sweep [肅清] 蒜 suan4 n: garlic 算盘 suan4pan2 n: abaci [算盤] 算术 suan4shu4 n: arithmetic [算術] 随时随地 sui2 shi2 sui2 di4 anytime and anywhere [隨時隨地] 随意 sui2yi4 adv: random; casual [隨意] 随着 sui2zhe prep: with [隨著] 岁月 sui4yue4 n: years [歲月] 穗 sui4 n: fringe 隧道 sui4dao4 n: tunnel 笋 sun3 n: bamboo shoot [筍] 损耗 sun3hao4 v, n: spoil; waste [損耗] 损人利己 sun3 ren2 li4 ji3 harm others to benefit oneself [損人利己] 损伤 sun3shang1 v: injure; harm [損傷] 损 sun3 v: harm; damage [損] 索性 suo3xing4 adv: might as well 所得 suo3de2 n: income; earning 所得税 suo3de2shui4 n: income tax [所得稅] 所属 suo3shu3 adj: what one belongs to or is affiliated with [所屬] 所有权 suo3you3quan2 n: ownership [所有權] 所有制 suo3you3zhi4 n: system of ownership 他人 ta1ren2 pron: others 台风 tai2feng1 n: typhoon [颱風] 台阶 tai2jie1 n: step; sidestep [臺階] 泰然 tai4ran2 adj: imperturbable 太空 tai4kong1 n: outer space 太平 tai4ping2 adj: peaceful 太阳能 tai4yang2neng2 n: solar energy [太陽能] 贪 tan1 v: corrupt [貪] 贪污 tan1wu1 v: defalcate [貪污] 瘫痪 tan1huan4 v: paralysis [癱瘓] 痰 tan2 n: sputum; phlegm 坛 tan2 n: (壇) platform; forum; (罈) jug [壇/罈] 潭 tan2 n: deep pool 谈天 tan2 tian1 chat [談天] 坦白 tan3bai2 adj: confess; frank 探测 tan4ce4 v: detect; explore [探測] 探亲 tan4 qin1 go home to visit one's family [探親] 探讨 tan4tao3 v: discuss; probe into [探討] 探头探脑 tan4 tou2 tan4 nao3 pop one's head in and look about [探頭探腦] 探望 tan4wang4 v: visit 叹 tan4 v: sigh [嘆] 炭 tan4 n: charcoal 塘 tang2 n: pool 糖果 tang2guo3 n: candy 滔滔不绝 tao1tao1 bu4 jue2 dash along; give it mouth [滔滔不絕] 桃花 tao2hua1 n: peach blossom 逃荒 tao2 huang1 flee from famine 逃跑 tao2pao3 v: run away; flee 逃走 tao2zou3 v: escape; flee 淘气 tao2qi4 adj: naughty [淘氣] 淘汰 tao2tai4 v: be sifted out 陶瓷 tao2ci2 n: ceramic 讨 tao3 v: ask for [討] 讨价还价 tao3 jia4 huan2 jia4 bargain [討價還價] 特产 te4chan3 n: special local product [特產] 特地 te4di4 adv: specially 特定 te4ding4 adj: specific; given 特区 te4qu1 n: special zone [特區] 特权 te4quan2 n: privilege [特權] 特色 te4se4 n: characteristic 特性 te4xing4 n: characteristic 特意 te4yi4 adv: specially 藤 teng1 n: vine 腾 teng2 v: gallop; jump clear out [騰] 疼痛 teng2tong4 adj: achy 提案 ti2an4 n: draft resolution; overture; proposal 提拔 ti2ba2 v: elevate 提交 ti2jiao1 v: put in; refer 提炼 ti2lian4 v: abstract; refine [提煉] 提名 ti2 ming2 nominate; name 提取 ti2qu3 v: distill; pick-up 提升 ti2sheng1 v: upgrade; exalt 提示 ti2shi4 v: prompt; clue on 提要 ti2yao4 n: abstract 提早 ti2zao3 v: ahead of schedule 题材 ti2cai2 n: theme; subject [題材] 体 ti3 n: body; style [體] 体谅 ti3liang4 v: understand; allow for [體諒] 体贴 ti3tie1 v: show consideration for [體貼] 体验 ti3yan4 v: experience; taste [體驗] 体质 ti3zhi4 n: system [體質] 体制 ti3zhi4 n: physique; constitution [體制] 体重 ti3zhong4 n: weight; avoirdupois [體重] 剃 ti4 v: razor; shave 替代 ti4dai4 v: substitute; instead of 替换 ti4huan4 v: substitute; replace [替換] 天长地久 tian1 chang2 di4 jiu3 everlasting [天長地久] 天地 tian1di4 n: heaven and earth 天色 tian1se4 n: time; color of sky 天生 tian1sheng1 adj: inherent 天堂 tian1tang2 n: heaven 天线 tian1xian4 n: antenna [天線] 填补 tian2bu3 v: padded; fill up [填補] 填写 tian2xie3 v: fill in [填寫] 田间 tian2jian1 n: farms; field [田間] 田径 tian2jing4 n: track and field [田徑] 条款 tiao2kuan3 n: item [條款] 条理 tiao2li3 n: consecution [條理] 条文 tiao2wen2 n: item [條文] 条子 tiao2zi n: a brief in formal note [條子] 调和 tiao2he2 v: attempter [調和] 调剂 tiao2ji4 v: relief; temper [調劑] 调解 tiao2jie3 v: intercede [調解] 挑 tiao3 v: choose; pick 挑拨 tiao3bo1 v: provoke [挑撥] 挑衅 tiao3xin4 v: defy; defiance [挑釁] 挑战 tiao3 zhan4 challenge [挑戰] 跳高 tiao4gao1 n: high jump 跳跃 tiao4yue4 v: jump; hop; skip [跳躍] 跳远 tiao4yuan3 n: long jump [跳遠] 铁道 tie3dao4 n: railway [鐵道] 铁饭碗 tie3 fan4wan3 iron bowl; a secure job [鐵飯碗] 听话 ting1 hua4 persuasible; docile [聽話] 听取 ting1qu3 v: hear [聽取] 听众 ting1zhong4 n: audience; listener [聽眾] 停泊 ting2bo2 v: berth tie up; anchor 停顿 ting2dun4 v: pause; halt [停頓] 停滞 ting2zhi4 v: stagnate [停滯] 挺拔 ting3ba2 adj: tall and straight 挺立 ting3li4 v: stand firm 艇 ting3 n: a light boat 通报 tong1bao4 v, n: circular; circulate a notice [通報] 通道 tong1dao4 n: alleyway; channels 通风 tong1 feng1 ventilate; tip-off [通風] 通告 tong1gao4 v, n: announce; notify 通航 tong1hang2 v: be open to navigation or air traffic 通红 tong1hong2 adj: aglow [通紅] 通货膨胀 tong1huo4 peng2zhang4 inflation [通貨膨脹] 通商 tong1 shang1 have trade relation 通俗 tong1su2 adj: popular 通行 tong1xing2 v: traffic; pass 通讯社 tong1xun4she4 n: news agency [通訊社] 通用 tong1yong4 v: in common use 同步 tong2bu4 adj: synchro- 同等 tong2deng3 adj: same; equal 同行 tong2hang2 n: a person of the same occupation 同类 tong2lei4 n: congener [同類] 同年 tong2nian2 n: the same year 同期 tong2qi1 n: the same term 同事 tong2shi4 n: colleague 同一 tong2yi1 adj: identical 童年 tong2nian2 n: childhood 捅 tong3 v: poke; stab 统筹 tong3chou2 v: plan as a whole [統籌] 统战 tong3zhan4 n: united front [統戰] 痛恨 tong4hen4 v: abhor; abominate 偷窃 tou1qie4 v: steal [偷竊] 偷税 tou1 shui4 evade taxes; tax dodging [偷稅] 投标 tou2 biao1 bid for [投標] 投产 tou2chan3 v: put into production [投產] 投放 tou2fang4 v: put in; throw in 投机倒把 tou2ji1 dao3ba3 engage in speculation and profiteering [投機倒把] 投票 tou2 piao4 vote; poll 投掷 tou2zhi4 v: throw; toss [投擲] 投资 tou2 zi1 invest [投資] 头子 tou2zi n: chief; head [頭子] 透彻 tou4che4 adj: lucid; intensive [透徹] 透明度 tou4ming2du4 n: openness; transparency; diaphaneity 秃 tu1 adj: bald [禿] 凸 tu1 adj: protruding 图案 tu2an4 n: design; pattern [圖案] 图片 tu2biao3 n: chart; diagram [圖片] 图表 tu2pian4 n: picture [圖表] 图象 tu2xiang4 n: image; picture [圖象] 图形 tu2xing2 n: figure; graph [圖形] 图纸 tu2zhi3 n: blueprint [圖紙] 屠杀 tu2sha1 v: slaughter [屠殺] 团聚 tuan2ju4 v: reunite [團聚] 团圆 tuan2yuan2 v: reunion [團圓] 推测 tui1ce4 v: speculate; guess; presume [推測] 推来推去 tui1 lai2 tui1 qu4 push; decline [推來推去] 推理 tui1li3 n: inference; reasoning 推论 tui1lun4 v: deduce [推論] 推算 tui1suan4 v: calculate 推销 tui1xiao1 v: promote sales [推銷] 推行 tui1xing2 v: push 推选 tui1xuan3 v: elect; choose [推選] 退出 tui4chu1 v: exit; quit 退还 tui4huan2 v: send back; hand back [退還] 屯 tun2 v, n: collect; village 拖延 tuo1yan2 v: delay; put off 脱落 tuo1luo4 v: break off; shed [脫落] 椭圆 tuo3yuan2 n: ellipse [橢圓] 妥 tuo3 adj: ready; proper 妥善 tuo3shan4 adj: proper; appropriate 妥协 tuo3xie2 v: compromise [妥協] 唾沫 tuo4mo n: saliva; spittle 挖掘 wa1jue2 v: dig; excavate 瓦解 wa3jie3 v: collapse; disorganize 外表 wai4biao3 n: appearance 外宾 wai4bin1 n: foreign guest [外賓] 外出 wai4chu1 v: outgoing; stay out 外电 wai4dian4 n: dispatches from foreign agency [外電] 外观 wai4guan1 n: aspect; face [外觀] 外行 wai4hang2 adj, n: laity; nonprofessional 外汇 wai4hui4 n: foreign exchange [外匯] 外力 wai4li4 n: outside force 外流 wai4liu2 v: drain; outflow 外婆 wai4po2 n: (mother's mother) grandmother 外事 wai4shi4 n: foreign affairs 外向型 wai4xiang4xing2 adj: extroversion 外形 wai4xing2 n: figure; shape 外资 wai4zi1 n: foreign capital [外資] 豌豆 wan1dou4 n: pea 湾 wan1 n: bay; gulf [灣] 玩具 wan2ju4 n: toy 玩弄 wan2nong4 v: flirt 完毕 wan2bi4 v: complete; finish [完畢] 完蛋 wan2 dan4 be finished 晚餐 wan3can1 n: supper 晚年 wan3nian2 n: old age; remaining years 惋惜 wan3xi1 v: regret 万水千山 wan4 shui3 qian1 shan1 the trials of a long journey [萬水千山] 汪洋 wang1yang2 n: (of a body of water) vast; boundless 王 wang2 n: king 王国 wang2guo2 n: kingdom [王國] 亡 wang2 v: die 往常 wang3chang2 n: as one used to do 往返 wang3fan3 v: to and from; out and home 往后 wang3hou4 n: in the future [往後] 往年 wang3nian2 n: in former years 往日 wang3ri4 n: in former days 往事 wang3shi4 n: the past 望远镜 wang4yuan3jing4 n: telescope [望遠鏡] 忘却 wang4que4 v: forget; disremember [忘卻] 妄图 wang4tu2 v: vainly attempt [妄圖] 妄想 wang4xiang3 v, n: mirage; deliria 威风 wei1feng1 n: power and prestige [威風] 威力 wei1li4 n: might; power 威望 wei1wang4 n: prestige 威信 wei1xin4 n: authority 微不足道 wei1 bu4 zu2 dao4 not worth mentioning; inconsiderable 微观 wei1guan1 n: microcosmic [微觀] 危急 wei1ji2 adj: critical; impending 违法 wei2 fa3 break the law [違法] 违犯 wei2fan4 v: break; disobey [違犯] 桅杆 wei2gan1 n: mast 围攻 wei2gong1 v: lay siege to [圍攻] 围棋 wei2qi2 n: the game of go [圍棋] 唯物论 wei2wu4lun4 n: materialism [唯物論] 唯物主义 wei2wu4 zhu3yi4 materialism [唯物主義] 唯心论 wei2xin1lun4 n: idealism [唯心論] 唯心主义 wei2xin1 zhu3yi4 idealism [唯心主義] 唯独 wei2du2 adv: alone; only [唯獨] 唯一 wei2yi1 adj: only 为期 wei2qi1 v: (to be completed) by a definite date [為期] 维修 wei2xiu1 v: mend; repair [維修] 伪造 wei3zao4 v: forge [偽造] 尾 wei3 n, m: tail 为何 wei4 he2 why [為何] 未免 wei4mian3 adv: rather; a bit too 畏 wei4 v: fear 畏惧 wei4ju4 v: fear; dread [畏懼] 温度计 wen1du4ji4 n: thermometer [溫度計] 温柔 wen1rou2 adj: soft; mild; gentle [溫柔] 瘟疫 wen1yi4 n: pestilence 文 wen2 n: writing; character 文盲 wen2mang2 n: illiterate 文凭 wen2ping2 n: diploma [文憑] 文人 wen2ren2 n: literati; bookman 文献 wen2xian4 n: literature; document [文獻] 文雅 wen2ya3 adj: elegant 文言 wen2yan2 n: classical Chinese 稳当 wen3dang adj: sure; steady [穩當] 稳妥 wen3tuo3 adj: reliable; safe [穩妥] 问答 wen4da2 n: interlocution [問答] 问世 wen4shi4 v: spacious; commodious [問世] 窝 wo1 n: cote; nest [窩] 窝囊 wo1nang adj: hopeless stupid [窩囊] 卧室 wo4shi4 n: bedroom [臥室] 乌鸦 wu1ya1 n: crow [烏鴉] 乌云 wu1yun2 n: dark clouds [烏雲] 污蔑 wu1mie4 v: smear 巫婆 wu1po2 n: witch 诬陷 wu1xian4 v: frame a case against [誣陷] 呜咽 wu1ye4 v: sob [嗚咽] 无偿 wu2chang2 adj: volunteer [無償] 无耻 wu2chi3 adj: cheeky [無恥] 无从 wu2cong2 adv: have no way [無從] 无非 wu2fei1 adv: nothing but; no more than [無非] 无话可说 wu2 hua4 ke3 shuo1 have nothing to say [無話可說] 无可奉告 wu2 ke3 feng4 gao4 no comment [無可奉告] 无理 wu2li3 adj: out of reason [無理] 无聊 wu2liao2 adj: bored; tiresome [無聊] 无能为力 wu2 neng2 wei2 li4 incapable of action; powerless [無能為力] 无情无意 wu2 qing2 wu2 yi4 merciless; ruthless [無情無意] 无穷 wu2qiong2 adj: boundless; endless [無窮] 无所作为 wu2 suo3 zuo4 wei2 attempt and accomplish nothing [無所作為] 无微不至 wu2 wei1 bu4 zhi4 meticulously; in every possible way [無微不至] 无效 wu2xiao4 adj: no effective [無效] 无意 wu2yi4 v: have no intention [無意] 无知 wu2zhi1 adj: ignorant [無知] 梧桐 wu2tong2 n: phoenix tree 武力 wu3li4 n: force 伍 wu3 num: five 舞 wu3 n, v: dance 舞厅 wu3ting1 n: ballroom [舞廳] 物 wu4 n: thing 物力 wu4li4 n: material resources 勿 wu4 adv: not 务必 wu4bi4 adv: must; be sure to [務必] 悟 wu4 v: realize 误差 wu4cha1 n: error [誤差] 误解 wu4jie3 v: misunderstand [誤解] 吸毒 xi1 du2 drug abuse 膝盖 xi1gai4 n: knee [膝蓋] 熄 xi1 v: extinguish; put out 熄灭 xi1mie4 v: crush out; go out [熄滅] 溪 xi1 n: brook 席 xi2 n: mat; feast; seat 席位 xi2wei4 n: seat 习俗 xi2su2 n: habitude [習俗] 习题 xi2ti2 n: exercise [習題] 喜 xi3 v: be fond of 喜鹊 xi3que4 n: magpie [喜鵲] 喜事 xi3shi4 n: happy events; wedding 喜讯 xi3xun4 n: good news [喜訊] 洗涤 xi3di2 v: wash [洗滌] 系列 xi4lie4 n: series 细节 xi4jie2 n: detail; specific [細節] 细小 xi4xiao3 adj: tiny; scrappy [細小] 峡 xia2 n: gorge [峽] 狭隘 xia2ai4 adj: narrow [狹隘] 狭窄 xia2zhai3 adj: narrow [狹窄] 霞 xia2 n: rosy clouds 下达 xia4da2 v: make know to lower levels [下達] 下放 xia4fang4 v: transfer a lower position 下级 xia4ji2 n: subordinate [下級] 下令 xia4 ling4 order; give order 下落 xia4luo4 n: whereabouts 下台 xia4 tai2 out of power [下臺] 下乡 xia4 xiang1 go to the countryside [下鄉] 掀起 xian1qi3 v: lift (a cover) 先锋 xian1feng1 n: pioneer [先鋒] 先前 xian1qian2 n: anteriority 先行 xian1xing2 v, adj: antecedent 仙女 xian1nü3 n: fairy 鲜红 xian1hong2 adj: cardinal red [鮮紅] 弦 xian2 n: chord 嫌疑 xian2yi2 n: suspicion 贤惠 xian2hui4 adj: virtuous [賢惠] 衔 xian2 v: hold in mouth [銜] 衔接 xian2jie1 v: link up; join [銜接] 显 xian3 v: show; display [顯] 显而易见 xian3 er2 yi4 jian4 obviously; stick out a mile [顯而易見] 显微镜 xian3 wei1 jing4 n: microscope [顯微鏡] 现场 xian4chang3 n: locale [現場] 现金 xian4jin1 n: cash [現金] 现钱 xian4qian2 n: ready money [現錢] 现行 xian4xing2 adj: current; in effect [現行] 现状 xian4zhuang4 n: status quo; [現狀] 献身 xian4 shen1 devotion; dedicate to [獻身] 县长 xian4zhang3 n: the head of a county [縣長] 陷儿 xian4er n: stuffing [陷兒] 陷害 xian4hai4 v: frame up 陷入 xian4ru4 v: plunge; run into 限 xian4 v, n: limit 限度 xian4du4 n: limit; bound 限期 xian4qi1 n, v: time limit 限于 xian4yu2 v: limit to [限於] 线索 xian4suo3 n: clue; key [線索] 相比 xiang1bi3 v: compare 相差 xiang1cha4 v: differ 相等 xiang1deng3 v: be equal to 相符 xiang1fu2 v: tally with; conform to 相关 xiang1guan1 v: correlate [相關] 相继 xiang1ji4 adv: one after the other [相繼] 相交 xiang1jiao1 v: intersect 相识 xiang1shi2 v: be acquainted with each other [相識] 相通 xiang1tong1 v: communicate with each other 相应 xiang1ying4 adj: homologous; relevant [相應] 镶 xiang1 v: inlay [鑲] 香味 xiang1wei4 n: fragrance 乡亲 xiang1qin1 n: villager; local people [鄉親] 想方设法 xiang3 fang1 she4 fa3 do everything possible; try every means [想方設法] 响声 xiang3sheng1 n: noise; sound [響聲] 享福 xiang3 fu2 enjoy a happy life 享乐 xiang3le4 v: enjoy; feast [享樂] 享有 xiang3you3 v: have; own 项链 xiang4lian4 n: necklace [項鏈] 橡胶 xiang4jiao1 n: rubber [橡膠] 橡皮 xiang4pi2 n: eraser 向往 xiang4wang3 v: yearn 象棋 xiang4qi2 n: chess 象样 xiang4 yang4 up to the mark; presentable [象樣] 销 xiao1 v: sell; cancel [銷] 销毁 xiao1hui3 v: destroy by melting or burning [銷毀] 销路 xiao1lu4 n: market [銷路] 销售 xiao1shou4 v: sell [銷售] 消 xiao1 v: disappear; remove 小鬼 xiao3gui3 n: devilkin; little devil 小米 xiao3mi3 n: millet 小数 xiao3shu4 n: decimal fraction [小數] 小数点 xiao3shu4dian3 n: radix point [小數點] 小提琴 xiao3ti2qin2 n: violin 小心翼翼 xiao3xin1 yi4yi4 with great care 小型 xiao3xing2 adj: small-scale 小学生 xiao3xue2sheng1 n: pupil [小學生] 小子 xiao3zi n: boy 校徽 xiao4hui1 n: school-badge 校园 xiao4yuan2 n: campus [校園] 肖像 xiao4xiang4 n: portrait 效力 xiao4li4 n: affect; force 效益 xiao4yi4 n: benefit 孝顺 xiao4shun4 adj: obedient [孝順] 协调 xie2tiao2 v: assort with; correspond [協調] 协商 xie2shang1 v: negotiate about; consult with [協商] 协议 xie2yi4 v, n: agreement [協議] 挟持 xie2chi2 v: hold sb, under duress [挾持] 邪 xie2 adj: evil 携带 xie2dai4 v: take with [攜帶] 泻 xie4 v: have diarrhea; rush down [瀉] 泄 xie4 v: let out; 泄露 xie4lou4 v: let out; leak; divulge 泄气 xie4 qi4 pathetic; feel discouraged [泄氣] 谢绝 xie4jue2 v: refuse [謝絕] 屑 xie4 n, v: bits; crumb 锌 xin1 n: zinc [鋅] 欣欣向荣 xin1xin1 xiang4 rong2 flourishing; prosperous [欣欣向榮] 新陈代谢 xin1 chen2 dai4xie4 metabolism [新陳代謝] 新房 xin1fang2 n: bridal chamber 新近 xin1jin4 n: recent; late 新郎 xin1lang2 n: bridegroom 新娘 xin1niang2 n: bride 新人 xin1ren2 n: new personality 新兴 xin1xing1 adj: rising; jumped-up [新興] 新颖 xin1ying3 adj: original; novel [新穎] 心里 xin1li n: in the mind [心裡] 心灵 xin1ling2 n: heart; soul [心靈] 心目 xin1mu4 n: mental view 心疼 xin1teng2 v: feel distressed; love dearly 心头 xin1tou2 n: mind [心頭] 心血 xin1xue4 n: painstaking effort 心眼儿 xin1yan3er n: mind; idea [心眼兒] 心愿 xin1yuan4 n: wish [心願] 心中 xin1zhong1 n: in mind 薪水 xin1shui3(xin1jin1) n: stipend; salary 信贷 xin4dai4 n: credit [信貸] 信件 xin4jian4 n: letter 信赖 xin4lai4 v: trust; rely [信賴] 信仰 xin4yang3 v: believe in 信用 xin4yong4 n: credit 信誉 xin4yu4 n: credit standing [信譽] 星 xing1 n: star 腥 xing1 adj: the smell of fish 兴 xing1 v: prosper; rise [興] 兴办 xing1ban4 v: set up; initiate [興辦] 兴建 xing1jian4 v: build; construct [興建] 兴起 xing1qi3 v: rise; spring up [興起] 兴旺 xing1wang4 adj: prosperous [興旺] 刑 xing2 n: punishment 刑场 xing2chang3 n: execution ground [刑場] 刑法 xing2fa3 n: criminal law 刑事 xing2shi4 n: criminal 型 xing2 n: type; model 型号 xing2hao4 n: model; type [型號] 形 xing2 n: body; form 形而上学 xing2er2shang4xue2 n: metaphysics [形而上學] 行程 xing2cheng2 n: journey 行贿 xing2 hui4 bribe [行賄] 行径 xing2jing4 n: act; move [行徑] 行军 xing2 jun1 march [行軍] 行使 xing2shi3 v: perform; exercise 幸好 xing4hao3 adv: fortunately 幸运 xing4yun4 adj: lucky [幸運] 性命 xing4ming4 n: life 性情 xing4qing2 n: temper 杏 xing4 n: apricot 兄 xiong1 n: elder brother 凶狠 xiong1hen3 adj: fierce and malicious 胸怀 xiong1huai2 n: mind; heart [胸懷] 凶猛 xiong1meng3 adj: feral; savage 胸膛 xiong1tang2 n: thoraces 汹涌 xiong1yong3 v: surge; popple [洶涌] 雄厚 xiong2hou4 adj: rich; abundant 雄壮 xiong2zhuang4 adj: sturdy; strong [雄壯] 熊 xiong2 n: bear 休养 xiu1yang3 v: relax; recuperate [休養] 修订 xiu1ding4 v: revise [修訂] 修复 xiu1fu4 v: repair; restore [修復] 修养 xiu1yang3 n: training; good manners [修養] 羞耻 xiu1chi3 adj: ashamed [羞恥] 嗅 xiu4 v: smell; scent 秀丽 xiu4li4 adj: beautiful [秀麗] 袖子 xiu4zi n: sleeve 需求 xu1qiu2 n: requirement; demand 虚 xu1 adj: weak; empty [虛] 虚假 xu1jia3 adj: illusive; mendacious [虛假] 虚弱 xu1ruo4 adj: weak [虛弱] 虚伪 xu1wei3 adj: hypocritical [虛偽] 须知 xu1zhi1 n: notice; information [須知] 徐徐 xu2xu2 adv: gently; slowly 许可 xu3ke3 v: admit; allow [許可] 蓄 xu4 v: store up 酗酒 xu4jiu3 v: keep to the bottle 叙谈 xu4tan2 v: chat; chitchat [敘談] 序言 xu4yan2 n: prologue 畜产品 xu4chan3pin3 n: livestock product [畜產品] 畜牧 xu4mu4 n: pasturage 絮叨 xu4dao v, adj: wordy 续 xu4 v: continue [續] 宣称 xuan1cheng1 v: claim; assert [宣稱] 宣读 xuan1du2 v: read out [宣讀] 宣誓 xuan1 shi4 swear; take a oath 宣扬 xuan1yang2 v: publicize; propagate [宣揚] 悬挂 xuan2gua4 v: hang [懸掛] 悬念 xuan2nian4 n: reader's involvement [懸念] 旋 xuan2 v: spin; circle 旋律 xuan2lü4 n: rhythm; tune 选拔 xuan3ba2 v: choose; select [選拔] 选定 xuan3ding4 v: make a choice of; choose; select [選定] 选集 xuan3ji2 n: selected works anthology [選集] 选民 xuan3min2 n: electorate [選民] 选取 xuan3qu3 v: choose; select [選取] 选手 xuan3shou3 n: player [選手] 选用 xuan3yong4 v: choose; select [選用] 削减 xue1jian3 v: cut; minify; whittle [削減] 削弱 xue1ruo4 v: weaken; cripple 靴子 xue1zi n: boot 学历 xue2li4 n: educational background [學歷] 学派 xue2pai4 n: school; school of thought [學派] 穴 xue2 n: hole; socket 雪白 xue3bai2 adj: snow-white 血压 xue4ya1 n: blood pressure [血壓] 熏 xun1 v: fume; smoke 循序渐进 xun2 xu4 jian4 jin4 follow in order and advance step by step [循序漸進] 巡逻 xun2luo2 v: patrol [巡邏] 寻求 xun2qiu2 v: seek [尋求] 训 xun4 v: teach; train [訓] 讯 xun4 n: news; message [訊] 压抑 ya1yi4 v: oppress; overbear [壓抑] 压韵 ya1 yun4 jingle; rhyme [壓韻] 鸦片 ya1pian4 n: opium [鴉片] 崖 ya2 n: cliff 哑 ya3 v: mute [啞] 轧 ya4 v: roll steel [軋] 烟草 yan1cao3 n: tobacco [煙草] 烟卷儿 yan1juan3er n: cigarette [煙卷兒] 烟雾 yan1wu4 n: smoke [煙霧] 淹没 yan1mo4 v: mourn for [淹沒] 严寒 yan2han2 adj: freezing [嚴寒] 严峻 yan2jun4 adj: stern; serious; harsh [嚴峻] 延缓 yan2huan3 v: delay; put off [延緩] 延期 yan2 qi1 put off; defer 延伸 yan2shen1 v: extend; stretch 延续 yan2xu4 v: continue [延續] 言 yan2 n: talk; word 言语 yan2yu3 n: word; diction [言語] 言论 yan2lun4 n: saying; speech [言論] 炎热 yan2re4 adj: fervent; hot [炎熱] 沿岸 yan2an4 n: coast 沿途 yan2tu2 n: on the way 掩 yan3 v: cover; hide 掩饰 yan3shi4 v: cover up; conceal [掩飾] 眼力 yan3li4 n: vision 眼色 yan3se4 n: meaningful glance 眼神 yan3shen2 n: expression in one's eyes 眼下 yan3xia4 n: at this stage 演变 yan3bian4 v: evolve [演變] 演唱 yan3chang4 v: sing 演讲 yan3jiang3 v: give a lecture [演講] 演算 yan3suan4 v: perform mathematical calculations 演习 yan3xi2 v: rehearse [演習] 演奏 yan3zou4 v: perform 宴请 yan4qing3 v: entertain; fete [宴請] 宴席 yan4xi2 n: feast; banquet 验 yan4 v: check; test [驗] 验收 yan4shou1 v: check and accept [驗收] 验证 yan4zheng4 v: test and verify [驗證] 杨树 yang2shu4 n: poplar [楊樹] 阳 yang2 n, adj: sun; positive [陽] 氧 yang3 n: oxygen 痒 yang3 adj: itchy [癢] 养分 yang3fen4 n: nutrient [養分] 养活 yang3huo v: feed; support [養活] 养育 yang3yu4 v: foster [養育] 养殖 yang3zhi2 v: breed; raise [養殖] 样品 yang4pin3 n: sample [樣品] 邀 yao1 v: invite 妖怪 yao1guai4 n: genie; bugaboo 遥控 yao2kong4 v: remote control [遙控] 药材 yao4cai2 n: medicinal materials [藥材] 要领 yao4ling3 n: essential; main points [要領] 要么 yao4me conj: or [要麼] 要命 yao4 ming4 confoundedly; awfully 要素 yao4su4 n: factor; element 耀眼 yao4yan3 adj: dazzling 野 ye3 adj: wild 野蛮 ye3man2 adj: wild; truculent [野蠻] 野生 ye3sheng1 adj: wild 野外 ye3wai4 n: open country 野心 ye3xin1 n: ambition 冶炼 ye3lian4 v: smelt [冶煉] 夜班 ye4ban1 n: night shift 液 ye4 n: fluid; liquid 一辈子 yi1bei4zi n: a lifetime [一輩子] 一旦 yi1dan4 n, adv: once; in case 一度 yi1du4 adv: once 一概 yi1gai4 adv: entirely 一概而论 yi1gai4 er2 lun4 lump together al and sundry; lump under one head [一概而論] 一个劲儿 yi1gejin4er adv: persistently [一個勁兒] 一贯 yi1guan4 adj: all along; then as now [一貫] 一哄而散 yi1 hong4 er2 san4 break up in a hubbub 一会儿…一会儿 yi1hui4er _ yi1hui4er _ now and then; a little while [一會兒…一會兒] 一技之长 yi1 ji4 zhi1 chang2 professional skill; specially [一技之長] 一律 yi1lü4 adj: all and singular 一帆风顺 yi1 fan1 feng1 shun4 plain sailing [一帆風順] 一干二净 yi1 gan1 er4 jing4 completely; thoroughly [一乾二凈] 一举 yi1ju3 n, adv: at one swoop [一舉] 一毛不拔 yi4 mao2 bu4 ba2 miserly; very stingy; unwilling to give up even a hair 一身 yi1shen1 n: all over the body 一手 yi1shou3 n: trick; skill 一头 yi1tou2 adv: wholeheartedly [一頭] 壹 yi1 num: one 医 yi1 n, v: cure; doctor [醫] 医务 yi1wu4 n: medical affairs [醫務] 医药 yi1yao4 n: medicine [醫藥] 医治 yi1zhi4 v: cure [醫治] 依 yi1 v: depend on 依次 yi1ci4 adv: in turn 依赖 yi1lai4 v: depend on; reply on [依賴] 衣裳 yi1shang n: clothes 遗传 yi2chuan2 v: inheritance; inherit [遺傳] 遗失 yi2shi1 v: lose [遺失] 遗体 yi2ti3 n: the remains of deceased person [遺體] 遗址 yi2zhi3 n: site; ruin [遺址] 移民 yi2 min2 n: migrant 疑惑 yi2huo4 v: doubt; disbelieve 疑难 yi2nan2 adj: difficult [疑難] 以免 yi3mian3 conj: for fear; lest 以身作则 yi3 shen1 zuo4 ze2 set oneself an example to others [以身作則] 以往 yi3wang3 n: in the past 以致于 yi3zhi4yu2 conj: so that [以致於] 亿万 yi4wan4 num: hundreds of millions [億萬] 亦 yi4 adv: too; also 意料 yi4liao4 v: expect 意图 yi4tu2 n: purpose; offer [意圖] 意向 yi4xiang4 n: will; intent 毅然 yi4ran2 adv: resolutely 忆 yi4 v: recall [憶] 议案 yi4an4 n: proposal; motion [議案] 议程 yi4cheng2 n: agenda [議程] 议定书 yi4ding4shu1 n: protocol [議定書] 议员 yi4yuan2 n: Congressman [議員] 译员 yi4yuan2 n: interpreter [譯員] 异 yi4 adj: different [異] 羿 yi4 n: wing 因 yin1 n: cause; reason 音响 yin1xiang3 n: stereo; sound; acoustics [音響] 阴暗 yin1an4 adj: dark; overcast [陰暗] 淫秽 yin2hui4 adj: nasty; obscene [淫穢] 饮 yin3 v: drink [飲] 饮食 yin3shi2 n: food and drink [飲食] 饮水思源 yin3 shui3 si1 yuan2 never forget where one's happiness comes from [飲水思源] 引人注目 yin3 ren2 zhu4 mu4 conspicuous; noticeable 引入 yin3ru4 v: import; introduce 引用 yin3yong4 v: quote 引诱 yin3you4 v: tempt; entice [引誘] 隐蔽 yin3bi4 v: lie up; take cover [隱蔽] 隐藏 yin3cang2 v: hide; ensconce [隱藏] 隐瞒 yin3man2 v: keep in; hush up; hide [隱瞞] 英俊 ying1jun4 adj: handsome 鹰 ying1 n: eagle; hawk [鷹] 樱花 ying1hua1 n: cherry blossom [櫻花] 营 ying2 n: camp [營] 蝇子 ying2zi n: fly [蠅子] 迎面 ying2 mian4 head-on 赢得 ying2de2 v: win; bear off [贏得] 盈利 ying2li4 v, n: profit; gain 硬件 ying4jian4 n: hardware 映 ying4 v: reflect 拥有 yong1you3 v: hold; possess of [擁有] 庸俗 yong1su2 adj: philistine; tacky 涌现 yong3xian4 v: come to the fore [涌現] 永垂不朽 yong3 chui2 bu4 xiu3 immortal 永久 yong3jiu3 adj: permanent 勇士 yong3shi4 n: warrior 勇于 yong3yu2 v: have the courage to [勇於] 用法 yong4fa3 n: usage 用户 yong4hu4 n: user; consumer [用戶] 用具 yong4ju4 n: appliance 用人 yong4ren n: servant 用意 yong4yi4 n: purpose; intention 幽静 you1jing4 adj: sequester [幽靜] 幽默 you1mo4 adj: humorous 优 you1 adj: excellent [優] 优惠 you1hui4 adj: preferential; favorable [優惠] 优先 you1xian1 adj: first; preferential [優先] 优异 you1yi4 adj: excellent [優異] 优质 you1zhi4 n: high quality [優質] 忧虑 you1lü4 v: worry [憂慮] 忧郁 you1yu4 adj: heavy-hearted [憂鬱] 由此可见 you2 ci3 ke3 jian4 thus it can be seen [由此可見] 邮电 you2dian4 n: post and telecommunication [郵電] 邮购 you2gou4 v: mail order [郵購] 邮寄 you2ji4 v: mail [郵寄] 邮政 you2zheng4 n: post [郵政] 铀 you2 n: uranium [鈾] 犹如 you2ru2 v: just as; like [猶如] 油菜 you2cai4 n: rape 油画 you2hua4 n: painting [油畫] 油料 you2liao4 n: oil plants 油漆 you2qi1 n: oil paint 游击 you2ji1 v: guerrilla [游擊] 游客 you2ke4 n: tourist 游人 you2ren2 n: tourist 有待 you3dai4 v: await 有害 you3 hai4 harmful 有口无心 you3 kou3 wu2 xin1 be sharp-tongued but not malicious [有口無心] 有声有色 you3 sheng1 you3 se4 vivid and dramatic [有聲有色] 友情 you3qing2 n: friendship 友人 you3ren2 n: friend 诱 you4 v: entice; lure [誘] 诱惑 you4huo4 v: tempt; lure [誘惑] 幼 you4 adj: young 愚昧 yu2mei4 adj: fatuous; benighted 舆论 yu2lun4 n: consensus public opinion [輿論] 渔业 yu2ye4 n: fish culture; fishery [漁業] 榆树 yu2shu4 n: elm [榆樹] 予 yu3 v: give 予以 yu3yi3 v: give 雨伞 yu3san3 n: umbrella [雨傘] 雨水 yu3shui3 n: rain 与此同时 yu3 ci3 tong2 shi2 at the same time [與此同時] 与会 yu3 hui4 attend a meeting [與會] 羽毛 yu3mao2 n: feather 玉 yu4 n: jade 愈 yu4 v, adv: more; recover 欲 yu4 v: wish; want 欲望 yu4wang4 n: desire; appetite 寓 yu4 v: reside 预测 yu4ce4 v: forecast [預測] 预定 yu4ding4 v: book; engage [預定] 预订 yu4ding4 v: book; subscribe for [預訂] 预计 yu4ji4 v: foresee; estimate [預計] 预见 yu4jian4 v, n: foresee [預見] 预料 yu4liao4 v: anticipate; expect; predict [預料] 预期 yu4qi1 v: expect; anticipate [預期] 预赛 yu4sai4 v, n: preliminary match [預賽] 预算 yu4suan4 n: budget [預算] 预言 yu4yan2 v, n: predict [預言] 预约 yu4yue1 v: make an appointment [預約] 冤 yuan1 n, adj: injustice; bad luck 元件 yuan2jian4 n: element; organ 元首 yuan2shou3 n: head of state 原 yuan2 adj: original 原材料 yuan2cai2liao4 n: raw and processed materials 原告 yuan2gao4 n: accuser 原油 yuan2you2 n: base oil; crude oil 原子能 yuan2zi3neng2 n: atomic energy 园 yuan2 n: garden [園] 源 yuan2 n: fountain; source 源泉 yuan2quan2 n: headspring 远大 yuan3da4 adj: long-range [遠大] 远方 yuan3fang1 n: far distance [遠方] 远景 yuan3jing3 n: distance; future [遠景] 曰 yue1 v: call; say 约束 yue1shu4 v: bind; restrain [約束] 越冬 yue4 dong1 live through the winter 越过 yue4guo4 v: get across; hurdle [越過] 跃 yue4 v: jump [躍] 月份 yue4fen4 n: month 乐曲 yue4qu3 n: musical composition [樂曲] 乐队 yue4dui4 n: band [樂隊] 阅 yue4 v: read [閱] 云彩 yun2cai n: cloud [雲彩] 匀 yun2 v, adj: divide evenly; even [勻] 运送 yun4song4 v: carry [運送] 运算 yun4suan4 v: calculate [運算] 运行 yun4xing2 v: circulate [運行] 蕴藏 yun4cang2 v: hold in store; contain [蘊藏] 酝酿 yun4niang4 v: brew [醞釀] 孕育 yun4yu4 v: gestate 杂交 za2jiao1 v: hybridize [雜交] 杂乱 za2luan4 adj: disorderly [雜亂] 咋 za3 why; how; 栽培 zai1pei2 v: grow; educate 灾荒 zai1huang1 n: famine due to crop failures [災荒] 宰 zai3 v: butcher 再生产 zai3sheng1chan3 n: reproduction [再生產] 在乎 zai4hu v: care about 在意 zai4 yi4 care about 攒 zan3 v: assemble; save money [攢] 暂 zan4 adv: temporarily [暫] 暂且 zan4qie3 adv: for the moment [暫且] 赞赏 zan4shang3 v: admire; praise [贊賞] 赞叹 zan4tan4 v: highly praise [贊嘆] 赞同 zan4tong2 v: agree with [贊同] 赞助 zan4zhu4 v: support; sponsor [贊助] 葬 zang4 v: bury 葬礼 zang4li3 n: funeral [葬禮] 遭殃 zao1 yang1 suffer disaster 糟蹋 zao1ta4 v: waste; ruin; spoil 枣 zao3 n: Chinese date [棗] 早点 zao3dian3 n: breakfast [早點] 早日 zao3ri4 adv: early; soon 噪音 zao4yin1 n: noise 造反 zao4 fan3 rebel; insurgence 造价 zao4jia4 n: cost [造價] 造型 zao4xing2 n: model; mold 灶 zao4 n: kitchen range 责怪 ze2guai4 v: blame [責怪] 责任制 ze2ren4zhi4 n: system of job responsibility [責任制] 贼 zei2 n: thief [賊] 怎 zen3 pron: how; what 怎么着 zen3mezhe pron: why [怎麼著] 增 zeng1 v: add; increase 增设 zeng1she4 v: increase; augment [增設] 增添 zeng1tian1 v: add; superinduce 增援 zeng1yuan2 v: reinforce 闸 zha2 n: brake [閘] 眨 zha3 v: wink; blink 炸弹 zha4dan4 n: bomb [炸彈] 炸药 zha4yao4 n: dynamite; detonator [炸藥] 诈骗 zha4pian4 v: defraud; swindle [詐騙] 榨 zha4 v: wring; squeeze 摘要 zhai1yao4 n: summary; brief 寨 zhai4 n: stockade village 债务 zhai4wu4 n: debt [債務] 瞻仰 zhan1yang3 v: look at with reverence 沾光 zhan1 guang1 benefit from association with sb 斩 zhan3 v: cut; behead [斬] 斩草除根 zhan3 cao3 chu2 gen1 cut the weeds and dig up the roots [斬草除根] 斩钉截铁 zhan3 ding1 jie2 tie3 resolute and decisive [斬釘截鐵] 展示 zhan3shi4 v: lay out; display 展望 zhan3wang4 v: prospect 展现 zhan3xian4 v: express; show [展現] 展销 zhan3xiao1 v: display and sell [展銷] 占据 zhan4ju4 v: hold; take up; inhabit [占據] 战 zhan4 v: fight [戰] 战役 zhan4yi4 n: battle; campaign [戰役] 站岗 zhan4 gang3 point duty [站崗] 章程 zhang1cheng2 n: statute; rule 掌 zhang3 n: palm 掌管 zhang3guan3 v: in charge of 涨价 zhang3 jia4 rise in price [漲價] 招聘 zhao1pin4 v: invite applications for a job 招生 zhao1 sheng1 enroll new student 招收 zhao1shou1 v: take in; recruit 朝气 zhao1qi4 n: youthful spirit [朝氣] 朝气蓬勃 zhao1 qi4 peng2 bo2 full of youthful spirit [朝氣蓬勃] 朝三暮四 zhao1 san1 mu4 si4 blow hot and cold; play fast and loose 沼泽 zhao3ze2 n: swamp; morass [沼澤] 兆 zhao4 num: mega 照会 zhao4hui4 n: memo; note [照會] 照旧 zhao4jiu4 adj: as usual [照舊] 照料 zhao4liao4 v: take care of 照明 zhao4ming2 v: illuminate 照射 zhao4she4 v: irradiate 照应 zhao4ying v: look to [照應] 折腾 zhe1teng v: turn over; toss about [折騰] 这么着 zhe4mezhe pron: like this; such [這麼著] 真诚 zhen1cheng2 adj: faithful; honor [真誠] 真是的 zhen1 shi4 de be really terrible 真相 zhen1xiang4 n: fact; truth 真心 zhen1xin1 n: sincere; wholehearted 侦察 zhen1cha2 v: spy; scout [偵察] 侦探 zhen1tan4 n: detective [偵探] 诊断 zhen3duan4 v: diagnose [診斷] 震荡 zhen4dang4 v: shake; vibrate [震蕩] 震惊 zhen4jing1 v: astound [震驚] 振 zhen4 v: shake; flap 振奋 zhen4fen4 v: hearten [振奮] 振兴 zhen4xing1 v: vitalize; develop; promote [振興] 镇 zhen4 v: ease; press down [鎮] 镇定 zhen4ding4 adj: cool; calm [鎮定] 阵容 zhen4rong2 n: lineup [陣容] 阵线 zhen4xian4 n: front [陣線] 阵营 zhen4ying2 n: camp [陣營] 正月 zheng1yue4 n: the first month of the lunar year 蒸 zheng1 v: steam 征收 zheng1shou1 v: assess upon [徵收] 争吵 zheng1chao3 v: quarrel [爭吵] 争端 zheng1duan1 n: issue [爭端] 争气 zheng1 qi4 try to make a good showing [爭氣] 争先恐后 zheng1 xian1 kong3 hou4 strive to be the first; vie with each other [爭先恐後] 争议 zheng1yi4 v: dispute [爭議] 整洁 zheng3jie2 adj: tidy; neat; clean [整潔] 整数 zheng3shu4 n: integer [整數] 整天 zheng3tian1 n: all day 整整 zheng3zheng3 adj: full 正比 zheng4bi3 n: direct ratio 正规 zheng4gui1 adj: formal [正規] 正气 zheng4qi4 n: healthy atmosphere [正氣] 正巧 zheng4qiao3 adv: just in time 政变 zheng4bian4 n: coup [政變] 政协 zheng4xie2 n: the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference [政協] 症 zheng4 n: illness [癥] 郑重 zheng4zhong4 adj: solemn [鄭重] 证 zheng4 n: card; certificate [證] 芝麻 zhi1ma n: sesame 支部 zhi1bu4 n: branch 支撑 zhi1cheng1 v: support; crutch [支撐] 支出 zhi1chu1 v, n: payout; expend 支付 zhi1fu4 v: pay; defray 支票 zhi1piao4 n: check 支柱 zhi1zhu4 n: mainstay; backbone 知觉 zhi1jue2 n: feeling; consciousness [知覺] 蜘蛛 zhi1zhu1 n: spider 脂肪 zhi1fang2 n: fat 汁 zhi1 n: juice 指甲 zhi3jia n: fingernail 职称 zhi2cheng1 n: the title of a technical post [職稱] 职能 zhi2neng2 n: function [職能] 职权 zhi2quan2 n: power; authority [職權] 职务 zhi2wu4 n: headship; duty; position [職務] 直播 zhi2bo1 v: live broadcast 直辖市 zhi2xia2shi4 n: municipality directly under the Central Government [直轄市] 直线 zhi2xian4 n: beeline [直線] 直至 zhi2zhi4 v: up to; till 植 zhi2 v: plant 殖民主义 zhi2min2 zhu3yi4 n: colonialism [殖民主義] 执法 zhi2fa3 v: execute the law [執法] 执勤 zhi2 qin2 be on duty [執勤] 执照 zhi2zhao4 n: license [執照] 执政 zhi2 zheng4 come into power [執政] 值班 zhi2 ban1 on duty 侄子 zhi2zi n: nephew 指定 zhi3ding4 v: appoint; designate 指令 zhi3ling4 n: order; instruction 指明 zhi3ming2 v: point out; designate 指手划脚 zhi3 shou3 hua4 jiao3 make indiscreet remarks or criticism [指手划腳] 指望 zhi3wang v, n: expect; figure on 指针 zhi3zhen1 n: index; finger [指針] 只顾 zhi3gu4 adv: merely; simply; be absorbed in [只顧] 只管 zhi3guan3 adv: by all means 只能 zhi3neng2 adv: can but 纸张 zhi3zhang1 n: paper [紙張] 志 zhi4 n: ideal 志气 zhi4qi4 n: ambition; backbone; spirit [志氣] 掷 zhi4 v: throw [擲] 至多 zhi4duo1 adv: by most 致词 zhi4 ci2 address; oration [致詞] 致电 zhi4 dian4 send a telegram [致電] 致富 zhi4 fu4 become rich; acquire wealth 致敬 zhi4jing4 v: hail; greet 致使 zhi4shi3 v: lead 置 zhi4 v: put; set up; install 制裁 zhi4cai2 v: punish 制服 zhi4fu2 n: tame; overmaster 制品 zhi4pin3 n: product; goods [製品] 制约 zhi4yue1 v: restrict [制約] 智力 zhi4li4 n: intellect 智能 zhi4neng2 n: aptitude; capacity 质变 zhi4bian4 n: qualitative change [質變] 质朴 zhi4pu3 adj: unpretending; unvarnished [質樸] 治安 zhi4an1 n: public order; police 治理 zhi4li3 v: administer; govern 中等 zhong1deng3 adj: medium; middling 中立 zhong1li4 v: neutrality 中秋 zhong1qiu1 n: mid-autumn 中途 zhong1tu2 n: midway 中型 zhong1xing2 adj: medium-sized 中游 zhong1you2 n: middle reaches of a river 中原 zhong1yuan2 n: Central Plains 忠于 zhong1yu2 v: cleave; stick by [忠於] 忠贞 zhong1zhen1 adj: honest; loyal and steadfast [忠貞] 钟表 zhong1biao3 n: clock [鐘表] 钟点 zhong1dian3 n: hours; time [鐘點] 终 zhong1 n, adv: end; finally [終] 终点 zhong1dian3 n: terminal [終點] 终端 zhong1duan1 n: terminal [終端] 终究 zhong1jiu1 adv: after all [終究] 终年 zhong1nian2 n: all year long [終年] 终止 zhong1zhi3 v: stop; end [終止] 种种 zhong3zhong3 adj: a variety of [種種] 种族 zhong3zu2 n: race [種族] 肿瘤 zhong3liu2 n: neoplasm; tumor [腫瘤] 种地 zhong4 di4 cultivate [種地] 重工业 zhong4gong1ye4 n: heavy industry [重工業] 重心 zhong4xin1 n: center of gravity 重型 zhong4xing2 adj: heavy-duty 众 zhong4 adj: many [眾] 众多 zhong4duo1 adj: numerous [眾多] 众人 zhong4ren2 n: everybody [眾人] 众所周知 zhong4 suo3 zhou1 zhi1 as everyone knows; it is common knowledge that [眾所周知] 众议院 zhong4yi4yuan4 n: house of representatives [眾議院] 舟 zhou1 n: boat 周密 zhou1mi4 adj: thorough; careful 周期 zhou1qi1 n: period cycle 周折 zhou1zhe2 n: twists and turns setbacks 周转 zhou1zhuan3 v: turn over [周轉] 州 zhou1 n: state 洲 zhou1 n: continent 昼夜 zhou4ye4 n: day and night [晝夜] 珠子 zhu1zi n: bead 诸如此类 zhu1 ru2 ci3 lei4 and all that; and so on [諸如此類] 诸位 zhu1wei4 pron: every one [諸位] 逐年 zhu2nian2 adv: year after year 拄 zhu3 v: lean on a stick 嘱托 zhu3tuo1 v: entrust [囑托] 主 zhu3 n: owner; host 主办 zhu3ban4 v: sponsor; hold [主辦] 主编 zhu3bian1 v, n: editor in chief [主編] 主管 zhu3guan3 v: in charge of 主导 zhu3dao3 adj, n: leading; dominant [主導] 主流 zhu3liu2 n: mainstream 主人翁 zhu3ren2weng1 n: master; hero 主食 zhu3shi2 n: staple food 主题 zhu3ti2 n: topic [主題] 主体 zhu3ti3 n: principal part [主體] 主义 zhu3yi4 n: -ism [主義] 著 zhu4 n, v: write; book 助长 zhu4zhang3 v: foster; encourage [助長] 助理 zhu4li3 n: assistant 铸造 zhu4zao4 v: found [鑄造] 筑 zhu4 v: build [築] 住房 zhu4fang2 n: housing; lodging 住所 zhu4suo3 n: habitation; residence 注册 zhu4ce4 v: enroll; register [註冊] 注解 zhu4jie3 v, n: note; annotation [註解] 注目 zhu4mu4 v: fix one's eyes on 注释 zhu4shi4 v, n: note; annotation [註釋] 注重 zhu4zhong4 v: pay attention to 祝福 zhu4fu2 v: bless; benediction 驻扎 zhu4zha1 v: be stationed [駐扎] 爪 zhua3 n: claw 拽 zhuai4 v: drag; haul 专长 zhuan1chang2 n: specialty [專長] 专程 zhuan1cheng2 adv: special trip [專程] 专科 zhuan1ke1 n: special course [專科] 专利 zhuan1li4 n: patent [專利] 专人 zhuan1ren2 n: person specially assigned for a task [專人] 专题 zhuan1ti2 n: special topic [專題] 专业户 zhuan1ye4hu4 n: specialized households [專業戶] 专用 zhuan1yong4 v: for a special purpose [專用] 专制 zhuan1zhi4 n, v: despotism; autarchy [專制] 转换 zhuan3huan4 v: transform [轉換] 转交 zhuan3jiao1 v: deliver to [轉交] 转让 zhuan3rang4 v: make over; transfer [轉讓] 转向 zhuan3xiang4 v: turn to; veer [轉向] 转折 zhuan3zhe2 v: turn [轉折] 传 zhuan4 n: biography [傳] 传记 zhuan4ji4 n: biography [傳記] 庄 zhuang1 n: village [莊] 庄重 zhuang1zhong4 adj: grand; superb [莊重] 装配 zhuang1pei4 v: set up; assemblage [裝配] 装卸 zhuang1xie4 v: load and unload [裝卸] 壮观 zhuang4guan1 adj: grand; sublime [壯觀] 壮烈 zhuang4lie4 adj: brave; heroic [壯烈] 壮志 zhuang4zhi4 n: lofty ideal [壯志] 追查 zhui1cha2 v: investigate; trace 追悼 zhui1dao4 v: flood; submerge 追赶 zhui1gan3 v: chase; run after [追趕] 追究 zhui1jiu1 v: find out; investigate 追问 zhui1wen4 v: question closely; examine minutely [追問] 准许 zhun3xu3 v: permit [準許] 准则 zhun3ze1 n: rule; guide line [準則] 卓越 zhuo1yue4 adj: super excellent 啄 zhuo2 v: peck 酌情 zhuo2 qing2 take the circumstance into consideration 着 zhuo2 v: wear [著] 着想 zhuo2xiang3 v: consider [著想] 咨询 zi1xun2 v: refer; consult [咨詢] 资产 zi1chan3 n: capital; asset [資產] 资助 zi1zhu4 v: give financial aid [資助] 滋长 zi1zhang3 v: grow; develop [滋長] 滋味 zi1wei4 n: flavor; relish 籽 zi3 n: seed 子弟 zi3di4 n: junior; children 子孙 zi3sun1 n: progeny [子孫] 自悲 zi4bei1 adj: self-abased 自发 zi4fa1 adj: spontaneous; unprompted [自發] 自负盈亏 zi4 fu4 ying2 kui1 assume sole responsibility for its profits or losses [自負盈虧] 自古 zi4 gu3 from of old 自力更生 zi4 li4 geng1 sheng1 self-dependence 自杀 zi4sha1 v: suicide [自殺] 自私自利 zi4 si1 zi4 li4 self-concern; selfish 自卫 zi4wei4 v: self-defense [自衛] 自行 zi4xing2 adv: by oneself 自由市场 zi4you2 shi4chang3 free market [自由市場] 踪迹 zong1ji4 n: tail; trail; trace [蹤跡] 宗旨 zong1zhi3 n: tenet 棕色 zong1se4 n: brown 总的来说 zong3 de lai2 shuo1 in general [總的來說] 总督 zong3du1 n: governor [總督] 总额 zong3e2 n: amount [總額] 总和 zong3he2 n: summation [總和] 总计 zong3ji4 v: totalize; summed [總計] 总数 zong3shu4 n: gross; total [總數] 总司令 zong3si1ling4 n: commander in chief [總司令] 总务 zong3wu4 n: general affairs [總務] 纵横 zong4heng2 adj: with great ease in length and breadth [縱橫] 走访 zou3fang3 v: call on; interview [走訪] 走狗 zou3gou3 n: flunky; hatchet man 走漏 zou3lou4 v: leak out 走私 zou3 si1 smuggle 走向 zou3xiang4 n: make for; tend 奏 zou4 v: play music 揍 zou4 v: beat 租金 zu1jin1 n: rental 族 zu2 n: race; nationality 足以 zu2yi3 adv: enough 阻挡 zu3dang3 v: block off; hold up [阻擋] 阻拦 zu3lan2 v: block off [阻攔] 阻挠 zu3nao2 v: obstruct; stand in the way [阻撓] 组合 zu3he2 v: assemble [組合] 钻石 zuan4shi2 n: diamond [鑽石] 嘴巴 zui3ba n: mouth 罪犯 zui4fan4 n: criminal 罪名 zui4ming2 n: accusation; charge 罪状 zui4zhuang4 n: facts about a crime [罪狀] 尊 zun1 v: respect 尊称 zun1 cheng1 n: honorific title [尊稱] 尊严 zun1yan2 n: dignity [尊嚴] 遵循 zun1xun2 v: follow; keep to 遵照 zun1zhao4 v: comply; conform to 琢磨 zuo2mo v: consider; ponder 做工 zuo4 gong1 work 作案 zuo4 an4 commit an offence 作法 zuo4fa n: action; practice 作废 zuo4fei4 v: cancellation; blank out [作廢] 作主 zuo4 zhu3 decide 座右铭 zuo4you4ming2 n: motto [座右銘]